WhatHeDemands (domination erotica)

Read WhatHeDemands (domination erotica) Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #erotica for women, #erotic bondage, #anything he wants, #what he wants, #50 shades of grey

BOOK: WhatHeDemands (domination erotica)
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WhatHeDemands (domination erotica)
Tawny Taylor
Novel Mind Books (2012)
Erotica, Erotic Romance, erotica for women, erotic bondage, anything he wants, what he wants, 50 shades of grey

What He Demands (Submitting to the Billionaire 2)


Tawny Taylor


Published by Novel
Mind Books

Copyright 2012 Tawny Taylor


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Books by Tawny Taylor


Wild Knights

Wicked Knights

Wanton Knights

Wild, Wicked & Wanton

Dark Master

Decadent Master

Dangerous Master

Darkest Fire

Darkest Desire

Claim Me

Wicked Beast

Prince of Fire

Girl Enslaved

Dirty Little Lies

Triple Stud

Enslaved by Sin

Double Take

Behind the Mask

Plays Well with Others

Lust’s Temptation

Wrath’s Embrace

Burning Hunger

Torrid Hunger

Everlasting Hunger

Slave of Duty

Flesh to Flesh

Compromising Positions


Pleasing Him

At His Mercy

Ties That Bind

Heart Throb

Burn For You

Her Lesson in Sin

Touch of Fire

His Dark Kiss

Playing for Keeps

Your Wicked Game

Make Me Burn

Make Me Shiver

What He Wants (Submitting to the Billionaire, Book 1)

What He Demands (Submitting to the Billionaire, Book 2)



Seduced into a new “relationship” with the domineering
billionaire Shane Trant, Bristol Deatrich is just beginning to learn the dos
and don’ts of being a submissive.

Do: please your master.

Don’t: forget that it’s all a game, only a game. Submission
has nothing to do with love.

For her first full weekend with her new dom, she’s flown to
paradise. But quickly she learns paradise isn’t all it seems…and neither is the
enigmatic man who’d brought her there.

As the old saying goes, all that glitters is not gold.




Chapter 1

Five weeks after running into “Uncle” Shane Trant for the
first time in ten years, my life has taken a completely unexpected turn. Not
only was I now free of the burden of making two house payments every
month--Shane bought the house I’d inherited from my mother--but I was also in a
new “relationship.” This relationship was nothing like any I’d ever shared with
a man before.

I was Shane Trant’s submissive.

I still didn’t know all the rules and expectations that went
into our arrangement. But after last weekend, I’ve learned a little. I’ve made
a few mistakes, and I’ve been punished. I can handle the punishments okay. The
rewards…? Let’s just say they definitely make it all worthwhile.

Turns out there are real advantages to having a master with
nearly unlimited resources.

“You are the luckiest girl on earth!” my best friend Jill
said as she flounced onto my bed. Wearing a pair of jean shorts and a tank top,
she was watching me pack for my first full weekend with Shane. Once upon a time
I’d said the same about her--that she was the luckiest girl. She was an
attorney with a great job and, until last week, a great boyfriend. “I wish he
had a brother.”

“I think he does.”

“Find out for me, will you?”

“Will do.” I smoothed a frothy white concoction of lace on
top of the small stack of clothes I’d packed. I hadn’t expected packing for
this weekend to be so complicated. Shane preferred me naked. That should have
meant I didn’t need a lot of clothes, just a few things for going out. But on
Wednesday he’d sent me a letter and a package. The letter contained a lengthy
list of items to bring for our weekend together, including my passport. The
package, hand delivered by courier, contained a handful of gorgeous,
day and evening dresses--purchased by Shane, of course.

“Where do you think he’s taking you?” Jill asked, lying on
her stomach, chin resting on her fists.

“Since he told me to bring my passport, I’m assuming it’s
somewhere out of the country. But I have no clue.”

She gave a melodramatic sigh that was very much out of
character for her. “He’s taking you on a trip. That is so freaking romantic.”

“He used to live in Spain,” I said, thinking aloud as I
wedged a few pretty bras into my suitcase.

“Spain,” Jill repeated on a second sigh. “Spain! I’ve been wanting to visit Spain forever. The beaches. The Guggenheim. The Tomato Festival.”

“Tomato festival?” I echoed. I hadn’t realized Jill was so
into tomatoes.

“Yes, you heard that right. It’s not what you might expect.”
Jill’s expression was both wistful and lustful. “Close your eyes.” I closed
them. “Now, instead of imagining dozens of white tents, vendors selling baskets
of tomatoes, imagine hundreds of shirtless suntanned, young, scrumptious
Spanish men throwing tomatoes at each other.”

“Hmmm. That sounds…interesting.” The image in my head wasn’t
so pretty. So instead, I imagined Shane lounging poolside, skin glistening,
hair a mass of wet curls as I knelt next to him, rubbing suntan lotion on his
scrumptious chest.

Now that was something worth imagining.

“I wish you could take me with you,” Jill said.

With great reluctance, I opened my eyes. “I could talk to

“Don’t you dare. I wouldn’t dream of being the third wheel
on your romantic trip. No way. Especially knowing what you two…might do. It’s
all a little too much for me.”

To be honest, it was all a little too much for me too. In
fact, after my introduction to Shane’s in-home dungeon, which I’d initially
dubbed the torture chamber, and the wickedly erotic things he did in it, I’d
spent four weeks avoiding him. Rather, I’d spent four weeks running away from
my feelings for him. But now, after spending a little quality time in that room
last weekend, I wasn’t as terrified of it anymore. No, in a strange way, I was
beginning to see the room in a new light.

But I still was anxious about this weekend. I wasn’t sure if
that jittery feeling would ever go away.  

As much as I would have loved to bring Jill along this
weekend, I hadn’t expected her to say yes. I would have loved having her there
for comfort, something--or rather, someone--from my world, the real world, to
help me keep from losing myself. But I’d been the third wheel many times. It
wasn’t fun. I couldn’t imagine how awkward it would be to be the oddball in a

A random thought popped into my head, and I couldn’t let it
go. “You said you wanted me to find out if he has a brother. What if his
brother is into domination and submission too?”

“I’d have to think about that.” Jill’s nose scrunched up and
her lips curled with disgust. Really, she shouldn’t be so quick to judge. She
had no idea what she was missing. “Maybe he could be untrained?”

“If he’s anything like Shane he wouldn’t be untrainable.
And, given the chance, you might find out you wouldn’t want to untrain him.”

“Don’t go there, bestie. Nonono.” Waving her hands in front
of her face, Jill hopped off the bed and scurried to the door. “I don’t want to
hear anymore. Time for me to go, anyway. I’ve got to finish up that deposition
for Monday.”

“Good luck.” I grabbed her on her way past, gave her a big

Jill gave me her serious lawyer look. “You’re happy, right?
Really okay with all that yes, sir, no, sir stuff?”

“I’m really happy, yes.” Not a lie, though I couldn’t say
for sure that I was happy about the yes, sir, no sir stuff. There was a lot yet
I didn’t know or understand about being a submissive. I was, frankly, more than
a little nervous about this weekend.

“Okay. If it starts to be too much, do something about it.
Don’t let him abuse you.”

“There’s no abuse. It’s nothing like that.” I pulled out of
her hold, going back to my very full suitcase.

“I don’t know.” At my bedroom door, she gave me another
serious lawyer look. “I want to believe that, but I’m skeptical.”

“You can’t know if you haven’t tried it.”

“That’s something I won’t do. No way. Not with my history.”

“Yeah, I understand.” Jill had been abused by one of her
mom’s boyfriends when she was a kid. Not only was she beat but also sexually
molested. We talked about it once, when we were both very drunk. I’d concluded,
even buzzed, that Jill could use some therapy. And I had a feeling it was the
unresolved issues related to that abuse that caused the failure of her
relationships. She was absolutely beautiful, smart, independent, and loving.
But she’d suffered one failed relationship with a man after another. It killed
me, watching her suffer through broken heart after broken heart. This last one
she’d taken really badly. No doubt because it had been the longest and there’d
been talk of marriage.

Which reminded me…“Are you sure you’re okay?”  I asked. “I
could call Shane and tell him I can’t go--”

“I’m fine. Anyway, I need to head home and get started on
work. Unlike some people, I have a lot to do this weekend.”

“Okay. Thanks for keeping me company last night.” I gave her
an apologetic smile. When she left, I double and triple checked Shane’s list.
If I missed anything, even the smallest item, I would be punished. If there was
one thing I’d learned already, it was that it was better to avoid being

Once I had my suitcase all zipped up--a workout in itself--I
set it on the floor, stood it on its wheels and pulled out the telescoping
handle. After a quick glance at the clock, I double checked my hair, clothes
and makeup. Shane liked me dressed in well fitting, chic clothes--usually a
skirt and blouse--my hair down, sexy waves, makeup simple…and no underwear.
That’s exactly how I was dressed today. But instead of the customary high
heels, I’d opted for a pair that was a little more travel-friendly.

I took my position at the door a few minutes before eight.
He knocked at eight on the dot.

I let him in and had a little moment.

It was still hard to believe this incredibly gorgeous man
was interested in me. He was not only stunning to look at, with dark good looks
and a to-die-for body, but also rich. Like billionaire rich. He’d paid cash for
my mom’s house. Didn’t even blink. I sold it to him for over three hundred
thousand dollars.

He was also articulate, intelligent, had immaculate taste,
and was an incredible lover.

But--and this was a big but--he’d made one thing clear from
the start: we could be master and slave, Dom and sub, but we could never be
lovers in the traditional sense. I would never be his fiancée or wife. I would
never share his name or his home or carry his children.

Thus, I’d told myself I should concentrate on enjoying what
I did get out of our arrangement. Great sex. Some excitement. Some really nice
gifts. And when I’d had enough, I would move on.

“Hello,” he said as he stepped into my condo. He cupped my
cheek and pulled me to him for a kiss. “Mmmm,” he said, his voice a low rumble
that made my insides vibrate. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you, sir.”

His tongue traced the seam of my mouth, and a pulse of
erotic heat surged through me. My panties dampened as that heat swirled through
my body and surged down to the juncture of my thighs. I opened my mouth,
welcoming his invasion. It was gentle, an exploration, a seduction. The kiss
took my breath away.

When it ended, I realized I’d practically wrapped my entire
body around his and was grinding against a thigh, wedged between my legs.

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