When Darkness Falls (25 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Youngblood,Sandra Poole

BOOK: When Darkness Falls
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He skipped the preliminaries and got down to business. “Sam Lowden has Chloe. He wants me to do a job. Otherwise, he’ll kill her.”

Pete made a steeple with his fingers and brought them to his chin. “I see.” He looked thoughtful. “What kind of job?”

“This coming Saturday and Sunday, jewelry house, Finckle & Co., is hosting a private gala at the St. Regis Hotel in Deer Valley. There will be an exhibition of rare jewelry, including a pink diamond that’s rumored to rival The Rose of Dubai.”

“The Rose of Dubai, huh? Do you believe that?”

He spread his hands. “At this point, what I believe or don’t believe doesn’t matter. All I care about is saving Chloe. Sam obviously believes it, or he wouldn’t have gone to such great lengths to try and get me to do the job.”

“Surely, you’re not thinking of doing a heist there … with that level of security—in a high-profile area—I’m not sure that even you could pull that off.”

“No, thankfully, it’s not there. On Friday evening, Gerald Gunther is hosting a pre-gala reception in his home where he’ll be showing a preview of the jewels, including the pink diamond. Gunther is storing the jewels in his safe that night, until an armored truck picks them up and takes them to the hotel the following morning.”

“You’re talking about the Gerald Gunther, the venture capitalist and real estate tycoon turned philanthropist? That Gerald Gunther.”

“Uh, huh. The very one.”

Pete leaned forward, and Hank could tell he’d captured his interest. “Tell me more about it.”

“How familiar are you with Gunther’s estate?”

“I know it’s located in Holladay.” He rubbed his chin. “Let’s see—if my memory serves me correctly, the mansion is around 26,000 square feet and located on about ten acres.”

A wry grin formed on Hank’s lips. He suspected that he wasn’t telling Pete anything he didn’t already know. Pete was not only one of the sharpest guys he knew but also the most well connected. His success as a fence hinged on his ability to keep his ear to the ground, scouting out the best tips. “So you know the place?”

“Yeah … a little.” He switched gears. “So, how are you going to do it? The security in that place is almost as tight as St. Regis Hotel, and Gunther has a state-of-the-art safe, which is why he feels comfortable holding something of that value until the following morning. I would suspect that he’s also hiring a security team to protect the jewels.”

“Yes, a team of six—two to patrol the grounds, two roaming the floors, and two guarding the safe.”

Pete looked impressed. “You’ve done your homework.”

Hank scowled. “No, this is all according to Sam, which is why I need your help. I don’t trust him.” Pete detested Sam almost as much as he did.

Pete looked Hank in the eye. “Are you sure you want to open up this door? You’ve fought so hard to close it. You own a reputable business … put this all behind you.”

A fierce look came into his eyes. “Sam has the woman I love.”

“You could always call the police.”

Hank let out a harsh laugh. “She’d be dead five minutes after I placed the call. You know how Sam operates. This is the only option.”

Pete began drumming his fingers on the desk. “Okay, I’ll help. What do you need?”

“Blue prints of the mansion, and I need to know what type of security system they’re using … the company that installed it. Also, a rundown of the safe would be nice.”

“A Mesa 382 OE … or so I’ve heard.”

Hank thought for a minute. “Okay, I can handle that.”

“How are you going to get into the mansion?”

“That’s the beauty of it—I don’t have to. Sam is getting me in through the catering group. I’ll go down to the basement and hide there until the party is over. I’ll come out in the dead of night and make my way to the safe.”

“What about the security guards?”

“A tranq gun.”

“The cameras?”

“I’ll need help with that—someone who can hack into the security network and be my eyes and ears. Once we learn where the fiber optic cables are installed, we can gain access to the system from there. The person won’t even need to go into the mansion.” He looked at Pete. “What do you hear from Asa Wang these days?”

Half Chinese, half Hawaiian and about his same age, Asa was a computer whiz and expert at creating unique gadgets that could help Hank navigate around almost any obstacle a job presented. In the old days, Asa was practically his right-hand man. Had he gone with this gut instinct and used Asa on the jewelry store heist, Guy wouldn’t have gotten killed. Brooding on the past wasn’t going to help the present. He pushed his thoughts back to Asa. They had known each other since high school and grew up in the same neighborhood. Several times, he’d been tempted to look him up to see how he was doing, but he wanted to put as much distance between himself and his past as possible.

“Oh, he’s still around … working his magic.”

“Can you put me in touch with him?”

“Yep, that shouldn’t be a problem. Asa’s always looking to make an extra buck. From what I hear, Asa was in pretty tight with Garrett. Helped him out on several occasions.” He paused. “I just assumed that Sam would’ve set you up with a team.”

Hank’s jaw tightened. “Oh, he tried, but that was my one condition—I do this thing my way, with people I can trust.”

Pete was impressed. “Spoken like a man who truly knows Sam. That’s why you’re the best—you don’t leave things to chance.” He gave Hank a speculative look. “How’s your brother doing?”

Hank’s eyes widened. “You haven’t heard?”

Pete peered at him over his glasses. “Which version? The version where Garrett was killed, or the version where he’s still alive?”

Hank let out a half laugh. “You know. I figured as much.”

He spread his hands. “Well, I didn’t know for sure … until now.”

“Do you know where he is?” The very air seemed to be holding its breath as Hank waited for an answer.

Pete began rubbing his hand back and forth over his chin. “I don’t.”

Disappointment pelted over him.

“But I’m sure Asa does. From what I heard, Garrett owed a truckload of money to Sam and couldn’t repay it. Faking a death and disappearing isn’t cheap, if you get my drift. I’m sure Garrett’s trying to find a way to rake together some fast cash … and that most assuredly involves Asa. Garrett doesn’t have your skills. Had he not had Asa backing him up, he never would’ve been able to pull a tenth of those robberies I suspect he’s responsible for.”

The wheels began to turn as a new light came into Hank’s eyes. “I need you to get in touch with Garrett. Tell him that Chloe’s been kidnapped and that I need him to find out where she’s being held. I need him to rescue her while I’m doing the job. Sam will be so focused on the heist and keeping tabs on me that he won’t see Garrett coming.” He clenched his jaw. “I can’t count on Sam to do the honorable thing and let her go. I have to prepare for every contingency.”

Pete looked thoughtful. “You know, that just might work. I like the way you think.” His eyes met his. “I know you’re being forced into this, but I have to tell you—it sure is good to have you back.”

Hank acknowledged the compliment with a nod.

The corner of Pete’s lips turned down in a frown. “You know, Sam’s not gonna let you walk away, don’t you? He never had any use for Garrett. Garrett was simply a means to an end. It was always you he was after. You’re the genius. A man with your skills is worth his weight in gold—” he chuckled “—or diamonds. I suspect that Sam orchestrated this whole thing, just to get you stealing for him again.”

A dark look came into Hank’s eyes. “Like I said—I have to prepare for every contingency.”

Chapter 27

hloe’s head
was pounding and her throat was so parched she could hardly swallow. Every inch of her body felt like it had been pounded with a sledgehammer, and the rope was cutting into her swollen wrists. It took a superhuman effort to lift her head, and she groaned in the process. She was so hungry her stomach was cramping. This was followed by bouts of nausea. She was drifting in and out of consciousness, losing track of time. Had it been two or three days … she couldn’t remember. The room was dark, and there was a hollow feel to it like it was in some type of warehouse. She’d barely been given enough water to survive and a single slice of bread, which she devoured in a handful of bites. It did little to assuage her hunger.

At first, she’d been so worried that the man was going to kill her that she could hardly think of anything else. After all, he wasn’t trying to hide his face from her. She could identify him. She was still worried that she would die, but the immediate needs of her body were starting to consume her thoughts. Then she started to drift …

Memories floated before her like wispy clouds that were subtly there yet too elusive to touch. She saw herself, standing in front of the mirror and looking at the wedding dress. She’d been so concerned about that stupid dress and how terrible it looked on her when all along the charmed life she had planned out was an illusion. Dan would die, and then she would learn the truth about him. It almost felt like those events had been another life. So much had happened since then.

She felt the uncertainty of moving to a new place and how she’d almost lost her sanity that stormy evening in that lonely rest stop. Dan had come to her then. Would he come to her now? She didn’t want Dan to come. All she wanted was Hank. Hank with those fathomless eyes. He could be so serious, and then he would give her that crooked smile that melted her heart. The feeling of security that flooded her when he took her hand in his. The electricity that raced through her veins when his lips took hers.

Then she thought of her parents. Her stubborn, feisty mom that still treated her like she was eight and her patient, soft-spoken dad. Did they even realize she was missing? Where was Hank? What did this guy want with her? Why was he doing this?

She felt like her heart was bleeding with anguish. She was completely alone, and no one was coming to help. A prayer issued forth almost before her conscious mind even realized it was there.
Please … Heavenly Father … help me! Please!

She kept repeating the prayer over and over in her mind like a mantra until her head became too heavy to hold up. She closed her eyes and let her chin fall to her chest. Then she was sleeping …

of fire was raging above her head!
Make it stop!
her mind screamed. Chloe squinted her eyes and averted her face in an attempt to block it out. A minute or so later, her eyes mercifully adjusted, and she realized that the fire was in actuality a light, coming from a single bulb that hung from the center of the ceiling. It had only looked bright because she’d been in the darkness so long. Her mind registered that something had brushed against her arm. She forced herself to concentrate and saw her captor, looming over her. He was big and muscular with a square face and hair so short that he almost looked bald.

“Drink this,” he ordered, putting a glass to her lips. She took a gulp of the water but then sputtered as part of it dribbled down her chin. Greedily, she tried to drink more, but he pulled the glass away.

“More!” she croaked through cracked lips.

He only laughed and then placed the water on the table. He leaned in so that he was eye level with her. “Do you want some more water?”

“Yes … please.”

His blocky hand caressed her cheek. “I’ll give you water if you’ll give me something I want.” His voice went husky with desire as his eyes flickered over her. A look of horror twisted over her face.

“You might like it.” He let out a raucous laugh. “Now, be a good girl, and I might even give you something to eat afterwards.” He leaned in to kiss her, and she spit in his face.

“Get away from me!” She craned her neck in an effort to avoid contact with him.

A barbaric look came into his eyes as he slapped her hard across the face. Pain blistered over her. She tasted blood and then felt it oozing from her lip. When he came at her again, she started screaming and writhing against the ropes. He grabbed her arms.

“Shut up!” he ordered.

She had the impression that she was staring into the face of the devil as he glowered at her, a wicked light shining in his eyes. She went wild, losing all reason.

Then, in the blink an eye, everything stopped. She heard a familiar voice.

“Move away from her!”

She looked up and squinted, trying to focus. “Garrett? Is that really you?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

The large man sneered. “Well, well, look who’s back from the dead.”

“Hands up!”

He turned and faced Garrett. “What’re you gonna do? Shoot me? You don’t have the guts!”

A look of surprise flittered over the man’s horrible face as Garrett pulled the trigger. He fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Chloe began laughing and crying at the same time. “You shot him!”

“Tranqed him … actually.”

“Garrett, are you really here, or am I seeing a ghost?” Her words were slurred, and her head was loose and dangling like a rag doll. “I thought you’d died and that you were coming back to haunt me. I wanted to see Hank, but at least it’s not Dan.”

He rushed to her side. “Let’s get you out of here. You’re dehydrated and delirious.” He cut the ropes and helped her to her feet. “Come on. We have to hurry!” He put an arm around her, half carrying her as they made their way out of the room. They were almost to the outside door of the warehouse when a shot from behind caused them to freeze.

“Did you shoot someone else?” Chloe said dreamily, letting her head fall against Garrett’s chest.

They turned.

“So, you’re alive and well. Didn’t see that one coming. Well, it was a lovely funeral.”

It registered in Chloe’s mind that it was a female who’d spoken, and then she heard the clicking of heels against the concrete floor.

“Oh, V, you scared me.” Garrett let out a nervous laugh. “I thought you were Sam. Look, there’s no time to explain everything right now. I’ve got to get Chloe out of here.”

She pointed the gun at Garrett. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Garrett swore. “I don’t have time for your games.”

A hard look came over her. “I said you’re not going anywhere.” She leveled the gun at his chest.

“If Sam or his boss comes back and catches me here, then I’m a goner for sure. I told you, there’s no time. Let’s go,” he said to Chloe.

“If you take one more step, I’ll put a bullet in you.” Her sharp voice echoed through the empty space.

Chloe lifted her head. “You again.” She smirked. “You’re that horrible woman who thinks she’s God’s gift to the universe. Well, I’ve got news for you—Hank doesn’t love you anymore. Let it go and move on.”

Fury twisted over V’s face, and she aimed the gun at Chloe. “One shot is all it would take to shut you up forever.” Her voice had the controlled hiss of a viper, ready to go for the jugular.

“Easy now,” Garrett said, keeping his eyes trained on V. “Chloe’s half out of her mind. The poor girl’s been tied up and starved for days. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.” His voice grew persuasive. “This isn’t you, V. Let us go … for old time’s sake. Sam doesn’t have to know. Don’t let him drag you into his sordid world.”

Amusement lit her dark eyes as she laughed.

Garrett’s eyes narrowed. “What’s so funny?” His face fell when he caught sight of Sam, walking toward them. “Oh, no,” he groaned.

Sam stepped up to V and put an arm around her. “Hello, love, it looks like you’ve got things under control here.” He looked at Garrett, surprise flickering over his face. “Well, well,” he uttered, “back from the dead, I see. This is an interesting turn of events.”

She handed him the gun. “Garrett is worried that you might corrupt me.”

Sam started laughing. “Me corrupt you? Right!”

“Is everything set for tonight?”

“Yep, Hank assures me that everything is ready to go.”

“Did you make him go over the details with you? I want nothing left to chance,” she snapped.

“Yes, I did everything you asked.”

“Any signs of police involvement?”

“None that I can see.”

A look of utter astonishment came over Garrett. He looked at V. “You’re the boss.” The words came out garbled like he was being choked. “You’ve been the one running the show this entire time.”

A smug look came over her face. “I guess there actually is a brain behind that pretty face. Although, judging by how you act most of the time, I’d wager that it’s no bigger than the size of a pea.”

She motioned at Sam. “Take them back to the room and tie them up.”

“No!” Chloe groaned. “We can’t go back there.” Garrett tightened his grip on Chloe’s waist.

Sam pointed the gun at them. “Let’s go,” he barked.

Garrett planted his feet on the floor. “Not so fast.”

V raised an eyebrow. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re in no position to be making demands.”

“This was never about me … was it? This was about Hank.” His voice grew reflective. “There are plenty of other people who could’ve done this job, but you manipulated Hank into doing it because you’re still in love with him. That’s what this whole charade is about.” When he saw her face drain, he knew the comment had hit its mark. Then he saw the livid expression on Sam’s face.

He flashed an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Sammy. The truth hurts. She’s using you the same way she used me.” He saw the blessed doubt creep into Sam’s eyes.

“Shut up!” she ordered, looking at Sam. “Don’t believe a word he says.”

“How does it feel to be second choice?” he taunted. “To know that she’s dreaming of Hank when you’re holding her in your arms.”

“I’m going to enjoy watching you bleed,” Sam barked, his face turning deep purple.

“Oh, you could kill us now.” He locked eyes with V. “But I know my brother well enough to know there’s no way he’s going to proceed with this job until he’s certain that Chloe’s alive. In fact, I’m supposed to call him and let him know I have Chloe before he meets Sam at the exchange.” He shot V a challenging look. “That’s how you planned it … right? The jewels for Chloe?”

“Yeah, that’s how we planned it, but that certainly won’t stop me from killing you,” Sam said savagely.

V caught his arm. “Stop, you imbecile. Can’t you see he’s baiting us?” She gave Garrett a malevolent look. “I will kill you … eventually. But I’ll do it on my own terms, after you’ve outlived your usefulness.”

She turned to Sam. “Get them out of my sight! Oh, and search him. I’m sure he has a phone or some other tracking device.”

arrett and Chloe
were sitting on the floor, side by side, with their backs resting against the wall. Bill kept coming in to check on them about every hour. The last two times he’d come into the room, Garrett pretended to be asleep. Assuming he was no threat, Bill left the door to the room partially open. Garrett could hear portions of the conversation that was taking place between him and V.

From what he could gather, phase one of the job was complete—Hank had gotten into the mansion with the catering group and was hiding in the basement. He heard his own name and then realized that V said something about forcing him to make the call to Hank once the job was done. “Hank doesn’t realize that we have Garrett,” she said. “We’ll make Garrett call him and tell him he’s rescued Chloe. Hank will go to the exchange, believing that everything is going in his favor. He’ll hand over the jewels, and then I’ll meet Sam at the rendezvous point to retrieve them.”

“If Hank believes that Garrett rescued Chloe, then why would he go through with the exchange?”

“Because, you idiot, I’ve stacked the deck! Chloe’s not the only person Hank cares about. Trust me! I know him! He’ll show up. You know what to do here. We can’t afford to leave any loose ends.”

Apprehension trickled down Garrett’s spine. They were planning on killing him and Chloe. He’d suspected as much, but it chilled him to the bone to hear it spoken out aloud. He cocked his head, listening, but they moved farther away from the door. He strained his ears to get the rest.
were the only words he could catch. Car and Pineview … car and Pineview … He kept mentally repeating the words, trying to figure out what they meant. Was Pineview a place? Was Bill taking them there in a car? That had to be it!
… The name sounded familiar. Where had he heard it before?

Chloe shifted, and he realized she was waking up. When she opened her eyes, he gave her an encouraging smile. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey.” She rolled her eyes. “I know that’s a lie because I look like death warmed over.”

“Okay, maybe you don’t look so beautiful right now, but you certainly look better than you did a few hours ago.”

She gave him an appreciative look. “Yeah, thanks to you. I was so thirsty I couldn’t think straight.”

He chuckled. “Well, you certainly gave V a good tongue lashing—I’ll tell you that.”

Chloe winced. “Yeah, probably not one of my finest moments, considering she was pointing a gun at us.”

“Well, you’ve got guts … I’ll give you that.”

Tears wet her eyes. “If you hadn’t talked Bill into giving me some water …” Her voice broke. “Thanks.”

“It was the least I could do.” A sad smile flittered over his lips. “I just wish I could’ve rescued you like I promised Hank I would.”

“Is Hank okay?” A look of such utter longing came over her face that it caused a dart of jealousy to stab him. When he’d talked to Hank, he was nearly insane with worry over Chloe. She was faced with death, and all she could think about was Hank. It hit him then—Hank and Chloe really loved each other. A sense of loss came over him. He’d never felt a love that deep. He’d spent his entire life, seeking out every thrill and physical enticement known to man—the best food, the prettiest women, the next score … No matter how hard he tried, his appetite could never be satisfied. “Is Hank okay?” she repeated, worry sounding in her voice.

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