When Darkness Falls (26 page)

Read When Darkness Falls Online

Authors: Jennifer Youngblood,Sandra Poole

BOOK: When Darkness Falls
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“He’s hanging in there.”

Her eyes searched his. “They’re forcing him to do a job, aren’t they?”

“Yeah … I’m afraid this thing was one big set up. V wanted him all along.”

Indignation smoldered in her eyes. “She’s trying to get her claws into Hank.”

There was no sense in sugar coating it. “Yeah, that’s exactly what she’s trying to do.” He had the urgent feeling that their time was running out. He needed to clear the air before Bill returned. He cleared his throat. “I guess you were surprised to see me alive.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Really?” Not what he’d expected to hear.

“Hank and I went to Bodega Bay. The man who lives next to Glory’s house said he saw you recently.”

His face fell. “He took you to Bodega Bay? Wow, Hank really does love you,” he said quietly. Before she could reply, he switched gears. “Bradford’s a nosy old geezer. I should’ve known he would say something.”

“And let’s not forget the incident where I saw you standing outside my window.”

He looked sheepish. “Oh, you saw me. I wasn’t sure.”

She cut her eyes at him. “I saw you, all right. You nearly scared me to death!” Her tone became accusing. “You came back for the earrings, didn’t you?”

He could feel the heat rising up his neck. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I needed the money.” His apology sounded lame, even to him. He could only imagine what Chloe must think of him.

“And then you saw the chair.”

His jaw dropped slightly. “You know about that?”

She let out a dry chuckle. “Hank figured it out. Poor Glory. She hates that chair but was so worried about getting rid of it because she didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” Her eyebrows knitted together. “You know, you’ve caused Glory and Hank a lot of pain. They were devastated by your so-called death.”

The words cut to the quick. “I know. I just didn’t know what else to do. I was in so deep that I couldn’t get out.”

She gave him a harsh look. “Well, you certainly took the convenient way out.”

He let out a breath. “You’re right. I’ve been a jerk. I’ve hurt a lot of people.” His eyes burned with regret. “Including you. I’m sorry I pressed you so hard about having a relationship. I saw you … wanted you … and went after you.”

“I’m not some piece of property,” she said hotly. “You wouldn’t take
for an answer … and it scared me.”

“I know that, and I’m sorry. Sometimes I just bulldoze my way through life, expecting everyone to get in line with what I want. It wasn’t right.” He hoped she would recognize the sincerity of his words. “I really am truly sorry.”

She studied him carefully and then nodded.

The next part was hard to admit, but he needed to get it out in the open. “It still stings to see you with Hank.” He paused. “But I see now that the two of you are good together.”

She looked doubtful.

“I mean it, I want you to be happy.”

Her face went soft. “Thank you.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “I’m in love with him.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t rub it in,” he said, forcing his tone to sound playful. “No need to keep hammering nails in my coffin.”

She smiled. “I’m sure you’ll recover … the second some other babe comes along and catches your eye.”

“Hey, now. That was hitting below the belt.”

“You know, you really are like the brother I never had.”

He winced. “Just what every guy wants to hear from the girl who dumped him for his older brother.” His stomach growled loudly. “Sorry … I’m so hungry that my stomach’s starting to eat my spleen.”

She just shook her head. “I was that hungry too … at first, but now all I want is another drink of water.”

Why was that ringing a bell? Car … Pineview … WATER! His blood quickened. Were they planning on taking them to Pineview Reservoir up near Ogden? It would be the perfect spot to dump a body or two. Chills ran down his spine. He had to act fast! “This is going to sound strange, but I need you to turn and angle yourself so that I can get access to your back pocket.”

Wariness crept into her eyes. “What?”

“I slipped a knife into your pocket earlier,” he whispered. “I’ve been working on loosening these ropes. I think I can bend forward enough to retrieve it with my teeth.”

Her face flamed. “Seriously?”

“Look, Chloe, we don’t have much time. Things are going to get ugly … fast. These guys have no intention of letting us go.”

Her face went ashen. “I figured that,” she said quietly.

“Hurry! There’s no time to lose.”

Chapter 28

a coast is clear
. You can come out,” Asa said, speaking to him in Hawaiian Pidgin. Even though he’d grown up in Salt Lake, Asa clung tightly to his Hawaiian roots. His voice was steady and controlled, taking Hank back to the many jobs they’d done in the past. “Like old times, brah,” Asa said with a low chuckle, as if reading his mind.

“I’m glad you’re with me on this one.” Hank slipped his backpack onto his shoulders and then pulled the black mask over his face.

“Ya know I’m glad to help. Small kine.”

Because Hank was supposedly part of the catering group, he’d been forced to keep his tool set light, only bringing the items he absolutely needed. His pulse went into overdrive as he loaded the tranq gun. An image of Chloe went through his mind, sending a clutch of anxiety over him. Had Garrett been able to rescue her? He’d texted him earlier but had gotten no response. What if something had gone wrong? What if Chloe were hurt … or worse? The fear that slithered over him was so intense that it was nearly debilitating. Then he thought about Sam. An intense hatred burned through him, giving him the stamina he needed to forge on.

“Alrighty, brah. Time to do da job. I’ve got da cameras running on loop, but you need to hurry.”

“Right. I’m on it.” Hank’s senses went on full alert as he forced himself to concentrate on the job, blocking out everything else. One wrong move could blow the entire thing. He opened the door and looked both ways before stealthily making his way toward the safe, which was located in the study. According to the blueprints, the study was on the main level and adjacent to the control room, which housed the security cameras. That meant that he would have to tranq four guards before they could alert anyone that he was here. Asa assured him that the tranqs he’d designed would knock out the guards on impact. Hank could only hope he was right. Tranqs were finicky, and you never knew for sure how a person would react to them. His greatest fear was that it might take a long time for the drug to take effect … or that it might not work at all. He pushed the negative thoughts aside, knowing he would simply have to trust that Asa knew what he was doing.

He was solely dependent on Asa for this portion of the job because he would act as Hank’s eyes and ears, alerting him to the location of the guards, as well as the other occupants in the home. Thankfully, the bedrooms were upstairs. He could only hope that Gunther and his family remained asleep.

“How does it look?” he whispered, making his way up the stairs.

“Just as we thought, brah, two guards in da control room and two by da safe.” His voice became animated. “Wait! Hold it!”

Hank paused, his heart hammering in his chest. A rivulet of sweat rolled between his shoulder blades, and he had the feeling that the empty space was closing in around him.

“One of da guards is leaving the control room. He’s headed your direction!”

Had they somehow realized he was here? Hot prickles covered him as he clutched the gun. He was out of practice! Way too nervous! Clean living had made him soft. He took in a deep breath, trying to regulate his breathing. He had to get a grip—become the levelheaded thief once more. “Where is he?” he growled, steeling himself for the confrontation.

“Get ready. He’s coming. Fifty feet away … forty!”

Hank’s muscles went taut.

“Hold it. False alarm. He turned the other direction,” Asa said with a shaky laugh.

Relief poured over Hank, making him feel weak.

“He’s in da kitchen, getting a drink of water. Stay where ya are. Let’s see what he does. Okay, he’s going back to da control room. You’ll be able to tranq them both at once.”

When Hank reached the control room, he paused outside the door, listening.

“They’re at the computers, backs to the door. Open the door, and do it quickly. Any noise, and the guards in the next room will hear it.”

“You sure these tranqs will work?”

There was the slightest hesitation, confirming Hank’s worst fear. Then Asa let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah, brah, I’m about 80% sure. You know how this works—nothing’s guaranteed.”

“Great!” he muttered gloomily. “Just like old times.”
He closed his eyes and offered up a silent prayer for help. It seemed crazy to think he was praying for help on a heist, but Chloe’s life was at stake. Everything depended on him pulling off this job. A calm feeling flowed through him as he put his hand on the knob and turned it. The guard on the left glanced back as he stepped in. The man’s eyes widened, and he moved to react, but Hank tranqed him in the neck. Hank was able to get the second guard before he could fully turn around. He watched them carefully to see if he needed to shoot them again, but they fell to the floor with loud thuds. For a second, Hank feared the guards in the next room would hear the noise.

“See, I told you it would work! You still got it, brah,” Asa said, a touch of admiration in his voice. “Like watching a dancer in perfect rhythm. Now for the other two. They’re sitting on da couch, watching TV. I suggest shooting the big guy on the left with two tranqs … just in case.”

Cool precision took over as Hank repeated the process once more, tranqing both guards with little effort. He breathed a sigh of relief. The hard part was over. Now came the part he enjoyed. Adrenaline surged through him as he stood in front of the safe. While he didn’t miss most aspects of his life as a criminal, he missed this. He missed the all-consuming intoxication that flowed through him like a drug as he pitted his intellect against the safe, doing something that few others in the world could.

Pete had been dead on about the make and model of the safe. It was constructed of steel with a solid steel door that was an inch thick. Even though they weren’t discernable to the eye, he knew the safe also contained dead bolt locks, housed deep in the body, which prevented the door from being removed during a forced entry attempt. The safe was virtually impenetrable. He smiled.
Impenetrable if one were attempting to use brute force.
His method wouldn’t put a single scratch on the safe. By the time he was done, she would open herself up to him of her own accord.

He removed the amplifier microphone from his backpack and placed it near the dial. Then he grabbed the industrial marker he would use to write down the numbers. He closed his eyes for a second and cleared his mind. Ever so carefully, he began turning the dial, craning his ears for those distinctive clicks that would let him know the inner mechanisms were engaging. He felt the sensation of being suspended in space where he and the safe were the only two items that existed. Six short minutes later, he held his breath as he turned the handle. The safe opened like clockwork. Only then did Hank feel the aftereffect of his nerves in the slight shaking of his hands as he scooped the jewels out of the safe. There were also stacks of bills, but he left those. He had no intention of giving Sam anything except the precise items he was supposed to deliver. Normally, he would deposit the jewels into his pack and make a hasty exit, but there was one thing he needed to do first.

“You’ve got to get out of there. The guards won’t stay asleep much longer,” Asa said anxiously.

“Just transferring the jewels to the logo bag.”


Five minutes later, Hank had made it out of the mansion. The two guards keeping watch outside were oblivious as he walked within twenty feet of them. He made his way through the trees and to the rendezvous point where Asa was waiting to pick him up.

Even in the near darkness, he could see the exhilaration brimming in Asa’s black eyes. “You did it, brah!” There was a fevered excitement in his voice. Hank knew it well, having experienced it many times before. Asa was experiencing the euphoria that came from doing the seemingly impossible. All Hank could feel was relief that the heist was complete and dread over what would come next.

He looked Asa in the eye. “I couldn’t have done it without you. I owe you a great debt, my friend.”

Uncomfortable with the praise, Asa brushed it off with a casual smile. “Small kine.” He pushed back a chunk of black hair that had fallen over his eye. “That’s what friends are for. You would do the same for me.” He paused. “I hope your girl’s okay.”

“Yeah, me too.” He still hadn’t heard from Garrett. He reached for his phone and sent him another text before turning his attention back to Asa. “You sure the trackers will work?”

Asa smiled. “About 80%.”

Hank shook his head and chuckled. “Sounds about right.” A grave look came over his face. “This thing with Sam is going to get much worse before it gets better. I’ll need your help to see this through, but once it’s over, you’ll need to lay low for a while … avoid him and the police.”

“I hear ya.” He flashed a sideways smile. “They’ll never find me, brah. I’m like a ghost.”

“Yeah, you were always the real ghost thief. The master, pulling the strings.” There was a lull in the conversation until Hank spoke. “About that other thing we talked about.”

“I’ll take care of it, you have my word.” He gave Hank a probing look. “This really is it then … your last job.” There was a note of sadness in his voice.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so.”

He shook his head. “You really are da best, man. Da best I ever worked with.” He cleared his throat to mask the emotion. “Da best friend I ever had.” He clasped Hank’s hand in a tight grip. “If you ever need me …”

“The same goes for me.” Hank let out a heavy sigh. “Let’s finish this thing, shall we?”

he air seemed
to hold its breath as V and Bill stepped into the room. V was talking on the phone. “Do you see him? Very good. Keep an eye out for anything unusual. Don’t underestimate Hank. After he hands over the jewels, you are to leave him unharmed.” There was a dangerous edge to her voice. “I mean that, Sam, I need him for future jobs.” She ended the call.

Garrett let out a derisive chuckle. “Sam really is a lug head if he believes that. Any fool can see that you’re still in love with my brother.”

A sneer twisted over her beautiful face. “Not jealous, are you? Poor Garrett,” she purred, “always losing out to your big brother.” She tilted her head. “You just don’t get it, do you? Looks will only take you so far. Eventually, you have to offer a girl something more than a pretty face.”

He grunted in amusement. “You know that better than anyone. It didn’t take long for Hank to see past your pretty face, did it, V?”

Annoyance brimmed in her eyes. “I don’t have time for your silly games!” She turned to Bill. “Dial Hank’s number and put the phone to his mouth. Put it on speaker.” She glared at Garrett. “You will do exactly as I say, or she gets it.”

Tears sprang to Chloe’s eyes as V put a gun to her head.

Garrett clenched his jaw. “I understand.” A look passed between Chloe and him, and he offered her a nod of encouragement.

V let out a sarcastic chuckle. “How sweet.”

The phone rang only once before Hank answered. “Hello.”

“Hey,” Garrett said, swallowing hard.

“Were you able to get her?”

The anxiety in Hank’s voice nearly carved out Garrett’s heart as he shot V a look of pure hatred. She gave him a warning look.

“Were you able to rescue Chloe?” Hank repeated.

“Yeah, I got her. She’s safe.”

“Really? That’s great.”

The relief in his voice made the situation all the more painful. “Yeah,” Garrett continued. “She’s perfectly fine.”

There was the slightest hesitation. “So, she’s fine?”

“Yep, I promise you on our dearly departed mother’s pine box.” A peculiar light came into Garrett’s eyes as they locked with V’s. “In fact, from this view, I’d say your girl is looking exceedingly fine.” He paused long enough to note the fury on V’s face before continuing. “Of course, a good drink of water might help improve the situation.” Garrett could tell from the death glare V was giving him that it would only be a matter of seconds before she combusted into a ball of big hair and red fingernails. “Gotta go, Bro. Good luck on the job.” Bill ended the call and then punched Garrett hard in the stomach. He doubled over, gasping for breath.

“You really are a pathetic weasel,” V snarled. “If I didn’t need you as insurance, I would kill you right now.” She pursed her full lips and looked thoughtfully at Chloe. “You, on the other hand, have outlived your usefulness.” Chloe drew in a ragged breath as V continued. “You simply made the mistake of falling in love with the wrong man. Nothing personal … just business,” she said with a flip of her hair, but the malicious look in her eyes said otherwise. She looked at Bill. “You know the plan.”

Bill untied Chloe’s wrists and ankles and heaved her to her feet. “Where are you taking me?” she cried hoarsely.

“Leave her alone!” Garrett yelled. “Stop!”

Chloe started crying and fighting against Bill, but her efforts had about as much effect as a fly trying to take on a raging bull. He tied a gag around her mouth and tossed her over his shoulders, carrying her from the room. V followed behind them. When she got to the door, she gave Garrett a parting glance. “Don’t worry, handsome, I’ll be back to retrieve you later. Bill’s brother, Nolan, will keep a good eye on you.”

“You won’t get away with this!” Garrett yelled.

She gave him a cruel smile. “I already have.”

ank swore
under his breath and clenched his fists. “Did you get all of that, Asa?” he said into the mouthpiece.

“Yep, I’m running it through the software now to try and find a connection.”

From the time they were kids, he and Garrett had devised codes that allowed them to talk in secret. Had Garrett
to him that he’d rescued Chloe, he would’ve known he’d been successful. But because he used the word “promise,” Hank knew he’d failed. Also, he’d said that Chloe was FINE.
The Italian Job
was one of his and Garrett’s favorite movies. They especially loved the part where FINE stood for freaked-out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional. He didn’t know what the other words meant, or if they meant anything. Hopefully, Asa would be able to come up with something.

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