When Will I See You Again (16 page)

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Authors: Julie Lynn Hayes

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When Will I See You Again
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“Hey, Raoul, haven’t seen you in forever,” the girl commented.

“Missed you last night. You should come more often.”

Alexx frowned, wondering what this girl was to Raoul, then chided himself for his unwarranted jealousy.

“I was busy, Tabby,” Raoul replied succinctly. “You know how it is when you have a business to run. Besides, I don’t like the tourists being there.”

“Yeah, I can understand,” she said sympathetically. “I go for Mom, basically. It’s still fun, though, you should try it some time. I know the others would love to see you. Especially your folks.”

“I’m sure they would.” His tone was impossible to read.

She laughed and set the last item from the tray onto the table— a large pitcher filled with a dark fluid.

“What kind of beer have you brought me?” he asked, looking between her and the suspect liquid.

“Root beer,” came a voice behind them. They turned just in time to see Nadine emerge from the building. “You get enough of that other stuff at Charisma, don’t you? Besides, I didn’t think it was…a good idea.” Her eyes met Alexx’s, and he flushed down to
his toes. Did she know?

Duh, she was a werewolf, too. They both were. Okay, now that was making sense, the reference to last night. They were both related to Raoul, no need to be jealous. But that didn’t explain how she knew about him. Maybe it was just a good guess on her part.

“I like root beer,” he offered. He lifted half the sandwich that had been set before him, marveling at the profusion of meat, cheese, and vegetables that met his eyes. He removed the toothpick that was imbedded in it and placed it out of harm’s way and took a bite to keep his traitorous tongue from spilling any of its secrets.

As he chewed, he noticed Raoul give the older woman a look.

“You heard, didn’t you?”

“Of course. You can’t keep anything secret in this place, you should know that by now.”

“I know.” He sighed and turned his attention back to his own sandwich, sinking his teeth into it, tearing at the meat hungrily.

Nadine laid her hand lightly on his shoulder. “I believe in you, Raoul,” she said. “Always will. Well, enjoy your meal, and take your time.” She patted Alexx gently as well, before turning away.

“I’ll come check on you later,” Tabby said, following her mother inside.

Alexx hadn’t realized how hungry he was until the food was set before them, but he was rather ravenous. Nothing was said between them while they attended to the matter of satisfying the needs of their empty stomachs. Raoul had a large appetite, apparently, and wasn’t shy about eating three-fourths of the food.

He must have one hell of a metabolism, Alexx marveled, to stay in such great shape. Again, he thought of naked Raoul, and the ache returned to claim him.

The root beer was delicious. Despite having denigrated it,
Raoul was not shy about drinking it, and kept both their glasses filled. Finally, when not a scrap of food remained, and every plate, every container, every basket had been emptied and pushed out of the way, then he heard Raoul heave a contented sigh. But instead of sitting back, his attention now appeared to be focused all on Alexx.

“Have you had enough?” he asked him softly. Did he mean food, or what?

Alexx nodded, not trusting his voice.

“Shall we continue where we were before?”

Before Alexx could ask if he meant the interview or what, Raoul’s lips had descended on his, and he could think of nothing else, caught up in the moment, and the kiss, and the man.

Until suddenly a strange voice broke in on that moment. “So here you are, Raoul.”

Alexx heard Raoul’s groan vibrate through his lips. Reluctantly he drew back, just far enough to respond.

“Yes, I am here, Father.”


Alexx felt a distinct sense of loss as Raoul drew away from him, an ache that went straight to his heart. Raoul felt so warm, so comfortable. And his lips tasted wonderful. He wanted to bury his hands in those long dark locks, pull their faces back together, and engage in another liplock. Only the presence of the newcomer prevented him from acting on his desire.

Alexx had seen photographs of Philippe Marchand before, but none of them quite did Raoul’s father justice. Seeing him in person was…intimidating. Especially under the circumstances, and in such a compromising position. Alexx wondered if that was why Raoul had pulled away—embarrassment in front of his father at being caught while flagrantly kissing another man. He had no idea what Philippe Marchand’s feelings toward his son’s sexuality
might be, but he knew he was going to find out.

Father and son shared the same high forehead and piercing gray eyes, but Philippe’s lips were thinner and paler, and his hair was considerably shorter, coming to just below his ear. They both had determined jaws, and imperfect noses. Philippe was possessed of a commanding presence. It was easy to see where Raoul had gotten his looks, as well as his attitude. He could just imagine the two of them locking horns, so to speak, on a regular basis, or whatever served as the werewolf equivalent of a pissing contest. Looking between the two of them, Alexx felt overwhelmed, and more than a little apprehensive, although the father didn’t seem angry. So perhaps he was reading too much into his sudden appearance.

“Checking up on me, Father?”

Alexx wasn’t sure if that was annoyance he heard in Raoul’s voice, or a carefully worded challenge. It dawned on him that he didn’t know what the men’s relationship was, and his own knowledge of father/son interaction was nonexistent, so he didn’t know what to think.

“Do I need to?” The voice was soft, but Alexx received an impression of gloved steel. Philippe turned his penetrating gaze on him, but Alexx quickly felt it soften. “Aren’t you going to introduce me, Raoul?”

Raoul released a noncommittal grunt, before replying. “Alexx, this is my father, Philippe Marchand. Father, this is Alexx Jameson.” Raoul let the bare bones introduction hang on the air, not venturing anything else about Alexx, such as what they were doing there together. And no comment whatsoever regarding the face sucking he’d witnessed.

“Did Jon call you?” Raoul’s voice was suspiciously curt.

“He did. But before you get on your high horse, listen a
minute.” Philippe threw up one hand in a warning admonition.

Alexx realized the father knew the son pretty well to follow his thoughts before he expressed them. “You told him to text you, right?”

“Right.” Raoul started to add something else, but Philippe swiftly interrupted.

“But Jon has your phone?”

As Alexx watched, Raoul’s expression clouded over as realization sank in. Obviously he wasn’t a man who readily admitted to having made an elemental mistake. Such as forgetting he didn’t even have his cell phone with him because it was being held by the police department as evidence in a criminal investigation. That showed how much this situation had him rattled.

“Fuck…” Raoul let out a long breath, and Alexx felt the table shake, as though he’d kicked at it in frustration. Without thinking, he reached across the table and laid his hand on top of Raoul’s.

Raoul curled his fingers about Alexx’s, and said nothing else.

“So Jon called me,” Philippe continued, as though there’d been no interruption. “He gave me the message you left for him and I guessed that you would come here to eat. Not exactly rocket science. By the way, he says to tell you to come back to the station.

Both of you. So you can sign some papers?” His glance fell back on Alexx. “I assume you’re part of the
he was talking about?”

Alexx nodded, raising his eyes to the other man’s. “It’s a long story—”

“Which can wait,” Raoul interrupted, standing without releasing Alexx’s hand, impelling Alexx to hastily rise as well. He circumnavigated his way around the table as Raoul drew him closer to him before he wrapped a proprietary arm about his waist.
Alexx was confused, but he certainly didn’t argue. His heart was thumping so loudly he was sure it must be audible to these two werewolves with impeccable hearing. And yet at the same time he felt strangely at peace.

He could sense that Raoul thought he was going to get away with having the last word by the smug expression that played about his lips and the barely concealed jubilance in his eyes even as he pulled out a few bills and threw them onto the wrought iron table.

But Philippe forestalled them, standing in their path as they turned toward the restaurant. He seemed the epitome of cool, his hands nested in the pockets of his expensive trousers, exuding a very casually regal air. His words quickly put that image to rest—they crackled with authority.

“I want to see you tonight at dinner. Nine o’clock. Both of you.

You can explain everything then.”

Alexx braced himself for the storm he felt sure was coming, the shit that was about to hit the fan—but it didn’t happen. The two men stared into one another’s eyes for a long moment. Whatever Raoul saw in his father’s gaze, he chose not to argue with him.

“As you wish,” he said quietly.

Another moment—one that felt like an eternity—passed, before Philippe Marchand turned his dazzling smile upon Alexx. “It was very nice to meet you, Alexx. I look forward to seeing you tonight.”

“Thank you, sir, as do I.” Alexx returned the smile without reservation, even though he had no idea what dinner with the Marchands might entail, or even where it might be held. But before he had the chance to ask, or get any other sort of words out, Raoul had pulled him inside the restaurant, and he had to concentrate on not banging into the tables they walked between, seeing as Raoul
had never released his hand.

As they passed near Nadine, he managed to get out, “Nice to meet you.” The older woman stopped sweeping at their approach and straightened up. She leaned against her broom, giving them both a decidedly amused grin.

“Be sure to bring him back soon, Raoul,” she commented, but Raoul did not reply, a determined cast to his features, his expression unreadable. They swept from the relative darkness of the Moonbeam Café, emerging into the brightness of the day once more. Alexx blinked, shading his eyes with one hand to allow them time to adjust from the relative dimness of the patio where they’d eaten in such peaceful seclusion and intimate camaraderie.

Traffic was thicker now. Alexx guessed people were leaving work and play, headed for lunch, tourists and residents alike. Not lingering for any length of time on the sidewalk in front of the cafe, lest they block the doors to the diners who wished to enter, they turned their steps in the direction of the police station. Foot traffic had also greatly increased since they’d last walked this route. Raoul kept Alexx on an even tighter tether than he had before, protectively guiding him along the sidewalk, which only served to increase Alexx’s security quotient.

Back at the station, they were ushered directly into Chief Drummond’s office. The chief rose from his desk at their entrance, approaching his godson. No doubt expecting recrimination from Raoul for his actions, he quickly spoke first.

“I had to call him. I didn’t have any way to reach you, and you neglected to tell me where you were going.”

“It doesn’t matter. Can we sign what needs to be signed and just leave?”

“Of course you can. I take it he found you?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Raoul arched a sarcastic brow at his godfather.

Alexx squeezed Raoul’s hand, surprising himself with his own temerity. It worked, though. Raoul fell silent. “What do you need me to sign?” Alexx looked expectantly at the police chief. He wanted this part to be over with. There was a lot to be done, if they were going to clear Raoul’s name of these trumped-up charges, and the sooner they started on that the better. The story he was writing for the
, while still important to him, had clearly taken a backseat to the priority in his life that was Raoul Marchand.

“I have it.” He reached for a piece of paper that sat on his desk, and set it on the closest edge where Alexx could reach it, handing him a pen. Alexx was forced to take his hand back in order to make his signature. He barely glanced at the contents, skimming them quickly. He knew whatever they wanted of him, he’d agree to, in order to keep Raoul safe.

“You’re absolutely sure about this now?” the chief asked, glancing between them. “I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding, or confusion, about what you’re signing. You’re agreeing to take responsibility for Raoul until…”

“Until?” Alexx glanced up, waiting for the end of the sentence.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Until either he’s cleared or he’s formally charged and I have to take him off your hands and lock him up.”

“I understand and I agree,” Alexx replied without hesitation, the idea of Raoul being locked up like a wild beast sending shivers through him. That had to be avoided at all cost, of that he was determined. He bent his head and finished signing his name. His signature was as careful and deliberate as he was. “Until he’s
cleared,” he emphatically stated as Raoul claimed his hand once more.

Jon sighed. He took the paper from Alexx and looked it over.

He reached around his desk and pulled open a bottom drawer and slid it in, closing it again. “I guess that’s all I need then.”

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