When Will I See You Again (20 page)

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Authors: Julie Lynn Hayes

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When Will I See You Again
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The question was—what did it mean and where was it going?

“But your future…as a crime reporter,” Raoul protested.

“Will happen, if it’s meant to be. I…I’m afraid I’m losing my objectivity, Raoul. I care too much. But not just about the story. A good reporter can’t be personally involved in the story he’s working on. There are ethics.”

Alexx swayed toward Raoul. Their eyes locked, lips parting breathily.

“You and him?” Price Chancellor sneered. His voice broke the spell between them. “That explains a lot. I knew you had to be sleeping with someone to be put on a story that should have been mine by rights. You…you’re not even a reporter. You’re nothing but a mail room boy, and that’s where you should stay.”

Raoul growled and took a menacing step toward the reporter.

Price scrambled backward, tripping over his own feet. He regained them quickly.

“Get out of here,” Raoul snarled, “and never come back here again. Do I make myself clear? Or I shall prosecute you for trespassing. And I’ll sue you within an inch of your life, as well as
your newspaper, so don’t think you can hide behind them.”

Price didn’t need to be told twice. He gathered his wounded dignity, his fingers brushing at his stained suit, not that his pitiful attempts made any difference. His eyes darted behind them, as if seeking some assurance that he was headed in the right direction— toward his car and freedom. He slowly edged around them, giving them a wide berth, his eyes never moving from them. Once he reached the safety at the edge of the woods, he broke into an awkward run, stumbling in the direction of his car.

Alone at last.

“Now what?” Alexx turned to Raoul. “What about that idea you had?”

“That can wait. I have other things I need to consider. For now, I think we should take your things to my place.”

Oh yeah. Alexx was staying with Raoul. How could he possibly have forgotten that? Or that they were expected to dinner with Raoul’s parents at nine o’clock.

“Which place?” He remembered Raoul saying he had more than one, and he didn’t want to assume anything.

“The one we were at earlier.”

Alexx was taken aback at the sudden gruffness in Raoul’s voice. Had he said or done something to upset him in some way?

He reached out, but Raoul had already turned, headed in the same direction Price had taken.

Alexx sighed, his heart dropping, as he followed him back to his car, his confused thoughts attempting to make sense out of what was happening, as usual.

Why was this man so damn confusing? And why did he care about him so very much?


Even before they reached the car, Raoul regretted his petulance. He wasn’t even sure what had brought it on, or why his heart was beating so erratically. He couldn’t even blame his mercurial emotions on the full moon. That would have been the coward’s way out, besides being completely untrue. But whatever the reason, he’d no right to take his irrationality out on Alexx.

He leaned against the driver’s door, blocking it, when Alexx attempted to get behind the wheel. Alexx gave him a confused look.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh.”

“It’s all right. I understand. You have a lot on your mind.”

Raoul surrendered to the sound of forgiveness in Alexx’s words, the warmth in his blue eyes. Without hesitation, he reached
for him, pulled him into his arms and kissed him, long and hard.

By the time he reluctantly pulled away, he was breathing hard— they both were—and he had to force himself to step to his own side of the car and slide inside before he lost any more control of himself or the situation.

Forcing himself to focus on what they were doing, he expected to have to reprise the directions to the cabin for Alexx’s benefit but, to his surprise, Alexx started the car without comment and turned out of the parking lot as if he knew exactly where he was going. Raoul couldn’t help but admire the fact that he asked no questions, didn’t delve into whys or wherefores except as they pertained to his journalism. He knew that were their situations reversed, he’d be wanting to know just what the hell was going on and why was he being such a dick?

If Alexx were to ask him that, Raoul had no ready answer. He hoped that he wouldn’t ask.

By the time they reached the cabin, Raoul’s nerves were singing, as taut as a bowstring. He grabbed Alexx’s suitcase before the other man had a chance to touch it, and hefted it inside, carrying it straight into the bedroom where he tossed it onto the bed.

“Give me a minute and you can unpack,” he said, rearranging the items in his tall cedar dresser to make room for Alexx’s things.

“You don’t have to go to all that trouble,” Alexx protested, but Raoul paid him no heed.

“It’s not trouble. I won’t have you living out of a suitcase like some kind of transient. There’s plenty of room here, and plenty of space in the closet as well.” Suiting intention to deed, he began to move articles of clothing from the suitcase to the space he’d just cleared in the drawers.
“Here, let me help,” Alexx offered. He stretched out his hand at the same moment that Raoul reached into the suitcase for another item, their fingers colliding in mid air. The already-charged atmosphere between them reached fever pitch.

Raoul released the object in his grasp, letting it fall from his fingers, this unexpected encounter his complete undoing—his Rubicon. He took Alexx’s hand in his and raised it to his lips, slowly kissing each and every fingertip with the utmost tenderness.

He took one into his mouth, sucked on it gently. Alexx leaned toward him, across the forgotten suitcase. He moaned softly.

Raoul’s questioning gaze was locked upon Alexx’s acquiescent blue eyes, seeing there the answer he sought. He unceremoniously swept the suitcase from the bed and onto the floor. He managed to land it right-side up and out of the way—out of sight, out of mind.

As of one accord, they each knelt on opposite sides of the bed, their lips meeting softly in the middle. Raoul surprised himself with the restraint that he showed, considering this all-consuming passion for Alexx that he could no longer deny, and his overwhelming desire to make love to him. And yet he held himself in check as he touched Alexx’s face, caressing and stroking his soft skin with infinite care, despite the fact that his own body trembled with unrequited desire.

They took turns undressing one another, watching with undisguised pleasure as each bit of bare flesh was laid open to view. They tossed their clothes helter-skelter onto the floor. When they were naked, they fell together in a tangle of limbs. Their mouths joined as their hands and fingers explored one another with unabashed joy.

Raoul found he could not stop kissing Alexx, surprised and delighted when the younger man actually took the initiative and
slipped his tongue inside Raoul’s mouth, ravishing it with innocent abandon. His hand placement felt a little more unsure, a little shyer, so Raoul took one of Alexx’s hands in his and placed it against his engorged cock, encouraging him. Alexx slipped his hand about Raoul’s erection, his thumb sliding across the cock head. Raoul shivered and moaned, his other hand gliding down Alexx’s back, feeling the individual vertebrae beneath his fingertips, until he reached his beautifully taut ass. There he slid his fingers between those inviting cheeks and over Alexx’s entrance. God, there was so much he wanted to do with Alexx, so much he wanted to share.

He heard Alexx’s intake of breath as he touched his most intimate parts, his other hand continuing to caress and touch anywhere and everywhere. It wasn’t that he was avoiding touching Alexx’s cock, it was just that was not his sole object. He wanted to know Alexx as intimately as possible. He drew back slightly, his eyes seeking Alexx’s, searching for something. What, he wasn’t sure.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, not at all,” Alexx reassured him, claiming his lips once more, causing Raoul to lose his train of thought.

It was becoming increasingly harder to think, his emotions rushing to the forefront, being let loose for the first time in many years, but Raoul was determined, because he knew he had to do this properly, make sure he got it perfect for this, their first time together. His heart told him this would not be the last time, and he wanted to make damn sure he didn’t fuck things up. He started to insert the tip of one finger into Alexx’s tightness, before it dawned on him he should use lube. The question was, did he have any?

He reluctantly withdrew the finger. Alexx moaned and pressed
against him, their hardnesses rubbing together as he whispered into Raoul’s ear, “What’s wrong? Keep going. I want you to.”

“Need lube,” Raoul panted. “Need a condom, too.”

“Don’t need a condom, need you,” Alexx insisted, but Raoul was already scooting backward.

“We do. No argument.” He paused, leaned in and kissed Alexx again with finality, as if to show the discussion was done. He rolled off the bed, searched the floor for his pants, praying he had something on hand, as he really didn’t want to stop, not now. He was in luck. He had a couple of extras in his wallet. Spares he kept for emergency purposes, since his main supply was back in his office, and he kept nothing here at the cabin. There was no reason.

He never brought anyone here—until now, that is.

He pulled a package out and threw his pants and wallet back to the floor. He refused to fuck bareback—although his traitorous cock told him to go ahead and do it with Alexx. But his motives not to were surprisingly altruistic. Although he had himself tested on a regular basis—discreetly, in the privacy of his office—he wanted better than that for Alexx. Another time they’d both be tested, and then they could leave these inconveniences by the wayside.

Which still left the matter of lube, of which there was none.

Other than what nature provided, that is. That would have to do, for now. He vowed to stock up soon. Tonight, even.

He turned back to the bed to find Alexx splayed wantonly across it, his beautiful lips parted, as well as his legs, a definite come hither look in his eyes. “Come and get me,” Alexx invited him. “Make me all yours.”

It took all of Raoul’s self-control not to combust at his words.

It had been a long time since he’d taken another man any way
other than from behind, but he was ready, willing, and quite able to face this one—and oh how badly he wanted to.

Approaching the foot of the bed, Raoul dropped onto on all fours. He crawled toward Alexx, moving his hips in a sultry fashion, releasing a long, low growl, his eyes locked on Alexx’s.

“Are you the big bad wolf, come to eat me up?” Alexx started to sit up, but at a warning growl from Raoul, he remained flat on his back. Instead, he impishly crooked a finger, beckoning to Raoul. “Come and get me,” he whispered throatily.

“Bend your legs for me,” Raoul commanded, and when Alexx complied, he began to kiss a trail along his inner thigh. He alternated between kissing, licking, and sucking at the tender flesh.

He repeated this performance on the other leg, leaving Alexx otherwise untouched. He felt Alexx’s shivers, heard his soft whimpers of anticipation, but as much as Raoul wished to hurry, he wanted to take his time equally as much. He wanted to spin out this moment as long as he could, to prolong his time with Alexx.

Being with Alexx made everything feel all right in a way he’d thought lost long ago.

Moving to the apex of Alexx’s thighs, he buried his nose in his crinkly red pubes and inhaled, drawing in the rich fragrance that was all Alexx. He lapped lightly, teasingly, at the underside of his cock. It already wept, wet with pre-cum. Raoul dipped his fingers in the moisture, thoroughly wetting them. But first…

He kissed Alexx’s ball sac, flicking his tongue over the lightly haired flesh, before he began to kiss his way south, across his perineum, until he reached his tight hole, lapping his tongue over the entrance before sliding in the tip of one slick finger.

Alexx felt so tight. Incredibly tight. Raoul wiggled his finger as he moved it inside him, encouraging his ring of guardian muscles
to relax. It had been a very long time since he’d felt such tightness.

He glanced up, searching Alexx’s face for any sign of discomfort.

But Alexx seemed more than content with what Raoul was doing, so he continued, kissing the flesh just above the hole as he moved in his finger about halfway before adding a second one to the mix.

Alexx’s mouth dropped open and he arched his back. “Please…

You…” he moaned. “I need you. Fill me with you, please, Raoul.”

How could Raoul ignore such heartfelt pleas? Especially when he wanted that himself, with his entire heart?

His own cock ached with a suppressed need he hadn’t been aware of until this moment, a lack of something—or someone—in his life. A lack of Alexx, although how he knew that he couldn’t say. He didn’t stop to analyze the need, just accepted it.

He reluctantly withdrew his fingers. Switching hands, he took the condom package and tore it open. Then he dipped two clean fingers into his own pre-cum. He’d used this often enough that he was more than familiar with the procedure. He unrolled the rubber onto his hard cock, and slid his lubed fingers over it, wetting it thoroughly before he took up a position inside of Alexx’s spread thighs. He moved his cock to Alexx’s opening, poised there, his eyes taking in the sight of Alexx splayed out before him. He’d not seen anything so beautiful, so amazing…in a very long time.

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