When Will I See You Again (21 page)

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Authors: Julie Lynn Hayes

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When Will I See You Again
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Slowly, he began to slide inside of Alexx.


Alexx had dreamed about this moment ever since he was first aware that he was attracted to men, not women, wondering what it would be like to be with his first lover. To make love for the first time. He’d always hoped that he would lose his virginity to
someone he cared about, but this…this went beyond his wildest dreams. To be with someone as sexy and amazing as Raoul Marchand exceeded his highest expectations. And he more than cared about Raoul. He was pretty sure he was in love with him. He expected nothing in return, would never make any demands. He would hold this moment in his heart forever, regardless of what happened afterward.

Raoul’s fingers touching him in such an intimate way had been pleasantly unexpected, and only slightly uncomfortable, as his body conformed to Raoul’s touch. But he knew what he wanted, and what he wanted more than anything was to be joined with Raoul in the closest way two men could be joined, and then it was happening, and he felt Raoul enter him, and he thought his heart would burst.

Raoul lifted Alexx’s legs, pushed them back against him.

Alexx instinctively understood, and hooked his arms around them himself, holding them up and out of the way. He felt himself opening up even more at Raoul’s entrance, felt him slide in as deeply as possible as he sheathed himself in his entirety inside of Alexx.

At first, Alexx felt an unaccustomed fullness at his presence that took his breath away. His body didn’t know what to make of this perceived intrusion, and tried to reject the newcomer, but he forced his breathing into a more normal cadence, and when he did he found that the discomfort went away, allowing his nerve endings to kick in, to respond to the pleasurable sensations that were making themselves evident.

“God, you feel good,” he whispered. “Kiss me, Raoul…


He wasn’t sure Raoul had heard, but then realized how silly
that thought was. Of course he’d heard. He had super sensitive hearing. Raoul ducked his head down, caught Alexx’s lips in his, and Alexx felt the passion, the synergy between them as they fused together and became one.

Alexx wriggled his hips and Raoul began to move in and out, establishing a rhythm between them that Alexx quickly matched.

Their movements became synchronous, as if they were following the steps of a familiar dance, one that was hard-wired into their brains.

“Harder,” Alexx urged and Raoul complied. The continued friction from their meshing bodies against Alexx’s weeping cock, trapped between them, sent him spiraling into his orgasm, although he held out as long as he could, wanted it to last forever, but there came a point where he couldn’t hold on and he felt himself release, crying out Raoul’s name as he did so, in the grandest, most intense, most completely satisfying orgasm he’d ever had.

His voice, caught up in the ecstasy of the moment, seemed to spur Raoul into a final frenzy of his own. He felt that Raoul was close. Something in Raoul’s body language told him it was time— the way his body seemed to tense, the way his eyes grew darker, his breathing coming in increasingly shorter gasps, and sure enough, a few thrusts later, Raoul arched his back and came.

Alexx’s only regret was for the latex between them. He wished to know Raoul without it, and he swore that he would see that happen. Soon.

Alexx watched Raoul’s beautiful face as he came, watched him caught up in the throes of ecstasy, his head thrown back, his long hair cascading like a dark waterfall to his waist, his lips parted breathily, Alexx’s name the only word he uttered, emptying himself inside the condom.
When he was done, he fell upon Alexx without warning, as if completely spent, and Alexx took him into his embrace and held onto him as tightly as he could, savoring the scent of his sweat, the fragrance that was strictly Raoul, as he nuzzled Raoul’s neck.

Please God
, he prayed,
don’t let this moment end…ever.
An impractical prayer, perhaps, but a heartfelt one.

When Raoul made a half-hearted attempt to roll off, Alexx clung all the more tightly.

“I’m too heavy,” Raoul protested.

“No, you’re not, you’re perfect, you feel just fine,” Alexx insisted, until Raoul gave up and stilled, his head lying on Alexx’s chest. Alexx could hear Raoul’s breathing even out, felt his own return to normal as they lay languidly together in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Alexx had nothing to compare it with, but he knew that they’d made love, not just had sex, and the knowledge went straight to his head, making him giddy, and his heart felt light, even if parts of his body ached from unaccustomed usage.

He slipped one hand into that long, dark hair, winding the strands about his fingers. “You should curl your hair, it would suit you so well,” he whispered.

He got no response, and glanced into Raoul’s face, but Raoul had fallen asleep. Alexx watched him for a few minutes. In repose, some of the fine lines on his forehead had smoothed out—the ones that seemed to be brought out by stress—and he looked far younger than his forty years. To Alexx, he simply looked perfect.

“I love you, Raoul,” he whispered daringly, confident in the knowledge that he could not be heard.

Closing his own eyes, he relaxed. All was right with the world, an inner balance had been achieved, one he’d sought all his life, and he quickly fell asleep as well.


Alexx was running through the dark, across an open field, the path he ran well lit by the brilliance of the large golden orb that hung on the horizon. Running brought him pleasure, suffusing his body with the physicality of setting one foot before the other in mindless action, an exuberance that more than matched his spirits, as well as his joie de vivre.

Turning his head, he saw the large black wolf hot on his heels.

He intuitively knew that the wolf was not putting forth his best effort, for if he did he’d easily leave Alexx far behind with powerful strides. But he was giving Alexx a fighting chance, and for that Alexx loved him. Besides, they weren’t racing, they were simply running together.

Alexx stopped to catch his breath, and the wolf stopped too,
waiting, expectant. Alexx reached toward the ground, picked up a stick. He held it aloft, a mischievous grin crossing his face.

“Wanna play fetch?”

He neither expected an answer to his question, nor did he receive one. He pulled back his arm and lobbed the stick as hard as he could, lofting it into the air. The wolf turned annoyed eyes upon him, before giving a sharp yip and disappearing after the stick, Alexx fast behind him.

And then everything changed—the grass was replaced by something far less firm and a lot wetter. The moon no longer exploded across the sky in all its reflected glory. A mere shadow of its former self, it was a slender crescent, casting a pale shadow upon the water.

Alexx dove beneath the surface, reveling in the feel of the soothing wetness against his skin. There was a certain peace to be found beneath the waves, especially in the still of the night. He held his breath for as long as he could until his lungs demanded he come up for air. He shook his head, clearing the water from his eyes.

A shadow crossed over the moon, dousing what little light it threw, and a vague unease washed over Alexx. He treaded water, the light splash of his hands as he moved them back and forth, sustaining his balance, the only sound. Something was wrong and he felt it.

“Raoul?” he cried out. “Raoul? Where are you?”

Without warning, he was yanked beneath the water. He fought against the grip that drew him down, struggled to stay afloat. His mouth filled with salty water. Desperately he tried to expel it as a terrible pressure built in his lungs. Something slammed against his head and then utter blackness claimed him.

Strong arms that wrapped about him, soft lips that caressed his skin, and a soothing voice brought Alexx out of his dream, back into reality.

“Shhh, shhh, I’m here. I’m here.”

“Something happened. Something was wrong. I called you, but I couldn’t find you.” A disoriented Alexx burrowed himself against Raoul’s strength, his heart racing.
It was just a dream, nothing but
a dream, quit being such a baby,
he admonished himself. His head pillowed against Raoul’s chest, he slowly came back to awareness of his surroundings, the scent of Raoul triggering memories of what had happened between them. The thought brought a smile to his face. They had made love together, and here they still were, in Raoul’s bed. How long had they been lying here asleep? He wondered.

“I’m here,” Raoul repeated, pressing a gentle kiss against Alexx’s lips. “Nothing to worry about. Other than dinner, that is.”

Dinner? Oh yeah, dinner. With Raoul’s parents. He’d almost forgotten.

“We’re not late, are we? Didn’t your father say to be there at nine?”

“He did.” Raoul grimaced. He threw back the sheet that covered them, but made no move to get out of the bed, rubbing small circles against Alexx’s back instead.

Alexx took the opportunity to openly admire that naked body again. He’d never seen such a beautiful sight in his life—Raoul was a veritable vision of loveliness. “Then I guess we should get dressed?” He wished they weren’t going. There was nothing he’d rather do than lie here in Raoul’s arms for as long as possible. He
knew that wasn’t going to happen, though. Philippe Marchand had been adamant about their being there, and he didn’t seem the sort of man to take no for an answer.

“How fancy
your family’s restaurant?” Apprehension evident in his voice, he stroked the dark curly hair on Raoul’s chest, garnering a suppressed moan from the other man when he touched one of his dusky nubs.

“If you keep doing that, I’m not sure we’ll even get to dinner.

It’s fairly fancy, but not overly so. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”

“I can’t help but worry. I’m not sure I have anything classy enough to wear,” Alexx fretted, glancing up into Raoul’s gray eyes. “I don’t want to embarrass you or anything.”

“You won’t.” Raoul frowned in thought, his brows furrowed.

“I’d give you something of mine, but my suits won’t fit you, I’m afraid.”

Alexx laughed. “Not hardly. You have a lot more body than I do. And I mean that in a good way.” He cast another admiring glance along Raoul’s naked form. “I’m just your average ninety-eight pound weakling.”

“You’re not that, and you’re also not a lycan. I have an idea.

Why don’t you jump in the shower and I’ll find you something to wear?”

“Why don’t you jump in with me? You know the old adage— save water, shower with a friend?”

Raoul traced the contour of Alexx’s lips with one finger. Alexx caught the finger and kissed it gently. “If I did that, then I know we’d never get to the restaurant. At least, not in any fashion that might be considered timely.” The look of desire on Raoul’s face was unmistakable, and Alexx’s body grew hot and cold in rapid succession at the knowledge that Raoul wanted him so very much,

“Maybe later?” he suggested hopefully.

“Definitely later,” Raoul growled. “Go ahead. You’ll find clean towels hanging up. I’ll have your clothes ready when you get out, then I’ll take a quick shower myself and get dressed. Once I find the proper suit for an inquisition, that is.”

“Inquisition? What do you mean?”

“I mean that my father has a lot of questions for me, under the guise of a family meal.”

“It’ll be all right,” Alexx reassured him. “You’ve done nothing wrong. Surely he’ll see that?”

“He sees a lot of things. It’s hard to tell what he’ll make of anything.” Raoul shrugged.

“Maybe he’ll have some advice, you know? I’m sure he only wants what’s best for you.”

“I’m sure he does. Now scoot, before I change my mind, and make love to you all over again.”

Alexx rolled over, sliding to the edge of the bed. “Is that a promise or a threat?” he riposted. Laughing, he scampered out of the bedroom, pausing in the doorway just long enough to give Raoul one last admiring glance. He blew him a kiss, then turned down the hallway. He wasn’t sure which door was the bathroom.

He tried the next door over, but it didn’t give to his touch. Locked.

That can’t be it. The door at the end of the hall was slightly ajar, and he caught a glimpse of bathroom fixtures.

Right the second time.

Alexx didn’t bother to close the door. No sense in letting steam build up, not when Raoul would be right after him. It was a small, but functional bathroom, with a combination bathtub/shower. As he stepped inside and adjusted the water temperature, he couldn’t
help but wonder if there was enough room for both of them.

He had a feeling there would be.

The hot water helped to ease some of the discomfort in his nether region. The unaccustomed soreness was fading into a more palatable glow, one reminiscent of earlier events. From living at the boarding house, he’d learned not to linger in the shower, lest he earn the rough side of his landlady’s tongue. Brevity was everything, as was saving hot water for other residents. He quickly but thoroughly washed himself, focusing on the task at hand, although it wasn’t easy, knowing a naked Raoul was so close by, and so very desirable.

He stepped from the shower, quickly dried off with one of the large towels, then tied it about his slender hips. He rubbed at his wet hair with a second, smaller towel, as he padded the short distance to the bedroom. Raoul had been as good as his word. A light gray pinstripe suit was laid out on the bed, along with a pale blue shirt, and matching socks. Before he could ask how he’d acquired these clothes, Raoul bustled by him, gave him a quick kiss before he flew through the door. Distracted by the sight of his muscular ass sashaying away from him, once Raoul disappeared into the bathroom, it was too late to ask. Alexx shrugged. Why look a gift horse in the mouth?

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