When Work Is a Pleasure (7 page)

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Authors: Alix Bekins

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: When Work Is a Pleasure
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And with Justin standing next to him in black jeans and a black mesh shirt that should have looked ridiculous but When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


instead looked unbelievably sexy? Well, they looked pretty damned amazing together.

IT WASN’T terribly flattering how much Garrett’s friends teased him about looking decent for once or their jokes about how on earth Garrett had convinced such a gorgeous guy to join him. Justin just laughed, though, wrapping an arm around Garrett’s waist and kissing his cheek, making Garrett fumble through the introductions.

It was interesting to watch Justin’s personality shift. He was laid-back, if flirty, when it was just the two of them, but it was like Justin turned the volume all the way up when he was in a crowd. Not out of nerves, either, the way Garrett sometimes did, but rather soaking up the attention, blossoming under it into a highly seductive, sensual man.

Sexual. You couldn’t not notice him when he was like this, and by the time he’d dragged Garrett out to the dance floor, almost every guy in the place seemed to be watching him.

Not that Garrett blamed them. Justin was gorgeous, and he was a damn good dancer, moving and twisting his hips and shoulders in a sinuous way that made it impossible not to think about fucking. He touched the men dancing around him, fleeting little strokes of his fingertips, holding eye contact long enough to capture their attention, and then turned to the next guy. It was harmless flirting, Garrett knew, so he didn’t feel too jealous—Justin was definitely touching and looking at him as well—but something felt off about it. Justin was definitely having a good time, but… it was like a performance.

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


Like “Alec.”

Ah. He was dancing with a porn star. And “Alec” was seducing every guy on the dance floor, suggesting sex, if not exactly offering. And sure, Garrett was a little irritated to not be the sole focus of all that attention, but…
, Justin was hot. And Garrett wasn’t really objecting to watching.

Some of his thoughts must have shown on his face because Justin turned around, and in a very Alec-like move, pressed his hips and thighs against Garrett’s, moving them both a few steps to the right. Another solid body pressed up behind Garrett’s backside and rough hands came up to caress his chest while Justin ground his body against Garrett’s front, effectively sandwiching Garrett between Justin and some stranger. He resisted for a second, then let out a deep breath, and consciously decided to go with it.

What could it hurt, after all? It was just dance-floor grinding.

Nothing to get worked up about.

Garrett’s dick disagreed. Vehemently.

Justin chuckled into his neck. “You seriously need to get laid more often.”

Garrett nodded. He was on board with that plan. He groaned as the stranger’s hands found his nipples and began to tease them while Justin licked and sucked at his neck.

Garrett’s hands found Justin’s waist, pulling him closer and rubbing their erections together, resting more of his weight on the guy behind him. He felt a little bad about using the nameless guy, but significantly less so when the stranger molded himself to Garrett’s ass and started grinding his cock against him.

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


The beat of the music was drowned out by the pulse of blood in Garrett’s veins, although a few sounds began to sink into his consciousness: snickers and whistles, scattered applause, and a few shouts to keep going. “Undress him!”

someone shouted, and that finally broke through the fog of lust clouding Garrett’s usually modest sensibilities. He squirmed—which had the opposite of the desired effect, making both men pressed against him groan—and he had to resort to pushing them away a little more forcefully than he’d intended.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, turning to the unknown guy and getting a look at him for the first time. “Just need some, uh, air.”

“Sure thing, sweetheart,” the older, heavily muscled man said with a slight smile. “Me and Pretty Boy will be here when you get back.”

Garrett tried not to raise his eyebrows at the other man’s presumption but failed. They shot up a moment later when Justin wrapped his arm around Garrett’s waist.

“He looks a little unsteady on his feet. I’m going to make sure he’s all right,” Justin winked, before leaning over to give the beefcake guy a kiss on the cheek. With a surprising combination of skill and authority, he cleared a path off the dance floor and out the door, leading Garrett by the arm.

The bracing air outside quickly cooled the sweat on Garrett’s body, making him shiver. Or maybe that was arousal, since Justin was still plastered to his side, one hand on Garrett’s stomach, the other arm around his back, a hand on his shoulder, fingers idly stroking a sensitive spot on Garrett’s neck.

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


He might have moaned a little.

“Damn, Garrett. You get so wound up so fast. You haven’t gotten laid in a good long while, have you?” The purr of Justin’s voice was making it impossible for Garrett’s heartbeat to slow down to anything approaching normal.

“You’re practically vibrating, your body just beggin’ for touch. I want to give it to you, if you’ll let me. Will you?”

He could have been asking for a kidney and Garrett would still have moaned and nodded.

“Wanna go back to your place and fuck you for hours.

Would you like that?” Justin asked, unwrapping his arms from Garrett’s body only to press him up against the brick wall and fit their torsos together, knees to shoulders. He traced Garrett’s lips with one finger, eyebrows asking without words. Garrett nodded.

Justin’s lips were soft, softer than any lips he’d kissed before, a shock against the slight five o’clock shadow Justin had carefully left on his jaw. The contact was amazing, to say nothing of the skill. Justin kissed perfectly, not too desperate but not teasing, asking but not tentative, finally ending by letting Garrett take control. Justin moaned as Garrett wrapped his hands around Justin’s skull, tipping his head back just a little before sliding his tongue inside Justin’s welcoming mouth and stroking them together.

“Oh fuck,” Garrett gasped when he had to break apart for air.

“Sounds good. Do we need to go say anything to your buddies or should I just hail a cab?” Justin asked, grinning.

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


Glancing at the door, Garrett pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to one of his friends. “Okay, I guess we can go.”

The cab ride was short. Justin stayed on his side of the bench seat and kept his hands to himself. He was good all the way up to Garrett’s apartment, only crowding into his space enough so that Garrett could feel his body heat as he unlocked the door, but not at all aggressively. Once the door was shut, though, the good manners vanished. Justin had him pinned against it in less than a second, bodies melded together exactly the way they had against the wall outside the club.

Unfortunately, this time Garrett’s brain was working.

The upstairs one. Sort of.

“Wait.” His hands pushed Justin back by the shoulders.

“I don’t think we should do this.”

The words hung there in the silence, like neither of them could quite believe what he’d said. God, what was wrong with him?

“What? Why?”

With a helpless shrug, Garrett let his head fall back against the wall, his eyes closing. The truth was all he could think of, because holy shit, he wanted Justin. There was really only one good reason to turn down what would be amazing sex with the most gorgeous guy he’d ever met,

And it was kind of pathetic, but there it was: his stupid crush.

“Look, I really… like you.”

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


“And that’s a problem?” The tone of Justin’s voice made Garrett wish for a hole in the floor to disappear into.

“Sort of, yeah.” His hands fisted in his hair. “I don’t really do the casual sex thing.”

There was a long pause, during which Garrett adamantly refused to open his eyes.

,” Justin said, figuring it out. “Um. Okay.”

A longer pause followed, during which Garrett wondered why there was never a spectacularly huge earthquake or other natural disaster when you needed one. Without his being aware of it, his fingers began twisting knots into his hair.

“No, hey, don’t do that,” Justin scolded in a soft tone, his hands coming up to stop Garrett’s movements. He tipped Garrett’s face down and waited until Garrett opened his eyes. “I like you too. So, uh, maybe we can just do this slowly?” he offered, mouth curving up into a smile.

“Slowly?” Garrett thought about that for all of a second and a half, totally skipping over the part where Justin said he liked him because wow that was… too big for thinking about just now. “Yeah, slow sounds great,” he said with a slight chuckle, “except for the part where I think I might explode because I want you so much. You’re so sexy, so…

desirable. But some of that’s ‘Alec’, and it’s Justin I want in my bed.”

A soft expression on his face, Justin leaned in close.

“You can have the real me,” he said, brushing his lips against Garrett’s.

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


Groaning, Garrett pulled Justin close and kissed him, feeling something inside let go, open up, stop holding back.

Justin said he liked him, and he was fucking amazing, and Garrett was tired of struggling against his idiotic feelings.


“Still sure you wanna go slow?” Justin asked, nibbling his way down Garrett’s throat as his hands slid under Garrett’s shirt and caressed his chest.

Garrett couldn’t help moaning and pulling Justin’s hips close enough to grind together, falling back into what was becoming a familiar position, braced up against the wall.

“Um. No? I mean, yes. I mean, I want. God, I want you. But yeah. Slow. Please?”

Justin laughed. “Slow’s fine. It’s a novelty for me. I like it. I like you,” he added, pushing up Garrett’s T-shirt and helping him take it off. He licked along the ridge of Garrett’s collarbone and then bit lightly at the sharp bone.

It was too much. It was perfect. The only bad thing was that Garrett’s hands were still touching clothes, and while Justin looked damn good in his clothes, he looked even better naked. And Garrett could have that. In the flesh. For real. The thought had him involuntarily jerking his hips against Justin, moaning.

Justin reached down to unfasten Garrett’s jeans, asking, “Is this okay?”

“I guess?”

“You guess?”

Garrett nodded. “I’m gonna have to jerk off anyway before I can go to sleep, and I’ll be wishing it was you, so…

When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


yeah. It’s okay. I mean, please, yes. Touch me. Touch me again, like you did at the fair.”

“Mmmm…. You were so fucking sexy, you know? I know you were uncomfortable with everyone watching, holding back, and I didn’t wanna push you, but goddamn, I wanted you to let go, give me more. Will you do that tonight? Right here, in your hallway, just for me?”

Garrett wasn’t capable of a verbal reply to that, but Justin easily translated his strangled noises. “Not fair,” he mumbled, clumsy fingers pulling at Justin’s mesh shirt.

“Wanna touch you too.”

“That can be arranged.”

In moments Justin’s shirt was on the floor, his shoes toed off, jeans open and pushed down enough for them to rub at each other through the soft cotton of their underwear.

Garrett moaned his appreciation, grabbing Justin by the hips and then ass, grinding together until he was breathless and shaking so hard he was grateful for the wall behind him.

Or would have been, if he’d spared a moment to think about it.

They fell into a steady rhythm, Justin rubbing the length of his dick against Garrett’s and dragging the tip against the sensitive spot just under the head of Garrett’s cock. In response, Garrett slid his hands down the back of Justin’s boxer briefs, feeling the smooth skin of his ass. The image of his hands on that perfect ass that he’d watched in so many films, almost undid him.

“Oh God. Close,” he whined.

“Already? Damn, boy. I love how eager you are. How you sound, just for me. Don’t hold back. You can have this again When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins


any time you want it,” Justin said. He moved his hips away just enough to slide his hand down between them, catching Garrett’s erection in a firm grip.

Swearing, Garrett let the sensation of Justin’s hand on his dick send him over the edge. He came in long pulses, shuddering hard as Justin milked it out of him, soaking through his underwear. He struggled for breath, pressed between Justin and the wall, feeling the other man’s cock pressing against his hip.

Justin pulled back enough to let Garrett pant for air.

“Your come smells good,” he said, eyes dark with arousal while his lips quirked into a slight smile. He raised his hand to his mouth and ran his tongue along his fingers.

Garrett whimpered again. “You’re going to completely kill me,” he said, shaking his head. One steadying breath later, he gathered enough of his brainpower to manhandle Justin so their positions were reversed.

Justin barely had time to ask “What?” before Garrett was kneeling and pulling Justin’s jeans and boxer briefs all the way down. He gave the gorgeous, thick cock in front of him a few pulls, but what he really wanted was to suck Justin, so he did. He felt hands petting his hair as Justin relaxed into the support of the wall, spreading his legs slightly. Garrett took that as a cue to stroke his fingers along Justin’s balls, a little surprised by how smooth they were.

“Oh, that’s good,” Justin encouraged.

One hand working the bottom of the shaft, the other gently playing with Justin’s balls, Garrett was deeply gratified by the noises the other man was making, the tiny little jerks of his hips as he resisted the urge to thrust When Work Is a Pleasure |
Alix Bekins

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