Read Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? (17 page)

BOOK: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
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While Mr Cook extolled the virtues of a Californian Chardonnay, Grayson edged his hand beneath Lauren’s black skirt. Her stockings ended halfway up her thigh leaving plenty of warm bare flesh exposed to his touch. He slid his fingers higher, searching for the soft curve between her buttocks. She shivered and pressed against him.
His fingertips brushed a soft dense fabric which felt like velvet. He ran a finger down the soft scrap of material until it became something else. A soft silk ribbon barely concealed the female delights between Lauren’s thighs before joining again with the velvet just past her sex.
Grayson exhaled, wondering what colour the tiny G-string was and how it would feel against his mouth and his cock. The sleekness of the satin and the softness of the velvet made his fingers itch to pull up her skirt and take a closer look.
He winced as his shaft jammed against the zipper of his suddenly tight-fitting pants. Decorum and his promise to seduce Lauren with discretion made his first choice of action impossible. But he’d make sure Lauren paid for his reluctant acquiescence somehow.
He withdrew his hand as the guests moved forwards. ‘Very nice, Lauren. Silk and velvet, my favourite flavours. I can’t wait to taste them.’
Lauren glanced at him over her shoulder, her face flushed from his gentle exploration. ‘That’s up to you, isn’t it?’
He pulled her back against him, letting her feel the size of his erection against the swell of her bottom. ‘Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m working on it. You’ll come around and I’ll be tasting you very soon.’
Lauren stiffened as Gray slid his hand inside the back of her dress and over her buttocks once again. He opened his fingers wide, his long middle finger settling over the central silk section of Lauren’s panties. Gray began to rub the tip of his finger over the satin, smiling as Lauren’s breath hitched. The slight delineation of her clit swelled under his careful ministrations.
Soon the ribbon was wet. After another stealthy glance around and then at their oblivious host, Gray brought his other hand up to Lauren’s breast. Her nipple was already hard for him. He squeezed firmly through the fabric of her dress and whispered, ‘I thought you were supposed to be making this difficult for me? You’re already wet and wanting aren’t you?’
Lauren didn’t reply and Gray stroked her nipple in time to his questing, stroking finger below. ‘I remember you letting me make love to you in my barn, where anyone could’ve come in and seen us.’ He paused and pressed the pad of his finger directly onto Lauren’s sex. ‘Do you like the thought of getting caught, Lauren? Does it turn you on?’
‘Grayson . . .’ Lauren’s whisper was so faint, he had to bend his head to hear her. He ran the tip of his tongue around her ear and bit gently on the lobe. Just like that, he felt her come, without him even getting a fingertip inside her. He smiled into her neck, supporting her weight as she shuddered and shook beneath his hands.
‘That’s right, honey, come for me. You’ll be doing it again soon when I get my mouth on you.’
Lauren looked around to see if anyone had noticed what she and Grayson were doing. To her relief, everyone seemed unaware, their attention respectfully fixed on Mr Cook just as hers should be. Unable to resist reminding Grayson that he was vulnerable too, she leant her hip against his groin and made a slow circle around his huge erection. His breath hissed out and she smiled in the darkness.
She inhaled the oaky smell of wine barrels and the slight hint of decaying fruit and hoped it masked the scent of her arousal. As the group moved into another section of the cellar, Grayson took her hand and ducked into one of the narrow passageways stacked with wine bottles. He pinned her to the brick wall and slid his hand between her legs.
Lauren tried not to gasp as he inserted one long finger inside her tight welcoming sheath. His mouth descended over hers, blocking any sounds, moving in the same unhurried pattern as his finger. Her excitement began to build again and she tried to bring him closer.
To her annoyance, he shook his head and withdrew from her. With a wicked grin he licked his finger clean and held out his hand. Lauren was suddenly aware of the low sound of Mr Cook’s voice not five feet away and the coldness of the wall at her back.
She ignored his hand and walked back out into the main cellar just in time to pick up a glass of wine from the barrel in front of Mr Cook. The wine tasted of the sharpness of fresh apples and a hint of honey. She picked up another glass and handed it to Grayson who had appeared at her shoulder.
‘You’ll like this. It tastes like you.’
Grayson made a face and then tasted the wine. ‘I taste like apples?’ He lowered his voice. ‘If that’s the case, you’d think that more women would enjoy going down on a man.’
Lauren tried not to laugh. Grayson’s ability to joke about anything was one of the things she treasured about him. Her father only saw a joke when it was at someone else’s expense.
‘We’ll move on to the red wines now.’ Mr Cook favoured his guests with a gracious smile. ‘If anyone needs to visit the restrooms on the first floor, this would be a good time to go.’
Grayson took Lauren’s hand and set off back up the cellar stairs. ‘Grayson, I don’t need to go to the bathroom.’
‘Neither do I, darlin’.’
He nodded at the butler who had remained stationed in the hall and set off down a long carpeted corridor. Lauren blinked as he turned under the stairs and switched on the light in a small but elaborately decorated Victorian bathroom.
‘How did you know where to find this place?’
Grayson locked the door and leant against it. ‘I’ve been in a few of these houses before. There’s only a certain number of places you can fit bathrooms in these old floor plans.’
The room shrank with Grayson in it. Lauren took an uncertain step back and bumped against the vanity unit. Grayson gave her a predatory smile that set her pulses racing.
‘That’s perfect, Lauren.’ He put his hands around her waist and lifted her off the floor. She found herself sitting on the edge of the narrow marble countertop, clutching at Grayson for support. He knelt between her legs and pushed them wide with his broad shoulders.
‘Thank you, God. How did you know that I love black velvet and black ribbon?’ He sat back on his heels and looked up at Lauren. ‘I know we can’t be away for too long, but I’m sure as hell going to get a taste of you before we have to go back.’
The first gliding pass of his tongue over the narrow wet silk of her inadequate panties made her clutch at his hair. He growled deep in his throat and sucked on her through the fabric. Closing her eyes, Lauren rested her feet on his broad shoulders and opened herself wide to his questing tongue.
His roughened cheek grazed her inner thigh. ‘I’ve missed touching you. I’ve woken up hard every night thinking of you in my bed.’
Lauren tugged at his hair, willing him to stop talking and finish touching her. She was close to coming again. He used a finger to drag the scrap of silk to one side and then his mouth descended on her unprotected flesh. She fought a scream as his tongue drove inside her. The cream and gold of the bathroom wallpaper began to swirl and dance in front of her heated gaze as Grayson’s teeth grazed her clit, pushing her over into orgasm.
He waited until she stopped pulsing against his mouth and then slowly got to his feet. With a flick of his finger, he set her panties straight. He placed his hands on either side of the wall behind her and leant in to kiss her. She could taste herself on his tongue.
He brushed his lower lip against hers. ‘Don’t pretend you don’t want me, Lauren. We’re not finished yet. Before this evening’s out you’re going to beg me to push my cock into your mouth. You’re going to beg me to make love to you.’
Lauren brought both her hands up and pushed hard on Grayson’s chest. Dammit, Ella would be furious with her for giving in so easily. She was supposed to be showing Grayson how sophisticated and unimpressed she was. Unfortunately, whenever she tried to pick up the pace he seemed quite happy to speed up along with her. She had to do something.
She reached behind her back and turned on the faucet. Cupping her hand, she allowed the water to fill it. With a sweet smile she flung the cold water in Grayson’s face. ‘Perhaps you’re the one who needs to cool down. I don’t beg for anything.’
Grayson straightened until he seemed to fill the room. Droplets of water hung from his long eyelashes and settled like dew on his lips. His tongue came out and licked some of the moisture away. He studied her for a long while before wiping his face with a towel.
‘There’s a first time for everything, Lauren.’
Trying to ignore him, Lauren slid down from the vanity unit and pretended to be busy straightening her dress. She tried to step aside as Grayson moved forwards to wash his hands. He trapped her against the wall, his slate-blue eyes narrowed and considering.
‘Perhaps I’ll be the first to beg. You’d like that, Lauren. Imagine. Me on my knees, my cock wet and hard begging for you.’
Lauren swallowed hard and dredged up a cool smile. ‘Perhaps I would.’
Chapter Sixteen
Lauren waited in the hallway until Grayson retrieved her coat and helped her into it. His fingers brushed her bare skin and she fought to control an urge to turn into his arms and simply breathe him in. The lights on her father’s borrowed limo flashed outside and Lauren remembered Ella’s instructions.
She couldn’t take Grayson home yet. She was supposed to pretend that her average Friday night extended into the small hours. Lauren smothered a yawn. These days she was often in bed by eleven. What was odd was that she didn’t even miss the clubs and the bars any more. She wasn’t worried about Grayson holding up. He looked as if he could keep going all night. She was worried about herself.
Ella appeared at the bottom of the tiled steps that led up to the massive glass front door. Lauren buttoned her coat and went down to greet her.
‘How did it go?’ Ella hissed as she opened the door of the limo.
‘Grayson seems to be enjoying everything I do. The more outrageous I become, the more he seems to like it.’
Ella looked thoughtful. ‘He seems to be quite a nice guy and he’s definitely not stupid.’
Lauren bit her lip. ‘Are you sure we should go through with this? Perhaps he really is unshockable.’
Ella made a face. ‘We’ll see about that. I’m taking you to Caspar’s next. Then we’ll know for sure.’
Lauren didn’t have time to reply as Grayson sauntered down the steps, hands in his pockets. ‘Evening, Ella.’
Ella smiled and stepped away from the car. ‘Good evening, Mr Turner.’
He got into the car and took the seat opposite Lauren. Ella shut the door behind him, leaving them enclosed in luxurious silence. Lauren watched him sprawl against the leather seat. He looked far more at ease than she did. For a wild moment she contemplated crawling across the space that separated them, burying her head in his lap and begging him to take her back to the ranch.
She’d been shocked by the wave of pure lust that had shaken her when he’d arrived in her office. It had taken all her resolve not to strip naked and wrap herself around him. He was even more handsome than she remembered and nicer too. His concern for her a living breathing thing that made her feel encircled with love. How could she throw that unique sensation away just because she was afraid of repeating her mother’s mistakes?
Dismayed at her own thoughts, Lauren simply stared. Grayson stared back. One eyebrow rose as he contemplated her rigid stance.
‘How far is it to your apartment?’
Lauren cleared her throat. ‘We’re not going to my apartment yet.’
Grayson went still. ‘I thought you said . . .’
‘But it’s only ten thirty. I never go home this early on a Friday night.’ Lauren pretended to pout as Grayson’s expression hardened. ‘Are you too tired to join me? I could always drop you off at a hotel and meet you in the morning.’
Grayson rubbed a hand along the line of his jaw and sat back. He stretched his long legs out until his booted foot brushed the tips of her open-toed sandals. ‘That’s OK. I’ll come with you. I can always sleep in tomorrow.’
Lauren struggled to look enthusiastic. She almost wished he’d disagreed with her and demanded to be taken to a convenient hotel. At least then she could’ve gone home and crawled into bed.
Lauren knocked on the glass panel that separated her from Ella. ‘Can you take us to Caspar’s?’
Ella looked delighted. ‘Yes, ma’am, Caspar’s it is.’
Grayson studied Lauren through half-closed eyes. What the hell was going on? Had he missed something? Admittedly, he didn’t know Lauren well, but this new incarnation puzzled him. He hadn’t reckoned her for an all-night-party kind of girl. Running a business was hard work. If she was as successful as she claimed, he couldn’t imagine where she got all her energy from.
Perhaps she had a personality disorder and he was finally getting to see her dark side. The thought made him smile. He looked out of the window to avoid Lauren seeing it. If she was some kind of crazy lady, better to find out now rather than six months down the line. And what kind of relationship did she have with her female chauffeur? They seemed rather too close in Grayson’s opinion.
He nudged Lauren’s toe with his boot but she refused to look at him, her attention fixed on the streets slipping by outside. Perhaps she took drugs and this was how she was when she got high. Grayson sniggered at where his imagination had taken him. He’d seen Lauren naked and she didn’t have the look of a woman being consumed from the inside like one of his old girlfriends in LA.
When the car stopped, he waited for Lauren to get out ahead of him. The red-brick building they stood beside was dark and windowless. Steam rose from a manhole cover in the centre of the street giving the place an other-worldly feel. Lauren pointed to a set of rickety steps leading down to a basement.
BOOK: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
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