Whisper In The Dark (The McKinnon Legends-- The American Men Book One) (19 page)

BOOK: Whisper In The Dark (The McKinnon Legends-- The American Men Book One)
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“Thank you, but I’ll pass. You have George to deal with, and he is enough of a house guest to make up for the two of us.”

Robert framed her face with hands she knew could crush her yet felt tender anytime he touched her.

“Kate, for God’s sake, don’t be so hardheaded. You’re no trouble, well maybe a little when you dig your heels in, but I want you here,” he said kissing her forehead.

“Robert. I can’t stay here. I owe you so much already.”

“All right, I’ll play it your way and I’ll shove charity aside. It is still the most logical solution.”

Why, she wondered?

“It makes my job easier. After last night I will need to place more security around you, and I cannot do my job effectively with you in that burned out shell of a ranch. Here, at my own home, I can watch you with minimal effort.”

“I have the animals to care for,” she countered.

“I’ve taken care of that detail. Ed Rider is looking after the stock.” He quickly removed that as a reason for her to feel the need to be at the ranch.

“Robert, there is no need in expending your resources. I can’t afford to pay you, so I can’t contract your services.”

“George signed a contract with McKinnon-Bride Security Services on your behalf and his. He can pay,” he said flatly.

"He is an old man working on a dead farm. What could he have possibly to serve as payment?”

He had only agreed to a monetary sum to allow George to keep his pride. He would never accept money. George did not have to know that right this minute and neither did she.

“He has his sources. Besides, I gave him a really good deal,” he grinned hoping to disarm her. It was a good deal at five dollars a day plus George's promise to help with the spring round up just around the corner.

“So now I truly am just a job to you,” she said trying to hide her hurt and distrustful feelings.

That set him on edge. If she did not trust him then that was her shortcoming.

He took two steps toward her closing the gap between them, pinning her hips to the dresser. Drilling holes through her he looked into her eyes. He was letting her see the fire and desire burning deep and strong in his soul for her.

“I thought we settled this last night. You are more than just a job to me.”

The way he said it scared her to death. He was implying things she wanted, yet could not afford to hope for, nor was she willing to give. She needed room to breathe emotionally.

“You are more to me than just a job, Katherine,” he repeated his statement.

She could not have a man like Robert. He would be sought out and chased by the Candice Reslingers of the world, and even though she had much to offer, Robert was out of her league. So she did the only thing she knew to do to protect herself. She came out swinging.

“Oh, that’s right. I now possess the only remaining knowledge of what was in the code book. I’m the X which marks the spot,” she lashed out verbally in hopes to make him withdraw.

It worked.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he said pushing off the dresser. “You are just a ticket to treasure. Get dressed, Kate. Supper is getting cold.”

Turning and walking out of his room, she picked up the closest thing she could find to throw at the closing door. Her hand closed around an object that she had forgotten even existed. It was one of a matching set, its mate lost for the ages, if not before the fire, then certainly after.

Instantly, it threw her back to a day so many years past. She was five years old again and recovering from the chicken pox. With her mother gone, Betty McKinnon, Robert’s mother, had been taking care of her that week. Covered in Calamine lotion and bored to tears, Betty had devised activities to keep her occupied. A professional artisan and potter, Betty had let her play in the clay. She had proudly presented her creation to Robert who had accepted it with more grace than one would expect from an adolescent boy.

I made this for you, Robert, I made one for Kyle, too.”

So I see. And I’m sure this piece will have many functions. What did you have in mind for my piece, Katie Bug?”

Can’t you tell? It is to hold your dreams, silly.”

To hold my dreams, huh?”

Yeah, so they don’t ever get lost.”


She remembered how he thanked her. He opened it up, pretended to place a dream inside, and then kissed her on top of her head which was the only place not covered with calamine. She wondered what a seventeen-year-old Robert’s dreams would have been, and if they had ever come to pass? Or did they get lost along the way?

“So they don’t ever get lost,” she said holding the childlike container and clutching it to her heart. “Oh, Kyle,” she breathed in her tears. “Whatever happened to your dreams? And whatever happened to mine?”


Chapter 30

Supper was a silent, awkward affair with little or no conversation unless absolutely necessary. Everyone was absorbed in their own thoughts outwardly giving little attention to the ones around them.

Chase and George were very aware of the negative tension crackling between Robert and Kate. Something had happened between them and Chase thought he knew.

Poor bastard. Glad it is him and not me, he thought.

Robert was displaying all the classic signs of a McKinnon man in love. And just like so many other McKinnon women before her, Kate was fighting it, futile as it may be.

The table cleared, Robert politely and quickly excused himself for the evening hoping to find some solitude in his study. Having the argument with Kate was unsettling, leaving him to wonder if she was ever going to let him in her heart and how best to break her shell. Somehow, he had to show her he was not like her ex-husband, he was not like Brice, or any other man for that matter. He was a McKinnon and even if he knew they could be royal jackasses at times, McKinnon men were good men. She would eventually come to see he had honorable intentions toward her. He had her best interest in mind.

“She’s not worth it, Robbie,” Chase broke into his thoughts.

Robert looked up from his scotch. “I did not ask for your unbiased opinion.”

Chase decided to toy and have a little fun with Robert. “Maybe not, but I feel it my duty to point out the obvious.”

“In your book no woman is worth any effort, so keep your mouth shut or get out of my study. I’m not in the mood for your commentary.”

Robert was in an unusually foul mood. These times were rare, but not completely unseen. Chase continued undaunted by his older brother’s threats of emasculation. He sat down adjacent to Robert’s seat then picked up the latest issue of
. Absently thumbing through the pages, he propped his feet on the leather footstool, long legs crossed at the ankles.

, as you call it, is one I religiously live by and I like my life all the more for it. I say all you need to do is have sex with her and get her out of you system. Easy fix,” Chase said flipping through the pages.

“Your answer for everything, I see,” Robert was not amused.

“Well, if not the answer then at least you get a good time. She is hot, Bro. She has those legs that go clean up to there,” he gestured with his hands over his head. “They could wrap around a man twice. Probably squeeze him into oblivion.”

“Chase,” Robert warned growling deeply.

Chase failed to heed or more likely chose to ignore his warning. With Chase, Robert didn’t always know which way the pendulum swung.

Chase knew he was dancing around a hot fire and did not care. It was fun to poke the bear.

“Damn, did you see the way she was tenderly biting into that steak tonight at dinner? Nice white teeth, sexy little dimples, and firm little kittens.” Chase held his hands out in front of his chest.

“Shut your mouth, Chase. You are a Neanderthal and have no respect for women. Dad and Mom are probably rolling over in their graves. And for the record, she is not a piece of meat.” Robert felt his blood pressure rising.

Chase shook his head correcting him.

“No, not meat. She is a fine piece of ass. Hey, if you don’t make a move on her, can I? The way I figure it with her grieving and vulnerable, it makes her prime real estate. I’ll make her forget her woes.”

Chase knew he had just poked the bear one too many times.

Robert jerked him up by the shirt collar.

The brothers were face to face, only inches separating them. Robert was furious as he gritted his teeth.

“Stay away from her or I’ll...”

Chase was calm. “Or you will what, Robert? What will you do? Kill me? Beat me to a pulp? And all for what? Looking at a woman you have no intention of making yours? You’re a damn dog in the manger, Robbie.”

Robert turned him loose shoving him back into the chair. He saw what his brother had been doing too late. Chase had been baiting him, and he took it hook, line, and sinker.

Chase figured playtime was over. His brother needed a piece of serious advice where Kate was concerned.

“Robert, I’m here to tell you, either stake your claim or get off the range. She is special; even I can sense that about her. And if
Neanderthal Man
here can sense it, then so can others. And rest assured there will be others to try and gain her for their own.” He paused. “By the way, you cut me deep, man, deep. I’m not a Neanderthal. I’m Cro-Magnon man,” he grinned.

Robert understood at a deeper elemental level that Chase had a valid point. There would be others sniffing around. She was a lovely woman. There would be those who might be innocent enough in their intentions, but there were those who would definitely be after her for much more sordid and selfish reasons. Most would see her only for the fortune she represented. The fact she was easy on the eyes was just an added bonus. Robert watched as Chase poured a drink, helping himself to a bottle of his finest whisky from behind the wet bar.

“She is my client and I never get involved,” Robert reasoned.

“You did with Candi so why not Kate?” Chase was bound and determined to shoot down in flames any argument Robert had.

“Just trust me that I cannot make a claim just yet, Chase. Not now. The way must be clear and free for me. I have to be sure it is not just the dire circumstances she is in right now making me crazy for her.” He was trying hard to convince himself he was doing the right thing.

“Yeah, I know how we McKinnon men are with women and their damn needs. So I can understand, but only up to a point, Robert. And she never will understand.” Chase downed his glass in one motion and went in for another shot.

Robert shook his head. “Hell, I left Kate high and dry and ran off to Candice because she called in a so-called dilemma that turned out to be nothing.”

“Well, there is history there between you and Candi.”

“You can say that again. And I’m not one-hundred percent sure I made that run only because I made a promise to her father, either. What we had together was definitely a love-hate thing, and when we clicked, it was great.” He ran his hands quickly several times over his face and through his hair. Shaking his head, he was trying to decide if there were any romantic feelings left for Candice. The woman was beautiful. Nevertheless, she was scary. Yet, he still felt responsible for her. Go figure?

“And that is history I have no intention of repeating either for reasons which have nothing to do with Kate. I am not in love with Kate, and I certainly do not love Candice. Yet there I was finding myself in Mexico, on the roof top with a naked, hysterical woman who was prepared to jump all because I passed her security off to another detail and was not taking care of her security needs personally.”

“And I thought I was the only one to drive them over the edge.” Chase's dry humor helped, but not enough to pull him out of his stupor.

“I have to be sure, Chase, not only for my sake, but Kate's, too. The last thing I want is for Katherine to find down the road she is saddled to a man she really does not want. I have to be certain her choice is hers and not one thrust upon her. She may feel she has no other choice at the moment.” Robert also knew he wanted a woman who would love him and be there for him.

“I think you’re selling her short, Robert, and that is not usually like you. I think she is tough and resourceful,” Chase countered.

“So then my waiting for a while won’t be an issue. It is the more honorable thing to do,” Robert reasoned.

“And will that honor of yours be a comfort when someone else beats you to her and most likely won’t give a flying purple pig about her space, her needs, or her choice?”

Robert looked hard at his brother. There was not many times he ever recalled seeing Chase serious in a conversation revolving around the fairer sex. That made him pause. Usually, women were there for one thing alone: amusement. Chase loved women, treated them well and showered them with attention, but he was never serious about them, not his own women and certainly never Robert's. Yet, here Chase was giving him advice on committing to a woman.

An oxymoronic situation if ever there was one, Robert thought.

Chase handed Robert a fresh glass and returned to his original chair. It was not usually like Chase to take a woman’s side. Robert found it interesting to say the least.

“Think about it, Robert. If it isn’t me pushing in on your turf, then it will be Brice or some other man. You cannot fight us all. Take her, claim her, and sort it out later. There could be worse things to happen to a woman than having her wagon hitched to a McKinnon.”

“Maybe.” He let it hang for a moment rubbing the back of his neck wishing the tension would subside. “But this is not the sixteenth century where women have only a few options. It has to be her choice to be with me.”

“It may be just as simple as posing a single question. If you think you could love her then tell her, you idiot.” Chase tossed the magazine at him.

Robert deflected the magazine with ease born from years of practice living with Chase. Words and objects routinely became missiles when they were together.

“If it were as simple as that I would, but it isn’t. Not with Kate.”

“Damn it, Robert.” Chase sighed in exasperation. “Why do you always have to make things so complicated, especially when women are involved? They are not mysterious creatures as the world would have us believe. If it were me,” he held up a hand to stop Robert’s interruption, “and before you say a word, I know it isn’t. However, I’m just saying if it were, I’d go up there, grab her by the hair, drag her to the bed, and make love to her until she screamed for more. I’d make her feel like a million bucks and never want to leave. I’d make that choice very easy for her.”

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