Whispering Wishes (2 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Miller

BOOK: Whispering Wishes
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“Well there you go Mischa, I did it,” I state
, as if she can hear me. She would be happy and even perhaps, proud of me now. Besides… what’s the worst that can happen?




t occurs to
me as I reach over and turn my alarm clock off, that it’s the first time in a long time I haven’t hit snooze and buried myself under the covers. Today is a big day
. I can feel in my bones that things are going to start looking up from here. Maybe it’s the wishes I made last night. I don’t know, but it’s like I’m looking at life through different eyes today. It feels great!

I pop out of bed and stretch my arms over my head; I kind of want to start singing a good morning song like a
Princess or something. Fortunately, I realize how lame that is and instead hum and whistle a few bars as I head to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee. Timed coffee machines are one of the greatest inventions in the entire world. I add cream and sugar to my mug until it’s perfect and take a sip, closing my eyes with a smile. “Aaaah, nectar of the Gods.”

I cup the warm mug in my hands and lose myself in the view outside.
The sun is shining through the vertical blinds, creating ribbons of light on my floor, and I feel like it’s beckoning to me. Before I realize I’ve moved, I find myself pulling open my sliding glass door, and stepping onto my back patio. I set my coffee on the little table and take a few steps until my toes meet the cool soft grass. I wiggle them reveling in the softness. I take a deep breath of fresh air, look up into the sky and take in the glorious blue. The sun feels warm and wonderful on my face and even the birds’ song seems sweeter today instead of their usual high pitched and annoying warbles. I grin and spread my arms out and twirl around – maybe I’ll act like that princess for just a moment. Why not? Today may very well be the start of something amazing. I feel a giggle escape my lips that is immediately choked off when I feel something squishy under my toes.

“What the hell?”
I lift my foot and see a ginormous pile of dog shit on the bottom of it. “OH MY GOD!” I squeal loud enough to wake any still sleeping neighbors.

There is an opening in my gate and my freaking neighbor’s dog thinks it means he can come over here and do his business in my yard.
I glare over the fence and I swear just as I look over I see a white head duck. Ugh. They suck. I limp over to the water hose and wash my foot off, wrinkling my nose at the awful smell. When my foot is clean, I stomp back to my table, grab my coffee and stomp back inside.

“Shake it off.
Shake it off. It’s still going to be a great day.” I repeat this like a mantra to myself as I go back to my room and then to the bathroom to get in the shower. Forty minutes later, I step back from the mirror and take in my appearance. Dressed in my favorite three-piece suit, one that certainly exceeds the bank's staunch dress code, I have to admit, I look good today. My suit jacket fits my curves like it’s custom made for my body. The skirt hits at the perfect place above my knees showing off one of my best assets – my legs - but it isn’t too short to be unprofessional. I’ve left my blonde hair down today but took the time to curl it into soft waves that flow down my back. My blue eyes pop with the smoky color I’ve applied around them, and I’ve put just a touch of color on my high cheekbones. Mischa says I could easily be Kate Bosworth’s twin, and while I don’t see it, I definitely appreciate the compliment.

I add a crystal bracelet, a gift from Mischa, to my wrist.
It’s supposed to bring strength and courage, two things I can use today. Before grabbing my purse and keys, I fill up my favorite travel mug full of coffee, then head out the door to my car. I start the car, connect my iPhone and start blasting “Work Bitch” by Britney Spears. I pull down the driveway but come to an immediate stop as I hear banging on the roof and back of the car. “What the hell?” I look out the window and see my travel mug on the ground. “Shit!” Throwing my car into park, I get out, grab my now dented travel mug, and get back in my car with a sigh.

y mind quickly turns to the impending meeting this morning. We always have weekly staff meetings, but everyone knows that today, my boss Steve, is going to announce who is becoming the new officer of the bank. I interviewed for the position of personal banking officer, and given my experience, time with the company, and the fact that I’m already a backup for the position, I’m positive this job is mine. The interview was just a formality – it’s not like they can just give it to me. I understand that. This promotion will be really great for me. Not only will all of my hard work finally be acknowledged, but I’ll get an additional week’s vacation and a much needed pay raise. I’m really tired of living paycheck to paycheck and I can’t even imagine what it will feel like to have some extra money stowed away for an emergency.

Unfortunately, my fifteen
-minute commute takes thirty today thanks to an accident on the freeway, but that’s okay. I left my house in plenty of time, so when I finally pull into the parking lot, I’m calm for the most part. I would be a wreck if I was running late today of all days. My stomach is fluttering with nervousness. Forget butterflies, I have freaking pterodactyls. Once inside, I set my purse at my desk and exchange “Good Morning’s” with a few staff members as I head to the back room where the vault is located. Someone else has already deactivated the alarm and opened the vault, so I just take my cash drawer out of the safe and take it to my desk, making sure all the cash inside is organized. All my wrapped cash has to go into a lower drawer, keeping the minimum above in the event of a robbery.

“Good morning, Aspen.”
I look up from locking my drawer in place and see my friend, Meg.

“Hi, Meg.
How was your weekend?” I ask, smiling at her and taking in her pretty purple pantsuit that compliments her dark hair and eyes.

Meg sits at my desk across from me like she’s a client
. “It was great. Jay came over and we watched movies and ordered take out.” Then she adds in a whisper, “And then he stayed over for the first time.”

“Ooohhh,” I tease
. “So things finally heated up, huh? You were hoping that would be the case.”

“I know!
Can you believe it took him a whole week? I think that’s the longest it has ever taken a guy to finally give it up and make a move.” I barely manage to smother the snort that wants to fly out at her comment. She sounds like a guy. “I really like him. I think he might be the one for sure this time.” I love Meg, I really do, but this is about the fifteenth guy since I’ve known her the last couple years that has been “the one.” For her sake, I really hope he is, but after a week? It’s doubtful. But hey, who’s to say? It’s not like I’m an expert in the love department. Besides, if he’s not, I will give it to her, the woman rebounds quickly.

“That’s so exciting,” I give her a smile
. “I’m happy for you.”

“I’m hoping to be happy for you today, too!
Are you ready for the meeting?”

My eyes look around the office, making sure no one is within hearing range before I make my confession.
“My stomach is in knots, but I have been waiting for this day forever. I mean, the other day in the copy room, Steve smiled at me. It was one of those ‘I-want-to-tell-you-something-but-I-can’t’ smiles. I know it had 'you have the job,' written all over it.” Our boss is not exactly an easy guy to read. He seems to have people in the office that are his favorites and he talks to them frequently, but all the rest of us just exist around him. It’s like we are all just hoping for the smile or kind word to come our way – aside from that, we have to guess at what he’s thinking.

Before Meg can respond, our new receptionist walks by
. “Good morning, Meg! Good morning, Aspen!”

We sing song, “Morning,” back like the professional co-workers we are but as soon as she walks past, Meg turns back to me and rolls her eyes.
“Just her ‘good morning’ is annoying,” Meg says, making me giggle.

“I so agree,” I confess in a whisper.

I love that we’ve dubbed the new hire as Big Boobs Brandi. It makes me laugh, and besides, it’s the truth. Our new receptionist seems willing to do anything to capture our boss’ attention. It irks me when I always see her asking him if she can help or do anything for him. He already has an assistant, so it seems really unprofessional and highly suspect. I wrinkle my nose wondering what his wife would think if she were to witness their interactions, because every time he talks to Brandi, he looks right at her tits instead of her face. I half expect him to start humping her leg.

Most women would be offended by that behavior in the workplace, but not Brandi.
It’s obvious she knows exactly what he’s doing because her actions only make it worse. She wears her blouses unbuttoned far more than should be appropriate given our strict dress code, and she’s always laughing and touching the men in the office and flipping her hair. I mean please, all women have used the hair flipping move. We call that what it is from a mile away. All the women in the office give her looks when her back is turned, but she appears to be completely oblivious. I don’t think she really cares. Some may even say she’s smart – not afraid to do whatever it takes, to use her assets, if you will, to get ahead. I, on the other hand, find it insulting to womankind everywhere. We shouldn’t have to push out our tits and ass to get attention in a male-dominated work place.

If it were up to me, I would stay out of Brandi’s way, but unfortunately, she’s taken a liking to me and whenever she has a question about something
, she pops over to my desk and asks me. I’ve never had the heart to ask her to find someone else to help her – that wouldn’t look good at all. You would think my lack of enthusiasm would tip her off, but no.

I hear the door open to the banker area behind me announcing the arrival of Dave.
He comes and stands right behind me making me turn around in my chair as Meg walks away. “Hey, are you ready?” His eyes are twinkling in excitement. I trained Dave and he and I work the banking teller line together. We make a hard-working and efficient team, and he knows how much I’ve been dying for the promotion, too. I’m lucky to have the support of both him and Meg.

“I’m ready.”

“Good, because as I came into the office, Steve was asking people to start gathering into the conference room.”

I nod my head and try to ignore the fact that my heart is pounding in my chest and that moisture instantly appeared on the back of my neck.
I grab a pen and pad of paper and lock my cash drawer. I roll my shoulders, take a deep breath, and then walk casually into the conference room where our meetings are always held, already thinking of which seat to take. While walking next to me, Dave gives my arm a brief squeeze of encouragement. He and I take a seat next to Meg and engage in small talk while we wait for the meeting to start.

More good mornings and questions about everyone’s weekend are exchanged while waiting for Steve to come in.
Once he walks through the door, everyone automatically quiets down, ready to get started. My boss is kind of funny looking. He has a large nose that points down, making him look a little like an eagle. His small beady eyes and small mouth complete the look and are, well, funky. He even slicks back his hair, which just emphasizes his features. He always seems to be looking at everyone with calculation, and more than once I’ve wondered what goes on in his mind.

“Good morning, everyone.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Before we get to the big announcement, Brandi, will you please pass an agenda out to everyone? Thank you.”

Brandi gets up and walks toward our boss as proud as a peacock, boobs out, shoulders back.
I swear she sways her ass like that on purpose. I glance at Dave next to me and realize her actions are working when I see the direction of his focus. I can’t help myself and give him a kick under the table. “Ow!”

Steve looks up
. “What was that, Dave?”

“Ohh uh, I was just saying HOW is everyone this morning?
You know… just trying to be friendly while we wait for the agendas.” A blush is staining his cheeks and I feel like crap. I didn’t mean to kick him that hard. I give him an apologetic smile, but Meg and a couple others look at us knowingly. Oops.

Once everyone has a meeting agenda, I quickly scan the list of items and see that the promotion announcement is at the end.
I have to sit through this whole meeting feeling like I’m going to puke. Great. I barely hear anything my boss is saying. “Our number one priority is to start making our presence known more in the communities I have listed on your agenda. These are high scale neighborhoods that are located close to our office. I’d like everyone to send me at least one idea by the end of the day telling me how we can penetrate these places. Remember, we all offer the same products and services; therefore our goal is to make them realize that our staff and the customer service we provide are the very best. Everyone should be going above and beyond during each and every client and prospective client interaction.”

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