Whispering Wishes (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Miller

BOOK: Whispering Wishes
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“Okay, well did you want to clean up first?”

“Clean up first?”

Mischa looks me up and down
. “Um, yeah. Did you… I mean….”

I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror and about have a heart attack with the way I look. Oh. My. Hell. My hair is sticking up in every direction. I look like a raccoon under my eyes from the black smudges and lipstick is smeared under my mouth. “OH MY GOD! I fell asleep! I had no idea I look like this. I can’t believe I answered the door looking like this!” I’m so horrified.

I can hear Mischa laugh from the next room
. “OH MY GOSH MISCHA it isn’t funny!”

“It actually really is.”

I do my best to clean myself up and then stalk into the living room again, yank my purse off the table and walk out the door with her laughter following behind me. When I realize I need to lock the door, I stop, spin around, and stalk past a now laughing even harder Mischa to lock the door.

“Stop laughing.
It’s embarrassing and these last couple days have been bad enough.”

“I’m so sorry.
Really. It’s just… you should have seen your face.”

“Ha. Ha.
I did, remember?”

“So, tell me what has been going on?
What happened after you left D’Vine last night?”

I fill Mischa in on the car, Wes giving me a ride, and everything that happened at work today.

Mischa shakes her head. “I can’t believe she wouldn’t even let you explain yourself. And that she would jump to such conclusions. I mean, after all you have done and how hard you have worked. And your exemplary evaluations! What is her problem?”

“I know.
I really have been thinking a lot today about if this job is right for me. I started tweaking my resume.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. I think that not getting the promotion I believed I was a shoo in for yesterday, and then Lisa’s reaction today, really put things into perspective for me.” 

“Well if I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times, I’d be thrilled if you’d work at the store.”

“Mish—” I begin, but she holds a hand up to stop me from speaking.

I know that what I do isn’t your cup of tea, but I really am more than happy to help you out. And it would be helping me out too; I really need someone. I lucked out. I’ve known forever what I wanted to do and started saving for it a long time ago. Of course, the generous gift from my grandma at graduation certainly helped. I’ve been fortunate, but I know that not everyone is as lucky as I am. So, all I’m saying is let me help you out if I can.”

I have to admit that makes a lot of sense.

“Plus, I told you, I can really use the help so we would be helping each other out.”

“Okay, how about this?
I need to give this entire thing a bit more thought and if I decide to look for something new, I want to at least give it a shot on my own. But if I can’t handle the bank anymore and quit before I have something else lined up, I will come help you until something else presents itself. Is that okay?”

“Oh, so basically I am your worst case scenario, is that what you’re saying?”

I laugh. “I guess, kind of.”

Mischa laughs
, too. “Hey, it’s cool. I get it. Sounds like a plan. Oh, and before I forget, I brought these for you.” She digs in her purse and takes out some crystal bracelets. “They are spirited Amazonite bracelets. They are supposed to have a soothing effect, which will improve confidence and help calm emotional turmoil. I thought you could use them right now.”

I look at them with uncertainty
. “Oh no. I’m not sure about you and this mumbo jumbo any more. In fact, this is all your fault!”

“What is?
What are you talking about?”

All of this! Ever since I made that list, that stupid list of wishes, bad shit has been happening to me.”

“Oh come on now… that can’t be true…”

“Yes it is!”

“The universe isn’t a cruel mistress…”

“Don’t give me that shit, Mischa! I made a list of wishes, and so far, everything has been turned upside down. Nothing good has happened. Not one wish has come true. Bad, really bad things are happening to me now.” 

, just because you’ve had some bad luck the last couple days, it doesn’t mean that it is because of your list. Just give it some time.” We pull into the parking lot at the rental car agency and she grabs my wrist and puts the bracelets there. “Everything will work out. You’ll see.” 

“Uh, huh.”
Famous last words if you ask me.



Upon awakening the
next morning, I stretch like a cat with outstretched arms and extended legs and make a pledge to finally have a better day. I quickly erase the thought that it can hardly be any worse and shake my head telling myself to be positive. I feel rested, relaxed, and full of energy. I even woke up before the blaring annoyance of my alarm clock, which only happens on great days. With a smile I roll over and glance at the clock, reveling in the awareness of the leisurely pace that awaits my morning routine. Hah – I may choose to have a real breakfast and watch a bit of morning news. “FUCK!” My clock reads 9:00 AM. I am already late! Again!

I hop o
ut of bed so fast I almost fall down. I don’t even have time for a shower. I just grab a washcloth, run it over my pits, finger comb my hair, jump into clothes after grabbing my makeup bag and attempt to slap on some blush and mascara before flying out the door as fast as my legs will carry me.

Thank goodness for the rental car.
 Insurance does help with at least a few things. I would be really screwed if I had to catch the bus again. I speed to work as fast as I can, offering quick words of forgiveness for every stop sign I creep through and the people I ignore in the cross-walks. Pulling into the bank's employee parking area, I am not surprised to see that only the spot furthest away from the building is left open. I take a deep breath that is more like a heavy sigh and walk into the office. This has got to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I can only imagine what Lisa is going to think, let alone say, today. That's okay. Reasonable people, behave reasonably. I’m still pissed from yesterday, so I'm ready to give it back to her today. I mean, the audacity – she didn't even listen to my explanation. I have a huge chip on my shoulder, but it is well deserved, and it won’t take much for my attitude to get nasty. Preparing for potential battle, with every step I get more pissed at the way I was treated. I’m going to make damn sure that Lisa feels bad for assuming the worst about me, and making an ass of herself in the process. Even if I do happen to be a bit late.

I’m barely at my desk before Meg is there, wide-eyed and freaking out.
“What the hell, Aspen? What is going on? You are in SO MUCH shit when Lisa sees you. She’s had Steve in her office and has been flipping out already.”

“I figured as much.
What is everyone saying?”

“Well the rumor is that you were mad about not getting the promotion
, so you’re basically having tantrums and arriving late on purpose to try to prove some point.”

“And what do you think, Meg?”

“I think that I know you better than that, and I don’t believe it.
This is not something you would do on purpose.”

I feel relieved and bad that I doubted her loyalty, “Well thank goodness for that.
I have to admit I was feeling worried that you participated in gossip about me.”

“Oh no, it wasn’t like that at all.
I walked into the kitchen to get coffee and heard others talking about it and stuck up for you.”

“I’m sorry for assuming it was something else.
Thanks for doing that, and you’re right, I absolutely did not do this on purpose.”

“Well you’ll have to tell me about it later.
Lisa is waiting for you in her office. We were instructed to send you in, when and if you arrived, if she didn’t see you first.”

.” I stand up and straighten my suit, already starting to think about what I’m going to say to Lisa. “Wish me luck,” I grimace. “Seems as though I’m going to need it.”

“Good luck.
Oh! Before, I forget…”


“I know this isn’t exactly the greatest time, but Jay has a friend that I think would be perfect for you. What do you think about being set up on a blind date?”

“A blind date?”
This stops me in my tracks and I think even my lady bits stand up and pay attention. Slut.

“Yes,” she grins at me
, knowing she has my full attention.

“With the four of us?”

I was thinking that the first time the two of you meet, the four of us can go out together. After that, if you guys hit it off and want to get together again, then that’s between the two of you. And of course that would be awesome, and I’d likely deserve some kind of award or spa treatment for my amazing set up service. Sound like a plan?”

I think about it for a minute.
Meg isn’t exactly the lucky in love type regardless of what she may think. What is the likelihood that Jay, the supposed love of her life after a couple weeks, knows someone that would be perfect for me? Then, I remember that stupid list I made where I promised myself I would try to date more, put myself out there. And I sure as hell am not going to become some sexual goddess all alone. Well, I guess I could, but eww. So why the hell not?

“Okay, sure.”
Meg smiles. “Wait! Is he cute?”

“Of course!
Give me some credit! Like I would set you up with someone that isn’t. Pah-lease!”

I laugh
. “Well okay then, I’m game.”

Meg starts clapping in excitement.
“Yay! It will be great! I’m so excited! We should shop for outfits and we can get ready together before the date, get all girly together. Oh, and where should we go?”

I can’t help but be caught up in her excitement, but then I remember that Lisa is waiting for me in her office.
“Let’s chat about that later. I should get into Lisa’s office. Stop distracting me!”

“Okay, sorry!
I’m just excited! I can’t wait to tell Jay.”

I glance at Lisa’s office window and see that she’s standing there, hands on hips, looking right at me.
Shit. It’s true, I was procrastinating, but I need to get my ass in there. One would have to be blind not to be able to read that body language. I tell myself to stand tall, be strong even if it's not going to be pretty. So, here I go. I sigh, “Okay Meg, let’s talk about the details later, okay?”

She glances at Lisa’s office
. “Okay, talk to you later. And good luck. I'm afraid you may need it.”

I feel eyes from all of the staff follow me as I make my way across the lobby to Lisa’s office.
I make sure to keep my head held high and ignore them like I don’t even notice they’re there. Even though she knows I’m on my way, and her door is open, I still knock on the door to be polite.

She looks up at my knock, and her mouth tightens
. “Come in.”

I do so and shut the door behind me.

I sit in the chair across from her desk, and wait until Lisa’s eyes are on me. I’m just diving in. “Since it appears I have your undivided attention, I would like the opportunity to talk to you about my lateness.”

“Honestly, Aspen,” she sighs, “I don’t think it matters.
Your lateness made it very apparent where you stand as far as your respect to your fellow co-workers, this institution, me, and how you view your job.”

“Now wait just a minute – “

“I spoke with Steve when you didn’t show up on time again this morning and also contacted human resources. We agree that I made my feelings and the future of your job crystal clear yesterday, yet you still elected to snub your nose at your job today. Therefore, I’m going to have to ask you to get your things and leave. Carmen from human resources will be here momentarily to perform your exit interview and then you can be on your way.”

Are you kidding me?”

“I’m pretty sure I made myself clear.
This behavior will not be tolerated.”

“This must be a joke.
You never even gave me a chance to explain.”

“Frankly, Aspen, I don’t have to.
The code of conduct you signed and agreed to when you were hired has very clear guidelines relating to this type of behavior. Our decision is final.”

That chip on my shoulder suddenly becomes a boulder and I am beyond pissed.
I fucking see red, and I can hardly see straight. Before I know what I’m doing, I shoot out of my chair so fast it falls over and I point at Lisa and yell, “I was late yesterday because MY CAR BROKE DOWN the night before and I had to walk home in the rain because my phone died until someone I know happened to stumble upon me and give me a ride. I looked up the bus schedule to see what time I needed to catch the bus, and didn’t find out until I was ON THE BUS, that the times on the website were wrong because of the tax cuts to public transportation. I was late because I had to sit on a bus, next to a woman that smelled like shit and sat through thirty fucking stops! I couldn’t call you because in making arrangements for my car and to get to work, I had forgotten to charge my phone and it was dead.”

Lisa looks like a deer caught in headlights.
I don’t know if it’s my explanation, or the fact that I’m yelling, but I certainly have her undivided attention. “Oh, well, I didn’t realize-“

You didn’t realize any of the facts because instead of showing me the respect I deserve given that in the years I have worked here I have never had a problem one time, you made an egregious, thoughtless, and mean assumption. You didn’t show ME respect and let ME explain myself or even let Dave tell you what I had told him. Oh no. You merely showed some self-righteous indignation type of bossy attitude and told me to fucking leave! Who’s disrespectful now you sanctimonious bitch?”

The door to Lisa’s office opens and Steve sticks his head in
. “Is there a problem in here?”

I look at him and over his shoulder see the whole staff staring at me.
It dawns on me for all of two seconds that I must look like a ranting, raving lunatic, but I don’t care. “YES, there’s a fucking problem. You assholes are FIRING me because I was LATE yesterday because my car broke down, my phone died, and I couldn’t call, and instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, you assumed the worst and sent me home. And the reason for your assumption? You assume that my quote unquote bad behavior is because I am upset that you hired fucking BIG BOOBED BRANDI,” I scream, pointing at her through the office window and see her eyes widen and mouth fall open at my words, “for a job for which she is totally inept and she has no fucking experience because YOU,” I point at Steve this time, “like looking at her tits and ass.”

Steve’s face instantly flushes
. “Now see here –“

“No thank you, STEVE the PERV, I’ve seen quite enough, thank you.
We all know
what you
want to penetrate at this office, Steve!”

I hear laughing and snap my head to the culprit and see our temporary assistant Chuck with his hand over his mouth
, trying to disguise the fact that he lost his composure for a minute. “And you!” I yell, pointing at Chuck and walking out of Lisa’s office and toward him. “Everyone makes fun of you behind your back because your pants are pulled up so fucking high you look like you’re expecting a flood. Oh and here’s a little fashion advice – you’re not supposed to wear suspenders
a belt at the same time, idiot.”

“And you, Claudia,” I say
, turning to a trust officer who sits in the back, “everyone knows that you are the one that keeps stealing food out of people’s lunches. Who the fuck does that anyway? You make more than most people here. Buy your own lunch for God sakes!”

Claudia gasps and reddens at my words.

“That’s enough, Aspen,” Lisa says from behind me.
Which is a mistake.

“No Lisa, I don’t think it is.
BEWARE everyone! Don’t ever accidentally forget to set your alarm and oversleep because then people will think you thought 'hey you know what? I think I want to lose my job today.’ FUCK YOU, Lisa. FUCK YOU, Steve. Everyone knows that the only reason you even HAVE your position, Lisa, is because you SLEPT with the bank president. So YOU tell ME how much respect YOU have for your job, why don’t you?”

“How dare you!”

“NO! How dare you.” At this point, I walk to my desk and start taking my personal items and shove them into my handbag between my words. I open my drawer and see the training manual I made up for all bankers. I couldn’t believe the bank didn’t have one when I started working here and took it upon myself to make one; one of the
examples of how I’ve gone above and beyond for my job because I gave a shit. I take the notebook out of the drawer. “HERE YOU GO BIG BOOBED BRANDI. You’re going to need this because Lord knows you don’t know SHIT about banking.” I throw the binder onto the floor.

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