Whispers of the Heart (7 page)

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Authors: Barbara Woster

BOOK: Whispers of the Heart
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What’s her motivation?
Kat wondered and then silently berated herself for judging this particular book by its cover. She tried never to judge people before getting to know them.
So why should now be any different
? She thought. “I don’t see why not, Chloe. It’s probably for the best, since we do seem to be outnumbered fifteen-to-two, and that’s without adding in the ranch hands.”

“And don’t forget the owner. Wow, what a looker that one is!”

“Without a doubt. Speaking of which,” Kat said, nodding toward the approaching horse.

“Ladies.” Dalian reined in his horse next to the two women. The horse snorted and sidestepped, but with only a slight tug on the reins, it quickly quieted.

I wonder if he’s that good with women
, Kat thought, but immediately slammed the door on the thought.

“Not hungry?” Dalian asked.

Kat looked toward the house and realized that all the other guests had already vanished inside. Hers and Chloe’s conversation, though brief, had delayed their progress. “Actually, I’m starving.”

“I could eat,” Chloe added, the airy tone returning, much to Kat’s amusement.

“Would you like me to escort you ladies inside?” Dalian asked, directing the question to Kat. Chloe noticed the renewed interest and interjected quickly.

“I’d like to talk to Kat a little longer, if that’s okay?” The tone in which her request was delivered seemed lost on Dalian, but not on Kat. She was aggravated.

“Sure thing,” Dalian said, tipping his hat. “I’ll see you inside then. Try to hurry. Wouldn’t want your food getting cold.”

“We’ll be in soon,” Chloe smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Interested?” She said the minute Dalian rode away.

Aha! Motivation revealed. I wonder if I should lie, just to see how far she’s willing to go to rid herself of the perceived competition. Nah. That would be too much work.
“Not really, no.”

“Not your type?”

Kat grinned, “Unfortunately for me, yes. But I’m simply not interested in any relationship at the moment.”

“Just wanted to make certain the field was clear.”

Kat laughed, “Wide open. Is that the only reason for the offer of friendship? Or was that a genuine gesture?”

The shrewdness vanished from Chloe’s eyes and a smile appeared. “Genuine enough. Not all blondes are men-hungry cats willing to slice and dice through any competition, you know?”

“Just you.”

“Just me – with good reason – but since you aren’t interested in the same guy, I can sheath my claws.”

Kat laughed, “Would you really have clawed my eyes out over the ranch owner?”

“You aren’t interested, remember?”

“No, I’m not, but I think I understand where you’re coming from. I’d probably show my claws too if I

“Most women back down and don’t go after the same guy as me to begin with,” Chloe admitted confidently, and Kat perceived a slight menace behind the words.

“That’s because most women see you as a threat,” Kat said, equally self-assured.

“But not you,” Chloe said, the shrewd gaze returning.

“You’re beautiful, without a doubt,” Kat shrugged. She stopped walking and turned to face the much taller woman, “But to feel threatened by you, I’d have to feel little confidence in myself or care about your prey. And since I have an abundance of confidence and we’ve already determined that I’m not here for the cowboys – one in particular – then we can go about socializing with each other without the added cattiness.”

“Direct, aren’t you?”

“Always,” Kat smiled.

“So,” Chloe grinned shrewdly, “want to help me snare the owner?”

“Not on your life,” Kat said sincerely. “If you want him, you catch him. I have to admit though, that it’s going to be entertaining watching you attempt to wheedle your way into his affections.”

“If he can take his eyes off of you long enough to notice me, I might actually have a chance.”

“What happened to sheathing the claws?”

“Sorry, old habits die hard.”

“Well, since I won’t be reciprocating any overtures on his part, the field is still free and clear.”

“So you noticed his attentions?”

“I’d hardly call asking me a question and welcoming me to his ranch as justification for concern on your part. As you recall, he welcomed everyone.”

“I can’t see you as naive.”

“I’m not, but I’m also not interested – whether he is or not.”

“Well, glad to hear it. The life of a lingerie model is a short one, which is why I had to retire so early, so if I can entrap a rich husband – especially one as sexy as me – I’ll do it.”

“So you weren’t kidding about coming here for the cowboys.”

“In truth? Cowboys, no. Ranch owners, yes.” Chloe smiled.

“What were you going to do, make a circuit of the dude ranches until you found an unclaimed owner as sexy as you?”

“Something like that,” Chloe laughed. “I managed to find a rich husband or two back home – when I was younger – but those ended badly when I got older. Anyway, I decided to go elsewhere to look, maybe find someone that liked my looks but wasn’t necessarily interested only in youth. As far as I’m concerned, I think I was fortunate enough to hit the jackpot on the first
stop. I can’t see either of these men caring more about a woman’s age over the woman. Anyway, I’m getting too old to keep looking for the perfect Mr. Right – one as gorgeous as I am, as you so eloquently put it. I am just ready to settle down permanently with an average Joe Blow, who’ll still think I’m pretty when I’m eighty. Besides, the fun has gone out of the chase, since I can’t compete with the younger woman anymore.”

“No offense, Chloe, especially since I don’t know jack-squat about you, but I can’t see you living here, or anywhere but in a Penthouse on one of those expensive avenues in New York. And before you say you’re going to convince the new love of your life to move to the city or commute a hell of a long way, I can’t see a true cowboy uprooting to New York, or anywhere remotely citified.”

“You know something? You’re all right. It’s rare to meet someone so straightforward nowadays, but my reasons are simple. Back east, women like me are a dime a dozen, and finding a rich man, not so easy. Too few, too much competition for those few. Out here, well, let’s just say, I stand out a lot more.”

“Oh, without a doubt.” Kat laughed, and Chloe turned a lovely shade of pink
, unused to women agreeing with her on how attractive she is.

“You’ll let me know if you change your mind about pursuing our gorgeous ranch owner, won’t you?”

Kat laughed, “Most assuredly.”

“So, Miss Novelist, what kind of books
you write?” Chloe asked, finally heading toward their meal, no doubt very cold by now.


“We’ve been here four years already!” Jethro Canton snapped. “In that time, our elusive neighbor has seen you sprout from a weed into a full-fledged flower, and you still can’t get him to pluck you? What exactly are you doing that will entice him into doing more than smelling your petals, huh, girl? And now there’s two drop-dead gorgeous women staying at that place for the next two months!”

“Dad, your analogy stinks.”

“Watch your tongue, girl!”

“And when are you going to stop calling me a girl and realize that I’m eighteen. Eighteen, Dad! And sick and tired of playing a love-sick fool for a thirty-six-year-old man that only knows I exist when I throw myself in his face.”

“You should be sleeping in his bed by now.”

“Prostituting myself isn’t going to win his affection or make him propose to me. Can’t you see that he doesn’t like me or want me?”

“Then you need to change your powers of persuasion. If he doesn’t like what you’re doing, change it. Make him like you. Make him want you so much that he’ll marry you. Cause I’ll be damned if I’m going to let one of those sexy guests catch his eye.”

“He’s onto your game, Dad, so I could turn into his dream girl, or one of those sexy guests, and he still wouldn’t get anywhere near me.”

“You told him, and not now, Rosalinda. Get out!”

Marsha placed a hand on their housekeeper’s arm as she passed, and whispered, “Just remember his bark is worse than his bite, especially when he’s drunk. Tell Phillip and Cara to stay out of the kitchen for now. I’ll come get you when it’s time to start dinner.”

“You apologizing for me, girl?”

Marsha shooed their housekeeper from the kitchen before turning back to her dad, “I’m trying to keep our help from up and quitting, that’s what I’m doing. As for Dalian Rivers, I didn’t tell him anything, he told me. Despite what you may think, the guy isn’t stupid. He all but told me to tell you to stop.”

“I’ll stop when I have the deed to that property or access to his grazing land.”

“Marrying him isn’t going to get that land, Dad, and sleeping with him certainly won’t get it, so what purpose could my pursuit do? Besides, we’ve got a nice spread here. Why do you need his land?”

“Because its two-hundred acres of the finest grazing in the state, that’s why. If I can get you married off to him, that will join our two plots and I can share that land. Then later on down the road, when he ends up dead – by natural causes, of course – that two-hundred acres of plum grazing land will rightfully revert to you – and by way of me being your daddy, to me.”

“Well he isn’t of a mind to marry. He said so, and sleeping with him isn’t likely to change his mind.”

“If you sleep with him, I can force him into marrying you; play the offended daddy and all
that crap.”

“You act as if men and women would still care about honor anymore. I sleep with him; you can act like a doting daddy all you want. He doesn’t have to consent. Thinking like that went out decades ago.”

“Well, there are still laws about a man sleeping with underage girls.”

“But I’m not underage...”

“Yet, but documents can be forged, but I’d prefer he just married you.”

“I had to be your only daughter, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, which means that it falls to you to turn that man’s head enough to get his ring on your finger.”

“You know what? When you first asked me to do this, I took it as a game; thought it would be fun to try to catch his eye, but now the game’s up and it’s getting way too serious. We don’t need Dalian’s land. We’re doing just fine without it, but doing good isn’t good enough. You have to do better than your neighbor, and if you don’t then you have to find a way to beat him. Well, you know what, Dad? I’m done. Finished. I’m a legal adult now, so I don’t have to keep doing this crap any more. I’m leaving. Moving out.”

“Really? Where you gonna go without my money to take care of you?”

“I can get a job. I’m not stupid.”

“Yeah, well you’re not smart enough to figure out how to get a man into bed, and that’s the only real talent a woman’s got, so what makes you think you can do anything requiring real brain work.”

“Did you insult Mom like this? Is that why she left you?”

The hand that snaked out and connected with her cheek surprised her. Her head snapped sideways and she nearly lost her balance. Her shoulder landed hard against the doorjamb, followed by the side of her head. She grunted and tried to shake off the pain, but it was shooting through every nerve. She stood with her eyes closed and tried to will her brain to shut down, but it refused. After another minute, she cracked her eyes open and glared at her father. He was standing nearby, watching her with a 'wanna open your mouth again?’ look. She didn’t.

“You done sassing?” He asked when he saw that he had her attention again.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“Still planning on moving out? Or you gonna do what your old man tells you to.”

Marsha slowly pushed away from the wall, wiping the blood from her cracked lip, “And what if all the charm in the world doesn’t work? What if I sleep with him and he still won’t marry me? What if you go to all the trouble of making me whore with the man and you don’t get what you want? What then, Dad? I’m trying to tell you that if you have a plan B, it might be a good idea to go to it. He’s simply not interested.”

“Do you really want to see him dead?
‘Cause that’s the only plan B there is.”

Marsha looked at him incredulously, “You can’t possibly be serious. You’d kill
him? Just to get hold of his land?”

“You wanna find out?”

Marsha sank onto a nearby chair, shaking her head. “No, I don’t,” she whispered, and then looked up at her dad, her gaze questioning. “I don’t get it. How did you manage to get your hands on all those other parcels of land, without me there to whore for you? And why can’t you follow that method instead of pimping me out or murdering the man?”

“Because your mom ain’t here no more. That means you get to take her place.”


“You heard me, girl.” Jethro plopped onto a chair. “I told you there was only one use for a female, and your mom was an expert in using her God-given talents. As long as she worked her magic, I had a way of softening up landowners; blackmailing them into parting with their property. Buy it up for a song, then turn around and sell it for nice, tidy bit of profit. Sometimes to the man who sold it to me. Ironic really. Of course, your ma, she didn’t have any problem lifting her skirt to keep our profitable venture going. Wasn’t a prude like you. Of course, now that I’m getting on in years, I’m ready to settle down on my own land. Or, in this case, Dalian Rivers’s land.”

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