White Mughals (90 page)

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Authors: William Dalrymple

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Chand, Mir
Chanda, Raj Kanwar Bai
Chanda, Mah Laqa Bai
Chand Bibi
Charles II
Char Minar
Charnock, Job
childhood and birth rites
Chinnery, George
Chinnery, John
Clive, Edward
Clive, Robert
Close, Barry
clothing customs; or army
Code of Gentoo Laws, A
Collins, Colonel John
Collins, John (‘King Collins’)
Collins, Wilkie
Commercial Treaty
Compagnie des Indes Orientales
Cornwallis, Charles: Alam Bahadur and ; death of; as Governor General ; JAK and ; William Palmer and ; policies of; return to India; Tipu’s defeat and
Court, Claude Auguste
Court, Fezli Azam Joo
courtesans .
See also bibi
Crawford, Alexander
Critical Review
cultures, mingling of
Currie, Mr
Daftar Arbab-i-Nishaat
Dalrymple, G. Wemyss
Dalrymple, James
Dalrymple, Margaret
Dalrymple, North
Dalrymple, Samuel
Dalrymple, Mrs Samuel
Daly, Jane
Dara Jah
Dar ul-Shifa
Das, Mr
Dauran, Mir
Davidson, Eliza
Deccan; architecture; art and culture of ; conquest attempts; famine in ; foreigners in; gardening principles; Middle Eastern immigration to; Muslim sultanates ; Shi’ism in
Deccani, Rahim
Deccani Urdu
Description of the Kingdom of Nepal, A
(William Kirkpatrick)
Dhoolaury Bibi
Dieman, Anthony van
Dilshad Agha
Ducarrol, Mrs
Duller, Mrs
Duncan, Jonathan
Dundas, Henry
Dundrenec, Chevalier
Durdanah Begum
Dutch community.
See also
East India Company, Dutch
East India Company, British; architecture of; army (
see also
Subsidiary Force); Board of Control; clothing of army ; cultural mingling,
cultures, mingling of; defections from ; early outposts; factors; financial deficits; growth of; and hinduism; in Hyderabad; Imperialist approach of (
see also
Wellesley, Richard Colley, Marquess Wellesley); Indian Mutiny (1857) ; library, xl
, xlii, xlvi; loss of influence in Hyderabad; in Mughal period ; Mysore Wars,
Mysore Wars; neutrality in Maratha Campaign ; racial attitudes of ; records; scholar-officials ; statutes and regulations of; success of; transformation of; treaties with Asaf Jah II, treaties with Sikander Jah; Wellesley and,
Wellesley, Richard Colley (Marquess Wellesley); Writers
East India Company, Dutch
East India Company, French.
Compagnie des Indes Orientales
East India Vade Mecum
Edmonstone, Neil
Elers, George
Elphinstone, Mountstuart
erotic literature
European in India, The
Fanthôme, Bernard
Farzand Begum
Fenton, Elizabeth
Feridun Jah
Filoze, Michael
Finglas, Michael
Firingi Pura (Foreigners’Town)
Fisher, Michael
food and food customs
Foote, Samuel
Fort George
Fort William
Fort William College
Fowke, Joseph
Fox, Charles James
France and the French; in Hyderabad ; JAK on; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and
Francis, Philip
Franklin, William
Fraser, James Baillie
Fraser, William
Fresne, Chevalier de
Gama, Vasco da
gardening principles, Deccani
Gardner, Alan
Gardner, Bartholomew
Gardner, Edward
Gardner, James
Gardner, James Jehangir Shikoh
Gardner, Mukhta Begum
Gardner, Mulka Begum
Gardner, William Linnaeus: Anglo-Indian dynasty of; army career of ; Gardner’s Horse and ; Indian wife of; JAK and; Stuart and
George III
Ghulam Sayyed Khan.
Aristu Jah
Gillanders, Francis
Goa, Portuguese in
Golconda; diamonds
Gordon, Margaret
Government Connection with Idolatry in India, The
Grant, Charles
Grant, James
Gresley, Francis
Gulzar i-Asafiya
(Ghulam Husain Khan)
Haidar, Zeb un-Nissa
Haidar Ali
Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey
Halifax, Lady
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Captain
Hare, David
Hare, Doctor
Harris, General
Hasan Aga (Samson Rowlie)
Hastings, Warren
Hastings diamond
Hawkins, William
Hawley, President
Heber, Reginald
Hemming, William
Herschel, William
Hessing, George
Hickey, Thomas
Hickey, William
Hindu College (Calcutta)
Hindus and Hinduism; British admiration of; in the Deccan; decrease in popularity among British;
East India Company and; evangelism towards; Islam and;
Maula Ali festival and;
Muharram festival and; Portuguese and; women in
Hodges, William
Holkar, Jaswant Rao
Holland, John
Holwell, John Zephania
Home, Robert
Hood, Mary
Hope Diamond
Humayun Nama
Hunter, William
Huxley, Aldous
Hyderabad; Anglo-French rivalry in; art and culture; Asaf Jah II and;
ashur khanas
; bazaars; British Residency in,
British Residency in Hyderabad; British women in; cantonments,
Subsidiary Force; Char Minar; civil war; cultural mingling; Dar ul-Shifa; divided nature of society in; East India Company in ; festivals (
see also specific festivals)
; founding of state of ; French in; gardens; Indian Mutiny in (1857); Irani Gulli; Maidan-i-Dilkusha; Mecca Masjid ; Mir Alam Mandi; Mughal influence on; nautch parties ; old city; poverty in ; public works programme; Raymond’s grave; religions, mingling of; Edward Strachey on ; strategic importance of
Ibn Sina
Ibrahim Adil Shah II (Sultan of Bijanpur)
Ile de France
Imtiaz ul-Omrah
independent British
India: assimilation of conquerors by Britain and, relation between; British in,
British in India; childhood and birth rites; Dutch community ; European responses to; plants in; Portuguese conquest of
Indian Mutiny (1857)
Indo-Portuguese society
Inquisition, Portuguese
intercultural hybridity.
cultures, mingling of
intermarriage, xlvi
Irani Gulli
Irving, Edward
Islam/Muslims; abortion in; Bhaki; birth rites; circumcision; conversions to ; festivals (
Maula Ali, festival of; Muharram); Hinduism and ; marriage in; remarriage in; scent, importance to ; Shi’a ; Sufi; Sunnis; women in
’Itr-i Nawras Shahi
Jahan Pawar Begum
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, William
Jones, Inigo
Jones, William
Jung, Nawab Shumshair
Kaiwan Jah
Kama Sutra
Karbala, Battle of
Kennaway, John; JAK and ; William Kirkpatrick and ; as Resident in Hyderabad
Kennaway Papers
Kennedy, Alexander
Kent, William
Khair un-Nissa; Alam Bahadur and; appearance of; ban on leaving Calcutta ; Isabella Buller and; in Calcutta; character of; children of ; death of; death of JAK and ; Durdanah Begum and ; engagement of; exile to Masulipatam; fate of; friendships of ; half-brother of; half-sister of ; illness of; inquiry into liaison with JAK ; JAK on; letters of ; liaison with JAK ; literacy of; marriage to JAK ; moves to British Residency; mystery surrounding fate of; Palmer and; pastimes; portrait of; pregnancy of; purdah; returns to Hyderabad; Russell and ; Sydenham and ; vacates Residency; wealth of; will of; will of JAK and;
Khan, Adham
Khan, Ahmed Ali
Khan, Bâqar Ali (Akid ud-Daula); Alam Bahadur and; as army paymaster; Dalrymple and; death of; granddaughters’ marriages and ; JAK’s liaison with Khair and ; William Kirkpatrick and; property seized ;
Khan, Dargah Quli
Khan, Dustee Ali
Khan, Fojdar
Khan, Ghulam Husain
Khan, Ghulam Imam
Khan, Mahmud Ali
Khan, Mehdi Yar
Khan, Mizra Abu Taleb
Khan, Mizra Qasim
Khan, Najaf
Khan, Sadaat Ali
Khan, Zaman Ali
Maratha Confederacy
Khazan wa-Bahar
Khorsani, Abdul Mansur Khan
Kimmelman, Elbrun
Kindersley, Jemima
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirkpatrick, George
Kirkpatrick, James; birth of; death of ; grandchildren and ; illegitimate children of ; India career of; marriage of
Kirkpatrick, James Achilles (JAK); Alam Bahadur and ; allegiance of; appearance of; Aristu Jah and ; Asaf Jah II and ; birth and childhood of; British Residency and ; career of ; character; children of ; circumcision of; conceals liaison from William ; conversion to Islam ; Cornwallis and; Dalrymple and; death of; domestic life of; East India Company and; epitaph; famine relief programme ; on freelances; the French and ; funeral; Gardner and ; William George on; on harem of Asaf Jah II; health of ; honours and titles of; Hyderabad armed forces and ; Indian
of ; Indianisation of ; inquiry into liaison with Khair un-Nissa ; intelligence network and security of ; journey to Madras ; Kennaway and; William Kirkpatrick and ; liaison with Khair un-Nissa ; linguistic abilities of; Malcolm and ; Maratha Confederacy and; marriage to Khair un-Nissa; miniature of; mother’s death; on Munshi Aziz Ullah; William Palmer and ; William Palmer (son) and; pastimes of; political views and policies of; rape of Khair alleged; as Resident in Hyderabad ; rumours about ; Russell and ; Shushtari and; Sikander Jah and; Sydenham and; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and, ; treaties negotiated by, ; Arthur Wellesley and; Richard Wellesley and, ; will of;
Kirkpatrick, Katherine.
Phillipps, Katherine Aurora (née Kirkpatrick)
Kirkpatrick, Katherine (née Munro)
Kirkpatrick, Maria (née Pawson)
Kirkpatrick, William; appearance of; Aristu Jah and; Asaf Jah II and ; on Bâqar Ali Khan ; birth and childhood of; bisexuality of; career of; character of; children of; death of; drug addiction of; in England; expedition to Nepal; Francophobia of; health of ; Indian mistress of; intelligence network and security; Kennaway and; JAK and; JAK conceals liaison with Khair; JAK’s children and; JAK’s liaison with Khair and; linguistic abilities of; Malcolm and; on Maratha Campaign; marriage of; papers of; portrait; poverty of; on Raymond; residencies of; resignation as Resident of Hyderabad; Subsidiary Force and; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and; Arthur Wellesley and; Richard Wellesley and; as writer
Kirkpatrick, William George; arrival in Britain; baptism of; childhood of; death of; disability of; Khair’s will and; on JAK; JAK and; marriage and children of; portraits of
Kirkpatrick Papers
Kitab Tuhfat al-’Alam
Koh e-Sharif
Koine, Gottlieb
Krishen, Gobind
Krishna River
Laclos, Choderlos de
Ladies’ Monitor, A
Lal, Rajah Chandu
Layla and Majnun
Lazat al-Nissa
Leachland, John
Legge, Thomas
Leith, Captain
Leslie, Matthew
Leyden, John
L’Inde Anglaise
(de Warren)
Linschoten, Jan van
Liverpool, Lord
Loll Bazaar mansion
Lord Hawkesbury
Louis, Clementina
Luft un-Nissa
Lugent, Lady
Ma’ali Mian
Maasir i-Alamgiri
Madhu Rao
Madras; Council; Fort George; Government House; hospital; insularity of; potato grown in; Russell in; St Mary’s Church; women in
Madras Courier
Mah Munzel ul-Nissa
Mahomet, Dean

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