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Authors: William Dalrymple

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Adam, Robert
Adams, William
Ad Begum
Agra; Catholic graveyard; Taj Mahal
Ainslee, R.
Akbar I, Shah
Akbar II, Shah
Akil ud-Daula.
Khan, Bâqar Ali
Alam II, Shah
Alam Bahadur (Mir Abul Qasim) ; appearance of; Aristu Jah and ; Asa Jah II and; Bâqar Ali Khan and; birth of; character of; the Company and; Cornwallis and ; death of; dismissal and exile of; family of ; as First Minister; gardens, interest in; as Governor of Rydroog ; health of; Khair and ; leprosy of; JAK and ; JAK’s liaison with Khair and ; Mah Laqa Bai Chanda and; military role of; as Minister for British Affairs; Palmer on; as patron of arts; public works programme; Russell and; Sharaf un-Nissa and ; Sikander Jah and; Tipu’s treasure and; treachery of; Arthur Wellesley and; Richard Wellesley and
Albuquerque, Afonso de
Alexander, Major
Ali, Meer Hassan
Ali Jah
Ali Khan, Nizam of Hyderabad.
Asaf Jah II
Allard, Bannou Pan Dei
Aloopaim, Maham
Anaga, Maham
Anderson, David
Anderson, James
Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan
Arcot, Nawab of
Aristu Jah (Ghulam Sayyed Khan); Alam Bahadur and ; appearance of; army of; arts patronised by ; attempt to involve Company in Maratha Campaign; bribery of; British Residency and; character of; children of; death of; durbar; gardens, interest in ; imprisonment of; JAK and; JAK’s liaison with Khair and ; William Kirkpatrick and ; Mah Laqa Bai Chanda and; Mysore war and; Nana Phadnavis and; pastimes of ; as Prime Minister; Raymond and; release of; sorcery and; Edward Strachey on; Treaty of Khardla and;
Asadullah, Mir
Asaf Jah (Nizam ul-Mulk)
Asaf Jah II (Nizam Ali Khan); achievements of; Alam Bahadur and; appearance of; army of ; arts patronised by ; British Residency and; character of; death of; durbar ; at festivals; gardens, interest in; health of; Hyderabad and; intelligence network ; JAK and ; James Kirkpatrick on; William Kirkpatrick and;
Mah Laqa Bai Chanda and; Maratha Campaign; Mysore Wars and,
Mysore Wars; oratory skills of; Palmer & Co. and; pastimes of; plots against; Raymond and; Subsidiary Force and; succession to ; throne assumed by; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and,
Mysore Wars; treaties with ;
Asaf Jah III (Akbar Ali Khan)
Asiatic Journal
Asiatic Society of Bengal
Atagha Khan
Avadh, Nawab of
Badshahi Ashur Khana
Baillie, Ewen
Baird, David
Baji Rao II
Bakshi Begum
Barlow, George
Barnard, Andrew
Barnard, Anne
Barun, Mama
Begum’s Garden
Beig, Sadue
Bidri, Munshi Khader Kahn
Bidri box
birth and childhood rites
Bishop, Benjamin
Blackiston, Major
Blackwelle, Josua
Blaquière, W.C.
Blunt, Mr
Boigne, Adèle d’(née d’Osmond)
Boigne, Anne de
Boigne, Benoît de
Boigne, Charles de
Bourquoin, Louis
Bowser, Lieutenant Colonel
Boyd, John P.
Breton, Francis
Britain: Anglo-Indian children in France and, war between; India and, relation between; Indian wives in ; weather in
British Idolatry in India
British in India; attitude toward country ; Brahminised; death of; Deccani sultanates and; defections by ; Imperialist approach ; independent,
independent British; Indianisation of(
see also
Islam/Muslims); love affairs with Indians; racism of ; real India and; rise to power of; Shushtari on
British Residency in Hyderabad; architecture of; Aristu Jah and; Asaf Jah II and;
cuisine in; decay of ; gardens of ; Khair moves to;
JAK and ; JAK on ; Malcolm on;
model of; observatory; pastimes in;
preservation of; rebuilding of ;
Brooke, James
Brown, Capability
Brunton, James
Buchanan, Claudius
Bukshee Begum
Buller, Charles
Buller, Charles (son)
Buller, Isabella (née Kirkpatrick)
Buller, Rose
Burke, Edmund
Burne-Jones, Edward
Burton, Richard
Calcutta ;
s; British and hinduism; Council; death of Europeans in; Fort William; Fort William College; gap between rest of India and; Government House ; Hindu College; Indianised Britons in; journey to Masulipatam from; Khair and Sharaf un-Nissa in; JAK’s death and burial; Shushtari on ; Richard Wellesley on; Writers
Calcutta Gazette
Campbell, Colin
Canbay, Nawab of
Canon of Medicine
(Ibn Sina)
Carlyle, Jane Welsh
Carlyle, Thomas; marriage of
Carnehan, Peachey
Champa, Mama

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