Read Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Glenn, #Stormy

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] (12 page)

BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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and then looked past Ben to where Audley huddled behind him.

“Audley, how do you feel about all of this? I will give you sanctuary

here at the coven estate if you so wish.”

Ben was proud of Audley when he stepped forward and shook his

head. “No, thank you, your highness. Ben already told me that being

here with you and your royal consort was one of my choices. I choose

to go with Ben and Stefan.”

“Very well,” the prince replied. “I will inform Oliver and Dane

that Audley has been claimed. You may wish to take your new mate

upstairs and complete the claiming before dinner. I have no doubt that

Oliver and Dane will pitch a fit if they believe there is any way for

them to retain their hold on Audley.”

Ben nodded. He’d been thinking along the same lines, but not

because of Oliver and Dane. He wanted to complete the claiming so

that no one could take Audley away from him and Stefan.

Ben wrapped his arm around Audley’s shoulders, then Stefan’s,

pulling both men into the curve of his body. Ben chuckled and shook

his head. The top of Stefan’s head barely reached Ben’s shoulder.

Audley could have fit under his arm. He felt like a giant.


Stormy Glenn

“Come along, my mates,” Ben said as he started them all toward

the door. “Let’s go somewhere more private and get to know each

other, hmmm?”

* * * *

Stefan couldn’t keep himself from bouncing along as Ben led him

and Audley upstairs to their quarters. He was excited. Not only was

Ben his, but now Audley, his best friend, was also. Stefan had no idea

how he’d become so lucky, but he wasn’t about to argue.

He loved Ben, adored the man. He couldn’t imagine his life

without him. Ben meant everything to him. Audley, though, was

Stefan’s best friend. They’d played together as children, discovered

that they were gay together, everything. Leaving the man behind

when he left had been the hardest thing Stefan had ever done.

Stefan did find it a little strange that he never knew he and Audley

were mates before now. He couldn’t explain it except that maybe they

needed Ben to make their little circle complete. Truthfully, he didn’t

care. He just knew that they were all together now, and that’s all that


The moment Ben opened the door to their room and ushered them

in, Stefan grabbed Audley’s hand and pulled him over to the bed. He

sat down and scooted up on the bed, gesturing for Audley to sit down

with him. Ben sat down at the head of the bed, curling around Stefan

from behind. It was Stefan’s favorite position, being surrounded by

Ben like this.

“How have you been, Audley?” Stefan asked. “I mean, really?”

Audley shrugged. “I’ve been okay, I guess. I missed you, though.”

Stefan grabbed Audley’s hand and squeezed. “I missed you, too. I

wish I could have taken you with me, but once Ben claimed me, you

know Oliver would never let me come back. I fully expected Dane to

claim me that day.”

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


“Oh, I don’t blame you, Stefan,” Audley said. Stefan knew it was

true. Audley didn’t have it in him to stay mad at anyone. “I’m just

glad we’re back together.”

“We are and now we never have to be separated again,” Stefan

said. He could barely keep his excitement inside. He wanted to laugh,

shout, and dance around the room. “You, me, and Ben are finally a

family, and no one can separate us.”

“I always hoped we’d be together one day,” Audley whispered,

his face flushing.

Stefan frowned. “You knew we were mates and you never told

me? Why not?”

Audley’s thin shoulders moved up and down as he shrugged.

“There didn’t seem to be any point. You know as well as I do that

Oliver and Dane would never let us be together and neither of us were

strong enough to fight them.”

Stefan started laughing. He could feel the confused stares of both

his mates. He patted Audley’s hand, then reached for Ben’s, clasping

them both together with his. “I don’t think that’s going to be a

problem anymore, Audley. We have Ben now. He’s strong enough for

both of us.”

“He does look pretty strong,” Audley said.

Stefan knew Audley. He knew the look the man gave Ben was one

of curiosity. Stefan wanted to increase that curiosity to a fever pitch.

Ben was definitely interested. Stefan could smell that in the air. He

felt pretty sure the sweet underlying scent was Audley’s arousal.

Stefan just had to get the two men he wanted together.

He scooted down and leaned back against Ben’s wide chest.

Audley’s eyes widened as Ben’s hands came up to wrap around

Stefan. Stefan groaned and arched into the fingers that brushed

against him. He loved the feeling of Ben’s hands on his body.

“Ben is very strong, Audley,” Stefan said as he unbuttoned his

shirt. “But he has the gentlest hands on earth.” Ben’s hands moved


Stormy Glenn

right in to the opening, his fingers skimming over Stefan’s skin.


Stefan could tell that Audley watched every move of Ben’s

fingers. His eyes seemed glued to them, following the path they made

from Stefan’s collarbone down to the waistline of his pants. Stefan

sucked in his breath when Ben’s fingers pushed under the material of

his slacks and brushed against the head of his hard cock.

“Ben,” he groaned.

“You like that, baby?” Ben asked.

“God, yes!”

Ben’s eyes crinkled as he chuckled. He unbuttoned Stefan’s jeans.

Stefan lifted his butt up as Ben pushed the pants down his legs.

Audley’s eyes widened significantly when Stefan’s hard cock

bounced up and slapped against his abdomen.

Stefan frowned. Audley seemed riveted at the sight of Stefan’s

cock. That didn’t make sense since Stefan knew the man had seen it

before. They took baths together as toddlers, skinny dipped as

teenagers. They’d even jacked off in the same room a few times.

Audley had seen his cock before.

“Audley? Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Audley’s head lifted, his dazed eyes meeting Stefan’s.


Stefan chuckled. He leaned forward and rested his hand on

Audley’s arm. “Are you okay?”

Audley’s face flushed. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Stefan patted Audley, then leaned back against Ben’s chest. He

could feel Ben’s amusement in the soft rumble in his chest. It was

nice, but Stefan was far more interested in the hard cock that pressed

against his back.

Ben reached down and wrapped his hand around Stefan’s cock.

Stefan moaned and arched his head back into Ben. His mate’s touch

always felt so good.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


“Doesn’t this look pretty, Audley?” Ben asked as he shook

Stefan’s cock in Audley’s direction. Audley nodded. “You want to

touch it? You can, you know. Stefan is your mate now. You can touch

him whenever you want to.”

Stefan nearly creamed at the thought of Audley touching him. He

held his breath, praying that the man would be bold enough to follow

Ben’s words. He knew Ben anticipated it as much as he did. Ben’s

heart thudded in his chest, pounding against Stefan’s back.

“I’ve never—”

“Neither did I before Ben mated me,” Stefan said. “But it was

more than worth the wait.”

Audley’s eyes dropped down to Stefan’s cock once again. He

licked his lips. “Can I—”

“You can do anything you want,” Stefan said quickly.

Stefan could see Audley’s hand tremble as he reached out and

lightly brushed away a small drop of pre-cum from the small slit on

the head. Audley’s eyes flickered up, then back down as he brought

his finger to his mouth and licked the drop away.

Stefan groaned. He heard Ben groan behind him. The sight of

Audley licking away proof of Stefan’s arousal was intoxicating. It

made more drops appear, almost as if they wanted to join the first one.

Stefan shuddered as Audley’s hand went back down to his cock.

This time, Audley’s fingers grazed the top. Ben’s hand fell away, only

to be replaced by Audley’s. Stefan’s head fell back against Ben’s

chest, his eyes fell closed. Audley touched him intimately for the first

of what he hoped were many times to come.

“Audley,” Stefan cried out. The man’s touch was every bit as

phenomenal as Ben’s. It made Stefan ache with need. His balls felt

like they were on fire. He clenched his hands against Ben’s jean-clad

thighs, then unclenched them.

“Ben,” Stefan said, his voice sounding hoarse to even his own

ears. “Your pants. Get rid of your pants. I want skin.”


Stormy Glenn

“As you desire, my sweet,” Ben crooned. He scooted out from

behind Stefan and stood beside the bed. Stefan’s eyes hated to leave

the fascination on Audley’s face, but the sight of Ben getting

undressed was not one to be missed.

“Audley, watch,” Stefan directed, nodding his head toward Ben.

Audley’s head swung over to Ben. His mouth dropped open as Ben

began to strip, one item at a time, slowly. Stefan grinned. Audley’s

breathing became more rapid with each article of clothing that came

off Ben’s gorgeous body.

Stefan knew not everyone would find Ben attractive. Many scars

marked his body. To Stefan, they had special meaning. He just hoped

Audley would see Ben the same way he did. Ben would be crushed if

Audley found him hideous.

Stefan was pretty sure it wouldn’t be an issue when he heard a

small hitch in Audley’s breath, but he wasn’t positive. The next few

seconds would tell the truth. “Gorgeous, isn’t he?” Stefan asked.

“So many scars,” Audley whispered. “So much pain.” Stefan’s

heart caught at the words. Would Audley reject Ben? Audley’s hand

reached out to trace one long scar along Ben’s abdomen.

Audley looked up at Ben. “Did anyone care for you?”

“Not until Stefan.” Ben gave Audley a little smile. “And hopefully


Audley looked indecisive. “Why me?” Audley asked. “I mean, I

understand Stefan. He’s beautiful, but why me? I don’t have anything

to offer you except a totally insane brother, a man who would trade

his own brother to get his hands on me, and the need to feed.”

Ben pushed his jeans to the floor, then reached over to caress the

side of Audley’s face. Audley jumped back, fear clouding his eyes.

Ben froze. Audley’s face flushed, and he dropped his eyes to look

down at his lap.

“I guess that’s one thing I have that I can offer you.” Audley

laughed nervously. “My fear, and I have a lot of it to spare.”

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


Stefan started to lean forward to reassure Audley when Ben knelt

on the floor. He slowly reached up to touch Audley’s face, giving the

man plenty of time to pull away. Stefan knew that Ben wanted to

comfort Audley as much as he did, but they’d have to move carefully.

Audley looked like a scared rabbit.

“Audley, there’s nothing wrong with being afraid,” Ben said

softly. “Even as big as I am, I get afraid.”

Audley snorted in disbelief.

“No, it’s true,” Ben asserted. “My fears may not be the same as

yours, but I do have them.”

“What kind of fears?” Audley asked quietly.

Ben gestured to his body. “Look at me. I have scars all over my

body, plus I’m the size of a brick shit house. You and Stefan are

perfect. You’re both small and delicate and don’t have a single mark

on your bodies. How can I compete with that?”

Audley frowned. “Why would you need to compete?”

Ben chuckled. “There are a lot of more attractive men out there,

Audley. What if you or Stefan find someone you want more, someone

prettier than me? I worry about that all the time, and the thought of

being without either of you scares me to death.”

“But we’re mates,” Audley insisted. “We would never leave you.”

“You can’t know that. You just met me. You might find you don’t

even like me once you get to know me.”

Audley shook his head. “No, I know Stefan. He’s been my best

friend since we were babies. If he wants to be with you, then I’ll want

to be with you. Stefan would never stay with anyone who he didn’t

care about.”

“I love Ben,” Stefan said. “I’ve told him, and even though he says

he believes me, I don’t think he does.” Stefan scooted over to sit next

to Audley. His heart filled with joy to be so close to both his mates.

“We’re just going to have to prove to him that we mean it.”

“We?” both Audley and Ben asked.


Stormy Glenn

“Yes, we.” Stefan laughed. “I’ve always had a spot in my heart for

Audley and now I know why. We’re mates. Now I can love him

freely without worrying anyone will think it odd. I know he cares for

me as well.” Stefan wagged his finger at Ben. “And you, Mr. Nobles,

you will hold us together. You’re going to be the center that we

gravitate around.”

Stefan moved closer to slide off the bed, landing on Ben’s lap and

wrapping his legs around the man’s waist. His hands stroked down

Ben’s chest. “We’re going to give you so much love that you won’t

BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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