Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] (16 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Glenn, #Stormy

BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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Leaning down, Ben slowly curled his hand in Audley’s hair and

pulled his head back. He wanted to see his mate’s pale-green eyes

when he spoke. He wanted Audley to see the truth in his eyes.

“Stefan is everything to me,” Ben began. “He loved me despite

how I looked, how much of a beast I am. He saw something in me

that I didn’t even know that I had. However, that doesn’t discount

what you’ve given me, Audley.”

“Me?” Audley asked again, his voice almost a squeak.

“You are a ray of sunshine in my darkness, Audley,” Ben said.

“Stefan showed me there was light in the world. You brighten it so I

can see all the beauty around me. I don’t think I could survive now

without either of you.”

“Well, yeah. We’re your mates.”

“Yes, you and Stefan are my mates, but it’s more than that,

Audley,” Ben said. He wished there was an easier way to explain the

feelings he had for both Audley and Stefan, but he was never very

good with explanations. He never told Stefan of his love because he

didn’t know how to put his feelings into words. Ben suddenly realized

that while Stefan might understand his hesitation, Audley needed to

hear the actually words to believe. “Being mated doesn’t mean we

have to care about each other. I’ve known mates who couldn’t stand

each other. Mating just draws us together. The rest is all up to us.”

“What’s that mean?” Audley frowned.

Ben picked Audley up and swung him around until the man

straddled his thighs, facing him. He cupped Audley’s face in his

hands. “It means that even though it’s not required for a mating, I

need you and Stefan more than the air I breathe. I can’t live without

either one of you.”

Ben saw more than heard the soft hitch in Audley’s breathing. His

eyes widened, his slender hands unconsciously twisted together. “You

love me?” Audley whispered so softly that if Ben hadn’t been

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


watching Audley’s face so intently, he never would have known the

man spoke.

“Yes, Audley. I love you.”

Audley’s eyes watered, one small tear falling down his porcelaincolored cheek. “No one’s ever loved me.”

“I think Stefan has always loved you,” Ben said. “I just think he

didn’t recognize what that was because of the situation you both lived

in. Now that you’re both here, he’s finally been freed to love you the

way he’s always wanted to.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?”

“Why should it?” Ben asked. “Just because Stefan loves you

doesn’t mean he can’t love me. In fact, I think it gives him even more

reason to love us both. We both bring something different to our


Ben smiled at Audley’s confused face and reached for the wooden

statue the man carved. “You made this because you wanted to give

me something to show me how much you cared for me, right?”

Audley flushed, but nodded.

“Stefan can’t carve an apple to save his life, but he does make a

fabulous apple pie. Both things show caring, but both are different.

Just like you and Stefan. You both care for me. You just show it in

different ways.”

“You know that I—that I—”

“You show me you care every time you let me hold your hand,

Audley, every time you let me touch your face,” Ben said as he

caressed the side of Audley’s face. He set the carving down on the

table and reached for Audley, pulling him up close until their noses

nearly touched. “You show me that you care every time you let me

love you.”

Ben leaned in just enough to feel Audley’s breath blow across his

face, letting his tongue brush over the man’s lush lips. He could feel

the nervous clenching and unclenching of Audley’s hands against his

bare shoulders.


Stormy Glenn

His hand slid down Audley’s hips and tightened around his ass.

He lifted the smaller man against him, pressing their bodies together.

The hard cock trapped in his pajama bottoms would leave no doubt

how Ben felt about Audley, how much he was turned on by the other


Ben groaned as Audley’s hands moved off his shoulders to grip

his hair, pulling Ben’s mouth closer and mashing their lips together.

He pulled Audley’s shirt up to his armpits, then slid his hands under

the waistband of his pajama bottoms, cupping the man’s perfect little

ass in his hands.

Ben totally approved when Audley broke their kiss and leaned

back to whip his shirt over his head, tossing it over his shoulder. He

was back instantly, pressing his lips against Ben’s again. Ben could

feel Audley’s svelte, hairless chest move against his, and it made his

toes curl.

“More,” Audley moaned in his ears.

Ben was more than happy to comply with Audley’s demand. He

lifted Audley up with one hand and ripped his pajama bottoms away

with the other. He then pushed his own pajama bottoms down to his

feet, kicking them away. When their bodies met as Ben set Audley on

his lap, Ben felt Audley tremble.

He hoped it was a good tremble. From the small whimpers

coming from Audley and the way he pushed down against Ben’s hard

cock, Ben was pretty sure Audley enjoyed himself. He wanted Audley

to more than enjoy himself. He wanted Audley to lose his mind.

“We need some sort of lube, baby,” Ben reminded Audley.

Audley didn’t lift his head from kissing along Ben’s jaw line. He

just pointed to the kitchen. Ben chuckled and stood to his feet,

wrapping his hands under Audley’s ass as he lifted the man in his

arms and walked into the kitchen.

When Ben turned his head away from Audley to search through

the pantry shelves, Audley just latched into his neck. He nibbled and

sucked, scraping his fangs across Ben’s skin. It was a tease because

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


he never quite broke the skin, but it sent shivers of delight down

Ben’s body.

Ben had to stop searching several times when the sensations

burning through his body became too much. Here he wanted to be the

one that drove Audley out of his mind and he was about to come right

where he stood. Despite what the man thought, Audley was very good

at what he did. And what he did was drive Ben crazy.

He quickly searched the rest of the cupboards until he found a

bottle of cooking oil. He grimaced and then decided it would do in a

pinch when he felt Audley’s hips begin to undulate against his.

Unscrewing the lid, he poured some out on his hands, then set the

bottle on the counter. Lifting Audley with one hand, Ben pushed his

other one between Audley’s butt cheeks, searching for the tight little

hole he knew waited for him.

Audley’s passionate moan as Ben pushed one finger into it rang in

Ben’s ears. It made him feel like he had won the lottery. It made him

feel so aroused that his vision shimmered at the edges, and his breath

caught in his throat.

Ben quickly pushed another finger into Audley’s tight hole,

needing to stretch the man out swiftly before he embarrassed himself

by ejaculating all over the floor like an untried teenage boy. It was

still going to be close.

Ben laid Audley back down on the tabletop and pushed a third

finger into Audley. The green eyes staring back up at him with a

dazed look was the biggest aphrodisiac Ben could ever remember

experiencing. But it was nothing compared to the lust that ripped

through him when Audley grinned and let his legs fall apart, baring

everything to Ben’s hungry eyes.

“Damn, Audley,” Ben groaned. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

Audley held his arms out, reaching for Ben. “Need you.”

Ben pulled his fingers free and grabbed for the bottle of oil. He

quickly poured more on his cock, spilling several drops on the floor in

his haste. Setting the bottle on the table, he grabbed his cock and


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pushed it against Audley’s puckered hole, watching as he slowly sank

into the man’s tight grip.

“Sweet hell, Audley,” he groaned. His mate’s body seemed to just

suck him right in until he was balls deep inside the man. It felt

amazing. His cock was surrounded on every side by wet, hot silk that

felt like it massaged him when he wasn’t even moving.

Ben watched as he slowly pushed his hard cock into Audley’s

body, then pulled out just as slowly. It was an erotic, intoxicating

sight. No matter how he moved, whether slow or fast, the result was

the same—fucking intense!

Ben grabbed Audley’s ankles and held them in the air, spreading

the man’s legs as far as they would go. He bent his knees a little and

angled his thrusts up more. He knew he hit Audley’s sweet spot when

the man cried out.

He continued to ram himself into Audley’s tight grip, stronger and

faster until Audley’s entire body shuddered and white spunk shot out

of his cock, covering his chest and abdomen. Audley’s inner muscles

clamped down on Ben, squeezing him forcefully.

Ben groaned, his head falling back on his shoulders. He froze, his

body suspended for a brief moment as ecstasy rippled through him.

The air rushed from his lungs as he roared out, filling Audley’s

welcoming body with his release.

Ben fell forward, his arms bracing himself, one on each side of

Audley’s sweaty body. He dropped his head forward to lean it against

Audley’s as he felt his knot extend. He knew he was going to be there

for a moment. He couldn’t think of anywhere else he wanted to be.

“Damn.” Audley laughed. “That just gets better and better.”

Ben grinned and wiggled his hips until Audley groaned. He knew

the knot had attached itself to Audley’s prostate. Every movement he

made stimulated the walnut-sized gland. Little quick thrusts had

Audley whimpering within moments.

Ben gloried in the dazed look glittering in Audley’s pale-green

eyes. He seemed so shocked by the pleasure coursing through his

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


body, as if he’d never experienced them before. It made Ben feel like

the most powerful man on the earth.

Ben’s eyes fell down to the pulse beating wildly in Audley’s

throat. He licked his lips, craving the taste of his mate. “Audley?” he

asked huskily. “I want to claim you again.”

Audley didn’t say anything, just tilted his head to one side in

invitation. Ben groaned and sank his canines deep into Audley’s

throat. The taste that blasted across Ben’s tongue as blood filled his

mouth was intoxicating.

It was amplified by the loud cry that came from Audley and the

wet heat that shot between them. Ben retracted his teeth and licked the

bite mark on Audley’s shoulder before lifting his head to gaze down

at his mate.

Audley looked winded, his face flush, his hair in disarray. Ben

didn’t think the man had ever looked better. He leaned down and

placed a small kiss on Audley’s lips. Audley grinned. Ben could feel

the man’s mouth widening against his lips.

He lifted his head and frowned down at him. “What?”

Audley pointed past Ben’s shoulder. Ben turned to see Stefan

standing in the kitchen doorway, a smirk on his face and his arms

crossed over his chest. Stefan pointed to the cooking oil mess on the

floor. “I don’t care if the kitchen is my domain. No way in hell am I

cleaning that mess up.”


Stormy Glenn

Chapter 8

Stefan dipped his head and hid his smile as he watched Audley

wipe another trail of flour across his cheek. The man was covered in

more flour than he had in the bowl. Audley was a disaster in the

kitchen, but he was an enthusiastic disaster.

Stefan hadn’t been able to tell his mate no when he begged to

learn to cook. Audley wanted to make food for Ben. Stefan agreed,

gaining Audley’s promise to teach him to carve in exchange.

And then he invited Nate over to help. He could see Nate standing

across the kitchen, trying just as hard as Stefan to hide his grin. Stefan

believed that everyone had a talent. Audley’s talent did not lie in the


“Stefan, are you sure this stuff looks right?” Audley asked as he

bent over his bowl.

“Did you add the eggs?” Stefan asked.

“Yes, all three of them like you told me to.”

Stefan bit his lip as another snicker tried to escape. He had to take

just a moment before he could speak again. Audley was looking down

at the bowl in front of him like the stuff inside might reach up and bite


“Did you add the yeast and sugar?” Stefan finally asked.

“Yes, but it’s not rising like you said it would.”

“It will,” Stefan said. “You have to mix everything together, and

then we cover it with a towel and let it rise in a warm place.”

“And this makes cinnamon rolls?” Audley sounded skeptical.

“It does.”

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


Audley wiped another trail of flour across his cheek and that

seemed to be all it took. Nate started laughing so hard he could barely

stand. Stefan had a really hard time holding his laughter in, but he

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