Whose Bride Is She Anyway (16 page)

Read Whose Bride Is She Anyway Online

Authors: Dakota Cassidy

Tags: #Chick Lit, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Whose Bride Is She Anyway
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Tara wrapped her arms around his neck and met his thrusts. “I have some, in the nightstand.”

August chuckled, his husky laugh sent chills along her spine, “Pretty presumptuous of you. ”

Kissing him soundly she laughed too. “I didn’t bring them with me, and I didn’t go buy them at the nearest island pharmacy, Mr. Confident. They were in the nightstand drawer,” she said as she reached between them and grasped his cock.

“Then let’s get it, dammit.” His eyes were dark and stormy.

Curling her fingers into his hair, she kissed him again, sliding her tongue against his, tasting herself on him. She pulled away and leaned over the side of the bed to find the condom.

He licked her nipples as she tore the foil wrapper off and slipped it on his cock.

“Lay on your stomach, ” he demanded.

She rolled over with anticipation, lying on her belly. August put his arm under her waist and tugged her to him. Her knees scraped the carpet and her ass pressed firmly against his thighs. He lay over her back, moving her hair aside, rimming her ear with his tongue. “Are you afraid, Tara? I won’t hurt you, I promise. If you want me to stop, say the word.”

A strong sure voice returned his answer, “Fuck me, August. Now. ”

His hand drifted to her cunt again, fondling her from behind as he said, “I won’t fuck you, Tara. I’ll make love to you tonight. We’ll fuck another time… When I can show you the difference and you’ll know it still has as much meaning.”

She shivered and responded by lifting her ass high and pushing against him, encouraging him to enter. He moaned in her ear, “Christ, Tara I want you, ” he grated as he slipped slowly inside her.

Tara took gulps of air as he filled her, stretching her to accommodate his thick girth. August pulled back gently and she found herself pleading with him, “Please, August, harder … give me more.”

Her words sent him thrusting into her with more force, hard and hot. “Like that, Tara? Is that how you want it?” He twisted his hips to emphasize his words, “Tell me,” he demanded.

“Yessss,” she fairly screamed when he thumbed her clit as he rose behind her again and plunged once more. “August…” she said his name on a breathy sigh.

He stilled again, cupping her pussy, “You’re tight, baby, tight and wet and I want to ram my cock into you. You were all I could think of when I was on that damn date.” He gasped again, as she reached behind her and put her arm around his neck, digging her fingers into his scalp.

“Then do it,” she commanded, arching against him, straining to pull him in deeper.

August complied, plunging into her balls-deep, the friction of wet and heat making her pussy clench in response. Milking his cock as he rode her, Tara felt his teeth nip her shoulder, his ragged breathing rasping in her ear.

Their rhythm increased its tempo and his hands ran over her ass. “God, Tara, don’t move like that or I’ll explode.”

Lifting herself high against him, she ignored his request, rolling her hips, gyrating with the beat of each forceful thrust.

His cock twitched and his body tensed, “Stop,” he said between clenched teeth, “stop or I’ll come. I want you to come with me…”

Her skin was damp and clinging to his, the brush of his thighs and hands was driving her mad. “Then make me come with you…” she taunted him. He loomed behind her, large and bulky, his chin pressing into her shoulder. Turning her head to reach for his lips, she pulled his mouth to hers and drove her tongue into it.

Teeth and tongues gnashed as August drove into her, tweaking her nipples as his other hand spread her flesh, weaving through the folds of her pussy. The force of his thrusts took her breath away, slamming her against the edge of the bed. His cock, hot and silken, slid with the ease of her moisture.

She came with the force of a tidal wave rushing over her, swarming every nerve ending with sensation. The slap of skin against skin, callused fingers in her cunt and his lips against her own was electrifying. Blood rushed to her ears and her heart throbbed painfully against her ribs. She tore her mouth from his and buried it in the bed, biting the comforter. The orgasm clung to her, overtook all sanity, leaving her wracked with small tremors. Tara heard nothing but the sound of her own heartbeat and August’s frantic words in her ears as he, too, found release.

He collapsed on her, panting for breath. Her eyes stung with unshed tears. She’d never experienced something so all consuming, so utterly uninhibited and wild.

His hands smoothed over her skin, soothing her shattered nerves, whispering across her flesh. Pulling out of her, August turned her and gathered her in his arms holding her close, tucking her into his lap.

As her breathing slowed, Tara snuggled her head against his chest, listening to the steady, sure beat of his heart.

Chapter Eighteen

There’s got to be a morning after…

ara pried her eyes open. They were glued shut from sleep. Bright sun filtered through the gauze curtains of her hut. Another day in paradise…

A finger traced a pattern between her breasts slowly.

“Hmm…” she snuggled deeper into the warmth of the body next to her.


Oh, Hells bell’s, she snuck a peek at the clock. Seven, whew, she had time to languish.

Um, hellloooo … the body, Tara’s overworked brain called to her.

Yes, the body… Warm and muscular, pressed firmly against her ass and moving its fingers over her, teasing her nipples.

I repeat, the body.

Tara twisted her head, looking over her shoulder. August’s white teeth flashed her that big grin. “Morning. ”

She groaned, “We are fucked, August.” Oh, Jesus, she was such a tramp. Driven by lust and ruled by her libido.

Rebel, she scorned herself silently.

“No, Tara, but we did fuck and I think I wanna do it again. ” He wrapped her arm around his neck and drew circles on the underside of her arm.

“We cannot do it again. What do you mean,
you think
? If we get caught…”

“We’ll be in sooo much trouble,” he mimicked her words. “And when I said ‘I think’, it’s because you haven’t exactly given me a warm welcome this morning. ”

“We’re going to get in trouble! How can you
about anything else but the trouble we’ll be in if you get caught with me?”

“Because I don’t care who knows, so let them catch me.”

“Look Neanderthal man, it means
be caught too and that means I could quite possibly be sued, plus get a good dose of national humiliation when they boot my ass outta here, on top of the fact that they will undoubtedly have grounds for a lawsuit! Remember the fraternization rule?”


“Yeah, like I said,

“So, we’ll just keep this a secret.”

Tara snickered openly, “How the hell can we do that when it’s broad daylight and there’s nowhere for you to hide?”

“I’ll find a way to get past the camera men. They don’t hang out as much with the jury, unle ss you’re in a session. ” This, August offered as he kissed his way down her waist and over her hip.

Her hands automatically found his thick hair. She clutched it and bit her lip. God, he was fabulous, she mused, as her body arched into the tongue that now swept over her thighs. “August, please … we have to stop. You have to get out of here and I have to get dressed.” Tara was beginning to sound like a bad romance novel—even to herself. “No, please stop, August—wait, please…” Good hell.

August’s lips were brushing the globes of her ass and his voice was muffled from beneath the blankets.

“We have plenty of time,” he said as his finger slipped inside her and his thumb found her clit. Kissing his way back up her body, he pulled her tightly to him with his other arm and lifted her leg to rest over his hip. Tara melted into his chest and focused on the hypnotic rhythm his finger created as he slid in and out of her.

His cock, hot and hard as steel, slipped between her open thighs, caressing the slick warmth of her pussy. Her clit throbbed and swelled with each slow thrust he made.

“Still want to get dressed?” August questioned on a ragged breath.

“Maybe we can wait.”

She felt his smile on her shoulder, “Maybe?”

Tara gasped and moaned her disappointment, when he pulled his finger from her. She reached between her legs to caress his cock and found him condom clad. “You’re pretty bold, Mr. Guthrie. Already have that condom on and everything, huh? ”

His response was to ease his way into her. She stiffened a bit, still tender from last night. “Did I hurt you last night? I couldn’t seem to control…”

Tara closed her eyes and snuggled closer to his chest. “It’s all right, neither could I. I’m okay, just a bit sore.”

Wrapping his arms around her waist, August began to withdraw.

She pushed against him, pulling his hands to her breasts and gripping his wrists. “Are you backing out on me now? Don’t stop…”

Cupping her breasts, he lay still. “But you’re sore. I don’t want to hurt you. Rest today and we’ll make up for it tomorrow. ”

“If you move, August Guthrie, there will be no tomorrow… So show me what a stud you are and put that love gun of yours to good use, okay? ”

He circled her nipples with his index fingers, “Well, if you insist. But, I gotta warn you, when my cock is in you lik e this, I can’t seem to think straight and I don’t want to get carried away. You’re incredible,” he said, as he pulled back, inch by agonizing inch. The sensuous glide of his cock and his words in her ear made her smile smugly.

To have this kind of power over a man as big and strong and sexy as August was foreign to her. She’d had very few relationships, only two that were sexual, but this, this chemistry with August, this need to have him inside her, his hands on her, sore or not was insatiable. That he fe lt it too, at least the physical aspect of whatever was happening here, was empowering. Men said all sorts of things to get in a girl’s drawers, there was no doubt about that, but Tara sensed a genuineness in August that was rare indeed. For now, she would accept this at face value and let it happen.

She was having the sexual experience of a lifetime and letting any inhibitions she harbored go. Words that she might never have uttered before didn’t seem so inhibiting anymore. “I think I’d have to agree on the incredible thing. This,” she reached around to press him tightly to her, “is incredible.”

The rhythm of his strokes increased slightly as he suckled the hollow of her neck. Tara pressed her ass against his abdomen, rocking with him. “And you have the most amazing ass I’ve ever seen. ” He emphasized his point by splaying a hand across her waist, holding her firmly to him and moving his other to cup her backside.

“My ass, huh? That’s it? Just my ass?” she wiggled against him, meeting his thrusts.

“Well, there
other things, like this…” he said as he reached under her and slid his fingers between the folds of her pussy, massaging the wet flesh as he stroked into her with his cock.

Tara’s hand covered his, following the path his fingers made. Exploring with him was new and exciting. Her clit throbbed as he fingered it, and Tara sighed. “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything quite like this, August.” She arched against him as the low hum of orgasm began to vibrate through her. Her muscles clenched him tightly and he groaned as he kept his pace steady.

“Slow down, Tara, you’re already sore. But, if you keep this up, I’m going to have a hard time holding back.”

She couldn’t slow down if she wanted to and she didn’t want to. As his cock filled her, she rode it with slow fierceness. Her world narrowed to the glide of his hard shaft and his hands taking her to heights she’d never reached. “I can’t slow down, so shut up and make me come.”

August chuckled, the rumble of his chest against her back making her nipples tighten almost painfully. “I think I can manage that,” he ground out as he began to move his fingers more rapidly and his hips crashed with hers.

His hot breath grazed her shoulders as he tensed behind her. Tara felt it too, the tug of orgasm, from the tips of her toes as it began to sweep over her. Beginning as a tingle and raging to a molten hot fire, assaulting her pussy, racing through her until she couldn’t hold a scream back. It tore out of her throat and echoed in the quiet of the room.

August came too, with a grunt and a twist of his hips, his teeth grazing her shoulder as he drove into her one final time.

Tara couldn’t catch her breath, and gasped as August fought for his own.

Pulling out of her, he turned her around, hauling her across his chest. He kissed the top of her head. “Damn, woman, ” he muttered.

She rested her head against the bulge of his pec and giggled.

August cupped her jaw, raising it so her eyes met his. “Can’t we just stay here today? ”

“No, we can’t and you know it. If I don’t hurry, I won’t have time to shower, so let me go, you Neanderthal.”

He went to kiss her lips, but she ducked him.

“Morning breath, ” she muttered.

“Gimme a kiss or I’m not letting you up.”

She pecked the corner of his mouth. “Now let me up.”

“Nope, I want a real kiss.”

Tara twisted her head to look at the clock. “August Guthrie let me up now! I’m going to be late.”

“Kiss me and I will.”

Tara laughed and pressed her lips to his, lingering for a moment longer than she should. Oh, those lips, firm and pliant, the y did wicked things to her body. His tongue slithered into her mouth, hot and hungry.

“You’re right,” he said against her lips. “You
have morning breath. ”

She cackled, “Get off of me, you brute.”

He let her go and she slid out of the bed, not even thinking about the fact she was completely naked in front of him. August followed behind her. “You gonna invite me to take a shower with you?” His eyes twinkled with amusement.

“I am not. What will happen if I do that?” She tugged at his cock, still cloaked in the condom. “We’ll end up latching onto each other all soapy and slick and then we won’t be able to keep our hands off of one another and you know what happens next.” His cock twitched in her hand,
obviously knew what happened next.

“I promise to be good. “ He held up his hands in the air. “I won’t even offer to wash your back.”

Tara giggled again. She was doing that a lot lately. “Well then, Mr. Guthrie,” she said over her shoulder, “I suppose if you promise to keep your hands to yourself you can shower with me. But, you better not ask to borrow my shower gel.”

He followed her into the bathroom, picking up the purple bottle of gel and sniffed it. “I think you can take me on my word that I don’t want to smell ‘raspberry morning fresh’.”

Tara stood in front of the mirror and began to brush the tangled mess of her hair. August took the brush from her and stroked her long curls. The sight of his bronzed body, thick and muscled, behind her lighter one, made her legs weak. She felt small and vulnerable in the shelter of his wide chest.

Small, vulnerable … and

Oh, God, she was
This was a new experience. Even the few sexual encounters she’d had, she’s never let anyone see her completely nude. Tara Douglas and naked had a long, sorry history together. Tara gripped the edge of the sink to keep from yanking a towel off the rack to cover herself.

By some miracle, he didn’t know about what happened twelve years ago between her and Kelsey, so there was no reason to behave as if she didn’t do this naked gig all the time.

Well, not
all the time
because that would just be slutty. A confident appearance in front of August might be a better way to go about this. Sorta like she did this occasionally, just enough to warrant ease with her body. God, she was such a fraud…

Tara’s pulse raced as she thought about August finding out about her and Kelsey and their little run-in at Evanston. Followed shortly by those damn tingles only he had the power to evoke, thus making her forget Kelsey. Tara’s nipples tightened as he brushed strand after strand. “We need to get in the shower and you need to get the heck outta here. Won’t your roommate wonder where you were last night?”

He laid the brush on the sink and circled her waist with his arms. “Yeah, yeah., I know—the rules, August!” he mimicked her. “Gordon was sound asleep when I left after I changed from my date.”

Tara turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry. I know I talk about the rules all the time and that stupid contract, but I’ve never, ever done anything this—this sneaky, you know? I try not to make a habit out of being deceitful.” Tara hid her face in his shoulder. Hah! She really hoped that whoever was making her room in hell right now would take into consideration that she’d never meant for any of this to happen with August.

“Let’s look at this logically. If you pretend to forfeit a competition and anyone finds out about us, not only will you be sued, but you’ll have to leave the island and they won’t let you come back, then we can’t see each other for almost three weeks. If you stay, and you win the elimination rounds, we can still see each other, as completely unethical and totally wrong as that is. I’ll understand completely if you want to go because it would be the right thing to do. I’m just not sure forfeiting a competition is the way to do it honestly.
leaving would mean you’d play the game like a champ and if you’re picked by the jury and Kelsey, you’d just turn her down when it came time to propose.”

And now, Tara Douglas, meet your conscience
… Tara felt like she was dragging August into this deception with her, when her intent had only been to one-up Kelsey. This was growing far too complicated for a novice-revenge-seeker like herself.

She nipped his earlobe and forgot about the nagging little problem Kelsey presented. “So what’s it going to be, stud? Stay here with me and we schtupp our brains out, or,” she paused for effect and cocked her head, “you can be a big, fat wimp and chicken out, which would also mean we might both be sued if you leave, because you know they like to stir up trouble
the fact and the schtupping part of this deal is

“So, you’ll let me come boink you if I keep competing?”

It was always about the boink, wasn’t it?

Tara burst out laughing. “It’s totally against the rules and completely unethical, but, yeah, you can have hut visitation. As long as you promise to be careful,” she warned.

Careful was an understatement.

* * *

Piercing screams filled the air as Tara made her way to the makeup trailer. She threw open the door to find Kelsey waving her arms wildly and screaming at the makeup people. “Look at my face! Oh, my God, I can’t go on national television like this!” Kelsey slapped the hands that tried to help her and screeched, “Get the hell away from me, you idiots! Can’t you see I need a doctor?”

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