Wicked Burn (22 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Wicked Burn
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Chapter 28
Nick was fairly certain he might have blinked, and then reality set in. “You can’t be pregnant.”
Simone’s cheek creased. “I am.”
“But. But how?”
The woman laughed out loud. “Well, I could draw you stick figures, but I’m thinkin’ you should be able ta figure it out.”
Her eyes sparkled, but her slip into brogue showed her nervousness. Everything inside him shifted and settled. He breathed out. “You’re all right?”
“Fine.” She shrugged. “I’m only a few days along.” Then her fine eyebrows arched down. “You believe me?”
“Yes.” Of course he believed her. Simone would never lie about something so important. “I’m just surprised, but considering your parents, maybe I shouldn’t be?”
She shivered, and he reached for a blanket at the end of the bed to wrap around her. “It’s still incredibly rare, and it’s not like we coulda used birth control, right?”
He nodded. Birth control didn’t work for immortals, but that wasn’t a big deal because most immortals took eons to procreate. Not Simone, apparently. So many thoughts assailed him, he couldn’t grasp just one. “I was too rough.”
She rolled her eyes. “You were fine. The babe is well protected, Nicholai.”
Relief coursed through him. Even so, he’d be much more careful in the future. “Okay. Wow. This is a big deal.” How lame were those words?
She patted his chest. “I’ve had a little time to get used to the idea, and I’m still kind of freaking out.”
A babe. Simone with child. Nick tightened his hold on them both. “We need to get you somewhere safe.” A small island in the middle of a stormy ocean didn’t count. They also needed to mate and soon.
“I need to face the Nine, but I’m more worried about the dragons.” Her jaw firmed, but real fear swirled in her eyes. “They said they’d kill any dragon-demon child because of its potential mind attack ability. There was a hybrid years ago, and it sounds like he was an evil monster with powers nobody could overcome.”
Heat and power jerked Nick’s spine into a straight line. “That’s ridiculous. Our child will know love and security. That’s not an environment to create evil.” He leaned down and rubbed his nose over hers. “We’ll make sure he’s a good person.”
“She,” Simone murmured. “I’m betting on she.”
“Even better.” He smiled to mask the furious need to protect slamming through him with more force than the storm hammering the small cottage. “Nobody is going to harm this baby. You have my word.” He’d kill every last dragon on earth if they were a threat to his child. His hands shook, and his voice lowered to glass in a cement mixer. So he stood and carefully placed her back on the bed as if she were something infinitely fragile, which suddenly, she was.
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her upturned nose. “I’m happy about this, Simone.” There were so many damn emotions battering him that
had to be in there somewhere. “Give me a minute to gather more firewood from outside, and we’ll create a plan. All right?”
She nodded, understanding filling her dark eyes. “Take your time.”
He turned to the doorway and had just reached it when she called out.
“You might want to put on your jeans.” The laughter in her voice warmed him throughout.
Giving her a grin, he leaned down and tugged up his jeans before stepping back into his boots. Then he paused and stalked over to the cupboards to open several. Simple utensils and plates. He glanced around the small room.
“What?” Simone asked.
“Weapons. Where would Bear hide weapons?” Nick looked up and around the ceiling.
“Somewhere simple. Probably under the bed.” Simone moved to get up.
Nick stalled her with a hand. “Stay wrapped up.” He crossed to the bed and crouched down to find a flat metal chest. He pulled it out and flipped open the lid to reveal several guns, swords, knives, throwing stars, and even explosives. “Whoa.”
Simone leaned over the edge of the bed. “He’s got an arsenal in there.”
Nick grabbed two green guns and handed them to her. “Until I get back.” Preferring a blade, he took two and tucked one in his boot and the other in his pocket. “Shoot anybody that’s not me. Including Bear.”
“Funny.” Simone set the guns down. “If you need backup, call me.”
He eyed her. If she thought she was going into any sort of battle now, she truly didn’t know him. “We’ll talk when I get back.”
“You’re damn right we will.” She met his gaze levelly.
He gave a short nod and turned for the storm outside, which would probably be easier to tame than the woman behind him. Once outside, he shut the door and leaned back against it, taking several deep breaths. A baby. The world suddenly felt both heavier and lighter, scarier and more beautiful.
Lightning arced across the water, flashing silver and purple. Waves crashed, high and angry, and rain barreled down to attack the earth. The wind blew sand into his legs and over the front porch. He stepped off the porch, shielding his eyes from the sand, and walked the perimeter of the cabin to find the generator in a stone outbuilding connected to the house. Then he patrolled farther out, keeping the cabin in sight at all times and strategizing his next move with Simone and the rest of the world. Finally, deciding the weather was the biggest threat to them at the moment, he gathered more wood from a shed and stomped back inside.
The fire had died down to small crackles, and Simone lay asleep on the bed, still in the blanket he’d wrapped around her. Her thick hair had dried splayed over the pillow. Soft firelight caressed her delicate cheekbones and pursed lips. In sleep she was just as beautiful as when fully animated.
He studied her, and something inside him, something deep, down, and hidden . . . relaxed. Everything he’d ever want or need lay sleeping on that bed.
For years, he’d wondered. Would he be whole again? Would he feel love again?
He did. With her, a wild witch of a woman, and now their babe. It was more than he deserved, but he’d hold on with both hands. Nothing and nobody would harm them. Ever.
He kicked off his boots and padded to place the wood near the fire. Carefully, he piled on a few more logs and then removed his clothing to dry over the table before finding a pair of old sweats in the dresser and yanking them on. Gently, he took the two guns off the bed and pressed a kiss to Simone’s forehead before stalking over to the couch to keep watch for the night.
His short spell of sleeping peacefully was over.
Simone came slowly awake, and her stomach rumbled. She had to shove wild hair out of her face before sitting to find Nick cooking something that smelled delicious. “Nick?”
He turned. “Hungry?”
She swallowed. The demon stood in old sweats, his broad chest bare, muscles rippling with simple movements. “Yes.”
One eyebrow rose. “For food.”
“That, too.” She swung her legs over the bed and gathered the blanket around herself. “Tell me there’s a loo.”
He wrinkled his nose. “There’s an outhouse of sorts.”
“Wonderful.” She pushed off the bed and swayed as dizziness swamped her.
He was there in an instant, holding her elbows. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She took several deep breaths. “Just a little off, that’s all.”
He picked her up, and the room whirled around. “I’ll take you outside.”
She planted a hand against his chest with a solid
. “I am all right now, and I can certainly take myself to the loo.” They had to nip this nonsense in the bud and now.
He ignored her and stomped across the cottage to open the door.
“Oh,” she breathed at the enchanting view. The storm had fled, leaving sparkling water as far as the eye could see. The sun shone down, and the waves caressed the shore. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yes.” He walked across the porch and set her gently down on a stone walkway. “There’s the outhouse.”
She nodded and gingerly stepped from stone to stone to the outhouse, which had a bear carved into the door. “Funny.” After taking care of business, she returned to find Nick waiting on the porch for her. “We need to get this overprotectiveness taken care of and now—
.” He swept her up, and her hair flew all around. “I can walk.”
Again, he didn’t answer. So he thought by just ignoring her that he’d get his way, did he? “Don’t make me burn you,” she muttered, snuggling into his neck just for a moment. She was so tired, and she’d just slept the entire night away. “What did you cook?”
“Dried eggs with a bunch of spices but nothing too hot.”
“I like hot.”
“Not when you’re pregnant.” He set her on the couch as if she were a porcelain doll, fetched her clothes, and helped her into them.
Her mouth dropped open as he gently zipped her jeans. “You have never tried to get me into clothes before.”
He chuckled and turned to the stove.
She grabbed his arm and jerked him toward her. His eyebrows rose and he leaned in, his eyes right above hers. “Yes?”
“Stop it.” There was absolutely no need to expand on the statement.
“No.” Apparently he saw no need, either.
The door burst open, and he spun around so quickly the momentum tossed her against the back of the couch.
“Howdy, all.” Bear stomped off his feet, his dick swaying. He gestured with a smoldering book that shook in his trembling hands. “Hey. Those are my sweats.”
Nick looked up at the ceiling. “There has to be another pair. Find some.”
Bear frowned, and blood leaked from his nose. He wiped it off. “Clothes don’t make the shift, you know. It’s not like I enjoy being naked all the time.”
“Are you all right? Please tell me you’re okay.” Simone tossed her discarded blanket his way, concern chilling through her.
“I will be. Just need rest and good food,” Bear said, snagging the blanket in his hand.
“What happened?” She scrutinized him. Pale, shaky, but standing all right.
“It looks like the soldiers who saw Nick kill Desmond are willing to back Flynn’s totally untrue version of events.” Bear threw the book to land next to Simone on the sofa.
“What’s this?” Simone carefully picked up the volume.
“It’s about Traxton, who was an evil dragon-demon hybrid way back when.” Bear wiggled his eyebrows, his gaze suddenly piercing.
Could he be any more obvious? Simone turned the book over in her hands. “I told Nick about the baby.”
“Whew.” Bear moved forward and clapped Nick on the back. “Congratulations and welcome to the family.”
“Get. Dressed. Bear.” Nick spoke through clenched teeth, his gaze remaining on the shifter’s face.
Bear guffawed. “Why? We’re family, or we will be. You two are getting mated, right?”
“Yes,” Nick said at the same time Simone said, “No.”
Nick turned around to face her fully. “Yes.”
Bear leaned around Nick and shook out his shaggy hair. “I’m with the demon. You gotta get mated.”
That was it. Simone stood and glared at her brother. “Would you cut the shit with the dumbass good-ol’-boy routine? I’m sick and tired of it.”
Bear blinked. Once and then twice. His face hardened, and his eyes sharpened. “All right. You and that baby boy need the protection of a mate, whether you like it or not. Add in the protection of an entire race of demons loyal to your mate, plus the entire Realm, which is allied to that demon nation, and you are going to mate him if I have to bring the proverbial shotgun to the ceremony.”
Nick grinned. “I knew I liked you.”
Bear turned his full focus on Nick. “You hurt my sister or that boy, and I’ll do things to you not even a mind-attacking demon could imagine.”
Nick’s smile widened. “Could be a girl, you know.”
Bear paled. “Jesus. A demon, dragon, witch hybrid female. God help us all.”
Nick lost the smile. “Yeah.”
Bear cleared his throat. “So. Where should I take you two?”
“Nowhere. Go get us a boat.” Nick rubbed his chin.
Bear shook his head. “Boats can’t get close enough because the ocean is still way too wild from the storm. Rocks. And before you ask about helicopters, there’s nowhere to land.”
“Then find a dragon whose true nature is that of a dragon to come get us,” Simone hissed. “Get Flynn. Wait a minute. Call Flynn.”
“No phone.” Bear shrugged. “I’m gonna shift into a dragon, so you might as well tell me where to go.”
Nick shook his head. “Just to land so we can grab transport somewhere safe.”
Simone glared at them both. “You’re forgetting my trial starts tomorrow. I have to show up, or I’ll have a bounty on my head for the rest of my life.”
Nick growled low. “If you’re found guilty?”
“Then we’ll deal with the situation at that time.” She rubbed her belly. “I can’t have this child be a wanted person from birth. We have to somehow win at trial.” She leaned in and pressed a kiss to Nick’s chin. “It’s our best chance for a normal life for him or her. I have to face the Nine.” She stepped back, trusting he’d make the right decision and not fight her.
“Absolutely not,” Bear snapped. “Stay away from those crazy witches and go somewhere safe.”
Simone ignored him and focused on Nick.
Nick lowered his chin. “I agree it’s the smart thing to do, but if things go badly, you have to promise to let me get you out of there. No matter what it takes.”
She nodded, her hands still over her abdomen. “I promise.” Her lips trembled, but she tried to force a smile for her brother. “Promise me this won’t hurt you too badly.”
He rolled his eyes. “It won’t. Geez. I can shift a few times every century or so without losing my spleen.”
God, she hoped he was telling the truth. “Any chance you can keep the ride smooth this time?” she asked.
Bear sighed. “Nothing else is going smooth, so why start with the ride?”

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