Wicked Burn (24 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Wicked Burn
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Chapter 31
Simone paced the conference room, trying to count the energy signatures of the guards outside. Many, many guards. “Can you believe that? Is there a chance that Traxton was actually Roman’s kid, too?” Did the dragon have some great gift of spreading his seed or what?
“Could be,” Nick said, poring over documents, an untouched roast beef sandwich next to him on the table. “That testimony killed us. Well, after the council got over the shock about dragons.” He sat back, fury sizzling in his dark eyes.
True. Sadler had even had pictures to prove that dragons existed. By the time he was finished testifying, everyone had believed him.
Nick shoved the sandwich away. “What’s the Nine’s position on pregnant defendants? I mean, say they do sentence you to death? Will they agree to wait to carry out the sentence until after the babe is born?”
Simone dropped into a chair, her curiosity about Roman deflating. “Uh, I don’t know. God. Do you think I’m going to be executed?”
Nick started and then reached out and covered her hand with his. “Not a fucking chance, sweetheart. I’m just looking at all scenarios. Worst case, if you’re found guilty, how much time do I have to get you to safety? With the babe, could be nine months.”
She nodded and took several deep breaths to keep from throwing up. “I’d say they’d normally wait, but . . .”
“But what?”
She shrugged. “Witch, dragon, demon mix here. What if they decide he’s a danger to society like the dragons believe him to be?”
“Shit.” Nick reached for the book Bear had given them on the beach. “According to this, he’s not. Traxton was an aberration, probably created because Roman was such a prick. Any kid can be good or bad, and environment matters. Our kid will be as good as a loving home can make him.”
Simone swallowed. “Good. Any proof of that?”
“No. Just conjecture.” Nick set down the book. “The only proof will be our child.”
“If he’s allowed to live a normal life and not be on the run,” Simone said woodenly, tears pricking the back of her eyes.
Nick shoved his chair back, reached over, plucked her out of her chair, and set her on his lap facing him. “I know you’re feeling vulnerable and tired, little bunny. But it’s time to get pissed instead.”
She nodded and took another deep breath. “I know.” Not in a million years would she give up, but it still hurt that her own people might order her death. “I’m also worried about Flynn and the dragons. Their secret is definitely out now, and since they can counter any immortal attack, they’re dangerous” If she stayed in her position, she could help them and arrange a treaty. The dragons needed allies.
“That’s their problem.” Nick grasped her chin and lifted her face to his gaze. “Your only concern is your health and the baby. I’ll take care of the rest.”
How badly she wanted to snuggle into his chest and let him save her. But she could damn well save herself. Time to snap out of it and grow a pair. “Our powers don’t work in the chambers, but take one step outside, and we’re both at full battery charge.” She wiggled her butt to get more comfortable on his firm thighs.
He made a sound that was a cross between a groan and a growl. “Hold still.”
Her lips twitched, and she did it again, sliding forward until her core met his. “Why?”
His erection immediately rubbed against her clit. “That’s why.” His voice was hoarse.
She ran her fingers through his thick hair and bit back a moan at the pure heat now between her thighs. His energy, all Nick Veis, surrounded her in comfort and security.
His dark eyes promised everything she could ever want. Her heart thumped. For so long, she’d been afraid of getting hurt again. Afraid to take a chance.
Everything in the demon holding her promised he’d catch her if she leaped. She settled into that reality and smiled at the only man she’d every truly love. “You’re as prepared as you’re going to get for my testimony. Stop looking through documents you’ve already memorized.” Her thighs tightened against his.
“We have fifteen minutes to kill, then. What should we do?” He caressed her arms, one hand sliding to her nape to knead it.
Delicious tingles cascaded across her neck and down her spine. “I’ll have to be inventive.” Her body ached for him, so she reached down and released his zipper before opening his pants as much as she could. His cock, fully erect, jumped against her palm. “Very nice, Veis.”
“I aim to please.” He reached under her skirt with his free hand and snapped her panties in two. “I’ll buy you new ones.”
Her breath panted out, and she got up on her knees, allowing him to position himself right where she wanted him. Grabbing his shoulders, she lowered herself slowly, inch by inch, her body stretching decadently around him. Finally, her butt hit his thighs.
He filled her completely, and she had to breathe out for a moment. Her head fell forward to the crook of his neck, so she could just feel.
His arms vibrated. “Simone?”
“Hmmm.” Her body rioted with the need to move, but she felt so damn good in this moment, she wanted to hold on to it forever. “Nicholai.”
He snapped. She sensed his loss of control a second before the hand at her nape yanked her back, and his mouth crashed down on hers. He kissed her hard, his tongue taking charge, his lips molding against hers.
One hand grabbed her ass, and he stood, laying her on the table. The cool maple soothed her heated back.
Papers and pens scattered in every direction. He leaned over her, his mouth still working hers, and started to pound.
The friction fired sparks through her, and she shut her eyes, overcome. He hammered into her so hard, for a moment she thought she’d go over the other side of the table, but his hands at her nape and rear kept her in place for him. For whatever he wanted to do. He gripped her hard enough to bruise, and he angled her to the side, pounding so forcefully inside her the sound of flesh against flesh was all she could hear.
“More,” she moaned, her nails digging into his chest.
He obliged her, completely letting go. Each pound battered her clit, and she held her breath, crying out when she went over. Waves upon waves of raw pleasure cascaded through her, taking her breath, taking her will to do anything but ride them out. She came down with a sigh, her eyelids opening.
Nick leaned over her, his gaze beyond intense, power embodied in his form. He stopped moving, still fully erect and embedded in her. His hand lifted to reveal his family crest with the intricate
in the middle, across his right palm. “Where do you want it?” he growled.
Her eyes widened. “We, ah . . .”
“Where, Simone?” All male, all intent, there was absolutely no denying him, and she knew it. The uncertainty of the future was no reason not to grab all the good she could get.
She breathed out, having imagined his marking on her skin more times than she could count through the years. Her heart pounded so hard her breath caught. God, she wanted this. She really wanted to wear his mark . . . wanted to make him hers forever. “Right shoulder blade.”
He withdrew, yanked her up, and turned her around. “Down.”
She leaned over the table, her cheek to the smooth mahogany, her heart thundering.
He grasped her hip and powered inside her with one strong stroke, lifting her up on her toes. She gasped and tried to rear up, but a hand at her nape stopped her. He tightened his hold.
A warning
She settled back down, her mind spinning. He pulled out and shoved back in, setting up a hard rhythm that kept her on her toes. She closed her eyes again as electricity uncoiled inside her. He slammed against her G-spot, and her internal walls clenched down, sending her into an orgasm so intense she stopped breathing. Fangs sliced into her left shoulder while a piercing hot pain burned into her right.
She cried out and reached back with her right hand to grab any part of him, finding the side of his butt. Her nails dug in, and fire roared between their flesh.
His forearm moved in front of her vision and she latched on, her teeth digging in to taste blood.
He growled close to her ear, his fangs sliced deeper to connect, and he stopped moving, jerking hard inside her.
Tears spiked the back of her eyes. Pain pounded at several points of her body, and she couldn’t get a mental handle on any of them. The fangs retracted, and she bit back a sob. A lazy swipe of his tongue sealed the wound, and a healing balm covered the pain. She released him and slapped her hands against the table, glancing over her shoulder to see the edge of the marking. Man, she needed a mirror to see the whole thing. If it looked anything like his palm had, it would be beautiful.
Nick withdrew and gently put her skirt back to rights before helping her up and turning her into his embrace. “Are you all right?”
Tears clouded her eyes. “Yes.” It had been much more intense than she’d thought. What in the hell had they been thinking, mating each other with everything around them so unsettled?
“I meant to do that tonight in a bed with candles and flowers,” he murmured against her hair, one hand sweeping down her back.
She allowed his heat to surround her with protection and security. “This is more us. I mean, in the middle of a trial for my life. You know.” But had it been a mistake? God. They hadn’t even really discussed mating, and now it was a done deal.
He chuckled and pulled her away, looking down into her face. “I vow to protect you with all that I have and all that I’ll ever be. You and the babe.”
She smiled and tried to will the tears away.
He frowned.
“What?” she asked.
“I’m not sure.” He glanced down his side and then stilled. “Jesus, Simone.”
“What?” She angled over and followed his gaze to see a perfect Celtic knot, her marking, askew on his buttock.
He coughed. “You marked my ass. And it’s not even straight.”
Humor bubbled up through her, and she threw back her head, laughing long and hard. She’d marked his butt. “Oh, Nick. I got carried away.”
He grinned. “I guess that’s good.”
With his powers, he could probably heal the burn until it was barely noticeable, but he didn’t move to change a thing. His obvious acceptance of her crazy marking warmed her throughout. “I’ll protect you and the babe, too.” Her vow was just as heartfelt as his, and just as powerful. They were talking protection and not love, but at the moment, her emotions were so jumbled she couldn’t find the right words.
Maybe he couldn’t, either.
Or maybe in Nick’s world, the offer of protection meant more to a warrior than the offer of love. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, about emotion, but a sharp rap sounded on the door. “One minute,” a guard called.
Nick jumped back and jerked up his pants, quickly straightening his shirt.
Simone pushed back her hair, having no doubt it’d be obvious what they’d been doing to prepare for her testimony. Her mind clouded, and she couldn’t grasp just one thought. She had just mated Nicholai Veis, one of the most powerful demons on the planet.
He grasped her hands and captured her gaze. “Several deep breaths. On the stand, I want you to be all you. Confident, honest, and strong. Don’t let them see one iota of concern, emotion, or doubt.”
She nodded, grabbing on to his directions like a lifeline. “I can do it.”
“I know. And Simone, if I tell you to run, you obey me without question.” He leaned in, his gaze so intent she could feel it in her abdomen. “Promise me.”
“Nick, I—”
His hold tightened. “Promise me.”
“What have you done?” she breathed, trying to back away.
He held her in place and ran a knuckle down the side of her cheek. The animal in him, the one he kept so carefully caged, stretched beneath the surface. She could
him. “What did you think would happen when you became pregnant with my child?” he asked, his voice even deeper than usual.
A tremble shook her spine. “Nothing. I mean, I figured we’d go on and work things out.”
“We will.” His hold gentled, but his gaze sharpened. “Your safety and protection are mine, Simone, as are you.”
What the hell? “Listen—”
“No.” He leaned down and kissed her. Hard. “No negotiation on that one, little bunny.”
The door opened, and two guards waited.
Nick turned to her. “Let’s do this.”
Chapter 32
Nick tried to readjust his pants and will down his hard-on as they wound through the tunnels. What the holy fuck had he just done? He’d mated Simone in a conference room right before she gave the most important testimony of her life. Oh, he’d had every intention of mating her that night as they waited until the Council announced a decision the following morning, but he’d wanted to romance her a little. It was crucial that she carry his mark before the sentencing, but he could’ve been gentle when mating her.
Instead he’d bent her over a table and fucked her hard with the guards no doubt hearing every sound.
Not that he gave a shit about the guards, but even so, he would’ve liked to have charmed her.
They entered the courtroom, where more guards had been stationed around the perimeter. Peter watched Simone walk in, his gaze darkening. Nick kept his expression bland, but it was fairly obvious how he and Simone had spent their lunchtime.
Simone swept to the witness stand and took a seat. “Let’s begin,” she ordered the prosecutor.
Nick hid a smile and took his seat.
Colman stood. “Ms. Brightston, please tell the Council how long you’ve known you were part shifter.”
“For about a century,” she said evenly.
The Council kept it together, but Nick could see evidence of surprise.
“The Nine thought they’d exterminated multis, but it turns out the enemy were dragons. The proof offered by Phillipe Sadler confirms the existence of dragons, as unbelievable as it seems.” Colman clasped his hands behind his back. “For one hundred years you’ve known you’re an enemy the Coven Nine had thought was exterminated?”
“No. I thought I was part bear shifter,” Simone said, her hands resting easily in her lap. “I just found out two days ago that dragons even existed, much less that I have dragon genes.” She turned toward the Council.
Colman cleared his throat. “Surely you must have had an inkling.”
Her eyebrows rose. “That dragons actually existed? Ah, no. I had no clue.” The ring of truth definitely echoed in her tone. “Frankly, I don’t think they’re enemies of the Coven Nine or the witch nation. They’ve been hiding out to avoid persecution.”
“Where is your father now?” Colman asked.
“Dead,” Simone said.
“Did you kill him?” Colman shot back.
“No, and it’s irrelevant who killed him, so we’re moving on.” Simone shifted her weight in the seat.
Peter sat forward. “We’ll determine relevance. Who killed him?”
Her jaw firmed, and she met the Council’s stares.
“I killed him,” Nick spoke up. “Walked in, saw the bastard trying to kidnap Simone, and took him out.” She glared at him, and he shrugged. If she thought to piss off the Council by protecting him, she was sorely mistaken. “I don’t care who knows it.”
Peter narrowed his gaze, probably scenting for truth. “All right. Did Vivienne Northcutt know about dragons? About your father? Since she procreated with him, surely she knew he was a dragon.”
Simone laughed outright at that. “That’s your plan, Peter? To take my mother’s place on the Coven Nine by using rumor and dragons?” Simone shook her head, real mirth in her dark eyes. “Oh, my friend. You do
want to take her on.”
Peter’s ears turned red. “Continue, Colman.”
Nick gave her a look. She did not need to tick off Peter right at the moment.
Colman resumed questioning, going through the videos as well as all of the banking statements. Simone kept to the truth, admitted she wasn’t sure about a few, and vehemently denied signing several. Colman was good, but Simone was spectacular.
Nick clarified a couple of questions when he got the chance, and then he released her. She stood, all grace, and made her way to his side, right where she belonged.
Colman then gave a passionate closing about betrayal, country, and of course, dragons. Nick tuned him out halfway through his speech, his brain putting all of the facts into order. There was a lot of evidence against Simone, but she’d done a good job on the stand. The verdict would boil down to what the meager three-person Council wanted to do with her politically.
Finally, he stood. “You know Simone did not intentionally do any of these things. You know it.” He walked around the table to be closer to them. “This was a setup, albeit a good one. The man providing evidence admitted to a vendetta against all of you, and especially against Simone. How can you trust one iota of what he offered to the prosecutor?”
Nessa nodded as he spoke.
Good. One down for sure.
“In addition, dragons are now out. They’re not your enemies, and their connection to Simone is a good one. You do want a liaison there, right?”
Peter’s face settled into thoughtful lines.
“Finally, and please listen closely. Even if you wrongly, and I mean very wrongly, decide to convict Simone Brightston, you can’t sentence her to death.”
“Why not?” Peter asked.
“I am Nicholai Veis, second in command of the demon nation, and Simone Brightston is my mate and the mother of my unborn child.” He pierced each one of them with a hard look. “The demon nation will not accept one of our own being killed by you. Such an action would be tantamount to war.” Yeah, he had no problem making it clear that the easy choice for them was to find Simone not guilty.
Peter’s mouth dropped open. “You
during lunch?”
Nick didn’t turn to see Simone’s expression. “The timing is hardly relevant. But it is done, so heed my warning.”
“War,” Sal said grimly.
“War between our nations.” Nick flashed his teeth. “In addition, there is nowhere any of you can hide if you put a bounty on my mate’s head. I will find you, and I will make you wish you’d never heard my name.”
Peter banged the gavel. “You will not threaten the Council.”
Nick lifted a shoulder. “The defense rests.”
Simone swept into the guest quarters at the rear end of Coven Nine headquarters, her temper simmering. The studio apartment was sparse with bed, table, and couch. . . and nothing good to throw. “What in the holy hell were you doing today?” She whirled on Nick, who’d walked calmly in behind her. “You confess to killing my father, inform everyone that we’ve mated, and then threaten the three sitting council members?” She set her hands firmly on her hips.
Nick shut the door. “Pretty much.”
She shook her head, and her hair tumbled out of its knot. “Do you really think that was smart?”
Her breath heated enough to burn her lungs. “Did you mate me because of the trial?” A hollow feeling emptied her stomach. “To win, I mean? To make the claim that the demon nation would avenge me?”
His gaze softened. “I mated you because I’ve loved you from the first time I set eyes on you. A century ago.”
She blinked and drew up short. “Wh-what?”
He gestured, palms up. “Many soldiers who’ve fought in wars, who’ve killed like I have, wonder if they have a heart. I’ve never wondered.”
“Why not?” she whispered.
“Because you’re in it and always have been.” He reached her in three long strides. “My heart is yours and always will be. Everything I’ve done in this life from the good to the truly terrible has been to make the world a better place for you and any children we may have.” His hand flattened over her abdomen. “Everything I am or will ever be belongs solely to you.”
Tears filled her eyes. “Nicholai.”
His chin lifted. “No woman has ever been loved more than you are right now, Simone. It’s impossible. I promise you.”
Geez. When he brought out the good words, he did so with a vengeance. “I—”
“Let me finish.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m difficult, I’m sure. Possessive, protective, and downright bossy.”
“You’re not that bad.” She reached up and ran her palm across the stubble on his chin.
“Good, because I’m not going to change.”
She paused. “Huh.”
“You stay safe, period. Whatever I have to do to ensure your safety, I’ll do it.” He leaned in, his face an inch above hers. “Fight me all you want, but I don’t recommend it.”
Fire cracked on her hand, and he jerked his face away from the burn.
“There’s more where that came from,” she said, keeping his gaze. “We’ll protect this baby together, and I love you, too. Always have and always will.”
He smiled then, his face taking on a stark, masculine beauty. “We’re going to have some fun through this life.”
Aye, if they didn’t kill each other.
He kissed her, going deep, using gentleness in a way that stole her breath. Before she knew it, she was undressed and on the bed. He stood over her, so large and powerful, and definitely hers. He removed his clothing, piece by piece, and her mouth was watering by the time he stretched over her, all hard male.
She ran her fingers through his thick hair and traced his eyebrows, nose, and mouth. “I hope she looks like you.”
“He.” Nick leaned down and nibbled on her mouth. “The first one has to be a boy, just to help me with the next one, which will probably be a girl.”
“Maybe you’ll need help with the boy,” she whispered against his lips.
He grinned, his mouth tickling hers. “I have no doubt your children, boys and girls, will be absolute hellions.”
God, she hoped so.
He kissed down her neck and across her collarbone to her breasts, licking and sucking until she was a writhing mass of need beneath him. Nick’s tenderness brought on a slow burn that was no less intense than the heated desire they’d shared in the conference room. But somehow, the sweetness went right beyond her body to her heart.
When he slowly slid inside her, it truly felt like she was home. Finally.
He moved out and then back in, setting up a rhythm he matched with his teeth and tongue on her breasts and up her neck as he kissed her deeply. The first orgasm rolled through her, taking her worry. The second caught her unaware, and she sighed his name. The third sparked her on fire, and she held on so hard she burned his shoulder.
They made love again near dawn, laughing and loving like they had the first time, so many years ago. Finally, the sun came up.
Together, they showered and then got dressed. For her sentencing, Simone wore a crimson red skirt with flowing top and her hair up. She slipped her hand into Nick’s as the guards arrived to lead them through the labyrinth of tunnels to the Chambers. At least eight guards stood at attention around the inside perimeter of the room.
Simone and Nick sat, their fingers entwined, and waited until Peter, Sal, and Nessa took their seats, no expression on their faces.
Colman had dressed in a pin-striped gray suit for the occasion and looked like he needed a vacation.
Peter reached for the gavel.
Simone and Nick stood.
Peter cleared his throat. “We looked at all the facts and the law in addition to the evidence. We took into account all matters, and by a vote of two to one, we hereby find Simone Brightston guilty of treason and murder . . . and thus sentence her to death.”
The gavel crashed down.

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