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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Wicked Magic (38 page)

BOOK: Wicked Magic
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She cried out and he groaned at the feel of her tight, slick core around his cock. With extreme control, he held himself still so that they would both enjoy the moment. “Gods, you feel so good.”
Rhiannon felt so full, so incredible with Keir bound to her like this. He was thick and long, filled her, and touched her so deep it was a wonder she didn't come with his first thrust. “I love you inside me,” she managed to get out. “And I want more. More, more, more!”
Keir kissed her hard and she felt a small contraction around his cock. He started to pump his hips, slow at first, but then picked up his pace until he was taking her hard and fast. Their kisses grew more frantic and heat rose in Rhiannon like a firestorm.
Their soul-bond intensified and iridescent sparkles surrounded them. Rhiannon felt not only full with him buried deep in her body, but filled with Keir's soul, too.
In one moment she was feeling what it was like to have him thrusting in and out of her. She gasped as in the next second she felt as if their positions were switched and she was Keir and knew how it felt to him to be inside her. The feelings whirled and she had such a deep connection to him that it was as if his fire was her own.
Their heat joined and they became one burning bonfire. Wild sensations centered where they were connected, building like an inferno, a volcano, until they both exploded.
Keir threw his head back and shouted and Rhiannon's cry met with his. She felt the power of his orgasm as if it were hers, along with the intensity of her own climax. It was almost too much, yet not enough.
He continued to thrust, driving out their orgasms until she collapsed against his chest and the sparkles around them
faded. Her breathing was hard and the scent of their sex was heavy as it surrounded them. He was still inside her and she wasn't ready to part.
For a long moment he held her, then let her legs slide down over his hips so that his cock slipped out of her and her feet touched the ground. She raised her head to look up at him and he kissed her hard again, setting off more spasms in her core.
She could barely find her voice. “That was unbelievable,” she whispered as he drew away from their kiss.
Keir crushed her to him and pressed his lips to the top of her head. “It is only the beginning,
a stór,
only the beginning.”
After Rhiannon tugged down her dress and ran her hand over her hair so that she wouldn't look like she'd just been taken up against a door, she moved her palms up and down Keir's arms. He tucked his cock and balls back into his leather pants and she thought she felt him shaking.
The idea that she affected him so much made her smile. He hooked one of his fingers under her chin, tilted her face up, and brushed his lips over hers.
“I love your smile,” he said, his expression serious.
“You should smile more often, too.” She brought her hand up and stroked her fingers over his lips. “You are even more gorgeous when you do.”
He gifted her with the smile she asked for and raised her up and spun her around. She laughed and braced her hands on his shoulders until he set her onto her feet. Her beaded dress swirled around her feet.
Keir brought his hands up to hers and laced their fingers together. “Come. Let us return to our home.”
“Our home. Wow.” Rhiannon swallowed down the lump of wonder that had risen in her throat. “But we'll have a home together in San Francisco, too.” She frowned. “We just have to find one.”
“Aye.” He kissed her again and released one of her hands and opened the door with his free one. “We will have two homes and we can travel freely between both as we wish.”
“I like that.” She smiled. “I like it a lot.”
They hurried down the hallway, back toward the gathering hall where she heard raucous laughter and chatter. It would probably go well into the night—a D'Danann excuse to party, no doubt.
Rhiannon thought they would be able to slip out into the night, but in front of the doors they met up with the warrior who'd been with the High Chieftain. Rhiannon's cheeks heated at the memory of what they had seen and the fact that she and Keir had found a room to do the same thing. She wondered if she and Keir smelled of sex, then decided she really didn't care.
“Conlan,” Keir said with a nod.
“Keir,” Conlan returned with a nod of his own.
Conlan was a huge D'Danann warrior with broad shoulders, green eyes, and a dimple in his chin. He was taller even than Keir but his eyes held a certain glimmer that told her he was definitely a ladies' man.
Conlan said to Keir, “I am to accompany you to the San Francisco Otherworld to aid you in the fight against the Fomorii.”
Keir raised an eyebrow. Through their soul-bonding, Rhiannon sensed he believed the same thing she did. Conlan was being sent away because they'd caught him fucking the High Chieftain.
For a moment Keir didn't reply. Then he said, “Aye. It will be good to have you fight with us.”
“I will wait for your summons in the training yards.” Conlan bowed from his shoulders and exited the Chieftains' building without a glance back.
Rhiannon looked up at Keir and grinned as she said, “Well, that's one more for our side.”
He chuckled and guided her out the doors with his hand at the small of her back. “We could not have a fiercer warrior join us than Conlan.”
This time they escaped without being seen. Rhiannon laughed as she doubled her steps alongside Keir's. He seemed rather determined to get back to the cabin. As a matter of fact, so was she.
When Keir let her into the cabin, she saw that Spirit had curled himself onto a cushion on one of the chairs. He gave a sleepy meow, then closed his eyes.
Instead of heading toward the bedroom, which she was pretty sure was his destination, she went over to his carvings and touched each one again. His warmth surrounded her, his breath soft against the back of her neck as she picked up the bust of herself.
She stroked the smooth, polished hair of the carving. It was chin-length, like her own. “Amazing that you created this before we met.” He pressed his lips against her own hair as she spoke. “It's missing something, though.”
“What is that?” he murmured.
“My scars.” She rubbed the burning marks with one hand.
“What scars?” he said, sounding serious.
She turned to face him, the bust between them. She pressed her hand to her cheek. “These, of course.”
He held his hand over hers. “They are a part of your beauty. I would have you no other way.”
“You are an incredible man.” She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed his own scar. “I wouldn't change a thing about you either.” She drew away and gave him a serious expression. “Except your griping about my going to fight with everyone else every time there's a battle.”
For a long moment he looked at her. “You are a great warrior. You have my promise that I will never hold you back in any way. I will fear for you, and protect you with my life. But I trust you to make the decisions that you feel are right.”
Rhiannon set the bust of herself down on the windowsill then turned back to Keir and flung her arms around his neck. “I love you, Keir. Everything about you.”
“You have my love for all time,
a stór
.” He scooped her up and she gave a surprised laugh. With determination in his steps, he strode away from the carvings, through his small living room, and down the short hall to his bedroom.
He laid her on the bed and looked at her with such gentleness
it tugged at her heart. Slowly he began to take her dress off as if he were unwrapping a treasure. The thought choked her up, causing her eyes to tear a little. That was what he always called her, his treasure.
After he slid off her slippers, he looked upon her for a long moment. “You are so very beautiful.”
She swallowed and held out her arms. “Come to me.”
With every movement he made as he stripped out of his clothing, Keir's well-defined muscles rippled. She hungered for him beyond words as he toed off his boots then tugged off his shirt and tossed it aside. She lowered her arms and her mouth watered. She couldn't wait to caress all those muscles and dig her fingernails into his fine ass.
When he was naked, she sighed as she gazed upon his luscious cock that would soon be inside her again. Their first lovemaking after being bonded had been hard, wild, exciting. She knew this would be even more precious. Her soul-bonded mate, her husband.
Keir moved onto the bed beside her and stroked his finger gently down her side, to the indentation at her waist and over her hip to her thigh. His dark eyes held hers the entire time. “I never doubted that one day you would be mine,” he said with a serious expression. “Yet now that it is true, now that we are soul-bonded, I feel such wonder that you belong to me.”
“Don't forget that you happen to be mine, too.” She traced the Fomorii scars on his neck, then lightly touched the bandage from the battle at the stadium. “Even if we weren't soul-bonded, I would never let you go.”
He caught her hand in his and lowered his mouth. His lips hovered just above hers. “You are the most precious gift a man could have.”
His kiss was so tender, so sweet. His tongue gently danced with hers and she again tasted his flavor that she loved so much. Incredibly masculine and uniquely Keir.
He pushed her raised shoulder down to the mattress, then knelt between her thighs. Butterflies darted in her belly as he lowered his head and licked and sucked each of her nipples.
She slipped her fingers into his long, black hair as it tickled her skin.
The way he suckled her nipples caused her to grow wetter between her thighs and the ache inside her to spiral tighter and tighter. He said nothing, only looked at her with eyes that spoke volumes. His love for her, and so much more, shone in their depths.
She was going to cry from the power of the emotions building within her. He braced his forearms on the bed as he lowered his head and brushed his mouth along the length of her scars. He kissed one at a time and the burning somehow lessened with every tender touch of his lips.
“Please be inside me now.” She shivered as his lips trailed the last scar. “I need to feel us become one.”
Keir rose and braced his palms on the bed. He took his cock in one hand and moved it into the opening of her channel before returning his palm to the bed.
Ever so slowly, he slid inside her. Rhiannon sighed from the deep connection that made her feel a part of him again. His strokes weren't hurried or rushed, but long and deliberate.
Their soul-bonding gripped her and the sparkles grew between and around them. The intensity of everything she felt did cause tears to trickle down her cheeks. A tear rolled from each eye down her face.
“Why do you cry, love?” He bent and licked away one of the tears down the path it had taken.
“Because this is so beautiful.” She linked her hands behind his neck. “Everything is so beautiful.”
“That it is,
a stór
,” he murmured as he kissed the trail of the other tear.
His thrusts continued at a deep, even pace, and she felt that swirling feeling again. That he was part of her and she was part of him. She felt what he did at the same time her own climax spiraled in her belly. Together they were rising, rising, rising. His jaw tensed as he neared the peak with her and his eyes seemed impossibly darker.
So close, so close … she felt both their climaxes build and build until neither of them could hold back any longer. Their cries mingled as sensation burst from where they were joined. She felt his heat as it exploded from him and rushed to every part of his body. Her own fire rushed like flames licking her from head to toe.
When they were both sated and exhausted from their mating, Keir rolled over with her in his arms and held her tight.
She snuggled closer to him and he murmured in his sexy Irish accent, “My treasure. All mine.”
St. Martin's Paperbacks Titles by
Forbidden Magic
Seduced by Magic
Chosen Prey
Seduced by Magic
“Blistering passion and erotic sensuality are major McCray hallmarks, in addition to a deft and exciting storyline. This magical series continues to develop its increasing cast of characters and complex plotline; the result is erotic paranormal romance liberally laced with adventure and thrills.”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews
(4½ stars Top Pick)
“The slices of humor, the glimpses of the characters' world through fantastic descriptions, not to mention fascinating characters landed this book on … [the] keeper shelf.”
Romance Divas
Forbidden Magic
“Wildly erotic and dangerously sensual, this explosive paranormal thriller sizzles. McCray erupts on the scene with one of the sexiest stories of the year. Her darkly dramatic world is one readers won't mind visiting again … McCray knows how to make a reader sweat—either from spine-tingling suspense or soul-singeing sex … McCray cleverly combines present-day reality with mythological fantasy to create a world where beings of lore exist—and visit the earthly realm.”
—Romantic Times BOOKreviews
(4½ stars Top Pick)
“McCray's paranormal masterpiece is not for the fainthearted. The battle between good and evil is brought to the reader in vivid and riveting detail to the point where the reader is drawn into the pages of this bewitching and seductive fantasy that delivers plenty of action-packed sequences and arousing love scenes.”

Forbidden Magic
is a spellbinding, sexy, superbly written, dark fantasy. I couldn't put it down, and you won't want to either … [a] fabulous plot … [Cheyenne McCray has an] incredible skill at keeping readers engaged in every moment of the action. Longtime fans and newbies alike will be enchanted and swept away by this enduring tale of courage, love, passion, and magic.”
A Romance Review
“If one were going to make a comparison to Cheyenne McCray with another writer of the supernatural/sensuality genre, it would have to be Laurell K. Hamilton …
Forbidden Magic
definitely puts McCray in the same league as Hamilton. The book is a very sexy work …
Forbidden Magic
is dark and filled with danger at almost every turn. Magic and mystery abound in San Francisco, with a major battle between the forces of good and evil, and the outcome is always in doubt when it comes to demons.”
Shelf Life
“This terrific romantic fantasy with police procedural elements grasps the audience from the moment that Silver meets Tuatha and Darkwolf and never slows down until the final twist of their triangle … fans will take great and immense pleasure with this strong thriller that both genres will treasure.”
Harriet's Book Reviews
“Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
is an intoxicating blend of luscious eroticism and spine-tingling action that will have you squirming on the edge of your seat.”
—Angela Knight,
USA Today
bestselling author
“Cheyenne McCray has written a sexy adventure spiced with adventurous sex.”
—Charlaine Harris,
New York Times
bestselling author
“McCray does a remarkable job of blending the familiar and the fantastical, creating a rich paranormal world with sexy and engaging characters.”
—Kelley Armstrong,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Erotic with a great big capital E. Cheyenne McCray is my new favorite author!”
—Bertrice Small,
New York Times
bestselling author

Forbidden Magic
is a fabulous faery tale. The writing is sharp; the story hot!”
—Virginia Henley,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Cheyenne McCray has crafted a novel that takes the imagination on an exciting flight. Full of fantasy, with a touch of darkness, a great read for anyone who loves to get lost in a book that stretches the boundaries!”
—Heather Graham,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Not for the faint of heart!
Forbidden Magic
meets Kim Harrison's witch series but with a heavy dose of erotica on top!”
—Lyndsay Sands,
New York Times
bestselling author
“McCray's magical tale will thrill and entrance you!”
—Sabrina Jeffries,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Explosive, erotic, and un-put-downable. Cheyenne McCray more than delivers!”
—L.A. Banks, bestselling author of The Vampire Huntress Legends series
“Magical mayhem, sexy shapeshifters, wondrous witches and warlocks … in
Forbidden Magic,
Cheyenne McCray has created a fabulous new world. You won't be able to get enough!”
—Lori Handeland,
USA Today
bestselling author
“Fans of dark paranormal fantasy will enjoy the fast-paced, spine-tingling twists and turns of Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
—Toni Blake, author of
In Your Wildest Dreams
“Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
is a rich mix of witches, demons, and fae in an epic tapestry full of conflict and desire.”
—Robin Owens, author of
Heart Choice
“Chock-full of emotion and action, Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
will find a spot on the keeper shelf of every reader who enjoys a touch of the paranormal along with her erotic romance. I highly recommend it!”
—Ann Jacobs, author of
A Mutual Favor
“Cheyenne McCray has written a tempting, exciting novel rich in magic and pleasure.”
—Lora Leigh, author of
The Breed Next Door
“McCray's knowledge of Fae, Fomorii, elves and ancient Irish magics shines in this book of witches, warriors and dangerous desires.”
—Linnea Sinclair, author of
Gabriel's Ghost
“McCray delivers a scorching tale of modern witches and ancient Fae, a winner rich with lore, fantasy, gritty action, and heartgripping romance.”
—Annie Windsor, award-winning author of
Sailmaster's Woman
“This modern day tale meets ancient world paranormal isn't just a book, it's an event. The elements all come together in this paranormal romance. You start reading for the story and end up reading for the characters. You're left at the edge of your seat needing more until the very last satisfying word. You won't be able to put it down once you start reading!”
—Sheila English, CEO of Circle of Seven Productions
BOOK: Wicked Magic
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