Wicked Release (10 page)

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Authors: R. G. Alexander

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Wicked Release
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“Welcome home, sister.” Tucker’s low voice was solemn and sincere.

She knew she should respond. That she should say thank you. She was still here. Still alive and with her triad. Lorie and Con. She tried to breathe but it came out sounding like a sob.

They enfolded her in their embrace. Lorie’s soft words and Con’s gentle kisses helping her to breathe, to finally let go of the one fear that had been holding her back.

The books were destroyed. The curse had been undone. She was never going back.

“We’ve been waiting for you for so long, Sarah.”

She smiled and held them tighter. “I’ve been waiting longer.”

But she was home now. Finally home. And loved.

Somewhere, she knew, her grandmother was smiling.


Look for Book Four in the
Wicked series,
Wicked Dangerous

With the return of Tucker, Callie and Tyghe

Coming In 2013!


Keep Reading for 2 Bonus Excerpts from the
series and 2 Bonus Excerpts from the
Shifting Reality




About The Author


R.G. Alexander (aka Rachel Grace) is a bestselling author who has written over 20+ books in the erotic paranormal, contemporary and sci-fi/fantasy genres for multiple e-publishers and Berkley Heat.

She has lived all over the United States, studied archaeology and mythology, been a nurse and a vocalist, and now? A writer who dreams of vampires, witches and airship battles, and feels lucky everyday that she gets to share her stories with her readers. She is happily married to a talented chef who is her best friend, her research assistant, and the love of her life.


To Contact R. G. Alexander:









Look For These Other Titles From R.G. Alexander


Children Of The Goddess Series


Regina In The Sun

Lux In Shadow

Twilight Guardian

Midnight Falls

Eternal Guardian


Wicked Series


Wicked Sexy

Wicked Bad

Wicked Release


Shifting Reality Series


My Shifter Showmance

My Demon Saint

My Vampire Idol -
Coming Soon 2012


Temptation Unveiled Series


Lifting The Veil

Piercing The Veil

Behind The Veil -
Coming Soon in 2012


Superhero Series


Who Wants To Date A Superhero?

Who Needs Another Superhero?


Kinky Oz Series


Not In Kansas

Surrender Dorothy


More Than Mènage


Truly Scrumptious

Three For Me?

Four For Christmas




Three Sinful Wishes

Wasteland - Priestess

Who Loves A Superhero?


Bone Daddy Series


Possess Me

Tempt Me


Elemental Steam Series Written As Rachel Grace


Geared For Pleasure





Bonus Excerpt: Wicked Sexy

From Samhain Publishing, Ltd.



Chapter One


“You think your love life is bad? Try mine. You only need one Mr. Right. I’m expected to find

Callie Turner looked up from the dainty cucumber sandwiches the housekeeper, Jenner, always made especially for her when she visited, and promptly choked. Harrison Abbott patted her back, hard, her expression concerned. “You okay, dear?”

“Two?” She looked at her pouting friend, wondering why she was surprised. Harrison never did anything the normal way. No, the unusual blueblood was more than just rebellious.

She was a witch.

“No Magian has every complained about
particular tradition. Leave it to our sweet, agreeable Harrison.” The four-foot-eight, bird-like Jenner rushed over to Callie with a glass of water in her hand.

Harrison blew out a huffy breath. “I just don’t see why we can’t date like ordinary people. Go see a movie or a baseball game. But not us. We have to go to Triune by the time we’re twenty-six.
, as in, no options. What if I don’t want two men following me around, telling me what to do? What if I want to be—?”

“Like me?” Jenner shook her head with a sigh. “I’m not an ordinary Magian, Harrison. You know that. If I remember correctly, your mother was just as reluctant as you are now. But Moira Abbott has lived in connubial bliss with her Triune match for decades, and with three troublemaking children no less. It’s the way things are done.”

Triune? Didn’t that mean three in one? So every Magian, every female witch
to have two husbands? But Harrison’s mother—Callie swallowed. “Jenner, are you saying that Uncle Jackson is actually…?”

Harrison looked over Callie’s shoulder guiltily. “Mom didn’t think it was something you’d understand when we first met you. You were too young. After a while we didn’t know
to tell you the truth. Especially since your foster parents were so—”

Jenner made a slashing motion with her hand across her neck, and Harrison stopped midsentence.

Callie set down her sandwich. “Well, damn.”

All this time and she’d never caught on. In a way, it actually made sense. Uncle Jackson
always extremely affectionate with Harrison’s mother, Moira. But her husband and Jackson’s brother Douglas never seemed to mind. Callie thought they were just a touchy-feely family.

Apparently more than she realized.

Her hurt over being kept in the dark for so many years was overridden by fascination. And envy.
men to satisfy her every need? Sign her up. Unfortunately she was just an ordinary human. And humans had rules. She should know…she was a cop. Well, almost. Another month to go. But she
always known how to spot when something was up, especially with her childhood friend.

Harrison wasn’t just put out about this particular tradition. She had never been very accepting of her lot in life. “One of the most powerful Magians in generations.” How many times had Callie heard Moira and the other members of the Abbott family say it? All it meant to Harrison was that she could never have any fun. Could never be normal. She had to be the best. It also meant all her Magian peers either wanted to be her friend, to be close to her magical spotlight, or find a way to trip her up. It drove Harrison crazy.

Callie wanted to feel sorry for her, but it was hard. She’d been coming to this sprawling Dorchester home since an eleven-year-old Harrison had found her huddled under a slide in the public playground to stay out of the rain. It had been Callie’s twelfth birthday, and no one had remembered. She’d come to the park, determined to enjoy the day, and the sky had opened, ruining everything. The beautiful, if sober young stranger had held out her hand, and Callie had known as she took it that she had made a true friend.

When Harrison brought her back to her large, rambling house, the Abbott family had been so warm and welcoming. Moira said she’d sensed a kindred spirit in Callie, and any friend of Harrison’s was a friend of theirs. They had never hidden their abilities, and Callie had never feared them or the world they’d shown her glimpses of. On the contrary, she’d always wished she could be a part of it.

This place became a second home to her. In it she had known the kind of love and acceptance she used to wish for from her foster family. She’d often wished she truly was one of them. Truly was an Abbott. A Magian.

She’d never understood why Harrison wanted to be normal.

When the Abbotts went to the annual skyclad festival in Salem to pay homage to the innocent humans who had died there, Harrison had thrown a tantrum, while Callie spent the time lying in her bed in nothing but her underwear, imagining she could fly to join them.

When the Abbotts threw a coming out ball to introduce their very special daughter to the Magian community, Callie had watched from Harrison’s charmed mirror with Jenner as the young debutant frowned, grudgingly showing off her abilities to an approving crowd.

The grass was always greener, or so Jenner had told her many times. But Callie believed it was an empty sentiment. Harrison didn’t know what it was like to be an average human, to deal with the kinds of things she’d had to. Callie was positive she wouldn’t like it.

But this wasn’t just another rebellion. Harrison didn’t look put out so much as nervous. Scared. “So why now? Why, after all this time, have you decided to share this bit of Magian trivia with me? Do your parents know you’re telling me?”

Jenner and Harrison shared a speaking glance. “No.” Harrison shook her head. “They’re celebrating their anniversary on a whirlwind European vacation. According to their schedule they should be in Paris. It’s been so long since Mom’s been able to be convinced into taking a vacation from the jewelry store, and we knew she’d come back right away if we told her. I—we didn’t want to worry them.”

Callie leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “Worry them? Uh huh, I knew it. Okay, what’s going on here, Harry? Another spell in a fit of anger? Is the postman barking at dogs again? Or did you finally lay a magical whammy on that weird Goth guy from the grocery store who always follows you around?”

“If only.” Harrison stood, pacing around the table in agitation. “Besides, I haven’t done anything that interesting in years. This isn’t about me. Not directly. I need your Spidey sense, Cal. I need you to help me find out who is attacking witches.”

“Attacking? Someone’s been attacking witches? Have you called the police?” Callie pushed her chair back and reached for her cell phone, but Harrison stopped her.

“We can’t, sweetheart.” Jenner shrugged apologetically. “It’s another Magian. There is nothing your police can do.”

“Well, what about
police? The Magian law enforcement? I know you have your own code, right?”

Harrison nodded. “The Rede, yes. And the Magian enforcers have done a cursory investigation, but whoever this guy is, he’s flying low under the radar. The witches have been found without any residual magic. No scrying spell or enchanted object can be found that will even show the victim’s final moments before the attack, and none of them can remember a thing about the man, which should be suspicion enough to delay the next ritual. Especially since there is only one thing we know linking the women.” At Callie’s questioning look, Harrison sighed. “They had all been participating in the joining ritual this month. Like Jenner said, it’s called Triune. A few times each year, single Magian’s go to Triune to seek out their sexually and magically compatible mates. The same ritual I’m supposed to be a part of in one week’s time.”

Callie ran a hand through her hair. “Harrison, you know I would never be allowed to attend a Magian ritual. They’d sense me as an outsider right away. I’ll help anyway I can, but I’m not sure what it is that you want me to do.”

Jenner patted her shoulder, drawing her attention away from her agitated friend. “You know those makeover shows I love to watch? Our little wonder witch has found a way around your, um, handicap.”

“Gee, thanks. I’m not insulted by that comment at all.” Callie rolled her eyes, but adrenaline filled her at Jenner’s implication. She turned back to Harrison. “Harry? Is she right? Can you make me a witch?”

A dry, male voice immediately dampened her excitement. “Magian, little girl, Magian. And Harrison can’t make you what you aren’t, she’s not
good. But, though I hate to admit it, her glamour
fairly impressive.”


Damn. She’d hoped he was out of town.

Tyghe was one of Harrison’s older brothers, and the only dark cloud over her time with the Abbotts. She got along fine with the rest of her friend’s brothers, Tucker and Lorie. Especially Tucker. The eldest brother was perfect in Callie’s eyes. Tall, dark, handsome and above all, kind. He’d always been patient with her. Always made her feel welcome. When he’d shown an interest in Magian law, her own aspirations to be a police officer seemed to link them somehow. Yet another reason for her to admire him, to fuel the fire of her most secret fantasies. She’d had a crush on him for as long as she could remember.

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