Wielder of the Flame (65 page)

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Authors: Nikolas Rex

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction

BOOK: Wielder of the Flame
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Marc couldn’t believe he was sitting in the presence of a
goddess, for what else could she be, to claim ownership of a world. To admit to
creating one.

She smiled, a kind and reassuring smile and nodded, “Yes. We
are known to the people of Gaia as the Exalted.”

It was a simple statement. One that needed no clarification.
She had read Marc’s thoughts and confirmed his deduction.

He was immediately uncomfortable and shifted nervously in
his chair. He gulped, his throat suddenly dry. His brain couldn’t handle it. If
Roy and Vanessa were the creators of Gaia, as Vanessa called it, then logic
would dictate that there was a creator, or creators for Earth as well.

“Yes,” Vanessa spoke softly, knowing fully of Marc’s
struggle to comprehend.

Marc suddenly felt unworthy to be sitting there, with
Vanessa, as if he was somehow violating some law. He thought about all the bad
things he had done in his life.

Vanessa shook her head, “Do not worry Marcus. You would not
be here if you could not be.”

Marc let out a breath.

 “I am sorry, Marcus. It is too much for one so young to
have to take in, but Roy suggested that maybe if you had a better understanding,
saw a glimpse of what we see, that you would be better able to face your coming

“I,” Marc stuttered, “I just, I have so many questions.”

Vanessa nodded, “Take some time, but not too much. Even the
most heroic and noble of souls can only endure so long in the presence of the
Exalted, especially after everything you’ve gone through, it might be too much.”

She paused.

“I’ll be right back with your food,” Vanessa finished,
standing up.

Marc realized just how famished he was.

“It will help to eat. In the meantime, think of the
remainder of your questions.”

And with that she left, disappearing again through the
double doors. Roy caught Marc’s gaze and gave the young man an encouraging wink
and thumbs up.

Marc nodded his head in silent thanks and returned his
attention to his drink, letting his thoughts begin to flow. The quiet
atmosphere of the restaurant was perfect for contemplating; the lights were
dim, the conversation light, a low undertone of eating, all were a part of the
calming symphony that played in the background of Marc’s mind as he began to
dig through his memories and sort through his thoughts.

As he pondered he realized what aroma from the drink seemed
most familiar to him. It was of vanilla, a smell that immediately linked his
mind to Laura. His first real date. His first real dance. His first real kiss.

He realized that Laura was his first real love, and he
wanted to be by her side most of all. If that meant stopping Tremos first, then
he would do it.

He realized also, then, that Roy and Vanessa must be in real
trouble, if they were turning to someone like Marc and the others for help. 

Vanessa returned with a tray of food, setting Marc’s portion
in front of him.

The plate contained a succulent cut of medium-rare roast
beef on a bed of the fluffiest whipped mashed potatoes lathered in gravy. A
flower of steamed broccoli and row of green beans, buttered, salted, and
peppered, sat next to the main dish, just far enough away to steer clear from
the gravy. It was a delicious sight and Marc picked up his utensils to start
his meal when he paused.

“Uhm,” he said, somewhat nervously, “Should I say a prayer
first, or something?”

Vanessa gave a small laugh, “The rituals of Earth are not
the same as those found here in Gaia. Every Exalted have their own ways and
their own paths for their own worlds, though it is true we all abide by the
same universal laws. You, also, being of Earth, are not compelled to follow the
ways of Gaia. However, if you still feel so inclined, it is always nice to give
thanks to one who provides another with gifts.”

Marc nodded, “Thank you Vanessa, for the food.”

“You are quite welcome Marcus. Now, ask your questions and
eat, for your time to transition draws near.”

“Very well. Most of my questions are about Tremos. Who is
he? What does he want? How has he become so powerful? Why was Irroth, another
Wielder of the Flame, like me, unable to stop him? The Oracle already explained
some, but not all.”

Marc ate as Vanessa spoke. The food was simply
mouth-meltingly divine, and it helped him not feel so tired.

Vanessa nodded, “To answer these questions I must first
enlighten you of Gaia. The heart of Gaia is Tanris, known also as Crystal of
the Great Dawn, the Summoning Stone, and many other names. Not only is it the
heart of Gaia, but it is the heart of all magic within Gaia. Tremos, one of our
most gallant of creations, and once a worthy member of the Ascendant Sages, sought
to abuse the power of Tanris, seeking to raise himself up among the Exalted
without first walking the paths of understanding and experience that all must
walk in their journey of life.”

“Why didn’t you and Roy just stop him?” Marc said between

“Free will is the greatest gift we have given to our

“Am I free to choose?”

Vanessa nodded, “Of course.”

“So what happens if Tremos gathers the remaining pieces?”

“Do you remember your time on the planes of shimmering
silver as far as the eye can see?”

Marc nodded.

“That is the Gateway Realm, or I should say, it used to be.
When the Sword of the Phoenix struck Tanris, the blade was hurtled through the
Gateway Realm of Gaia, breaking the Gateway Realm, and tore through the fabric
of reality to pierce the Gateway Realm of Earth, also breaking Earth’s Gateway
Realm, and somehow linking both worlds together. We believe that when Tremos
reunites Tanris as a whole, the Gateway Realms will be restored and Tremos,
with Tanris under his control, will be able to channel the heart of all magic
through him, attaining his original purposes. With this power, and the Gateway
Realms restored, Tremos will be able to overpower Roy and I, and conquer Gaia.
After he has done this, he will be able to conquer Earth, and then from there
he will become an unstoppable force. We do not know how far he will be able to
bend the universal laws, or if he will be able to break them. But we cannot let
him try.”

“And you cannot stop him either, not directly.”

Vanessa shook her head, then looked Marc straight into his
eyes and was about to speak when a deep baritone voice sounded from off Marc’s
right, making the young man turn at the sound.

“No Marcus,” Roy said, placing a massive hand on Marc’s
chair, “But you can. You, and the other young ones. We have faith in you.”

“One last question,” Vanessa said.

“What is the Phoenix inside the blade?”

“He dwells within the blade no more, but within your soul,”
Roy answered, “His name was Canicus, but will not be so with you. You must ask
him when next you encounter him.”

“Now, child,” Vanessa spoke, her voice one of soothing,
“Your time of choosing has come. It is time to leave this place.”

Marc looked over at the large gold-lined door in front of
which he had been standing when he first arrived to this place.

“Through that door is regression. If you choose to open it,
you will return from whence you came, to Earth. Canicus will enter once more
into the Sword of the Phoenix and I will begin my search for another Wielder.
You are free to choose this path Marcus, we will not stop you. The burdens of
this calling will be lifted from your shoulder and your memory of your time in
Lyrridia will be gone.”

“But Tremos won’t stop his mission,” Marc immediately

Vanessa nodded, Roy did as well.

“If you so choose, the obligation will no longer be yours,
you will be free from the responsibility of anything that happens regarding

“But I have that responsibility now.”

They nodded again.

“Where then, if not through that door—” Marc began but
stopped when he saw the stairs.

Vanessa nodded.

“Choose wisely Marcus. Remember that we did not elect you
without great consideration. As I said before, you have the most noble of
souls, and a powerful heart, if it were not so, you would not have been able to
draw the Phoenix Blade from the stone in the first place.”

Roy stood beside Vanessa, placing his hand on her shoulder
as if to say
you cannot persuade him further, this must be his choice.

Marc stood up from the table.

He looked to the door for only the briefest of moments
before carefully pushing his chair away from the table and making his way to
the stairs.

He didn’t stop to look back. He quickened his pace. The room
seemed to extend forever. He broke into a light jog, then a run. He planted his
foot on the first step and began to take them two and three at a time,
springing upward with his momentum.


He thought.

Just wait. I’m almost there.

The stairs seemed to lead up to a giant nebula in the far
distance. It was purple and blue with splashes of flashing gold and crimson.
That was his destination.

Then, everything around Marc was changing, transforming, and
disappearing, the people, the tables, the silverware, the food, everything in
the restaurant, all vanished in an instant and Marc found himself shooting
through space heading towards the nebula.

His suit and clothes had been replaced as well and he was
back in his armor, rips, dirt and everything. The Sword of the Phoenix was
still strapped to his waist.

Within seconds he had reached the multi-colored nebula and burst
through its shifting clouds where an invisible force slowed him until he
stopped, hovering in the center of the nebula.

Also in the center, floating on a cloud, was a large stone pedestal
supporting a sphere upon which two figures were laying their hands, palms down,
fingers spread, conforming to the curve of the sphere.

Everything was bright, and shining with glowing colored

The two figures were humanoid, one obviously a male and the
other a female, but they were glowing, corporeal, dressed in free flowing
multi-hued robes and capes which moved as if in water.

The male had the face of a mixture between some sort of stag
with antlers, and a human man of about forty years of age, and the other a
beautiful woman of about thirty mixed with the features of a fairy, the true
forms of Roy and Vanessa.

Before Marc arrived at the center of the nebula they had
their eyes closed as if they were deep in thought, but the moment he neared
them the two figures who Marc recognized as Roy and Vanessa opened their eyes
and turned their heads toward him.

“Congratulations child,” Vanessa spoke, her voice was
different, more heavenly, and echoed, yet held the same sounds as back in the

“You have a heart pure enough to see us as we truly are. You
have a heart pure with love, never lose that. But do not waste time here, go!
Your entity awaits.”

And the instant she finished, the sphere in front of them
flashed with a blinding ray of white light and the scene before the young man
was replaced once more.


Marc stood on the familiar a plain
of never ending silver and grey.

But this time, he was not alone.

The Phoenix stood now before the young man, no longer as a
shapeless form in a circle of fire, neither a small, faintly glowing bird, but
a Phoenix,
Phoenix in its true form, filled with all its glory and
power, surrounded by an inferno of roaring red, orange and golden flames.

The two stood there, looking at each other for a time until
finally the Phoenix spoke

The magnificent bird communicated through the
mind, just like the phoenix had done so last time the young man had seen it. It
was a friendly voice, and reminded him slightly of Sesuadra.

You have done it, you have broken the barrier completely
and indefinitely that had separated us. And now neither that barrier nor time
can hinder our communication.

“Alright,” Marc looked up into the majestic eyes of the magnificent
creature and asked, “What should I call you, then?”

You may call me Kai.

To be continued in Book II:
Master of the Flame





About the Author:

Nikolas Rex resides in Washington State with his wife and
two daughters. He is currently pursuing a B.A. in Digital Technology and
Culture at Washington State University Tri-Cities and a minor in Fine Arts. He
has a deep love for the written word and a passion for design. Aside from
writing fantasy, his other hobbies and interests include sketching concept art,
reading fantasy and science fiction, spending time with his family, and playing
low-fi board games.


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