Wielder's Awakening (33 page)

Read Wielder's Awakening Online

Authors: T.B. Christensen

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Fantasy

BOOK: Wielder's Awakening
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The second day of school was much the same as the first.  He was happy to find, however, that his classes were different and that there was even a physical fitness class.  Many of the other students didn’t seem to enjoy it, but Traven was grateful for the physical activity after the long hours spent sitting in class.  The third day was like the first and the fourth like the second.  Traven learned everything from the names of spices and herbs to the qualities and value of different types of fabric.  He began to learn why certain things were worth so much while others could be bought for next to nothing.  As the weeks went by he soon had a firm grip on what being a merchant was all about.  It really didn’t seem all that difficult to him.

Traven worked hard at his classes and behaved well.  Rudy and his friends continued to jeer at him and do small things when no one was watching.  He shrugged off the annoyance and concentrated on his studies.  He was learning many new things, but the classes got to a point where they were almost all exactly the same.  The concepts were repeated with slightly different details and examples.  Traven kept up with his work and grades, but the confined academy slowly began to get to him.  He felt that he needed some kind of change.

At first the classes had been new and interesting, but as the days went by he found himself more and more often daydreaming during the lessons.  He still found the knowledge interesting, but he felt the need to be out actually doing something.  Spending all day listening to lectures and completing assignments at nights was too boring and dull.  Traven began to spend much of his time dreaming of adventures or of becoming a wealthy merchant instead of paying attention in class and to his work.  He was still able to pass all of his exams with relative ease, but he was beginning to get extremely restless.  He began practicing his exercises both in the mornings and in the evenings, but even that could not quell his need for action.  After his days with Blaize, the merchant academy just seemed dull.

Winter came with its freezing winds and snowstorms.  Traven found himself more and more often cooped up inside the school.  The merchant academy was not as fun as he had at first thought it would be.  He kept himself going, however, with the hope of a good job when the two years of schooling were over and with his adventurous daydreams.  After a week of a particularly harsh blizzard, the clouds lifted and the air was crisp and clear.  There was a cheerfulness in the air that Traven could not help but feel.  It was their free day, and he convinced Thad to roam around the city with him.  Maybe out in the city he would find something to satisfy his hunger for action.  Nothing exciting, however, happened during their trip into the city.  Thad showed Traven the royal library of Kalia and some of the interesting sculptures in the plazas.  It was still nice to have a change of scenery.  Traven returned back to the academy in the evening feeling slightly refreshed and dived back into his studies.






“I think I see one,” Kalista exclaimed quietly as she pointed at a large snowdrift in the distance.  The High King brought his hand up to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun as he peered where his daughter was pointing.

“I do not know if I can see anything over there dear,” he said apologetically.  “It is about time we head back to the palace anyway.”

“No, father, I am certain I saw something move.  Please keep watching for a little longer.”

The other men in the hunting party joined in staring at the far off snowdrift.  The glare of the sun off of the freshly fallen snow made Kalista’s eyes water as she continued to stare.  She was sure she had seen movement earlier.  She was sure of it.  Just when she began to question if maybe her mind had been playing tricks on her, a gust of wind blew into their faces and the hunter dogs began to get excited as they sniffed the air. She suddenly saw another burst of movement in front of the large snowdrift.  Looking around she smiled, seeing that several of the other men in the party had also seen the movement.

“I told you.”

“Yes you did, dear.  Well I waited did I not?  Now let us go and bag our first snow lion of the year!” he said excitedly.

The hunting party quickly moved to surround the beast.  Three men rode far to the left of the large snowdrift while three others rode to the right.  Another man made a wide circle around the snowdrift to the back, bringing all three hunting dogs with him.  Kalista, the High King, and his two personal bodyguards stayed in front of the drift.  She joined in with the rest of the men as they strung their bows and all began to move slowly towards the drift, tightening their noose around the snow lion.  After they had gotten a little closer to the drift, the man with the hunting dogs released them.

The three dogs immediately began to bellow as they ran for the snow drift.  As the hunting dogs got closer, Kalista waited anxiously for the lion to try to make its escape.  Suddenly a gray blur erupted from the edge of the snow drift, flying in her general direction.  The hounds began to run faster as their prey was now in sight.  Kalista stared in awe as the large cat bounded over the snow away from the hounds on its large, padded feet.  The magnificent creature’s pure white coat blended in with the white snow while its black mane created a sharp contrast.  The creature’s escape from the hunting dogs, however, only brought it within the range of the hunters’ bows.  Kalista raised her bow and locked on to the swiftly moving target.  When she was sure it was close enough for her to hit, she let her arrow fly.  The pure whiteness of the snow-covered grasslands suddenly burst with bright red, but the snow lion barely flinched as it let out a snarl.  It changed directions effortlessly even with her arrow sprouting from its chest.

Kalista strung another arrow as she watched the creature head for the gap between her and the three men on her left.  Several arrows from the other men struck the powdery snow behind the bounding lion before one of the men’s arrows found its mark.  The animal kept up its speed, however, as she once again hit the target.  She did not think that the arrows were having any effect on the beast, but then realized that the hunting dogs were beginning to close the gap.  One more arrow from the hunters hit the noble creature before it was through the large gap and charging out into the white plains away from them.  Behind the snow lion the pureness of the snow was stained with an ever lengthening trail of scarlet.

Kalista watched with excitement as the hunting dogs broke the gap and began closing the distance between them and their prey faster and faster.  She saw them catch the snow lion far in the distance.  She booted her mare to join in with the men as they hurried to get closer to the struggle taking place in the distance.  Kalista stared in amazement at the scene before her as she got closer.  The hunting dogs had the beast surrounded, but it would not surrender.  Even in its weakened state, the snow lion sent a careless hunting dog sprawling backwards with a swipe of its massive paw.  It let out a ferocious growl as it tried to watch all three dogs at the same time.  The three dogs continued to circle the creature, taking turns at jumping forward to damage their prey.  Anytime one of them was too careless, it was sent sprawling backwards by the snow lion.  Kalista watched as the snow lion’s blood continued to stain the snow around it.  The loss of blood was slowly beginning to take effect as the snow lion became more and more sluggish.  He began to miss the hunting dogs with his swipes and to waiver on his feet.  The dogs sensed his weakness and began to step up their attacks.  They were soon attacking the creature incessantly.  The magnificent beast finally let out one more snarl of defiance before crashing to the trampled red snow beneath its feet.

The hunting dogs were immediately upon the defeated animal.  The hunters quickly dismounted and hurried to pull their dogs away from the dying creature.  As soon as the dogs were under control, one of the men carefully approached the snow lion and ended its lamentable wheezing.  The creature then lay silent and still in the soft snow now stained with its blood.  Kalista almost felt sad for the noble creature as she sat watching the men gather its lifeless body.  Her father had taken her hunting since she was little, so she was used to it, but she had never quite been able to get past the sadness that she always felt when she watched an animal die.  This was the first time, however, that her father had allowed her to go snow lion hunting with him.  He had always said that it was too dangerous.  Kalista glanced at the creature that was now not even dangerous enough to disturb a newborn.  She shook off her feelings of sadness and smiled as her father approached her with a congratulating grin.

“Your shooting was superb,” he announced as he reached her side.  “I have never seen better.  If not for you, I believe the snow lion would have gotten away.  I should have brought you snow lion hunting a long time ago.”

Kalista smiled as she watched her father’s beaming face.  The High King gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder before he walked off and proceeded to brag about her marksmanship to the rest of the hunters.  She shook her head but could not help from feeling proud of her shooting.  She watched as the large creature was slowly pulled onto a sled by several of the hunters.  She noticed how big the snow lion actually was upon seeing several strong men all struggling just to drag the creature onto the sled.  Kalista realized she still had her bow out and quickly put it back where it belonged.  She then donned her hood and pulled her velvet cloak lined with warm fur tighter around her body as the wind picked up.  It was going to be a very cold winter.  She watched from inside her hood as her father remounted and came trotting towards her with his guards following closely behind.

“I think it is about time for us to head back,” he said.  “I was having so much fun that I forgot how late it was getting.  The sun is almost directly over us.”  The High King paused but then continued with a smile.  “I need to get back so I can change and eat before Baron Mikel and his son arrive this afternoon.”

“They are arriving today!” Kalista exclaimed in excitement before catching herself.

“Yes they are, dear, though I did not think you really cared when they were coming.”  The High King chuckled as he began to make his way back towards the city with his daughter following close behind.

Kalista did not really care that she had slipped.  She was too excited and nervous to worry about that.  Gavin was arriving today.  What a day it was turning out to be!  Not only had she gotten her first snow lion, but the man who might be her future husband was also arriving.  She had known today was going to be special but not this special!  After weeks of being stuck with Frieda from morning until evening, she had finally passed all of her tests and had been freed from her boring studies.  Her father had promised to take her with him snow lion hunting today in celebration of the completion of her studies.  She was so happy.  She had known that Barron Mikel and his son would be arriving sometime soon since the winter ball was only three days away but had thought it would still be a day or two since her father had not said anything about them.  She would have to get ready quickly when she got to the palace.  She wanted to look her best when the baron and his son arrived.

Kalista held onto the reins with one hand and clasped her cloak tight with the other as their horses plodded through the deep snow towards the city.  Upon reaching the small south gate, she set both hands gently upon the reins and made sure she was sitting perfectly straight.  She had been taught by her mother that she must always look regal when in the presence of her subjects and had never forgotten it.  Kalista also noticed her father straighten slightly in his saddle as they passed into the city.  The people on the streets stepped off to the side and lowered their heads in reverence as the High King of all Kalia and his daughter, heir to the throne, rode past them.  They rode in silence down the street between their respectful subjects as they made their way to the Grand Palace.  Upon reaching the busy square, the crowd parted and bowed their heads in silence. As soon as they were within the gates of the palace, the people in the square erupted back into motion, going about their daily errands.

Kalista pulled up in the quiet palace courtyard behind her father.  Servants were immediately at their sides helping them dismount from their horses before leading the animals to the royal stables.  She followed her father up the steps and into the palace.  She let her hood drop with a smile as she felt the warmth of the palace fires warming her numb cheeks.  She began to head off towards her bed chamber when the captain of the City Watch bowed to her in passing and strode over to her father.  She stopped to listen to his report.  Over the last few weeks there had been a rash of killings within the walls of the city.  At first there had been one and then after a few days another.  The reports had been disturbing but not unheard of in such a large city.  That changed, however, when several days later there was another murder followed by another later in the week.  The City Watch had been increased and an investigation started, but the murders had not ceased.  In fact, now they were happening almost every night.  Kalista was anxious to hear if the Watch had learned any information about the murderer.

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