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Authors: Needa Warrant,Miranda Rights

Wild Child (16 page)

BOOK: Wild Child
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"Love you too, babe." He yawned and, before he knew it, he was out like a light too.

They slept with their arms around each other and their faces slightly apart, both dreaming of each other.







V woke up with a raging hard on but Kima wasn't next to him. He heard her laughing outside.

Peeking out the window he saw Jo with a bag of blue, fluffy cotton candy in her hands and Kima was darting her tongue into a handful of the pink clouds of candy.

Oh, hell no!

Her ass deserved a spanking for assuming the cotton candy was for Jo. Not hard, but enough to teach her not to go into his bags and take things for granted. He had plans for that sweet fluffy stuff and she almost ruined them.





"Kima get your ass in here!" V yelled through the window screen. I hugged Jo goodbye and ran into the bedroom to face a pissed off V.

"Morning V, " I sang brightly. "Jo and I loved our surprises. So sweet of Nailz to send Jo's favorite cotton candy as well. Thanks."

V growled, "Kima... oh fuck, never mind. Just get naked and toss what’s left of that cotton candy over here."

I slowly began removing my clothes and dropped them to the floor. V looked at me standing before him, naked and beautiful. "Now come over here," he commanded. "I want you to lie across my lap."

I looked at him, wide eyed, wondering what he was going to do, but did as he asked.


I shrieked, "What the hell, V?"

"Babe, that cotton candy you gave away was going to be a surprise last night, but you fell asleep, so I didn't want to wake you. Since you are such a naughty girl, you're getting a spanking."

"Oh no, Veiko! Please, no spanking. I'm sorry and I promise I’ll be a good girl!" I wasn't sure what he was thinking of; smacking my ass.


Down came his hand on my ass cheek, leaving a red imprint. His hand hit the other cheek even harder and I began to wiggle away.

"Oh no, Babe. We're far from done here. The more you wiggle, the more you're gonna get," V admonished.

He gave me a hard spank then he’d rub the palm of his hand softly on my ass, smoothing away the sting. He repeated this a few more times and my ass was turning red. The sting from the spanking and the smooth gentle glide over my ass was turning me on.

He slid his hand down between my legs and started to play with me inserting his finger into my pussy, making me juicy and wet. I was moaning, wiggling on his rock hard cock as I laid across his lap.

"Done being naughty, Babe?" V asked in a low, husky voice.

I nodded.

"I didn't hear you," he warned.

"Yes, V, I am done being naughty," I squeaked.

"That's my girl," V grinned satisfied for the moment. With a sexy smirk, he continued, "I think I want to enjoy some of that cotton candy, greedy girl."

He gently moved me back down on the bed and crawled between my opened legs, my bare pussy glistening with my juices. He reached for the bag of cotton candy and pulled out a fluffy piece, trailing it over my clit and draped some into the folds of my pussy lips.

V's tongue flicked out and licked my clit, before his mouth moved down to suck and lick the sticky candy off of me.

I gasped with pleasure, my body burning.

"Touch your nipples, Babe. Let me see you make 'em hard for me."

I began pulling my nipples, rolling them between my fingers and making them jut out. They were rosy, perky, and hard and I was moaning softly.

I was licking my lips and he decided to give me a sweet, sticky kiss. Moving over my body, he grabbed my hands with one of his and pulled them over my head.

V placed his cock at my entrance and I opened my legs wider to accommodate him. His lips came crashing down on mine, kissing me hard, his mouth tasting of a mixture of me and the cotton candy.

"I'm gonna fuck you til you scream," he growled, breaking the kiss. "Keep those legs spread wide open."

I did as V demanded and he thrust deep into me, as far as he could go. He began fucking me hard. Each time he withdrew his cock, he’d thrust into me harder. I came and moaned my release into his shoulder.

V withdrew his cock from my dripping pussy.

"Grab some of that cotton candy, Babe. I expect you know how to use it to get me off?" he smirked.

I gave him a slow smile and pushed him so his back was on the bed. I reached into the bag and grabbed a cloud of the fluffy cotton candy as I slid down him. I finally got to his cock and started licking. I draped it onto his cock, nibbling and darting my tongue at different spots as I sucked and licked it away.

V loved watching what my mouth was doing to him. He let out a loud groan when that mouth finally hit home.

V put his hand on my head and pushed me down to take all of him.

"Suck it in, Kima!" he moaned. "Suck me hard... That's it. Nice and deep, down your throat."

I sucked his cock as far as I could. My head was bobbing up and down his hard length. He pushed my head away abruptly.

He growled low and husky, "I want you to stand up and bend over the bed."

V got up and stood behind me, He reached down into my pussy, getting it wet with my juices, then he inserted a finger into my ass. I gasped in shock, then moaned as he made a small circling motion.

V rasped , "One day, I'm going to fuck this fine ass." He removed his finger, then rammed his cock into my pussy. He grunted, "Touch your clit." I slid my fingers down and began rubbing it in circular motions. He pounded into me and moments later I felt myself beginning to come

My pussy clenched around his cock and my body shuddered. I came hard, moaning as wave after wave of shimmery, fevered tremors overtook me.

V still kept pumping frantically. We were both hot, wet and sticky. A few moments later he came, groaning out my name. His cock pulsed as he shot his heated load inside me.

We both collapsed onto the bed. V groaned and laid there, spent. I snuggled into him, resting my head on his shoulder. I was lazily trailing my finger over his chest, enjoying the afterglow. Moments slipped by as we lay there contented.

Finally at length, I laughed, "Damn we're sticky, V! Let’s jump in the shower."

I started to rise from the bed and V's eyes took me in. He chuckled softly, " Kima, your the best thing to ever happen to me. I love ya, babe."

"Love you forever." I promised.

V pulled me back to him , "Damn! That was some hot sex. I could go for another round."

I shook my head and smiled, "Nuh-uh. Let's get cleaned up first." I grabbed his hand and we headed for the shower.

"Kima, you're explaining to Nailz why you told Jo that cotton candy was from him, because he didn't send it down for her. It was all for you."

I blurted out, "Oh Shit, V! Nailz is gonna kill me!"

"I doubt it, But Jo may if you can't get him to say it was for her. I think they really like each other but won't admit it." V's dimples showed.

I nodded and smiled at him affectionately as I pulled him into the shower. "I think you're right. Now, you're going to have to help me get all this sticky stuff off."

V grinned at me and told me it would be his pleasure.

Once in the shower we weren't able to stop our hands from roaming all over each others bodies. We ended up back in bed and wasted the day away.







Jersey and Thrash were riding down to the Lodge in Sea Woods. The day was perfect for a ride and V was working on a boat there. Prospects were cleaning up the club house and Pops, a long-time member, was in charge for the day. Nobody would think it odd they were together but Jersey had met them halfway down. He was well aware he was on the top of Rabid's shit list. Nailz had told him if Rabid took notice, they would say they were keeping their eyes on him. Fuck Rabid anyhow!





As the guys pulled in, Jo and I were taking lunch down to the dock for V. I asked Jo to get a few beers from my fridge for the guys but she flew past me to get to Nailz.

Jo hugged Nailz and almost knocked him over. "Thank you so much for the cotton candy, Nailz! That was really sweet of you."

"Cotton candy?" Nailz asked puzzled. "What the hell you talkin' about, Brat?"

Jo let go of him and stood back, a hurt look on her face then she glared at Nailz.

Jersey laughed, "That was me, Jo. I told V to bring it down to you. Did you enjoy it?"

I stood there in shock as Jo turned and beamed a huge smile at Jersey. She walked over and kissed his cheek before she frowned at Nailz.

"I'll be back with some beers," she announced.

Nailz was glaring at Jersey.

Jersey just laughed, "Bro, you sure don't get chicks do you? If you don't want that chick, then I sure as hell do. I think she likes me better anyways."

          I could see redness spreading across Nailz's neck. He looked pissed at at Jersey. "Fuck you, Jersey, she doesn't want a biker. See if she will even get on your bike. Jo wouldn't ride with you, asshole." Nailz looked smug.

I had lunch ready for V when he met up with the guys. They were all sitting at a picnic table. Nailz seemed off while Jersey was grinning like a fool. V looked questioningly at his bros'. "You all need some Midol for those periods or you done acting like bitches?"

I laughed and excused myself, to get some napkins. I met Jo coming out of the cabin and told her, "Nailz said you wouldn't go for a ride with Jersey and that you don't do bikers."

Jo narrowed her eyes. "Oh, really? Guess that moron is in for a shocker then."

"Don't be causing V any trouble, Jo. I want him to love you as much as I do. I gotta say that Jersey is cute though. Thrash kind of scares me, but it would be cool if you hooked up with V's brother."

"Hell no, Kima. Thrash always looks so serious about everything. I'm going to ask Jersey to give me a ride after he has a beer. Let the games begin." Jo was plotting something.

I wondered what was up with Jo. I knew she had on crush Nailz. Maybe she didn't see it yet or want to admit it. Jersey was really more her type out of the three bikers, in my opinion.

I watched helplessly as Jo did the 'Elena strut' up to the picnic table and handed out cans of beer. Damn, Jo was in a mood, and I hoped V wouldn't be mad at her. Jo was staying away from Nailz and looked over at the bikes. They were choppers and the sunlight made them all gleam. It was clear these men took good care of their bikes.

"Jersey," Jo purred. "If you give me a ride, I’ll wash and shine your bike for you."

All four men choked. I looked at Jo and wondered where the hell that came from.

"Jo! You've never cleaned a bike in your entire life," I stated uncomfortably.

"I'm sure I can learn, Kima. I don't see you washing V's bike. "Jo turned, a cheerful smile across her face. "So Jersey - can we go for a ride? I'm ready if you are."

Jersey set his beer down and smiled back at Jo. "Sure thing, sweetie. You can grab a helmet off one of the other bikes and I'll be more than happy to take you for a ride. Having you clean my bike is just a bonus."

Nailz was sitting there silently fuming and he glared over at Jersey. V and Thrash were looking at Kima as the couple walked toward the bikes.

"What? I had nothing to do with this!" I protested.

"I bet. No wonder Hunter calls you Trouble. We gotta talk, so go find something to do," V demanded.

I understood they wanted to talk club business so I leaned over for a kiss and gave an ass a wiggle as I walked back to the cabin.




BOOK: Wild Child
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