Wild Nights (Hell's Highway MC) (16 page)

BOOK: Wild Nights (Hell's Highway MC)
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It was nearing five o’clock on the second Saturday of the month. I could hear the rumbling in the distance of the Sons of San Pedro coming up over the hill. It was only a matter of time before Jake would be wandering through the door to pay for their rooms.

My stomach did somersaults in anticipation as my fingers drummed nervously on the counter. I saw them pull into the parking lot, one by one, and watched for Jake. After a few more seconds, I saw him pull in, only there was a girl on the back of his hog.

My face turned a shade of crimson as I was embarrassed for letting myself even assume that he wouldn’t have a girlfriend. He probably had one all along. I was a fool to think I had a chance. Who was I to think I could roll with a bunch of rough and tumble bikers? I wasn’t one of them at all. I instantly felt silly and foolish.

The bells on the door chimed as Jake walked in.

“Hey there, Leah,” he said with the most charismatic smile. His eyes lit up when he saw me, but I figured that’s how he was with all girls. He could charm the pants off a snake if he tried. “Been a long time.”

“Yep,” I said. I tried not to be overly enthusiastic with him this time. I peered outside and saw the girl getting off the back of his bike. She had the tightest jeans on I’d ever seen and her long, dark hair was tied back into a low pony tail. She looked like one of them. An outsider she was not.

“What’s wrong? You seem different,” he said as he studied my face.

“Nothing,” I replied as I shifted my eyes from the window back to him. He noticed me looking outside but didn’t say anything.

“I guess we’ll take the usual,” he said resting his hand on the counter. “You sure there’s nothing wrong?”

“It’ll be $300,” I replied as I ignored his question.

Jake handed me three, crisp one-hundred dollar bills from his chained wallet. He watched me intently as I processed the transaction. When I was finished, he stood there and observed me for a bit longer.

“What time do you get off work?” he asked.

“Nine. Why do you ask?” I asked as I slammed the room keys on the counter.

“You should meet us over at Handle Bar for a drink. My treat.”

My stomach fluttered again. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to do. He clearly had a girlfriend. Maybe he just felt sorry for me, but then again, he’d never asked me to hang out with him before and I wasn’t about to turn that down.

“I’ll think about it,” I lied. I was definitely going.

“I hope you come,” he said as he flashed a dimpled smile and walked out of the office. His boots clicked on the faux wood floor and the bells jingled as the door slammed shut.

The next four hours were agonizing and long. I stared at the bar across the street and wondered what Jake was doing in there. I cringed at the thought of that brunette girl hanging all over him. It killed me to think about it, but it helped to know that I was going to get my chance to prove I could fit in in just a matter of hours.

By nine, my replacement showed up. I scurried out to my car touched up my makeup, sprayed on some perfume, and fluffed my blonde hair. I removed my cardigan so I was in my camisole and dark jeans, and slipped on a pair of gold heels I happened to have lying in my backseat. I was quite sure I looked ridiculous, but those guys would be so hammered by now they wouldn’t notice. All that mattered were that my tits and ass were beautifully displayed for Jake.

With my heart about to beat out of my chest, I sauntered over to the Handle Bar. I had been there a couple times before with friends, but it really wasn’t my scene. It was so smoky and loud. The smoke usually made my eyes burn, and the older men sometimes intimidated me with their long beards, scowled faces, and less than transparent demeanors. They were hard to read, unlike Jake. Jake seemed genuine and not like the others, which is why I liked him so much. He wasn’t scary. He was sexy. He was the perfect combination of bad ass and Prince Charming.

I reached for the door and upon opening it was blasted with the thump of the music playing on the jukebox. The smoke smell wasn’t as bad as it was the last time I was there, but the night was still young. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on the back of Jake’s muscular physique. He was seated at the bar, hunched over a glass of what appeared to be whiskey. He was by himself, thank goodness.

I made my way over to Jake when out of nowhere the brunette bitch got to him first.

“Damn it!” I yelled out loud, though I was sure no one heard me due to the excessively loud Led Zepplin song blasting from the speakers above.

I wasn’t sure what to do, but I knew I had two options. I could go and interrupt them or I could go to the bar and order myself a drink and see how long it took him to notice me. I decided on the latter.

I took a seat at the bar about five stools down from him. The brunette bitch was blocking his view of me, but I hoped she would move soon. I ordered a gin and tonic and waited patiently. From the corner of my eye, I watched the brunette flirt and flitter around him like a bumbling idiot. She clearly liked him, only it seemed as if he was merely appeasing her. He didn’t flirt back with her at all. He barely said more than couple words to her. I watched as he looked down at his watch then at the door. As his eyes scanned the place he finally noticed me.

I looked down as fast as I could. I didn’t want him to know I’d been here all along, watching him like some creepy stalker.

“Leah?” Jake said. “How long have you been here?”

“Not that long,” I said. “I was going to say hi, but you seemed a little preoccupied.”

My eyes floated over towards the brunette who was shooting daggers at me with her beady, eyeliner laced eyes.

Jake laughed. “I would’ve welcomed an interruption from that.”

I smiled, relieved, and said, “Well, I’m here now.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. He stared deep into my eyes, and for a second it felt like he was staring deep into my soul. There was some sort of magnetic thing going on between us, an inexplicable charge of electricity. I could feel it, that I knew for sure, but I didn’t know if he could.

“Who’s this little filly?” a drunken biker asked as he stumbled up to the bar next to us.

“This is Leah, from the motel across the street,” Jake said. He took a step closer in an almost protective move.

“Nice of you to join us, Hot Stuff,” the guy said. He was drunk off his ass and slipped an arm around me to balance himself. He tried unsuccessfully to stifle a belch, and I was unfortunately on the receiving end of it.

Jake grabbed his arm and flung it off of me. “Don’t touch her, Rip.”

“Alright, alright,” Rip said as he stumbled away.

“Thank you,” I said with a sweet smile.

Jake shrugged and scanned the room to make sure the other guys saw that I was off limits. He reached down and grabbed my hand that was resting on my thigh. He cupped my face with his other hand then leaned in to kiss me. His tongue filled my mouth and he tasted like whiskey, but it was incredibly hot anyway. It turned me on that he knew what he wanted and just went for it. He had no fear. Jake was fearless, and I loved a man who wasn’t afraid to take what he believed was his.

“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I first laid eyes on you,” he said. He was straightforward, and I liked that.

“Me too,” I said as I leaned in to kiss him again. “Don’t stop now.”

Jake kissed me back, and suddenly I forgot where I was. The loud thumping music and the smoke filled air all suddenly disappeared. We were in our own little world.

“We’re probably not the safest people for you to hang around,” he said. His eyes shifted to the ground and then back up to mine. “You’re a nice girl, Leah.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You wanna be a Sons of San Pedro girl?” he asked.

My heart skipped a beat. “I think it’d be kind of cool actually.”

“No, no,” Jake said as she shook his head. “It’s not cool.”

“Okay. Explain.”

“We have rules. They’re not my rules. They’re club rules,” he explained. “You have to get initiated.”

“Like how?”

“There are things you have to do,” he said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “You’re too nice to be in our group, Leah. Trust me.”

“I can be naughty,” I joked.

“See Misty over there?” He nodded towards the brunette bitch. “Those are the kinds of girls who get initiated. They’re loose and fast. They have a past. They’re used to taking shit from people. They’re not sweet and innocent like you.”

“I have to get out of this town. If I don’t leave with you, I’ll probably stay here forever,” I replied. My eyes pleaded with his. I just wanted a chance. “Take me with you. I’ll do anything.”

“Sometimes we have to share our girls,” he said. “I couldn’t share you, Leah. Not with those guys.”

“So can’t you leave the gang and we can start our own little gang?” I said with a flirty smile. He seemed to be growing annoyed at me for not taking him seriously.

“I’m stuck with these guys for life.” He stared down at his almost empty glass of whiskey. He shot the rest of it and then slammed it on the counter, almost shattering the crystal. “I don’t have a choice.”

“Of course you do,” I argued. “Everyone has a choice.”

Jake slipped his strong hands around my tiny waste and pulled me off the bar stool and closer to him. I looked over his shoulder to see the Misty fawning over another guy in the gang, and then I saw a group of older members all foaming at the mouth as they stared at Jake and me.

“I’m telling you, I can’t,” he said as he looked me stern in the face. “I can’t do that to you.”

“Maybe it’s not up to you. Let me decide. Tell me what I have to do,” I demanded as I looked him square into his beautiful blue eyes.

“Our initiation requires demonstration of…sexual skills. The women of the group are expected to serve,” he said. “The first year, you belong to all of us. After that, you pledge your exclusivity to one of us. In return, we pledge to honor and protect our women.”

I liked the idea of being exclusively Jake’s, but I wasn’t sure if I could make myself do those things with the other men. I sat quietly as I thought about it. This was going to be my only ticket out of here.

“Do yourself a favor and say no,” Jake pleaded. “I don’t think I can share you. You’re not even mine yet and the thought of sharing you makes me angry.”

“Think of the end result,” I said. “That’s all that matters. What’s one year?”

Jake shrugged and looked down at his boots. His biceps tensed and flexed a couple times.

“You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met,” Jake said. “I hardly know you, but I know that you’re not like the others. I don’t get to be around girls like you that often.”

Jake nudged towards the brunette across the room that was hanging all over one of the men.

“She’s being initiated right now,” he said. “It’s her second week. Jimmy found her over in Tulsa and she latched onto him somethin’ fierce. Though I have a feeling she’d rather be with me.”

“Have you…have you done things with her?” I asked, although I didn’t want to know the answer.

Jake shrugged. “Not because I wanted to. As the vice president, I’m expected to participate in certain rituals.”

“I see,” I replied. I could feel a frown forming on my face as a shot of jealousy coursed through my body, though I tried my best to hide it.

I took a couple swigs of my gin and tonic. “Ah, what the hell. Let’s do this.”

“Are you sure?” he asked with winced eyes. “You don’t have to do this, Leah.”

“I want to. I want to be with you. I want to travel the country on the back of your bike,” I replied. “I’m one-hundred percent sure.”

I could feel my palms start to sweat as I realized what I’d just agreed to. I was going to be a biker slut for a whole year. Those greasy, hairy men would be able to touch me and have their way with me, but after that year, Jake would be all mine and I would be all his. If I could keep focused on the end goal, this would be worth it all.

“I’ll be right back,” Jake said as he slowly stepped away. He walked over to a couple guys standing by a pool table drinking beers. I saw them look towards me and nod. One of them walked over to another guy and nudged him, and then I saw them point towards the motel.

Jake came back over to where I was standing. He leaned down and gave me a tender kiss, his five o’clock shadow tickling my soft cheek.

“You really don’t have to do this,” he reminded me.

“Stop before I change my mind,” I said as I playfully batted his tatted-up arm. His muscles were rock hard. I swilled the rest of the gin and tonic back and guzzled it down. I got one more shot and quickly gulped that down as well. I needed a little bit of liquid courage.

“Let’s go,” Jake said as he grabbed my arm and escorted me out of the bar. “I’ll be there the whole time.”

“Okay,” I said. My palms were sweating again, and I wiped them on my jeans. My heart felt like it was about to fly out of my chest at any moment.

“You’ll be fine,” he said. “The only requirement is that you do what they ask and you never say no.”

What could they possibly ask of me? I wondered. They seemed like hot-blooded, All-American men. They shouldn’t be that hard to please.

Jake led me to motel room number six. It was his room. He unlocked the door, and we went inside. I took a seat on the end of the bed. Jake seemed nervous and paced a little.

“Jake, you’re scaring me,” I said.

“I just don’t want to share you,” he said. He ran his fingers through his tousled, dark hair.

“When are they going to be here? Maybe we can get started without them? Then you can have me to yourself for a bit?” I said with a flirty smile.

Almost without warning, Jake lunged at me like a lion attacking his prey and pinned me beneath him. He buried his face in my neck and nibbled my ear. He ripped my camisole off and over my head and I tore his vest and top off. He kissed my mouth hard as he reached his hand down and unfastened my pants. He slipped his hand in and slid a finger down between my pussy lips as he massaged my clit. I wanted Jake inside of me, and I wanted him bad. His hot mouth encompassed my left nipple as his right hand massaged my right breast. He was rough to say the least, but it felt good. I reached down and slid my jeans and panties the rest of the way off. I was completely naked underneath him now, and there was no going back now.

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