Wild Nights (Hell's Highway MC) (2 page)

BOOK: Wild Nights (Hell's Highway MC)
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He removed his finger and crouched over me. I felt the head of his generously sized member pressing at the entrance of my pussy. My clit was still throbbing from the amazing oral session, but now I was aching for some real penetration.

“Fuck me,” I said. Who was this girl? Where did those words come from?

“Now, that’s what I like to hear,” he smiled. And with one hard thrust, he was inside me.

I didn’t realize how big he was until he was inside me. As his cock filled up and pressed against my pussy walls, I felt waves of pain and ecstasy all at the same time. It hurt so good.

“Ah, ah, mm,” I heard myself saying. “Mmmm…”

“You like that? You like my cock inside you?

“Yeah,” I replied. “Fuck me harder.”

He began power thrusting and the pain and ecstasy feeling intensified with each push. I could feel a buildup coming down there, when all of a sudden he pulled out.

“What are you doing? Why did you stop?” I couldn’t believe it.

He grabbed my arms and pulled me up and guided me to my hands and knees. I felt the head of his cock at my pussy entrance again, which was now throbbing with anticipation, and again he entered it with one hard thrust. It was electrifying. Now he was thrusting even harder and going even deeper.

“Ah, ah, ah,” I sighed.

He hunched behind me and grabbed my breasts with his hands, squeezing hard.

“You like that?” he said between breaths. “Feel good for you?”

“Yes,” I squealed. “Don’t stop. Keep going. Keep fucking me.”

“You needed this didn’t you? You need my cock.”

“Yes, I needed it.”

“Uptight little prisses like you need my cock,” he said, thrusting. “I knew you were begging for it the minute I saw you tonight.”

“Shut up and fuck me,” I said. It was the alcohol talking. There. I figured it out.

His hips banged against my ass as he filled me as deep as could go. His thrusts picked up in speed and he moved his fingers around to my clit and rubbed it with great vigor.   

The combination of clitoral stimulation and the internal craziness going on was all it took to push me over the edge.

“OOH! Ahhhhhhhh!”

Blaze grunted from behind me, and I could feel him exploding inside me as his member pulsed. He gave one final thrust and then fell over on top of me, pinning me under him on the bed.

We were both drenched in sweat and heaving.

“That was amazing,” I panted.

Blaze leaned down and kissed me with an unexpected tenderness. I was shocked at his gesture as I was under the impression it was purely a getting-our-rocks-off, one-time situation.

“I have to have that again,” he said. “You are so tight. I need to break you in.”

“Oh, um,” I was at a loss for words. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“I’m serious. I have to have you again before you leave town.”

“Maybe,” I said, trying to be nice. “We’ll see.”

The truth was, I was only looking for a one night stand. It was pretty amazing though.

He sat up and moved to the foot of the bed and gathered his clothes off the floor. He slipped on his jeans and stood up to zip the fly. I brushed the hair out of my face and mustered a breathy, “Thanks for that.”

He turned around and smiled. “My pleasure.”

His back which was covered in even more tattoos, was quickly removed from sight as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

I redressed as fast as I could and grabbed his hand to lead him out of the motel room. His calloused hands wandered around my body, copping one last feel around my breasts before the night was to end.

As we passed through the kitchenette and living area, I noticed two dark shadows outside the door.

“Oh, my God. Who is that?” I asked.

“Some friends of mine,” Blaze replied, ignoring my obvious concern.

“From your motorcycle gang?” I asked.

“I guess you could say that,” he smirked. “What’s the big deal?”

“No, I’m sorry. The night is over. My co-workers are sleeping next door. I have to work tomorrow. You guys have to leave.” My voice began to waver. I hoped he couldn’t hear the fear in my voice. What the hell had I gotten myself into? Various worst case scenario scenes flew through my mind as I imagined his fellow biker buddies busting through the door at any minute.

Blaze reached over and unlatched the door in an attempt, I hoped, to leave. Instead one of the murky shadows reached towards the handle to let himself in.

  “No, I’m sorry, you all need to go,” I gently pushed Blaze towards the door. This night, which was hot and amazing two minutes ago, was now turning into what could easily become a garish nightmare.

Two men walked inside and stood in the doorway with a case of Busch Light. They exchanged looks with Blaze, who had a strange grin on his face. The grin I once found sexy, I now found terrifying.

The men each wore the same leather jacket that Blaze wore. They were definitely from his motorcycle club. They exchanged looks with Blaze before each giving me a once-over.

“What’s going on in there? It’s one in the morning,” Tess, my co-worker, had awoken from her sleep from next door and yelled through the thin wall between us.

“They were just leaving,” I yelled back in the sternest voice I could manage.

The men looked around and Blaze nodded towards the door. He leaned down and kissed my cheek on his way out. It sent a shiver down my spine. “I’ll be back for more soon, baby.”

With that, Blaze was gone. I reached over and tried to use the hook and loop lock on the door. There was a hook but no loop to be found. I reached down and clicked the lock on the screen door handle, then tested the door by jiggling the handle. The door swung wide open.

“Shit,” I said out loud.

I closed the wooden door to the motel room and locked the handle. It worked.

A wave of relief came over me, and I sat down on the edge of the bed to try and unwind.

I saw a shadow standing outside the window next to the door. I crept up to the window and peeked out from behind the curtain. I could see the back of a man, who I assumed was one of the men Blaze had allowed into the motel room. I looked out into the parking lot and saw Blaze and his other friend leaning against their cycles smoking cigarettes. I could hear them laughing about something, but couldn’t make out any words.

I felt paralyzed for a moment. Part of me wanted to run to grab my cell phone and call the police, but the other part of me was afraid that if I took my eyes off this guy he would pop open the lock on the door and it would all be over from there. I worried that they wanted something and they weren’t planning to leave until they got it.

A jolt of adrenaline rushed through my veins, and I made a mad dash around my messy room in an attempt to find my phone. I flipped on the light and searched through the mess on the floor for my handbag. I scrounged for my phone and dialed 9-1-1.

I walked back out towards the front window and peeked outside. The man was gone. I peered out into the parking lot once more, but Blaze, his other friend, and their motorcycles had vanished as well. I hung up my phone.







I decided to crash with the lights and TV on in case the men tried to come back again. Any ounce of post-coital ecstasy I had earlier had completely dissipated. I found myself on high alert. I knew I’d pay for it tomorrow at the trade show, but I was more concerned about my safety.

At some point in the night I dozed off into dreamland, waking up sporadically for the few hours that followed. At six, I heard Tess and Raquel moving about in their respective rooms getting ready for our tradeshow.

“Come on, let’s get breakfast downstairs,” Raquel yelled from outside the door. “You need to wake up and get moving.”

I brushed my teeth and threw my hair back into a low chignon and changed into some normal clothes. As I followed them down to the continental breakfast, I began to remember the night before. What the hell was I thinking?

Still groggy, slightly hung over, and tired as hell, I positioned myself in line and grabbed a plate. On the other side of the buffet steam table was a pair of familiar eyes and an all too familiar smile. Blaze was standing on the other side of the buffet staring me down. He must have stayed overnight at the motel.

“Good morning,” he smiled.

I didn’t return his smile. I didn’t even acknowledge him. I averted my eyes further down the line and kept moving.

He followed me on the other side of the table, move for move. “You can’t ignore me forever,” he said. “I know you liked last night. I know you want more.”

He laughed, flashing his perfect smile. In that moment, he seemed so harmless. Why did he have to be so damn sexy and good-looking?

I continued to ignore him as flashes of our rendezvous from the night before played through my mind. I couldn’t help myself.

“So that’s how it’s gonna be?” He said, growing frustrated.

“Please leave me alone,” I finally said. “Last night was a mistake. I’m not that kind of girl.”

“Huh. Could’ve fooled me,” he whispered, eyes scanning my body. “I thought I made you feel pretty good. I’m pretty sure you were begging me to fuck you for a solid hour.”

I shuddered. Tess and Raquel were watching my every move from the table a few feet away. I took a seat with them, my back towards Blaze.

“That guy won’t stop staring at you, Molly,” Tess said. “Is that the guy from last night?”

“I can’t believe you had some random guy over. What if he would’ve been a serial killer, Molly?” Raquel said.

“I know. It was really stupid of me. It won’t happen again,” I said. “A lapse in judgment.”

“Yeah, it was really stupid,” Tess said.

“I really don’t appreciate you bringing some perfect stranger to the motel where we’re staying,” Raquel began. “I have a husband and children at home. I don’t need to be murdered in Tulsa, Oklahoma all because you wanted to get a piece.”

“I don’t need a lecture,” I said. “I made a mistake. A really dumb mistake. It won’t happen again. It’s over and done.”

“Fine,” Tess said.

“Fine,” Raquel mimed.

“I’m not hungry anymore. I’m going to go shower and get ready for today. I’ll meet you two down in the lobby in a half hour and we can head to the tradeshow together,” I said, grabbing my plate and walking off.

As I ran-walked to my room, I imagined getting back and finding someone had broken in. I imagined something horrific happening to me and Tess and Raquel not being able to save me in time.

I turned around and went back to the table. They were surprised to see me again.

“Okay, I’m going to be honest. My pride isn’t worth it,” I started.

They both looked up at me with wide, curious eyes.

“After you went back to bed last night, those bikers lingered outside our rooms. I almost had to call the cops. I don’t feel comfortable going back to my room alone, and I think we should stay in a different place altogether for the rest of the trip,” I said.

“Why can’t we just switch rooms?” Raquel asked.

“Because the guy I hooked up with is pretty persistent. And he’s staying here. He could easily find out where our new room is,” I said.

Tess rolled her eyes, and Raquel shrugged her shoulders.

“Guess we don’t have much of a choice now do we?” Tess said. “Thanks, a lot, Molly.”

“Let’s all go back to the rooms together, I’ll shower and get ready and we can pack up quickly and check into a new place down the road,” I proposed.

I sat with them as they finished their breakfast. We trekked back to our rooms, and I hopped in the shower. I got ready as fast as I possibly could, packed my things, and knocked on Tess’ motel room door. No answer. I tried Raquel’s door. No answer.

Bitches, I thought.

I grabbed my bags as quickly as I could, heart racing as the thought of seeing Blaze crept in my mind.

I wheeled my suitcase down to the lobby to check out. Tess and Raquel were sitting in the lobby next to their luggage.

“Thanks for waiting for me,” I said, taking a seat next to them. “I was really freaked out when I came out of the shower and you two were gone. What if something happened to you?” My real concern was myself, but I couldn’t admit that.

“We need to hurry up and get to the show. We still need to set up our booth and check in,” Raquel replied.

“You told us to meet you in the lobby. You didn’t ask us to wait in our rooms while you showered,” Tess said. “Sorry.”

They didn’t see the seriousness of the situation like I did, and I didn’t have time to argue about who said what.

A man in tight blue jeans and a white t-shirt strolled past the lobby where we sat. It was Blaze.

“Checking out early, ladies?” He asked. A thick chain dangled from his front pocket to his back, and he held his helmet in the crook of his left elbow. “Let me know if you need help with your luggage.”

 I turned my face away from his general direction and Tess and Raquel said nothing.

“I really hope you all enjoyed your stay. I know you did, Molly,” he said as he walked away with an evil smirk.

 “Sick,” Tess whispered to Raquel.

Our taxi pulled up and we loaded our luggage into the trunk. As we drove off and headed to a much nicer part of Tulsa, I felt relieved. We checked into a four star hotel with cameras and state of the art security in a more upscale area. I knew Blaze wouldn’t be able to harass us there.

It was a pretty penny to upgrade to this hotel, but I offered to cover the costs since we had to relocate due to my stupidity. The only downside was that we were unable to book adjoining rooms or a suite. Raquel and Rachel were on the fourth and sixth floors respectively, and I was on the tenth floor. It was still a million times better than the seedy motel with the broken door locks that was for sure.







Later that night, after 10 hours on our feet at a trade show, we hit up a local Mexican cantina for our final dinner before flying out the next morning. After the stress of the last 24 hours, I took it upon myself to order us a pitcher of margaritas. Raquel barely had one, but Tess had two. Never one to let things go to waste; I finished the rest of the pitcher.

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