Wildcat (23 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

Tags: #Romance Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Wildcat
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Cat and Jack came over to greet the new arrivals, along with Leo and Tisana. As usual, Jack jumped right into the conversation.

“They should’ve thrown away the key when they locked her up,” she said briskly. “She’s a menace to society. I’m so glad you came here to live, Jerden. This is the safest planet in the galaxy, but you never know. There might be others out there like her.” She rounded on Onca. “Which reminds me… when are you gonna give up that Rhylos gig and settle down?”

Onca laughed. “Not anytime soon. I’m having too much fun.”

Jerden could’ve sworn Jack growled. With fists planted against her hips, she leveled a stern glare at Onca. “It only took one woman making the wrong man jealous to get your planet blown to smithereens, bucko. I’d think you guys would’ve learned a lesson from that.”

“I’m simply providing a public service.” Onca was still smiling, but it was clear that he wished Jack would mind her own business. “The price keeps the numbers down and the casual clients away.”

Apparently considering these arguments to be rather flimsy, Jack continued with her lecture. “Tarq was providing a
public service—which I thought was a great idea until he got the shit beat out of him on Talus Five. Then that Chantal woman killed your fluffer, and as crazy as she was, she could just as easily have killed Jerden while she was at it. You’re playing with fire.”

Jerden felt Sara stiffen beside him and immediately wished he’d kept his worries to himself. Giving her a reassuring squeeze, he took her hand and pressed it to his lips. Though she smiled bravely, he could still see the fear in her eyes.

“I’ll quit when I’m ready to quit,” Onca said with a flick of his brow—yet another gesture Jerden knew quite well. “And I’m not ready yet.”

“Better give it up, Jack,” Jerden said. “He can be very stubborn when he chooses.”

Unfortunately, Onca wasn’t the only one with a stubborn streak. Scowling, Jack threw up her hands. “It’s your life, Onca, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when some jealous asshole tries to mop up the floor with you—or comes hunting for your scalp.”

“I won’t,” Onca said. “I’ll retire eventually—but not right now.”

Jerden knew precisely how he felt. He’d enjoyed his job every bit as much as Onca did and would probably still be working at the Palace if circumstances hadn’t made it impossible for him to continue. The money was extremely good, and if there was a better job than giving women joy, he’d yet to hear of it.

“Okay, then,” Jack said. “I’ve given you my two cents worth. Just be careful.”

Jerden snorted. Jack might’ve pretended to wash her hands of the situation, but he doubted Onca had heard the last from her. Still, it
his life. Of course, before Audrey’s murder, Jerden hadn’t considered that his lifestyle might put anyone other than himself at risk. Now he had Sara to worry about. He hadn’t been in love with Audrey, and her death had affected him more profoundly than he would’ve guessed. Sara’s death would probably mean his own.

“We should
be careful,” he said. “Even here on Terra Minor.” He glanced at Jack. “What about all the trading runs you make? Aren’t you worried?”

“Not as much as I used to be when the damned Nedwut bounty hunters turned up everywhere we went. It’s much better now, but I’m still prepared. Never go anywhere without Tex.” She patted the pulse pistol in the holster at her side. “You just never know.”

“Can we talk about something else?” Waroun asked. “This is giving me the creeps.”

“Hey, you started it,” Dax pointed out. “Should’ve kept your mouth shut.”

To Jerden’s surprise, Sara spoke up. “No. I’m glad he did. Zetithian history being what it is, I can’t help but be concerned, and it’s nice to know that my worries aren’t completely unfounded.” She gazed up at Jerden and his heart skipped more beats than he cared to admit when she smiled. Would her effect on him ever dissipate? He hoped not. “Don’t worry, Jack. I’ll do my best to keep him safe and whole.”

Jack nodded her approval. “You do that. Let me tell you, it’s quite a responsibility.” She swept the surrounding countryside with assessing eyes. “Should be safe enough here, though—broad field of vision, clear field of fire…” She frowned. “I’ll give you a pulse pistol if you don’t have one. Anytime you’re out and about with him, you need to carry it—
a comlink. We can’t take any chances on anything happening to him.” With a wink, she added, “After all, he
the hottest hunk in the galaxy.”

Chapter 22

Sara wore the dress he’d bought her from the Twilanan woman in the market square. Jerden had never seen anything more beautiful—unless it was Sara without the dress. A garland of yellow roses adorned her hair, and the flowers in the matching bouquet had been picked from her own garden. Her vows were spoken clearly and firmly, and the kiss she gave him was filled with love and passion.

After the ceremony, Jerden was surprised when Salan hugged Sara as though she were truly happy for her. Nate even shook his hand with the air of a man who’d been beaten in a fair fight—though the low growl from Cria might have had something to do with it. Was it really going to be that simple? He hoped so. The aura of contentment he felt with Sara beside him while they received the congratulations from their guests was unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

Gazing out over the lake that was now filled with laughing children, Jerden daydreamed of making love with Sara there. Some night when the moon was full and the water calm, he would swim with her, kissing her, letting her body glide up and down on his stiff cock until her eyes filled with joy.

“What are you thinking about?”

He leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss above her brow. “Our wedding night, actually.”

A seductive smile curved her lips. “But we’re already mated. Tonight won’t be any different. Will it?”

Inhaling her scent, he began to purr. “Perhaps.”

Following a brief quiver that assured him she was as anxious for that moment as he, she nodded toward the lake. “I noticed you watching the kids. So that’s how it’s done? The older siblings look after the little ones?”

Jerden followed her gaze to where Bonnie’s youngest children tended Lucy and Tarq’s babies while their parents set out the noon meal. “It’s about the only way to manage that many children, which might be why litters are seldom conceived less than four years apart. Usually five.”

Sara chuckled. “Not sure I’d want five-year-olds looking after my babies, but they seem to be quite adept—even Karsyn. I’m amazed they have the patience.”

“It’s a bond almost as strong as that between parent and child. I remember—” A memory long-suppressed came rushing back with a vengeance and his voice cracked, forcing him to take a deep breath to steady himself. “My older brothers and sisters looked after me and my littermates—until they were killed in the explosion that demolished our home. My parents and I were outside at the time. Otherwise, we’d have been killed, too.”

“Oh, Jerden…” Her eyes shimmered with tears. “You don’t have to—”

“Talk about it? No, I don’t, but I should. I’ve tried to forget what happened when I should be doing everything in my power to keep their memories alive. My mother Lislla, my father Etash, my beautiful sisters Dersa, Brielan, and Tulla. My brothers Katken and Wedfon. All gone.” He paused, shaking his head as the grief threatened to overwhelm him. “I haven’t spoken their names aloud in so many years. They deserve better.”

The touch of Sara’s hand on his arm soothed him and gave him strength—yet another thing a mate could do that a mere lover could not. “We can name our children after them.”

Jerden took her hand and carried it to his lips. Tears slid down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“I think so,” she replied. “Almost as much as I love you.”

Opening his eyes, he gazed at her face; her smile was as warm as the twinkle in her eyes. “You can think that if you like. I won’t quibble.” Lowering her hand, he laced their fingers together. He never wanted to let go of her strong, capable hand again as long as he lived. “Tell me, Sara. Are you happy?”

“Happier than you are.”

“No way.”

She grinned and glanced over at Salan and Nate, who stood near the refreshment table, deep in conversation. “Do you think
be happy together?”

Jerden chuckled. “I have absolutely no idea. But I hope so. It would certainly make life in these parts a bit less dramatic.”

“Don’t care much for drama, do you?”

“Not really. I’m ready for some peaceful, happy living—though I must admit I did enjoy snatching you out of Nate’s arms and carrying you off.”

“I’ll try to faint more often,” she said with a wry smile.

“Don’t bother. Once was enough. I’d much rather you stay safe and healthy without any need for rescuing.”

“The same goes for you. No more carrying your unconscious body into the house and watching you lie there for days on end, wondering if you’ll ever wake up.”

“Were you worried about me, Sara?” Though he kept his tone gentle and teasing, he really
want an honest answer. Had she been attracted to him then? If so, her scent hadn’t betrayed her.

“Yes, I was. But at the time, I didn’t realize why. Now I know.” Her arm tightened around his waist. “I was only doing what Vladen told me to do, but I felt
, even then. I barely knew you and envied the bond you’d formed with my stallion, yet I was drawn to you in a way I didn’t understand.” She glanced up at him. “I tried so hard not to love you. Looking back, I realize I didn’t stand a chance. You’re the most inherently lovable man I’ve ever met. From the moment I saw you, I was yours.”

Returning her hug, he kissed her again, his lips lingering over the softness of her skin while he drank in her intoxicating scent. “At the time, I didn’t care if I ever inhaled the essence of desire again, which made being miffed that you
want me that much more peculiar. I should have given up and kissed you right then. Instead, I behaved like a churlish lout and slammed the door in your face.”

rather rude.” Amusement colored her tone, taking the sting out of her words. “I half expected you to sic Cria on me, but she gave me this smug look instead.”

Jerden glanced down at the huge cat sitting beside him. Except on rare occasions, violence was beneath her. Giving him a long, slow blink, she began licking her paw. “She can be quite queenly at times.”

“It would be interesting to hear her side of it,” Sara said. “Maybe we should ask Tisana to translate.”

Jerden shook his head. “I prefer the mystery. If I knew
she sticks so close to me, her behavior wouldn’t be nearly as intriguing.”

“True,” Sara conceded. “And she might not be able to explain it. After all, I can’t explain why I feel love for you when I haven’t felt it for any another man since, well… you know.”

“No need to take that any further if you don’t want to. Keeping my family’s memory alive is quite different from suppressing the memories you’d prefer to forget.”

She shrugged as though it truly didn’t matter anymore. “I should probably mention it more. Then it might become so commonplace a memory that it will disappear among the mountains of trivial events in my life.”

Jerden doubted it would ever become
mundane, but didn’t argue with her logic. “Whatever helps.”

“I’d rather
talk about it, though,” she went on. “I’d much rather discuss what you’ve got planned for tonight.”

“Ah, but that’s a secret. For now. Shall we join the party?”

“Yes, but I’ve got to get out of this dress first. It’s a bit much for a cookout.” She cast him an appraising glance. “You probably ought to wear something different too.”

Jerden couldn’t argue. His high-collared white shirt and black slacks constituted the most clothing he’d worn in years, and he was as anxious to get out of it as she was. “Let’s go change real quick.” He had an idea it might take a little longer than that, but since everyone else was having a good time without them, he didn’t think they’d be missed.

Escorting her back to the house, he led her into his bedroom—a room he’d never thought to share with any woman.

But then, Sara wasn’t just any woman. She was his love, his mate, his salvation. Purring, he helped her out of the spangled robe with its long train and gazed at her. The white dress clung to her slim body in soft, gleaming folds, accentuating her curves—not voluptuous, perhaps, but nonetheless tantalizing, alluring, and infinitely sexy. A deep groan mixed with his purr as he let his eyes roam over her. “My beautiful Sara.”

“Must be the dress,” she said with a rueful smile.

“Oh, no,” he assured her. “Let’s have none of that. You’re beautiful with or without it. In fact, I find you sadly overdressed at the moment.”

“So are you. You look very handsome in that outfit, but I much prefer you in the loincloth—or better still, nothing at all.”

“As you wish.” He unfastened the buttons with slow deliberation, never letting his eyes wander from hers. Peeling off the shirt, he tossed it over a nearby chair, then eliminated the confining nuisance of his pants. Aiming his cock toward her, he gave it a quick pulse, forcing beads of moisture from the points of the corona. “Better?”

“Much. Undo me.”

Turning around, she stepped out of her sandals and pointed at the tie on the halter top of the gown. Her back was bare, the waistline scooped low enough to reveal the spot where her back flared out to meet her bottom—the perfect place to begin…

Pressing his lips to the skin just above the white fabric, he blazed a path up her spine to the nape of her neck. Tugging at the knot with his fangs, he untied it, allowing the dress to fall to her feet with a whispering sigh. As he encircled her with his arms, he cupped her breasts in his hands, teasing the nipples to firm peaks as his cock pressed against the small of her back. His pounding heart sent the hot blood of passion racing to his groin, filling it to the point of pain—a pain only Sara could assuage. Dropping his head, he captured her earlobe in his fangs. “My lovely bride… mate with me now, and I will give you joy unlike any you have ever known.”

He was certain he’d used that line before—it was, after all, the classic Zetithian opening for seduction—but even if he had, its meaning had changed. She was his mate, and it would be his life’s work to give her all the pleasure and love within his power.

Turning in his embrace, she looped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down. Her mouth found his, her tongue slipping past his fangs to war with his own until the fire in his loins threatened to consume him. Her firm nipples brushed his chest as he reached down to cup her buttocks. Pulling her up against him, he spread her thighs with a nudge of his knee, letting out a hiss as he settled her down on his painfully engorged penis.

Her sex engulfed him with wet heat, and he swirled his stiff shaft inside her, delving deeply to caress the depths of her tight passage. Undulating his hips, he plunged into her, her soft moans of pleasure driving him onward until her head fell back, her heavy-lidded gaze holding him in thrall. Pressing his hands against the small of her back, he pulled her even more tightly against his groin. This time, he didn’t simply move his dick, but ground his hips against her, loving the way her ass massaged his balls.

“D’you like that, Sara?”

“Mmm, yes… don’t stop. Fuck me, just… like…
…” Her head snapped forward as her first orgasm detonated, her pussy squeezing him so hard he could barely move.

“Oh, Sara… you…
…” Her tight muscles milked his cock, forcing more fluid from the head and sending it flowing down over his balls. He slid her side to side, and then bounced her against his nuts. On the third bounce, he lost control and his cock erupted, filling her with creamy wetness. He tried to stop then—had every intention of doing so—but she felt so damn good he simply couldn’t do it.

He kept on—dragging her up and down on his cock, then back and forth over his balls while he watched her face, her eyes suffused with the joy he’d promised her. The sensation was incredible—ultimate pleasure, tumultuous joy, and endless sensuous fulfillment. He knew there was a party going on outside—guests to be entertained, a lake to swim in, and food to be enjoyed—but he couldn’t imagine anything better than Sara wrapped around him like a hot, wet blanket of love. Wedding cake, no matter how tasty, couldn’t begin to compare with his delicious Sara. Then he imagined licking icing from her fingers and came again.

Sliding a hand up her back, he pulled her face to his, capturing her lips and plunging his tongue into the recesses of her mouth. She was as addictive as candy, and he couldn’t stop tasting her.

Her need seemed every bit as powerful as his own. Spearing her fingers through his hair, she forced his head back as she kissed down the side of his neck, nipping harder as she reached his shoulder while her strong legs gripped him like a vise.

His voice was deep and rasping as he begged her for more. “Bite me.”

As she sank her teeth into him, his neck arched farther back and he came with a sharp exhale. This time, however, he felt more than semen leave his body. Somewhere in the center of his being, a tiny particle of his soul detached itself from the whole and hurtled toward a corresponding mote deep within his beloved Sara.

Cat was noted for being able to sense when a new litter of Zetithians was conceived, but Jerden didn’t need his friend’s confirming nod to know what had just taken place. He felt the truth of it with every fiber of his being. Sara—his lover, his wife, his
—was now the mother of his children.

children. Babies whose births he would actually witness and whose lives he would be a part of—not merely names and numbers listed in the Zetithian Birth Registry. Hundreds had gone before this litter, but these would be the only offspring he could truly claim as his own.

His and Sara’s.

Smiling, he lifted her off his cock but never allowed her out of his arms for an instant. Should he tell her, or would she already know?

Even though her feet were on the floor and she was clearly able to stand on her own, Jerden hated to release her. A spell had been cast, one he didn’t want to see broken.

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