Read Wilson's Hard Lesson Online

Authors: K. Anderson

Wilson's Hard Lesson (39 page)

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter 3 – The Green Eyed Monster


“Yeah is that what you told Stacey too?” She looked away
fast knowing she had just put her foot in her mouth. She knew herself that she
had sounded jealous. She was jealous. She knew as well as anyone that something
had happened between the two of them. The problem wasn’t that he had done
something with someone but rather who he did it with. Everyone knew Stacey was
the prettier one. She had the gorgeous skin and face and a knock out body.
Always had. That’s how she got away with everything. Her looks.

 Rebecca had always felt like she was compared to her
although she knew that many people including her parent’s didn't look at them
that way. She remembered when she was a teenager and still had the flat chest.
Stacey was already filling in the training bras and into a woman’s size. She
had cried and told her mother that it just wasn’t fair. Her mother had told her
that beauty was Stacey’s talent. She had explained to Rebecca that she was very
smart. She had all the knowledge in the house and was over average in
academics. That was her special talent. Stacey’s was her appearance. She could
put on eyeliner in a straight line riding the bus. It was just something she
could do. Her mother said that it would be mean to take that from Stacey
because then she wouldn’t have anything. Her mother told her that she wasn’t
saying that Stacey didn’t have any other talents just that her beauty is what
shone where mine was my brains.

From that day forward Rebecca changed. She began to worry
about her appearance more but didn’t’ strive on what Stacey was doing or how
well she was doing it. She concentrated on herself. And since then she had
begun to do much better. She had begun to walk then, toning her body. That
summer was when James had left for Boot camp. When he had come home on leave
she had been off at college. She was able to graduate a year early because of
her grades. She knew her parents had been disappointed at first that she hadn’t
become a lawyer or doctor or something. Her mother had told her that she was so
smart she could do anything but, it hadn’t interested her. Not like cooking and
food did. She shrugged it off. James’ voice brought her back to the current

“So is that what this is all about uh? Stacey? You have to
know that we were just having fun right? I mean we were kids for crying out

“Yeah, just having fun. Look I really don’t care ok? But I
really do need to get back to what I was doing. So if you wouldn’t mind.” Her
eyebrows cocked up in question as he smiled and came closer. “Come on James.
Let me go.”

“Not until you admit it.”

“Admit what?”

“Admit that you want me. Admit that you like me and are
attracted to me. Admit that you want me to lay you down on the table right here
and take you. Make you scream with pleasure."

She could see him doing that too and at the moment she
didn’t’ know if she would tell him to stop or not. She felt her body flush with
warmth. Whether it was from the room overheating or the man pressed up against
her she didn’t know but she wasn’t playing his game. “Stop James and let me

“Admit it.”

“There’s nothing to admit.”

“Yes there is and I’ll prove it to you.”

“No.” The word had barely gotten out of her mouth before his
lips closed around hers. She felt the softness of his lips press against hers
before the tip of his tongue peeked out to trace her lower lip. It moved from
one side to the other tasting her lips like no one else ever had. She felt the
air being sucked from her lungs in shock as she felt his hand trace up her leg
to cup her ass in the panties she wore. He pulled her close again and then
wrapped his other hand in her hair and pulled her head backward to look down at
her for a moment. She saw the intensity in his gaze then and the grin that
split his face.

“Yes, Rebecca. Regardless of what you think, I have wanted
you above all else. No matter what anyone else says I have wanted you from the
start. Yeah me and Stacey had fun and still do. You should join us some times.
Show that you’re not as big a prude as everyone thinks you are. Then maybe you
might enjoy yourself for once. But for now, I’m going to show you what we have
both been missing. What I knew from the start.”

“And just what is that exactly?”

“That you and I should have done this a long time ago. That
deep down under that thick skin you have a desire to let loose. That you can
pretend to be all prim and proper in the real world but here where it counts
you are a wildcat waiting to be unleashed. I just opened the door baby. Show me
what you have.”

Chapter 4 – Throwing Caution to the Wind


His lips dropped to hers again. This time, however, they
weren’t gentle. His lips ravaged hers sipping at them and taking from them. He
made sure she had no chance but to kiss him back. And she did just that. She
was tired of fighting it. Tired of pretending that she didn’t feel the same way
he did. Tired of wanting something she knew she shouldn’t want. For once in her
life she wasn’t thinking about the consequences. She wasn’t thinking about what
was going to happen afterward. She just felt. Felt what was happening to her
body. Felt his hands on her and felt the way she was responding.

“Admit it.”

“What?” She knew what he wanted from her, but her eyes bore
into his anyway. She glared at him and he laughed knowing she didn’t want to
say it. She didn’t’ want to admit her feelings for him. She didn’t want to tell
him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Tell me you want me. Tell me that no matter what the
obstacles are that you want me to sink inside you right now. Tell me.”

“Ah! Stop it. Come on.”

“Come on what. What do you want, Bec?” He went back to the
old nickname he used to call her when they were playing as kids and she felt a
shiver run through her then.

“You damn it. I want you. Always have now what are you going
to do about it now?”

The grin disappeared from his face and he looked completely
serious for a second. “Giving us both what we want.” His lips came back to hers
and again ate at her. He was trying to devour her. Every bit of her but this
time she gave back just as much as he gave. Her hands flew to the T-shirt he
wore and he helped her to remove it quickly. It landed across the room. Where
she didn’t know and at the moment she really didn’t care either. His lips met
hers again. It was as if they were starving for each other and if you thought
of how long they had both wanted it you would understand why. His hands went to
the little tie behind her back and undid the apron before unzipping her dress.
He pulled both forward and then let it fall in a heap at her feet. She stood in
her bra and panties and she watched his smoldering gaze as it went over her
body. She felt another tremor of excitement go through her as his hands dropped
to his waist and the belt buckle that was there. He pulled the strap through
and then unbuttoned his pants and let them drop. They fell to the floor and he
stood in nothing but his boxer briefs then. Her gaze roamed appreciatively over
his body as well before coming up to meet his gaze again. He closed the
distance between them and captured her face between his hands. “I have waited
so long for this moment.”

“Hmmm.” Her hands slid up both sides of his arms until they
rested on his shoulders. She felt his hands grip her hips and squeeze. His lips
lowered to hers again and they lost it. They were soon clawing at the rest of
their clothes and digging into each other. Her nails raked themselves on his
arms causing a moan to come out of his mouth again. His head lowered to kiss
her jaw and then move to her neck. Her bra had suddenly disappeared as he
licked along the side of one breast and then the other. His lips closed around
a nipple causing her head to fall back and a moan to escape from her lips. He
pulled at the nipple with his teeth, nibbling gently and then sucked it even
harder. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out and he slowly moved to
her other breast to lick the nipple before sucking it into his mouth as well.
His mouth moved across her ribs and he seemed to lick in between each one. He
was taking his time with her body causing her to writhe with her need. Her body
was on fire and burning for more. She was at the point of begging him when she
felt his tongue peek out to run across the top of her panties. She felt a
finger hook in each side of her panties and he slowly pulled them down her legs.

When she was finally standing completely naked in front of
him he looked up with a grin. “Open your legs Bec.”

Her face flushed with embarrassment with his words. She
should be turning around and running, but there was no way she could get her
body to move anywhere. She was stuck there in that spot wanting more. She
moaned again as she felt his hands circle her thighs and gently push them
apart. She stood with her legs so far apart she had to brace herself against
his shoulders.

“Hold on baby.” His words were spoken against the inside of
a thigh and she could feel his warm breath against her skin. She shivered with
the feeling of helplessness as he gently bit her skin between his teeth. His
tongue ran across the bite and he looked up and smiled at her. “I’ve marked you
as mine. Hope there’s no boyfriend to cause problems with this.” She knew he
was asking her and it should have made her mad that he waited until after he
did what he did to ask her. She quickly shook her head no at him. There was no
way she could find any words right now. “Good.” She felt the warmth of his
breath first as he blew a kiss on her most primitive parts. His fingers slowly
opened her so that he could lick deeply along her slit. She felt her body buck
against him then as he continued to take long swipes against her skin. Over and
over he lapped at her and then his tongue was inside her as he mimicked what
she knew his cock would soon be doing. She was panting as her hands entwined
themselves in his hair. She pulled him closer to her without even knowing she
did so. Her body trembled with the need he was evoking in her. She felt her
body shudder with delight as his mouth worked magic on her. She felt tremors
and shakes and her whole body broke out in goose bumps. Her flesh rose slowly
in a desire to reach her release.

Chapter 5 – I Want You


Without a second thought, he lowered his mouth and captured
her mouth in a deep kiss. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth and he
captured her small moan into his mouth. She kissed him back with the same
wanton need. She entwined her arms behind his neck and leaned into him. He
pushed her up against the wall grinding his body into hers as he kissed her
deeper and deeper.

When he broke off the kiss they were both panting deeply in
their throats. Quickly, he picked her up to place her on the counter behind
them. He positioned himself at her entrance and smiled at her again. He slowly
slid into her depths as they both sighed with joy. It was unlike anything she
had felt. Sure she had been with other men before but none of them had been
James. It took him a few minutes to work himself inside her. He was huge.
Overly large and she felt a slight burn at first as she accommodated herself to
him. When he was completely inside her she sighed and he panted with the need
to move. She gripped him tight and she looked into his eyes as he took a deep

“I want to slam into you so hard right now.”

“Then do it.”

“I can’t. I could hurt you.”

“The only way you hurt me is if you don’t fuck me right now
damn it.”

He groaned deeply as he began to move. Faster and faster he
slid in and out of her depths as he gripped her hips tightly. Both of her hands
were placed behind her as she balanced herself for the ride he was giving her.
She quickly slid her legs around his waist and held on tight as he took
control. “Damn it you’re tight. So tight.” He suddenly gripped her hips and
pulled her from the counter. Without another word, he carried her towards the
back. “Where’s your office?” She pointed in the direction of the office and he
quickly made his way to the closed door. He had slid out of her and she could
feel the loss of not having him inside her. Her pussy clenched tightly looking
for what it had lost. When they walked into the office he quickly shut the door
then turned and looked at her. His eyes roamed around the room and he smiled as
he looked at her again. “Come on.” He took her hand and led her over to where a
small loveseat sat. Taking her to the side of it, he bent her over the arm. Her
ass stuck into the air his as he rubbed it slowly. She yelped when she felt a
sting from the slap he gave her. She then felt him work his cock back inside
her slowly. Her hands tried to grip the couch, but there was nothing to hold on

She braced herself on her palms and tried to raise her back
only to feel him push her back down again. Then he began to move inside her
again and she could think of nothing other than the feel of him inside her. He
began to move faster and faster until he gripped her hips painfully and slammed
into her so hard the loveseat moved. She screamed with her release just before
he moaned and went over the edge. He emptied himself inside her as he slowly
stroked himself in and out of her body a few more times. She felt his nails
trace up and down on the outside of her thighs and he kissed the small of her
back before he slowly pulled himself from her body.

Rebecca straightened and then went to sit on the loveseat.
Her head was leaned back and she was panting slowly as she tried to catch her
breath. She felt the loveseat sink as he sat beside her then. She could hear
his own uneven breathing and smiled when she thought of it. She wasn’t the only
one affected.

They sat there for some time just trying to calm themselves
over what had just happened. He was to the point of calming down when he felt
her rise and make her way back out to the counter. By the time he got out
there, she was just about dressed.

“So what do we do now little sister.”

She turned to face him then and he saw the heated anger in
her gaze. “For one don’t call me little sister at a time like this. It’s a
little creepy.”

He chuckled but nodded as he stated. “Ok. I get it and

“Second what the hell are you talking about what do we do
now? We go on about our business. It was fun and we both needed it, but now
it’s over. So where are you headed now?” She tried to act like it was no big
deal. Tried to throw it off as just being a fling but she knew by the look in
his eye that he wasn’t buying it. He stood there and cocked his head to the
side and watched her for a moment before commenting.

“I think I’ll see Stacey.” He knew he got her as she quickly
turned away from him.

Rebecca felt the blood boil inside her as he stated the
words she knew were going to come out of her mouth. “Good. See Stacey. I’m sure
you will make her day.”

“I knew it. This is more than just a fling Bec.” He came to
her and spun her around. There was anger in her eyes, but there was something
else as well. Pain. Hurt. He hadn’t meant to hurt her he had just wanted to
prove to her that it was more than a fling to her too.

“Go away James. See Stacey. This was just something that
both of us have been looking at and thinking of. Now that the itch is scratched
we are good. You want more than that then I guess our sister is the person for
you to see. She worships the ground you walk on.”

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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