Wilson's Hard Lesson (58 page)

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Authors: K. Anderson

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter Eight


“Stand up,” Cassie whispered into her ear, and she immediately
did so. Cassie stayed kneeling, and Lindsay nearly fell back down to her knees
in a heap as Cassie hooked her finger into the crotch of her underwear and
yanked them down her legs.

Lindsay shook uncontrollably as Cassie slowly traced her
nails up the backs of her calves and thighs. Cassie’s soft lips planted kisses
along her legs and hips, and sometimes her tongue would flick out over her
heated skin. Lindsay was having a hard time remaining standing. In fact, she
probably would have collapsed if Erik hadn’t stepped in behind her and held her
securely at the waist.

His hold, though, did nothing to impede Cassie’s slow,
torturous teasing. Lindsay could only gasp and whimper as her friend skirted
all around the center of her need, never quite touching her where she needed to
be touched. Finally, Lindsay was at her breaking point.

“Please Cassie…” she whimpered piteously, feeling a tear
trickle down her face. “Please make me come… I can’t take this anymore…”

Cassie laughed, her voice dark. Lindsay’s stomach clenched
in dread.

“You didn’t seem to have a problem making me wait,” Cassie

As she spoke, Cassie ran her fingernail over Lindsay’s
engorged, protruding clit, and Lindsay released a ragged gasp. She thrashed in
Erik’s hold, but he kept her still. Cassie set up a rhythm. The touch was acutely
pleasurable, so much so that it was almost painful. And yet, it was still
better than not being touched at all. Lindsay could only sob and gasp through
the pleasure pain, feeling her arousal ever more sharp and clear in her core.

Cassie suddenly changed so that instead of the light
scratches, she was gently rubbing the pad of her finger into Lindsay’s clit.
Lindsay sobbed aloud in relief and released a long moan as genuine pleasure
spread throughout her. Before she could catch her relief, though, Cassie

“Oh please, no!” Lindsay begged shamelessly. “Cassie please,
don’t stop!”

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Cassie soothed her. “We’re just
getting started.”

With that, Lindsay felt Cassie’s lips wrap around her clit
and suck at it, hard. Lindsay immediately gasped and cried out as she bucked
into Cassie’s mouth. Lindsay’s eyes blurred with tears as Cassie’s tongue began
to slide into her heated entrance, and flicker over her clit. Lindsay could
feel her orgasm bubbling hot and strong.

Lindsay ached to be filled. She vaguely realized that she
had yet to be penetrated. Her pussy walls contracted hungrily, but they had
nothing to grip. Even so, she knew that she would come soon regardless of the
emptiness she felt inside of her.

Cassie began to flick her tongue vigorously against
Lindsay’s clitoris, and Lindsay knew that it was mere seconds before she would
explode. Her whole body tensed, and she allowed her eyes to roll back into her
head and drift closed. No sooner had her pussy walls clamped down in release
than Cassie bit down on her sensitive clit, Causing Lindsay’s orgasm to shoot
into overdrive, and become nearly painful.

Cassie continued to stimulate her roughly as she came, and
soon Lindsay was begging her to stop, the sensations on her already over
sensitized sex becoming unbearably painful. At last, Cassie was satisfied, and
she withdrew from her victim, licking the juices slowly off her lips.

Lindsay’s mind spun. She had come, but Cassie had made it so
that it was hardly a relief, or even remotely pleasurable. Though the pressure
had ebbed, Lindsay still felt a heavy ache in her loins, having been denied any
real pleasure. Erik slowly released her waist, and Lindsay was left to sink
into the floor, her shoulders shaking with the force of her sobs.

“Next time,” Cassie whispered sweetly into her ear. “You’ll
think before you try to make deals with me.”

Lindsay merely nodded vigorously, unable to speak through
her sobs. Her pussy still throbbed painfully, and she wrapped her arms around
herself to try and edge away the pain.

Without another word, Cassie dressed herself and cleaned up
a little in the large bathroom, then left, leaving Lindsay alone with Erik.

“Lindsay?” he asked her gently, softly stroking his hand
over her hair. Lindsay looked up at him and sniffled, tears shining in her

“Are you alright?” Erik asked her, his eyes full of concern.

“I… I just need a minute,” Lindsay said shakily.

“Alright,” Erik nodded. “I’ll get dressed while you collect

True to his word, Erik left her alone to think for a while
as he gathered up his clothes and put them back on. Lindsay took this time to
steady her breathing and take stock of her physical state. She found she was
unharmed, but miraculously still horny, in spite of her powerful orgasm. In
fact, it seemed as though she was even more desperate for touch than she had
been before.

“Here, let’s get you off the floor,” Erik said to her.

He held out his hand and Lindsay took it. She allowed him to
lift her up, and she leaned heavily on him for support.

“Your dress should be dry now,” he noted, and Lindsay nodded

Erik fetched the dress, and Lindsay looked around for her
panties, but could not find them, so she gave them up as lost. Erik came to her
with her dress, and she allowed him to dress her in the garment. It still felt
slightly damp, but she didn’t care.

“Let’s get you home,” Erik said gently. Lindsay couldn’t
help the sinking feeling that overcame her, and it must have shown on her face,
because Erik frowned in concern.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, tilting his head.

“I…” Lindsay muttered, wringing her hands. “I don’t want to
go home.”

“Alright,” Erik shrugged. “We can go back to the party if
you like.”

Lindsay felt tears prick at her eyes. She was still
unbelievably aroused, and the last thing she wanted was to go back to the
party. But she didn’t have the courage to tell him what she wanted was for him
to take her to bed and fuck her into the next weekend.

“Lindsay,” Erik said firmly, and wrapped his fingers around
her chin, forcing her head up to look at him. “You have to tell me what you are
feeling so I can help you.”

Lindsay shivered and sighed at his contact, and she felt her
insides melt as she looked up into his blue eyes, which were looking down at
her with care and concern at first, but then hardened into a darker emotion.

“I see now,” he murmured. “You still need some attention,
don’t you?”

Lindsay released a tiny whimper and nodded as Erik began to
gently stroke her face.

“Cassie’s orgasm wasn’t what you thought it would be, was
it?” Erik gave her a sympathetic smile, and Lindsay shook her head, feeling her
heart begin to pound in her chest.

“I could have told you,” Erik said, his tone somewhat
chiding. “But you were being a bit cruel to her. I had to admit, I didn’t
expect that from you. But, if you’re going to dish that out, you have to be
prepared to take it as well.”

Lindsay nodded. She would definitely think again before
teasing anyone, especially when it could easily come back to haunt her. Now,
though, Lindsay was more satisfied in the immediate resolution to the throbbing
ache between her legs.

“I’m sorry,” Lindsay whimpered out, her tone desperate and
pleading. “I didn’t know.”

“Well, now you do,” Erik gently stroked through her hair.
“Life is all about learning lessons, don’t you think?”

Lindsay nodded, more in an effort to appease him than
anything else. Her core was tingling, and it was all she could do to keep from
rubbing herself up against him for relief right then and there. This did not
escape Erik’s notice, and he looked down at her with a chuckle.

“Now,” he said, his tone smooth and calm. “What do you
propose we do about your little… situation.”

Lindsay seemed to be at a loss for words. Erik raised an
eyebrow as she desperately searched for an answer.

“I suppose you could always just spend the night here,” he
shrugged, a smirk on his lips.

“I… I want…” Lindsay spoke up, finally finding her voice.
“Will you… please… take me home with you?”

Erik’s expression darkened, and again Lindsay felt her
stomach clench. Erik moved so that he was within inches of her face. He held
her chin tight in his fingers, and Lindsay shook from a heady mix of fear and

“Understand,” he said crisply and clearly. “If I take you to
my home, we play by my rules. No exceptions.”

Lindsay nodded, already feeling her body ache from his

“Answer me,” he snapped. “Out loud.”

“I understand,” Lindsay said breathlessly.

“Good,” Erik released her and stepped away from her. His
eyes scanned over her, checking her appearance.

“Follow me,” he said simply. Lindsay hurried to catch up
with him as he turned on his heel and headed out of the lavish bathroom.

Once outside and back in the building, Lindsay felt a surge
of embarrassment, and she worried about running into other people from the
party. That did not happen, though, as Erik led her through several less known
hallways that somehow led them back to the parking garage. He walked Lindsay
over to her car and turned to face her.

“We’ll both drive,” Erik said. “If you change your mind
halfway, you can stop following me and simply return home. But if you follow me
all the way to my house, get out of your car, and enter my home, there is no
turning back. You will be mine for the night. Do you understand?”

Lindsay’s mind whirled at what he had just said, but she
already knew her answer.

“I understand,” she said, her voice shaking with excitement.

“Good,” he said. And with that, he crossed the lot and got
into his car. Lindsay followed suit, getting in her own car and turning the key
in the ignition.

Lindsay kept her eyes firmly glued to Erik’s car as he
pulled out of the driveway. She was careful to follow him closely. All the
while, a part of her mind urged her to divert her path. She knew that this
would be highly inappropriate, and that if she did this, there would be no way
she could justify it to herself.

At the same time, though, Lindsay could not deny the
hypnotic hold he had over her. Her body throbbed with every look and word he
gave her. She believed him when he said that if she refused him now, there
would be no other opportunities for her. And that was certainly not something
she was willing to lose.

Chapter Nine


After what seemed like hours, they finally arrived in the
driveway of a large, ranch style home. Lindsay watched as the lights of Erik’s
car went off and he stepped out of the vehicle. Lindsay allowed herself time
for a last minute doubt. Then, she took in a long breath to steady herself, and
she got out of the car.

Lindsay kept her eyes locked on Erik as she approached him.
She watched as he opened the door to his home, and gestured for her to enter.
With one last breath, Lindsay crossed the threshold and sealed her fate.

Lindsay’s heart pounded as Erik shut and locked the door
behind them, turning off the porch light. She felt his arms encircle her, and
he pulled her in for a warm, tight embrace.

“I’m glad you came,” he whispered into her ear.

“So am I,” Lindsay said, and she was shocked at how very
true those words felt.

Without another word from her, Erik took her hand, and began
to lead her through his home. Lindsay felt her excitement and apprehension
build slightly as he opened a door to reveal his bedroom. Her eyes immediately
landed on his king sized bed, and the metal frame that it rested in.

“Go lay down on the bed,” Erik commanded her.

Lindsay shivered, knowing without a doubt that her ordeal
had truly begun. Without hesitation, she crossed the room, and got on the bed,
laying down in the exact middle.

Lindsay felt Erik’s fingers fiddle with clasp of her heels,
until he finally got them undone and removed them from her feet. She was still
as Erik climbed into the bed next to her, and she flinched lightly as she felt
his hand slip between her body and the bed to undo the zipper of her dress. He
slid the clothing item off of her, slipping it off over her feet.

Lindsay released a sigh as she was once again revealed to
him in just her bra. She had never recovered her panties, and she rubbed her
thighs together to create some friction and ease the ache between her legs.
Erik chuckled softly, and she felt him spread her legs wide so that there was
no hope of them touching.

After spreading her legs, Erik ran his hands up her thighs
and over her hips, then up her sides until her slid his hands underneath her
back to undo the clasp of her bra. Lindsay raised up a bit to help him brush
the material off of her body, and she shivered deliciously as she was made
entirely bare to him.

“You’re a beautiful woman,” he uttered, and she blushed at
his praise. “Now, raise your hands and hold on to the bed frame, as far apart
as you can reach.”

Lindsay hesitated for a moment, but then she remembered that
she had, after all, agreed to abide by his rules. So, she spread her arms wide
and took hold of the bars on the metal bedframe. Erik smiled at her

Lindsay watched with building apprehension as he withdrew a
coil of thin rope from his night stand. She whimpered slightly as he wound the
thread around her wrists, securing her to the bedframe. She wanted with every
fiber in her being to protest, but she made herself remain calm.

Erik then moved down to her ankles and repeated the process
so that she was tied, spread eagle to the bed. Lindsay whimpered softly and
struggled slightly in her bonds, only to find that they gave her very minimal

“And now…” Erik said, his eyes dark and his tone devious.
“For the final touch.”

Lindsay watched nervously as he reached into his coat
pocket, and she blushed furiously as he withdrew her lace panties. A cruel
smile spread over his face, as he proceeded to fold them up into a ball.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered softly.

Lindsay’s mind fought her, but it was a short fight, as her
body instinctively obeyed. She had tried her hand at teasing and testing, and
she had already paid the consequences. She knew that if she ever wanted to get
the release she craved, she would have to do everything he said. And so, she
allowed him to gag her with her own panties, tying them securely in place with
a scarf.

“Exquisite,” Erik said as he looked over her.

Lindsay’s heart pounded, and though she had not expected
this at all, she had to admit that she found it exceedingly arousing, knowing
that there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop him. With the gag in
place, she could not even beg him. At the very though, a rush of wetness polled
between her legs.

“Now, where to begin…” Erik said slowly, as he lowered his
fingertips to her stomach and began to trace circles over the skin there.

Lindsay’s breath hissed even from that slight touch, and she
moaned into the gag. His teasing touches send bolts of sharp pleasure to her
core, and it made her throb all the more. She began to rock her hips in her
need, and Erik laughed at her.

“Already so eager,” he shook his head. “This will be more
fun than I thought.”

Lindsay felt a rush of frustration as Erik got up off the
bed, but she stifled it when she realized he was removing his clothes. She felt
her skin begin to crawl as his incredible body was revealed to her, and she
moaned softly as he dropped his pants to reveal his manhood once again. He gave
it a few strokes, and Lindsay wished it was her hand that was pleasing him.

Erik looked back down at her with a smile. Lindsay was sure
he had seen the deep longing in her eyes. He got back on the bed beside her.
Lindsay shuddered as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, then on her cheek,
and then on her neck. She moaned as he lingered there, tracing his tongue and
teeth over her throat.

Eventually, he moved lower, and Lindsay squirmed as he
nibbled at her collar bones. Her heart pounded as his lips landed on her
breasts. He slowly circled around the globe for a long time. Lindsay ached for
him to take her nipple into his mouth, but just before he would have, he
diverted to the other nipple. He repeated this process, alternating between one
breasts and the other until Lindsay was practically thrashing in her bonds.

Her body was on fire and her blood seemed to pound in her
veins. Once again she was being cruelly denied what she desired most, and she
wanted to scream. She whimpered loudly into her gag and moved around, trying
desperately to at least cause something to brush up against her aching nipples.

“Be still,” Erik commanded suddenly as he sharply withdrew
from her.

Lindsay clenched her teeth around the panties in her mouth
and tightened all her muscles, forcing herself to remains still. Eventually,
she was able to steady her breathing and relax. She looked up at Erik when she
was calmer, and waited for his next command.

Without a word, Erik reached into his nightstand again. This
time, he withdrew a large, square piece of cloth. He folded t diagonally, and
then into a small strip. Lindsay immediately recognized what he would use this
for, and her pulse quickened. He proceeded to cover her eyes with the blindfold
he had just created, and tied it at the back of her head. Lindsay could not see
anything any longer. She could clearly hear her pulse racing in her ear and her
own ragged breathing.

Without any buildup, Lindsay felt Erik pinch both of her
nipples between his thumb and forefinger and squeezes them. Her reaction was
instantaneous. He back arched up off the bed, and she screamed into her gag.
Erik twisted them this way and that, and Lindsay cried out into her gag,
moaning and whimpering, not caring if she was understood, but incapable of
staying quiet.

Finally, Erik let her aching nipples go, and Lindsay fell
back onto the bed, her entire body shaking. While it had been painful, the rough
treatment had left her more turned on than ever, and she could feel a constant
stream of her fluids leaking from between her legs. She felt Erik’s hand move
to gently massage her breasts, gently placing soft kisses on her abused

Lindsay whimpered softly as he maintained his soft treatment
for a while, grateful to feel his soft touch. Gradually, he began to move
lower, his hands tracing a path down her sides to secure her hips, and his
mouth lingering at her navel. He nibbled at the edges, and licked at the tiny
cavity there. She felt him shift his body so that he was nestled between her
legs, and she rocked her hips slightly as he moved his hands to place them each
on the insides of her thighs.

Lindsay gasped and whimpered as he traced his thumbs up and
down her outer folds. She rocked her hips into his touches, and he laughed at
her. He traced a finger up her slit to collect her juices, and then swirled his
finger over her clit.

“You’re always so wet,” he said, his tone marveling.

Lindsay nodded, again trying to do anything to appease him.
Her core tingled with the knowledge that he was so close, and could give her
what she wanted. She did not want to do anything that would even remotely hurt
her chances.

Erik continued to trace his finger up and down her slit, and
Lindsay bit down on her gag as she fought her desire to squirm and thrash under
his touch.

“Well, you’re certainly wet,” Erik mused aloud. “But I
wonder just how tight you are…”

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