Winds of Heaven (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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Liz looked up when Casey walked into the living room. “Don’t you have any control over this dwarf?”

Attached to her leg was Skye, her arms and legs wrapped around tightly as she giggled and held on for dear life. Casey dragged her burden into the living room.

“She is not a dwarf, and if you had any sensitivity, you would understand that perhaps she misses Julie. Or maybe, and for the life of me I do not know why, she likes you.” Liz winced again.

Casey got nervous and started to walk over, then picked up Skye like a sack of potatoes and held her around the waist, tucked under her arm. Skye laughed as her arms and legs flopped about as Casey quickly went to Liz.

“Okay, that’s two. Is that normal?” She knelt down, depositing Skye on the floor.

Liz nodded emphatically. “Yes, really. She’s just active, probably all the yelling.”

“I-I wasn’t yelling,” Casey countered with a frown.

“No. I was. I’m sorry. I’m just irritable,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Mama mad,” Skye said, looking up at Casey.

“No, sweet pea. Mommy’s not angry.” Liz sighed tiredly.

Casey leaned back, then it struck her. “How about some of that ice cream you had me buy?”

Liz’s eyes lit up and she nodded happily. Casey turned and walked into the kitchen. “I help
,” her shadow said, waddling behind.


The three of them sat on the front porch eating ice cream. Casey realized that she had never really liked ice cream. What a ridiculous thing to think of. She was missing what Liz was saying.

“Sorry. What?” Casey asked as she looked up. Liz Kennedy was a very attractive young woman. Her blue eyes sparkled against the glow of the citronella candle on the table as she fed Skye ice cream out of her bowl.

Casey shook her head in wonderment as she looked around. Citronella, instead of a roaring fire; ice cream instead of a martini. Liz Kennedy instead of…

“I asked if you were involved with anyone,” Liz repeated absently as she laughed at her daughter.

“Oh. No, I’m—”

“Single? I got the impression from Julie you were good with the ladies,” Liz said and turned red.

Casey’s green eyes danced wickedly. “She was right. I am, and I enjoy the company of a couple women. I enjoy my freedom,” she added, and for the first time in her life, she felt like she was defending herself. She did not like that feeling at all. Her grandmother’s smirking face flashed through her mind.

“Hmm.” Liz grunted as she fed Skye.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Casey was getting irritated as she took a spoonful of ice cream.

“You just haven’t met the right one yet.”

“Christ, now you sound like my grandmother,” she countered sarcastically, “and Roger.” She saw the questioning look on Liz’s face. “My lawyer and sometime friend.”

“I see. He likes to act as your conscience?”

“Yes, it’s quite annoying.”

Liz smiled and looked at the near full moon rising over the tree line. “I see why you like it up here.” She sighed pensively as she and Skye rocked on the porch swing.

Skye then struggled off the swing and waddled up to Casey, who was leaning against the porch railing. She looked down and frowned. “What?
again?” she asked gruffly and Skye wrinkled her nose.

“’Gen...” She reached up her hands.

In one effortless movement, Casey grumbled and lifted her into her arms. Skye wrapped her arms around her neck and laid her head on her shoulder, playing with her necklace.

Liz grinned while Casey continued frowning but said nothing. “She likes you. I guess you do have a way with the ladies, Ms. Bennett.” She let out a groan, struggling again to get up. Casey reached over, offered her hand, and helped her to her feet.

“In about three months, it’s not going to be that easy,” Liz said with a groan. “C’mon, Skye. Time for

Skye clung to Casey’s neck and Casey pushed the child back. “Go on now,
, listen to your mom,” she found herself saying.

“Say night-night to Casey, sweet pea,” Liz whispered as she took the child.

,” Skye said, reaching back to kiss Casey on the cheek.

Even in the darkness, Liz saw the color rise in Casey’s face.

,” she said awkwardly and grinned as the girl waved.

Liz walked in; she turned and smiled, “I think I may join her. Ni-

Casey grinned sarcastically. “You’re hysterical. Good night.” She watched Liz disappear into the cabin. Skye waved once more and Casey raised her hand, then quickly scratched her head.

Nature called for poor Liz. She struggled getting out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. “She’s sleeping right on my bladder.” Liz yawned loudly.

As she walked back, she thought she would check on the other child in the living room.

Casey lay on the couch, her feet over the end. “God, she’s tall,” Liz whispered as she picked up the sheet that had fallen on the floor and lightly covered her. She watched Casey as she slept and resisted the urge to brush the thick lock of hair off her brow.

Casey Bennett was doing a kind thing—probably out of guilt. Liz suspected her lawyer probably had a good deal to do with it. Well, for whatever reason, Liz was grateful. Once she had the baby, she would regroup, get a job and a babysitter, and get her life and her family going.

All at once, Julie’s face flashed through her mind. Julie may not have been very good at responsibility, but she was very good at taking care of her in the bedroom. However, Julie had a hard time with intimacy, which had nothing to do with their sex life. It was the closeness that Liz always wanted but never truly got from Julie. She longed for someone to hold her in the quiet of night not saying much, just listening to another heartbeat.

Liz took a deep breath. And sometimes, she just plain missed sex. Then she looked down at the slumbering playgirl.

I’m not that desperate.


Chapter 5

Something was poking her face. Casey grumbled in her sleep and swatted with her hand. Then she heard a giggle and her eyes flew open. There stood a mass of blond curls framing a cute sleepy face.

,” the girl whispered, nose to nose.

“Go back to bed,” Casey countered in the same voice.

Skye frowned and pulled her arm. “Peas,” she pleaded and tugged.

Casey growled and lifted the child onto her stomach. “Please doesn’t always work,
,” Casey tried to explain. Skye yawned, then rubbed her eyes.

“See, you’re still pooped. Go back to bed,” she urged and the girl fell on top of her chest. “No. C’mon,
,” she said and looked down. Skye had her thumb in her mouth and her eyes closed.

“Shit,” Casey grumbled and yawned. She reached up and gently pulled the thumb out. Casey knew nothing about being a mother, but thumb-sucking she knew.

Instinctively, she gently shifted the little pain in the ass to the inside of the couch. That is all I need, she thought—a trip to the emergency room.

Liz woke in a panic. She looked over and Skye was gone. She struggled into her robe, ran down the hall, and stopped short. She was shocked, but she smiled.

Stretched out on the couch was Casey’s long frame and Skye nestled against her chest, Casey’s arm protectively around her. Both children were sound asleep, and Liz tried not to think of how natural this sight was. Casey was breathing deeply with a slight smile on her face. Or did Liz hope it was a smile?

Well, as least she could take a shower in peace…and alone. While she loved her daughter, she loved any minute she could have to herself. She quickly grabbed her robe and headed for the shower.

“Ooh, I love this.” She sighed as the warm water soothed her body. Liz instinctively looked down, fully expecting to see Skye standing in the shower with her.

While she washed her hair, she laughed, remembering Skye’s innocent anatomy questions during their communal showering. Liz obediently answered all questions from the three-year-old regarding breasts, and Skye was satisfied when Liz told her that her tummy was big because that’s where her new brother or sister was growing. However, she was dumbfounded when Skye asked about her “fur” between her legs. Liz tried to explain the concept of pubic hair and adolescence all the while the water was getting cold. She remembered the look of confusion on her daughter’s face. “Mama, it fur,” Skye had insisted.

Liz relented, “You’re right, sweet pea.”

“Oh, my little Skye.” Liz now laughed heartily as she rinsed her hair.

She stood in the shower for a moment or two longer, reveling in the peace and quiet. She shut off the warm spray and heard the knock at the door.

“Mama, potty.”

Liz laughed and slipped into her robe and opened the door. There stood Skye, legs crossed and sleepy. “Good morning, sweet pea. You’re such a good girl. Did—”

Skye waddled past her and lifted the seat.

Casey smelled coffee. She smiled in her sleep, then felt the poking again. She opened one eye to see the sleepy mass of curls pulling at her eyelid.

up,” the midget insisted.

“Did you go potty?” Casey mumbled.

up,” Skye insisted.

“No, you get up,” Casey countered, then tickled Skye, who giggled and let out that contagious childlike laugh that came from pure innocence. Casey laughed along.

She looked up to see Liz standing there, hands on her hips and smirking. “Good morning,
,” she said dryly.

Casey cleared her throat and sat up. Skye was still giggling as she climbed on her back. “Get this off me, will you?” she complained, and as she stood, Skye clung to her neck and wrapped her feet around her waist as much as she could.

“I feel like Quasimodo. Shit.”

,” Skye repeated, and Liz glared at Casey, who turned red.

Liz pulled Skye off Casey’s back and headed for the kitchen. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.”

Casey frowned deeply, again feeling awkward in her own home.

Liz saw the look on her face and came back. “I-I’m sorry. I just thought I’d make breakfast for us. Skye has to eat.”

Casey ran her hand through her hair and waved her off. “I’m just not used to having anyone here that’s less than five feet tall,” she said honestly. Liz blushed and hid her grin.

They both looked at each other for a moment; the banging of silverware broke the silence.

sounds like she’s
,” Casey said.

Liz didn’t know if she was joking or making fun as she watched her walk down the hall. She turned back into the kitchen. “Hungry, sweetie? How about some eggs?”

Casey stepped into the shower and let out a loud yelp. There was no hot water. It was the quickest shower she had ever taken. As she ran the towel over her body, an image of Liz doing the same earlier was overpowering. She shook her head, trying to erase the picture of Liz.

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