Wingborn (21 page)

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Authors: Becca Lusher

Tags: #flying, #fantasy, #epic fantasy, #ya fantasy, #giant eagles, #regency fantasy, #overworld, #fantasy with birds, #fantasy with girls, #wingborn

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Mhysra licked her lips, thinking fast.

The eyries are dusty in
the summer. It would be a shame to get my riding dress dirty when
no one is there to see me.

Inspiration struck and she plucked at her worn
“No one minds
these old things of Kilai

s get messy.

Lady Kilpapan studied her

s outfit.

When you say that no
one sees you dressed so scandalously, that

s not quite true, is it?


s heart thumped, but she tried not to let her
unease show. She was so close, surely she wouldn

t be discovered now. There was only a
month of the selection school left.

eyries are always full of Riders, and even if they aren’t
everyone assumes that they will be. You endanger your reputation
every time you step outside dressed so. Endanger the reputation of
the entire family. Have you no care for your sister?

Relief collided with anger as

s heart pounded.
So they were back to this.

I have yet to be recognised, mother. I do not
believe the risk is so very great.

“Since you
were raised in Wrentheria, I shall let your naivety pass. From now
on, you will wear a riding costume whenever you go to the eyries or
you shall not go at all. Is that clear?”

Mhysra stared at the wall over her

s shoulder, not
daring to open her mouth lest she succumb to the urge to make some
things of her own clear.

“Mhysra?” her
mother repeated, voice hard. “Your aunt raised you to be wilful and
your father has done nothing to curb these tendencies in you, but I
will not stand for it. I asked you a question and I expect to be
answered. You will wear a riding costume when you visit the eyries,
is that clear?”

Gritting her teeth, she muttered,

Yes, my

“Good.” Lady
Kilpapan nodded stiffly. Mhysra shifted on her uncomfortable chair,
awaiting the dismissal she prayed would come – before her rein on
her temper slipped.

Picking up a quill, Lady Kilpapan
straightened the ruffled edges.

We must seem strict after Wrentheria, especially
when you have set your heart on something. If you had been raised
in the city you would have immediately accepted our answer, if you
had dared ask at all. This is not entirely your fault. You are not
yet used to our ways. However, as your parents it is our right to
make decisions about your future without explanation. But perhaps
we should have made the effort nonetheless.

Mhysra watched her mother

s neat hands – always controlled, always
still – fidget about her desk, straightening papers, aligning
ledgers, shifting quills and ink pots. Her mother was nervous. It
was not a comforting realisation.

To you,
a child raised to be independent and wilful, a life in the Rift
Riders must seem a natural choice for a girl who has spent so much
time amongst miryhls. Why shouldn’
t you join? Your brother
did and he

s the

When Mhysra
stared at her, surprised, Lady Kilpapan smiled.

I understand your thoughts, Mhysra, but
you do not understand mine.

m sure you will recall, your father was not keen for Kilai
to follow this path. He wanted his heir to learn the workings of
the earldom and the family business. Kilai was to unite our assets
into one, re-forging the name of Kilpapan. But patriotic duty is
important and Kilai

noble intentions could not be denied. True, there is no other son
to follow him, but we have two daughters, and the families of
Kilpapan and Wrentherin have no shortage of intelligence.

“Your sister,
whether you are aware of it or not, has spent the last three years
learning about the earldom from your father. This is why she has
yet to marry. In time she will make the match she deserves, but she
will still be a Kilpapan and the earldom will always have her to
rely on. She knows her duty.

“And you, my
youngest, have your own duties to attend to.” When Mhysra opened
her mouth to state that her duty was to Cumulo, her mother held up
a hand. “You are a Kilpapan, Mhysra, and your duty is to the
family. Many daughters marry to fulfil that duty, as will you, but
you will also learn about the business. When I retire, you will
succeed me.”

Mhysra blinked.

You wish me to go into trade? To deal with men
daily? To spend months on skyships with them in the middle of
nowhere? And this would be different to a life in the Riders

The quill in her mother

s hand snapped.

Let me be blunt, daughter, your life is
with your family. If you wish to keep Cumulo, you will accept this.
If you persist in this foolishness, I will send him back to
Wrentheria. Or,

added when Mhysra opened her mouth,

to Aquila. You say they are short of miryhls. They
will not turn him away.


s nails dug into her palms as she fought the urge
to correct her mother. To do so would reveal her secrets. After
this conversation, she realised she didn

t dare. True, she didn

t believe anyone would ever succeed in
taking Cumulo away from her, but she couldn

t risk them trying. He might get hurt and
she would never forgive herself.

Eyeing her daughter

s tight expression, Lady Kilpapan nodded
in satisfaction.

aboard a skyship differs greatly from the Rift Riders. Yes, some
families view a life in trade as demeaning, but their fortunes are
fading. Their power wanes and they will soon sink beneath the
clouds like the setting sun. Those of intelligence know trade is
the only way forward, so your reputation will not suffer. Merchant
skyships, unlike the Rift Riders, have always had a place for
women. True, that has only recently expanded from the galley to the
crew, but there are female captains now. There is no shame for a
woman in a fleet. Especially not in mine.

“My ships have
very strict rules,” she continued firmly. “There are no romances.
Life is too close upon a skyship to allow for such complications.
Our fleet is not alone in maintaining this standard, so it is
deemed eminently respectable for a young woman.

“Life in the
Rift Riders is not. How can it be when women have only just been
readmitted? Who knows what measures will be put in place to watch
over them? As for Aquila, to keep so many young men and women in
close quarters away from the guiding and restraining influence of
society is asking for trouble. It does not matter how chaste or
well behaved they are, rumours will fly faster than any miryhl. So
many young persons from all tiers of life are bound to have an
adverse affect on the morals of the entire group.” The countess
sniffed, as if the prospect of such a diverse mixture was
unpleasant to her. “What might be acceptable for dock workers or
the middle classes will never be acceptable for you.

You are
a Wrentherin and a Kilpapan,” she reiterated, as if Mhysra could
ever forget. “Your lineage is noble and your bloodline impeccable –
your reputation must remain pure. It will not be wasted on the
eyries. Your father and I will not allow you to throw everything
away so foolishly. Your place is in Nimbys, learning about the
fleet until you marry or I begin your apprentice
ship. That
is the duty you bleat so earnestly about. This is the life you were
born to. The sooner you accept that, the happier we all will

Mhysra stared at the countess, barely able
to take in what she had just been told. This was the life they had
planned for her, these people who abandoned her to be raised at
Wrentheria. Part of her was pleased that they had such faith in
her, but she also knew this wasn

t a choice based on any knowledge of her wants,
wishes or abilities. She could be as dumb as dirt and they would
still force her into this. Because Kilai wasn

t here. Her brother had been granted his
freedom, so his sisters had to pay the price.


However, she was not so foolish as to say
that, no matter how much the word scrabbled inside her, trying to
force its way out. Instead she rose from her chair and curtsied.

You do me too much
honour, my lady.

Lady Kilpapan smiled.

You are learning, child. In time you will
be fit to take my place.

Mhysra felt sick.

May I be excused?

course.” Lady Kilpapan nodded graciously. “
You will wish to
change before your morning lessons with your sister.

Taking deep breaths, Mhysra walked from the
room, when every instinct screamed to run to Cumulo, to let him
soothe her and remind her of all that was good in the world.
Mindful of her mother

threats, however, she returned to her room and picked out her most
expensive – and despised – riding dress, pulling it on over her
uniform. Only then did she leave.


s eyebrows rose when he saw her.

Did the Midsummer ball turn you into a
proper lady?

Conscious that her mother

s office overlooked the mews where he
stood waiting, Mhysra forced a smile.

How droll you are, Derrain. Will you accompany me
to the eyries?

Staring at her as though she

d grown a second head, he looked
back at the house. When he saw the countess watching them from the
window, he sucked in a breath and hurriedly offered his arm.

If you

ll do me the honour, my

her arm through his, she ducked her head and dragged him away from
the house. “Quickly, Derry, if you don’
t mind. I

t bear it here
another moment.

As soon as they were out of her

s sight, Derry
wrapped an arm about her shoulders.
“Does she know

“Not yet,” she
whispered, leaning against his chest, grateful for his

“Do you want
to talk about it?”

yet,” she repeated, anger stirring at the memory. “I
t without screaming.

tightened his grip. “Let’
s go see Cumulo. And be thankful
that she leaves tomorrow.

Wiping her sleeve across her eyes, she took
his arm again and matched his swift pace.

I thank Maegla for that,

she whispered.

Every single day.



the luckiest people I know.”

Blinking, Mhysra looked up from preening
Cumulo. Corin leant against an empty perch beside them, eyes
closed, basking in a shaft of sunlight.

At the silence, her friend opened her bright
eyes and smiled.

you are.

Mhysra shook her head and returned to work.

I have advantages, but

m not

not?” Corin asked, watching the Riders arrive for their patrol. It
was Starday and, despite being a free day for most, Rider duty
never stopped.
However, when Theryn didn

t appear she lost interest.

Look what you have.

She waved an arm, which Cumulo
seized in his beak.

“Cue,” Mhysra
warned, and he let go with a snort. “Sorry.”

Corin grinned.

Serves me right for waving it in his face, eh,

Though fond of his reputation for being too
arrogant to acknowledge lesser mortals, Cumulo occasionally
condescended to notice certain people. Of Mhysra

s new friends his favourites were
definitely Dhori and Corin, so he gave a regal nod.

Mhysra poked him and glared at Corin.


t encourage him. All the attention

s had since we
arrived has gone to his head. He

ll think himself a god next.

t hurt me,

Corin protested on the miryhl

s behalf.

“But he might

Cumulo crackled his beak, swinging his head
around to nudge her.


m not
an idiot,

he grumbled
softly enough for only her to hear.

Be more
tolerant,” she chided. “You can’
t be grouchy when

re Riders. Other
people will need to touch you from time to time.

“Not if they
thump me in the face,” he muttered, and she tickled his crest.

“Just be
careful, please.”

m always careful.

Turning away, he stuck his head under his wing to

Corin watched the exchange with a smile.


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