Read Wings of Deception Online

Authors: Pamela Carron

Wings of Deception (32 page)

BOOK: Wings of Deception
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“That’s right. I am going to New York with him.”

You are kidding? You are
kidding are you? Whoa, talk about me being impulsive!”

“Sheila, can we talk later, I forgot to charge my phone and it is just about to go dead. I will call you tonight
from the hotel

“Oh, al
right, but do not forget!”

Honey was telling the truth about the phone but was glad to have the excuse not to answer any of Sheila’s questions. After she put her phone away she told Jacks, “We are almost to the airport so can we wait to continue our conversation,
hen we have plenty of time.”

“Sure.  I bet Sheila is dying with curiosity
hat did she say anyway?”

Honey laughed. “She wants details about last night.”

“And what will you tell her.”

I do
the truth I suppose. You know she w
ill not
let up until I do.”

“What is the truth?” She could not tell if he was teasing or if he was being serious
for he kept his eyes on the road so she turned it around. “You tell me.”

He laughed at her. “Okay…”

“Jacks the airport exit!”

He barely managed to get into the right lane in time to make the turn.

“Gee, that was fast! We are almost there….but about the truth, still want to hear it?”

, but I think you should concentrate on this traffic right now and tell me later.”

You don’t think I can talk and drive at the same time? I can you know. And my version of the truth is really very simple, last night something happened that you cannot see, taste, smell, hear or touch. It was this feeling that you just know in your heart is right and it will last forever, no matter what happens.”

He swung into the parking facility and killed the engine but instead of getting out he turned to look at her and
took her hand in his.

“It took months for me to admit how I feel about you and now it feels so good to be able to look at you and tell you that I love you with all my heart. I have never felt this way before. Not in my entire life and even if we are never together as I hope we are, then I will still love you…. forever. Now, come on, we got a plane to catch!”

Honey was glad that she was not expected to respond to his words for she did not think she could. Not right then with her heart feeling the sweet pain it was feeling. She did
wait but opened her door and got out. He had their bags and they rushed to get on the flight before it was too late.



























There was no talking on the plane for the only seat available for Honey was two rows in front of Jacks. He tried to get someone to exchange places but it didn’t happen
so he was stuck listening to a stranger chatter all the way to New York
while luckily Honey had brought a book. One that she had been reading on for a while
The Fifth Mountain
and though she was disappointed at not being able to sit next to Jacks, she was very engrossed in the book
so that before she realized it the plane was

bags were carryon
so they did
get hung up waiting for luggage and were out hailing a taxi
within minutes of leaving the plane. Jacks directed the driver to the hotel he always used and it was then that Honey thought about sleeping arrangements. She decided that she would just get her own room when they arrived at the hotel and not make a big deal out of it.
She was
to find that Jacks had already arranged to have two adjoining rooms
he was glad she didn’t mention it. She was also happy to know that just because they had fallen asleep on her sofa the night before that he did
assume she would share a room with him.

He unlocked her door first and sat her bag on the bed. “Do
comfortable, we are going somewhere. You can unlock that door there and just come through my room.”

“Okay.” She shut the outside door and opened the one connecting the two rooms
just as he opened his side.

“Now,” He grinned and pulled her in
to his room
. “See what a gentleman I am? You have your own space to sleep in, that is if we sleep. Come on, I know you have been to New York before but I want to show you
places I bet you have not seen
hungry, you?”

“Not until you mentioned it
ow I am.”

“So there is this little hole in the wall place I know. How do you feel about Korean food?”

“I love it, if it is good
f it is bad, I do
like it so well.”

”This place is insanely good!”

They were again in a taxi and made small talk until they reached a place on forty-third and Johnson
. Honey was
dubious about the surroundings. It was a long way from Fifth Avenue and when Jacks saw she was worried he assured her.

“You are safe around here, I know this side of town really well and the owners of this joint are friends of mine.”

“If you say so.”
She walked through the door
he opened for her and was stunned that the inside was as beautiful as the outside was ugly.
It was small but furnished with original detailed Korean items
Honey was impressed with the artwork. There were very few customers
for it was early still in the day and when Jacks was spotted by the owner
he was greeted with an enthusiastic hug and much Korean talk. The woman was short and plump in stature and Honey smiled at
fact that Jacks had to bend down to facilitate the embrace. She was further amazed when he conversed with the woman in her native

He then turned and introduced her. “
Sang-mi, this is my friend Honey.” Explaining to Honey he said, “Sang-mi has been in this very same spot since I was a teenager. She got my butt out of trouble more times than I like to remember.”

Sang-mi bobbed at Honey then took her hand. “San-mi say missy a very special friend to my boy Jacks. Uh huh
.” The smile on her brown face was broad and friendly and Honey could not help but like her instantly. Obviously
she knew Jacks very well.

They were placed at a table which Jacks must have asked. It was off to itself and close to the back where the kitchen was
-mi said she was going to cook their food herself, stating that she was the only person to please him. When they were alone
Honey teased him. “And I thought you said you did
have a mother
Jacks. Looks like Sang-mi was a good woman to have around. How did you come to know her?”

“She was one of the many boat people who got stranded in
the Philippians back in the sixties and she met a couple from New York who hired her as a nanny to their children. The children grew up and one of them opened this place for her. Now she is sole owner and does quite well for herself. When I was a kid I came in here with some friends to eat.” He paused looking
ill at ease
from the memories. “Anyway
we had this scam going where we would eat and leave without paying. The others got away but she caught me. Best thing that ever happened to me for after a night of washing dishes
she took me home with her
cleaned me up and put me on the right track. I owe her, I will always owe her.
So now you know what I was like as a kid.
” Honey could tell by the way he talked he cared
very much
for Sang-mi and it touched something
deep within her core and she changed the subject.

“What did you order
I do
understand one word of Korean?”

“It is a surprise.” Jacks perked up. “Some of my favorite dishes and no one cooks them the way Sang-mi does. Not to worry though, you will love the food. After we eat
I want to show you something else. We have time before the car picks us up this evening.”

Where are we going then?”

“Oh, about an hour’s drive out of the city. I want to introduce you to

?” She had never heard him mentioned before.

. Best way
to explain
is for you to meet him in person.”

“Jacks,” Honey replied with concern. “Is this man one of them?”

“If by them
you mean Morgan and assonates
I suppose I could say yes but you have to remember that Morgan was somewhat of a liability to the cause of these people. I understand now what they are all about and it is not what you think.
is just an eccentric old man and we are actually connected.”

“Connected….how so?”

He wanted to share everything with Honey.
Jacks took a
before he answered. “You could say that he is my…. grandfather.”

“What! But I thought
, y
ou said….”

“I know what I said. I did tell you that I was an orphan and I was. I never knew I had any family until recently.
found me after all these years.

“You know this to be true?”

“I have seen the proof.” Jacks had intended to tell her the story but now he was thinking maybe he should not. But he wanted no secrets between them so he continued. “So here
the story and you can judge for yourself.” He then repeated the story as told him by
e could see that Honey was
as confounded by it as he had been. Before she could express her many doubts, Sang-mi arrived with a server and both were laden down with food.

my gosh
Jacks, we cannot possibly eat all this food!”

He in turn grinned at her while complimenting Sang-mi in Korean which she responded in English.

“You do Sang-mi honor to have her food to eat. No have to eat all but try everything. Bear eat the rest. Enjoy!”

Her words were directed to Honey
as she stared at the table full of food in awe. She realized she was hungrier than she thought and they actually did a good job

Bear?” She asked after she had finished eating all she possibly could.

“Bear is Sang-mi’s dog. He loves Korean food and does
get too much for there are rarely any leftovers for him. See, we ate more than you thought we would.”

“I guess we did. It was a fabulous meal, the best Korean food I have ever had in fact.”

“I will be sure to tell Sang-mi that. She takes great pride in her cooking skills.”

He waved the woman over and Honey could tell she would be taking no money from them by her tone of voice. When she turned to Honey she showed her delight in the fact that she had enjoyed the meal.

“You be coming to see old Sang-mi again real soon missy. My boy, he likes and Sang-mi likes.” She bobbed at her and hugged Jacks
speaking Korean and Jacks laughed out loud at whatever it was that she said to him.

BOOK: Wings of Deception
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