WITCHCRAFT (A Paranormal Romance) (37 page)

BOOK: WITCHCRAFT (A Paranormal Romance)
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But as I watch him, while he doesn't notice me there, I see his facial features soften. His watching the TV, a slight smile on his face. His dark hair is messy and damp from a shower.

Maybe I misjudged him. I mean, it's hard to look at someone who hands you two cameras of porn and like them, but maybe he deserves a second chance?

As I walk up the steps to the big house, stopping to smell the pretty purple flowers hanging low from a basket attached to the porch, I wonder what he could possibly do that has left him wealthy enough to afford this house. I guess politicians tend to have sordid sex lives.

I take a deep breath, the back of my neck itching from anxiety, and then knock on the door. It's thick wood, and I have to knock so hard that it hurts in order to be heard.

After a few moments, the woman who I met in the store earlier answers the door. Her hair is wavy and soft. I fight back the urge to reach out and touch it, opting instead for a smile and head tilt.

“I'm so glad you decided to come over! Come on in.” She steps back, pulling the door wide open. The man is standing in the room behind her, his hand on the head of a huge Rottweiler. The dog's is watching me, waiting for an order from the man.

“Melanie, it's good to see you again.”

“How do you know my name?” I ask.

“Well, it's printed at the top of the receipt on your register. I also decided to do a little digging, to make sure it would be safe to invite you into my house.”

I recoil, disgusted. Who does this guy think he is? I look over to the woman, whose eyebrows are tightly knitted as she watches me, studying my face. I try to go back to a neutral look, laughing. “Did you find anything interesting?”

“Not really. You've led a pretty boring life. That's exactly why Jen and I are excited to have you here with us tonight.”

“I have steak sitting on the table, if you're hungry!” Jen says, pushing her hair behind her shoulder. “It should be hot, I just finished it.”

My stomach growls. I never eat before work, so I always end up famished by the time I get home. The drive to this mansion was much longer than my drive home usually is. “Yeah, I'm starving.”

“Well, then! Let's eat! We'll chat after.”

The man steps into the dining room. I peer past Jen's beautiful body and come to the realization that it's the same dining room from the photos. Jen was under that very same table, on her knees, sucking cock.

Jen stays behind before pulling me close to her. “I'm really glad you came.” She squeezes my arm and winks at me, which makes my heart flutter. “My husband's name is Shane, by the way.” I nod, my head drunk from the wink still. She turns and leads me into the dining room. On the table are three steaming plates of steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

Shane is sitting at the head of the table, in front of a large window looking out onto a pool. The lights around it are dim, but still give the still water a pretty shine.

Jen pours us all a glass of wine as I pull my chair forward. Glancing at her, then at Shane, I feel extremely under dressed. Actually, I feel plain ugly.

My face threatens to burn bright pink, but before my blush can get too bad Jen sits down and nods to Shane, who immediately digs into his food. I cut into my steak slowly, deliberately, so that I don't accidentally show my generally bad manners.

Placing the steak into my mouth, I'm hit with strong flavors. A hint of lime, a bit of a spicy kick. It's basically the most delicious steak I've ever had! Once I swallow it, I look to Jen, who is watching me intently. Her eyebrows are close together again. “This is amazing!” I say, almost shouting. “You need to teach me this recipe!”

My compliments leave Jen positively glowing, her smile bright and happy. She finally takes a bite of her own meal, and in no time we're all finished and slightly tipsy from the wine.

“Wonderful as always, dear,” Shane says. He's leaning back in his chair, watching me. His eyes are dark, his nose long and sharp. “Melanie, I'm going to come right out and say what I'm thinking. Jen here has a real fondness for you. I like the looks of you, though your attitude so far could use some work.”

I hold back the urge to snort in disgust. I can't believe I was starting to kind of like him.

“We're looking for someone who can help us take care of a few issues.” Jen says, holding her hand out and taking mine.

“What kind of issues?” I ask, my voice small.

“The kind that are usually found in the bedroom.”

Even though I expected it, my heart starts pounding. I pull my hand away from Jen. “I don't think I can do that.”

“What, do you have some moral issue with it?”

“No, it's not that. I just... I'm too shy, I guess.” I want to say that I'm too ugly, too plain, that I hate Shane and just want Jen to myself.

“We can work on that,” Shane says. He pours me another glass of wine, handing it to me. “Drink, and find courage.”

I look to Jen again. Her blue eyes are full of worry, but her lips are parted slightly. She's looking at my mouth. I down the glass of wine in one gulp, biting back the bitter taste. “What do I get out of this?” I ask, giving Shane a sharp look.

“Aside from two attentive sexual partners? You get this house. A large allowance. Anything you desire, really, is at your fingertips. You just have to sign a contract, and all this will be yours. And you... You will be ours.”

The last four words make my clit twitch. Even just thinking about this is making me so wet, but I still am too scared to agree. I open and close my mouth many times, trying to find the right words for what I want to say.

“You don't have to decide tonight, Melanie. I made up a bedroom for you, the same one that you'll keep if you sign the contract. You can stay here with us tonight, since you're so drunk. Think it over, and give us your answer in the morning.”

I nod, feeling like a stupid child. I'm usually so decisive, but right now I don't know what I want. Do I listen to my body and my heart, and sign the contract? Or do I listen to my brain, and run as far away as possible?




“Here, you can wear these to sleep.” Jen hands me a nightgown and pink underwear. They have a J sewn into the band. The fact that I'll be wearing her underwear to bed makes me bite my lower lip. “You have a bathroom to your right, with fresh towels and plenty of whatever you need. If you need something else, let me know. We're just down the hall.”

Jen smiles, and then holds out her arms, expecting a hug. When I don't step into her arms, she comes to me. “It will be okay. Whatever you decide, I support. And I think, if you decide to leave, I'd like to stay friends.”

“Me too,” I breathe into her neck. She pulls away from the hug and then she's out of 'my' bedroom.

I take the clothes she gave me into the bathroom. There's a soaker tub and a separate shower. It smells like lavender. Setting the nightgown on the closed toilet, I open up the closet.

There's a stack of towels and washcloths, and then a large zipped up makeup bag. On it is a sticky note that says 'Use Me'. The handwriting is feminine.

I pull the pouch out of the closet and examine its plastic outsides before taking the zipper and pulling it. I find a vibrator inside. Another sticky note reads 'never used', with a winky face.

My stomach jumps, butterflies fluttering inside me like they're crazy and want to get out. God, Jen is so fucking hot! I can't take it!

I pull my pants and panties down and sit on the edge of the tub, my legs spread wide. I find myself in front of a full-length mirror, watching myself as I place the vibrator at my clitoris. I turn it on, and the sensation makes my eyes roll towards the back of my head.

While I masturbate, I imagine Jen's face buried in my cunt, licking my folds. I wish she were in here right now. How I'd love to lay on top of her and eat her out while she licks me, our fingers buried into each other's cunts!

My mind goes wild, imagining Jen moaning while I fingerfuck her as my own orgasm courses through me. I slump over, suddenly tired and a little bit shameful.

Something good did come of my orgasm. I decided I'm going to sign that contract and give my body over to this couple. I'm ready to be used.

I wrap a long, fluffy towel around my waist and burst out of the bathroom. Expecting an empty bedroom, I instead find Shane sitting on the bed.

“Heard you playing with yourself. Your orgasm is sexy.”

I blush, but set my shoulders straight. “I made my decision.”

Shane stands up, walking up to me. His hand is on his pants, his fingers hovering over his zipper. “Oh? And what did you decide?”

A wicked, naughty idea comes over me. “I think I'll show you, instead of tell you.” I fall to my knees and press my hands against the bulge growing inside of Shane's black jeans. I work quickly to undo the button and pull down the zipper. With the jeans on the floor and the boxers pulled down, I reveal a huge cock that twitches every time I come near it. Precum shines on the tip of the dick, begging for my tongue to take it.

Maybe it's the wine, but I'm so horny that I want to worship this cock. I was made for it, I love it. I open my mouth wide and take it deep into my throat, almost expertly. I've sucked a fair amount of dick in my time, but never deep-throated one. Dear diary, today I learned that I'm a natural cock sucker!

Shane grabs my hair, hard, using it to control my head. He makes me pump up and down on his dick, my mouth leaving a trail of saliva. Shane grunts as he drills his cock into me, facefucking me hard. He slams his cock down my throat, holding my head in place as I struggle to get free for a breath of air, and then is spasms. His cum shoots down my throat with one more sexy, deep grunt from him.

He pulls my head off of his groin. I don't get to taste a drop of his cum, which leaves me a little bit disappointed. I stand up, blushing about being so overtaken with lust.

Shane looks down his long nose at me, and then smiles. A genuine smile. “I'm glad you decided to stay. You can sign the papers in the morning. Sleep well, Melanie.”

“Thanks,” I whisper. He leaves, I take my shower. And then I go to bed.


The next day, I feel refreshed. Unfortunately, I also feel more in control of myself than I was last night, and deep shame is settling in. The pit of my stomach feels like it's burning and I know I need to get this out of the way.

I get dressed, brushing my hair and putting on some makeup. Sometime in the night, Jen brought me a sun dress to wear. It's yellow and girly and beautiful on me. The fabric feels so nice, it must have cost a fortune, which makes my decision that much harder to stomach.

As I finish brushing my hair, there's a knock on my door. Before I can answer it, Jen steps inside. Her long blonde hair is curly today, each lock bouncing as she walks toward me. Her hips sway with each step, and it makes me salivate to watch her. I wish I could worship those hips.

“Good morning, beautiful,” she says, her voice lower than normal. My stomach flips once or twice before settling back down. She leans in to kiss me, and I let her against my better judgment. She pulls back, winking at me. “I brought the contract.”

“About that,” I say. I bite at the dead skin on my bottom lip, the stress of having to say no getting to me. “I just don't think I can do this. I'm not that kind of girl. I kind of like monogamy. If it were just you I would be happy, but I don't know if I can share you with Shane.”

Jen just nods, sitting down on my bed. The bed that was bought for me. “I figured you might say that. But listen, hon, polygamy isn't that scary. It's like any other relationship, just with more people to love. I know it seems weird now, but you'll probably find that it's really natural.” She pauses. “Plus, I don't want to lose you.”

I sit down next to her, thinking. “So, what? I'm like a second wife?”

“No, silly!” She laughs, her voice sweet. “You're our girlfriend. Technically, you can leave any time. The contract says as much. The only thing is that you'll lose out on any monetary benefits, you don't get to sue for any kind of alimony.”

“So am I just a sex toy for you two?”

She thinks about this question for a long time, sighing. “No, I wouldn't say that. Maybe it will seem that way at first, but eventually you'll be our lover. Emphasis on the love. It's just like any other relationship. They're usually based around lust, too.”

“I guess that's true,” I say.

“Plus,” she leans in now, her lips almost touching the skin of my ears. “Don't you want to touch me, Melanie? I came in here, so wet to have my first experience with you.”

In an instant, that switch inside of me is turned on. I don't know if I'll feel the same way later today, or tomorrow, or a week down the road. All I know is that I want to experience this with Jen. I want to get to know her and Shane in every intimate way I can.

I pull her in for a kiss. She gasps into my mouth, and then melts into my body. My fingers tangle in her hair. Her fingers find my hips and use them to keep me close.

Jen's hips lift and then she falls back onto the bed, pulling me on top of her. We both giggle as our heads swim with hormones and lust. I gently explore her jawline with my lips, and then her neck with my tongue and teeth. She moans and writhes beneath me.

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