With a Kiss (32 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: With a Kiss
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Liam looked down for a moment, snuggling a little closer into Marcus’ side as if searching for warmth in a world he had learned through experience was often a cold and hostile place. “Thank you.”

“Have you actually seen anyone following you?” Marcus asked, doing his best to keep his tone level.

Liam shook his head, rubbing his cheek against Marcus’ shoulder in the process.

Marcus barely held back a curse. If the person following him was a vampire, that meant nothing.

“Marcus?” Liam whispered.

Pressing a kiss onto his temple, Marcus patted the boy vaguely on the shoulder. Liam didn’t need anything else to worry about right then. No, far better that he didn’t know there might be a psychotic vampire hot on his heels. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

His hand stroked down Liam’s back and came to rest on the boy’s arse. Liam pushed back against his palm a little, as if in invitation. At the same time, the submissive glanced up at him through his lashes.

In spite of everything else, Marcus felt his lips quirk into a smile. Apparently, his lover was feeling a great deal more at ease with his master now he’d had his little bit of reassurance. Stroking his finger along Liam’s jaw line, Marcus guided the younger man to tilt his face back and make his lips available to kiss.

The moment their mouths met, Liam parted his lips and invited Marcus in.

More than willing to accept, Marcus let their first kiss lead into another, then another before trailing his lips to the other man’s neck. Pressing a kiss against his jugular, Marcus resisted temptation to rush into a feeding. Trailing kisses lower down Liam’s body, he gradually rearranged them both on the floor at the base of the spanking bench.

A hand came to rest on the back of Marcus’ head. Fingers threaded through his hair and tugged gently at the long strands in an apparent effort to bring Marcus’ fangs back to his neck. Marcus ignored that. He dipped his head farther instead.

Liam whimpered. Marcus suddenly found a wrist being shoved in front of his face. The vein danced before his eyes, offering him another location to feed from, but Marcus ignored that too, pushing Liam’s hand aside without a second thought.

The line of kisses he was tracing down Liam’s body reached his right nipple. Marcus paused for a moment, sucking the tight little bud of nerve endings into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Liam’s fingers tightened against the back of his head, pulling helplessly at the strands of hair as the boy arched his back in pleasure.

There was no attempt to guide his master’s movements now. Liam was just reacting, too lost in the moment to want to control anything.

Keeping his teeth to himself, Marcus smiled as he gently teased the boy, drawing murmurs and sighs of pleasure from him. Several minutes passed before Marcus reluctantly let go of Liam’s nipple in order to make his way farther down his body.

By the time he reached his lover’s cock, it was hard and freely leaking pre-cum. The pressure on Marcus’ hair changed as he lapped a bead of pre-cum from the tip.

Liam was trying to tug him away from his shaft.

Marcus looked up.

Liam mutely shook his head.

Keeping careful control of his facial muscles, Marcus made sure he didn’t frown. There could be nothing that might make Liam think he wasn’t prepared to accept his refusal with good grace. “Liam?”

“Let me,” Liam gasped. “For you?”

“You don’t want this?” Marcus asked cautiously. He ran his thumbs back and forth over the smooth skin covering Liam’s hipbones as he studied his pet. Everything but Liam’s actual words screamed that the other man wanted exactly what he was offering.

“I…For you,” Liam whispered again.

Marcus smiled as he finally realized what Liam was trying to tell him. He trailed his knuckles up the underside of Liam’s cock in a teasing caress. “Because I’m the master and you’re the pet?” he asked.

Liam bit down hard on his bottom lip.

Jealousy flew through Marcus’ veins. He was the only one who was allowed to bite Liam!

“I…” Liam murmured.

“You think I’m going to start feeling all submissive toward you, just because I’ve gone down on you?” Marcus suggested.

Liam shook his head, denying any such possibility could exist.

“So, you’re afraid that I can’t keep my teeth to myself?” Marcus teased, lighthearted with relief at the knowledge that a submissive’s natural desire to please his master was the only reason Liam wanted anything between them to stop. He kept his knuckles trailing up and down the vein on the base of Liam’s cock while he waited for an answer.

Liam shook his head again. A whimper left his lips as he no doubt imagined how much pleasure a vampire’s bite could force into a human’s cock if he were to feed from there and drink more than his lover’s cum.

“I w-want to…” the submissive stuttered out.

“You want to suck your master’s cock?” Marcus asked, helpfully.

Liam nodded vehemently. “Please?”

“Because you want to please me?”

Another nod and Liam squirmed against the cold playroom floor.

“That’s the only reason?” Marcus pushed, moving his hand slightly so he could trace circles against the very tip of the other man’s’ cock.

Liam moaned, his head dropped back, baring his neck to Marcus. He finally managed to shake his head. “I like it,” he said, his voice raw with need. “You taste good.”

Marcus smiled. There was no way any man could be expected to resist such a beautiful admission. His hand went to his fly. In moments, he’d freed himself from behind the material.

Liam immediately tried to squirm into a different position. Marcus didn’t say a word; he just placed his hands on those parts of Liam’s body that he didn’t want the boy to move. There was no way Liam would ever be strong enough to get his own way in that situation.

As it was, Liam didn’t even seem to realize that it was Marcus who chose how they arranged themselves. Liam was soon lying on his side on the cold playroom floor, his head down by Marcus’ open fly, and that was all that seemed to matter to him. Marcus turned his own form slightly, making sure his own mouth remained just where he wanted it to be, too.

Soft, pliant lips quickly wrapped themselves around the tip of Marcus’ cock, an eager tongue lapped at the sensitive head. Vibrations surrounded Marcus’ shaft as Liam took him deeper and moaned his pleasure at his master filling his mouth that way.

Dipping his head, Marcus willingly returned the favor, taking Liam’s shaft into his mouth in return.

Liam bucked. His whole body jolted, as if a bolt of electricity had shot straight through him. His lips left Marcus’ cock as Liam jerked himself into a half sitting position.

Cheerfully pretending that he hadn’t noticed any of that, Marcus bobbed his head, letting Liam’s cock slide farther between his lips. The boy whimpered. His hips rocked forward again.

Rearranging his hands slightly, Marcus quickly put a stop to that. There was no need to let Liam think he had
much control over what his master did for him. A cherished pet, was still a pet—no matter how besotted with him his master might be.

Moments passed. Marcus became aware of Liam lying down once more. His breaths caressed Marcus’ cock. They were already unsteady. Liam was obviously struggling to maintain any kind of control over his own body.


Marcus took his lover’s shaft deeper inside him, until the tip touched the back of his throat. With no gag reflex to worry about, he kept on pushing forward until it slid into his throat. Swallowing around the head several times in quick succession, he massaged the glans, pulling whimpers and moans from Liam.

As much as he loved the velvety soft skin moving against his lips, Marcus wasn’t so focused on what he was doing that he didn’t notice Liam regaining enough control to dip his head back toward his lover’s cock. The other man’s mouth was clumsy against him. There was no technique there this time. The boy simply suckled around his shaft as if it were a delicious treat.

Marcus worked his tongue harder against Liam’s cock, moving his head more quickly. Whatever tiny bit of control Liam had possessed deserted him. His hips fought against Marcus’ grip on him, desperate to thrust as he spilled into his lover’s mouth for the first time.

Easily keeping him still, Marcus swallowed down everything his pet could offer him. In spite of all temptation, somehow he resisted the urge to let his teeth scrape against the shaft so he could feed from him right there and then.

Marcus kept his fangs to himself as Liam lost himself in pleasure, squirming and writhing against Marcus until he finally fell still. Liam’s lips still remained wrapped around Marcus’ cock as he gasped for breath. Deep lungfuls of air caressed the length of Marcus’ shaft. The ache in his balls was almost as unbearable as the ache in his teeth. Almost.

Shuffling around on the hard floor, Marcus pulled himself forward a few inches. His cock slipped from between Liam’s lips, but Marcus ignored the way Liam protested against losing his treat. The vein high on the inside of the boy’s thigh called to Marcus so strongly, nothing else mattered.

He pressed as gentle a kiss as he was capable of against the skin there. Liam eagerly spread his legs farther apart, as if he knew what his master needed and was more than happy to provide it. Nothing short of a full blown panic attack on Liam’s part could have stopped Marcus then.

His teeth sliced cleanly through the pale skin, straight into the vein. Liam’s body shuddered. There was no way the boy would be able to get hard, no way he’d be able to enjoy the feeding the way he had been able to in the past. All he could do was give himself to his master and enjoy knowing that he was owned and protected and—

Marcus’ eyes snapped open. Never breaking the bite, he managed to peer down his body to catch a glimpse of Liam. The boy’s mouth was nothing more than a thin pink line wrapped around his master’s cock.

Pleasure rushed through Marcus. His eyes dropped closed. Fireworks exploded behind his eyes as Liam suckled around his cock, following the same rhythm at which Marcus fed from his femoral artery.

Any hint of fear that might have once existed in Liam’s blood was long gone. Marcus tasted nothing but Liam’s bliss at pleasing his master and he cherished every drop as he swallowed down the certain knowledge of how safe and content Liam felt in that moment.

Biting down harder, Marcus let his fangs slide deeper as he coaxed more and more blood out of his pet’s veins. His head spun with Liam’s endorphins. His pet’s adrenaline made his heart race. Long before he was ready for it, Marcus came hard and fast, unwilling to break the bite in order to warn Liam, unable to remember that Liam couldn’t taste his emotions the way he could taste his pet’s.

Marcus felt Liam swallowing rapidly around his shaft, desperately trying to take everything. Time ceased to have any sort of meaning. Moments might have felt like lifetimes, hours could have rushed past in seconds. Marcus had no idea how long it took before they both finally fell still.

Slowly withdrawing from the bite, Marcus licked at the wounds, encouraging them to heal, but Liam made no move to retreat, his lips remained wrapped around Marcus’ softening cock.

The room seemed very still, very quiet then. Fumbling around, Marcus managed to catch hold of Liam’s wrist and rearrange the boy so he lay in his master’s arms.

“Good boy,” he whispered to him as he pressed a kiss to his temple. Liam made a pleased little noise in the back of his throat almost like the purrs the fur balls made.

Marcus tightened his hold around the smaller man a little. Liam was his and he would be kept safe.

If there was someone stalking Liam, then Marcus’ course of action was clear. Theo may have taken three years of Marcus life, but he wasn’t going to take a single second of Liam’s.

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