With a Kiss (30 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: With a Kiss
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Liam nodded, unable to risk speaking again, unsure what he’d blurt out if he tried.

When Marcus pulled away, Liam automatically tilted his head back, offering up his lips to be kiss, but Marcus didn’t even seem to notice. He stood and walked away without a word. Liam watched, trying his damndest not to feel abandoned as Marcus strode across to the dresser on the other side of the room without a backward glance.

The vampire took something out of a drawer before coming back to Liam’s side. Liam’s gaze immediately fell on the jewelry box in his hand. He couldn’t look away from it; the attraction was far stronger than any kind of magnetism could be.

A moment passed. Marcus lifted the lid.

A simple silver chain stared up at Liam. A tiny padlock connected the two ends, complete with a tiny little key. Liam’s hand tightened around the edge of the mattress in an effort not to reach out and grab it.

It was Marcus’ to give, something else the other man was in complete control of—and that was exactly how it should be. All Liam could do was hope and maybe… he dragged his eyes up to the other man’s face. “Please?”

Marcus didn’t say a word as he took it out of the box and undid the fastening. “Once I put this on, I’m the only one who is allowed to remove it, and I have no intention of doing that. Ever.”

“Yes.” Liam cleared his throat. “I’m glad.”

It only took Marcus a few seconds to fasten it in place around his neck. It was heavier than it looked. Liam had no doubt it would be a noticeable weight around his neck all through the day, binding him to Marcus, letting him feel like it was Marcus’ hands continually wrapped around his throat—in the best possible way.

Reaching up, Liam hooked his fingers into the chain. Marcus smiled when he saw the gesture. It took Liam a moment to realize he was actually doing exactly what Marcus said he should do whenever he needed to feel his master’s reassurance.

“Ready to go to work now?” Marcus asked again.

Liam nodded. Sliding his hand into Marcus’ palm he allowed the other man to help him to his feet and guide him out of the house to the waiting sports car.

He managed to smile his goodbyes to Marcus as the other man left the shelter after only a few minutes conversation with Diana in reception.

The moment he was out of sight, Liam reached up and wrapped his fingers around his collar. A glance around the room proved that no one was looking at him strangely. No one had guessed that it was anything more than a silver chain.

Somehow, that just made it all the better.





Chapter Twelve



Liam sped up, his steps carrying him more rapidly along the pavement by the moment. He reached up and checked that his collar was still firmly in place. It was.

The metal links had been enough. They should still be enough. Three weeks after Marcus had first wrapped it around his neck, Liam knew he shouldn’t need any more reassurance than his collar provided.

He couldn’t expect Marcus to be at his side every moment of the day. He couldn’t expect his master to put up with him following him around like a besotted little puppy forever, either. In spite of everything, Liam managed a small smile. He was pretty sure that a besotted puppy was far closer to the truth than he had ever admitted to Marcus.

The smile didn’t last long. Liam glanced over his shoulder. He didn’t see anyone he recognized. There was no sign of Ralph anywhere in the vicinity, but that didn’t change the way the back of his neck prickled. Someone was following him. Even knowing there was no logical reason on earth why anyone would want to do that, Liam couldn’t shake off the feeling.

He was a grown man, and he was going to walk the short distance to meet his master, rather than wait for Marcus to pick him up at the door to the animal shelter. He wasn’t so pathetic he couldn’t even do that, was he? Liam wasn’t sure anymore. But that didn’t change the fact that, after asking for permission to do it, he couldn’t bear to turn back.

Rounding a corner, Liam only just stopped himself breaking into a run as he finally spotted Marcus’ sports car parked just a little way down the street. His master was right where he’d said he’d meet him. Everything was fine. A few more hurried steps and he’d be safe. Finally, reaching the car, Liam scrabbled at the door in his haste.

A shrill alarm filled the air. Liam jumped, then cursed. He ducked his head and peered into the car. Empty. Marcus was gone. Peering over his shoulders, Liam searched the surrounding area for his master. People were staring at him now, probably wondering what sort of car thief was stupid enough to try to steal a car in the middle of a busy high traffic street.

Liam took a step back from the car, spinning around, trying to keep everyone who was staring at him within his field of vision. As suddenly as it started, the alarm cut out. Liam sagged with relief, only just stopping himself from reaching out and bracing himself against the low car roof before he set off the damn car alarm again.


Jerking around, Liam spotted Marcus coming out of the building on the nearest corner. A frown creased the other man’s brow. It was all Liam could do not to throw himself at Marcus in relief.

“What happened?”

Liam shook his head. “Nothing. I’m fine. I just… I’m sorry about setting the alarm off. I didn’t think before I tried to open the door.”

Marcus’ frown didn’t soften. Liam pushed his hands into his pockets and turned his gaze to the ground between them. “Did your meeting go well?” Merely asking the question sent another spike of adrenaline rushing through his veins.

There was a line in the sand around the meetings Marcus went to without him. It was drawn so deeply it was more like a trench that a man might need a drawbridge to cross, and Liam had the distinct impression that even if he did that, there would be a portcullis on the other side of that particular moat.

“Get in the car.”

The vehicle beeped as Marcus undid the central locking—even that brief little sound made Liam jump. He felt the blush rising to his cheeks as he slipped into the passenger seat and did up his belt, but Marcus made no comment on it. He didn’t say a word as he pulled away from the curb and drove them toward his house. He didn’t speak as Liam followed him through the front door either.

Liam scurried after him, his fingers fiddling with the silver chain around his neck as Marcus strode into his study at the front of the house. The door wasn’t slammed in his face. Liam took that as an invitation to join the vampire.

“I’m sorry,” he said, as he closed the door behind him. “I shouldn’t have tried to pry—”

“Are you ready to tell me what happened yet?” Marcus cut in as he lowered himself into the chair behind his desk.

Liam glanced up at the other man through his lashes as he sat down opposite him. “Nothing happened.”

Marcus leaned back in his seat and folded his arms across his chest.

Liam’s hold on his collar turned so tight, he came dangerously close to throttling himself with it. “Nothing happened,” he repeated. It was fast becoming the only mantra he could think of that might convince Marcus that he wasn’t a complete and utter failure as a submissive.


Liam was safe.

Marcus took a deep breath and repeated the fact to himself one more time. Liam was safe. The boy was right there in front of him. He was fine. Nothing and no one could hurt him. The knowledge changed nothing. Every sense Marcus possessed was still on high alert, demanding that he fix whatever was wrong in the other man’s world.

Whatever lies Liam told, Marcus knew without the slightest trace of doubt, what he’d taste if he fed from Leon right then—pure terror. He didn’t want his submissive tasting that way. The thought of having his lover’s fear dancing on his taste buds turned Marcus’ stomach.

For a moment, the idea of feeding from someone else presented itself for his consideration. Marcus pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to separate his desperate need to feed after visiting yet another whorehouse and finding himself no closer to tracing down Theo, from his panic over Liam’s distress.

Feeding from anyone else wasn’t even to be considered. He couldn’t walk away from the problem the way he would have a few years before. He couldn’t simply exchange Liam for another food source. Marcus had to fix this, and he had to do it while lightheaded from damn near deadly low blood pressure.

God, but he needed to feed so badly…

Marcus took a deep breath as he looked up. Liam seemed to be watching him just as carefully as Marcus was studying his pet. In his own discreet way Liam was obviously trying to get a read on him.

“Yes, I am angry,” Marcus said, more than happy to save Liam the trouble. “I don’t like being lied to.”

Liam swallowed rapidly, pulling Marcus’ attention to his neck. The pulse was pounding quickly through his jugular, just begging Marcus to bite.

The boy closed his eyes for a moment.

“This isn’t something that you can hide from that way,” Marcus told him as gently as he knew how. “It’s not something that will change until your behavior changes.”

Liam stood up, but he made no attempt to round the desk the way Marcus had hoped he might. Liam took a few paces away before coming to a stop alongside the fireplace. He rocked on his heels as he stared down into the empty grate, as if trying to find some way to comfort himself while his master refused to provide that service for him.

“You gave control of certain things to me when you agreed to wear that collar,” Marcus said. “But there are other things that you still control. You’re the one who can bring this situation to an end. All you have to do is tell me what’s wrong, what happened before you met me at the car.”

Marcus leaned forward and rested his forearms on the desk in front of him. He should never have given the younger man permission to wander around on his own in the first place.

Jenny, Diana and every other human on the planet could cheerfully go to hell. Liam didn’t need freedom. He didn’t need independence. And he didn’t need a master who was willing to give him those things either. Liam needed protecting, and Marcus felt his failure in that task cut deep inside him, threatening to spill what little blood he had.

“Maybe…maybe we could go up to the playroom?” Liam said.

Location be damned. Marcus wanted the truth. If that was the only place, Liam would utter it, that’s where they would go.

Marcus marched up to the playroom, paying no head to how fast Liam would have to run to keep up with his longer strides. He pushed the door open with such force, it slammed back against the wall.

That was a mistake. Marcus mentally cursed himself. He knew how jumpy loud noises made Liam, even after all this time. He was just making things worse.

Marcus pushed his hand through his hair and took another deep breath. Maybe Liam had been right to take the conversation up here. The scent of the leather, the memory of the trust Liam had already placed in him when they’d played their mild little games settled something in Marcus.

He was in control. He could do this. He understood enough about humans now. Everything would be fine.

The click of the door, followed by a rustle of clothing behind him, let Marcus know that Liam was in the room. Marcus looked over his shoulder just in time to see the other man pull his T-shirt over his head and set it aside.

As Marcus watched, Liam’s hands went briskly to the waistband of his jeans. In moments, the denim was down around his ankles and he was kicking away the tangle of shoes and clothing with more determination than Marcus had ever seen in him.

Seconds later, the submissive stood before him, naked bar his collar. Without ever looking up or meeting his gaze, Liam stepped around Marcus. He didn’t stop until he reached the spanking bench.

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