With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (12 page)

BOOK: With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“What’s in here?” Gracie asked, trying to find a gap in the curtains. “I didn’t even know this place was here.”

Considering what was beyond the door and the elegant drapes, Cherry was surprised that small-town gossip hadn’t reached Gracie yet. She smiled down at the smaller woman, waiting for her reaction when she said, “A toy shop. Logan told me about it last night. It opened a week ago.”

A soft blush painted across the creamy skin. “Oh.”

The door opened just then and a handsome man smiled at them in greeting. “Hello! Welcome to Totally Discreet. My name’s Daniel.” They shook hands, introducing themselves. Gracie had all but crawled into her pocket. She was obviously out of her element. Daniel stepped back, satisfied that they were both of age, allowing them to enter. Like all the old buildings in Silver, this one was beautifully preserved. It was like stepping back in time. He closed the door behind them. “Is there anything you are specifically looking for?” When there was a pause, he asked, “Would you be more comfortable with my partner Jessica?”

“No, we’re good. I think we should start with a strap-on dildo. I would prefer one with a black leather harness.”

“Is there a particular size you want the dildo to be?”

Cherry looked at the blushing Gracie. The petite woman was looking at everything but at her or Daniel. Her mouth twitched with amusement. “What size would you like?”

The woman’s expressive eyes were huge in her small face when she turned them on her. The thick black lashes surrounding them were fluttering, as if they were being forced upward. It looked like it might be a losing battle. “Large?” Gracie moaned again, burying her face against Cherry’s arm.

Cherry turned back to Daniel, who was making a valiant effort not to laugh. “Large it is.”

Daniel proceeded to show them several models. It didn’t take long for them to choose the one they wanted. A double-headed jelly dildo was added, as was lube, two sets of fur-lined handcuffs, a black mask, a slender riding crop, butt plugs in various sizes, cleanser, crotchless panties, a paddle, and a set of restraints to attach to the bed. As she looked everything over, Cherry thought it was a good start. The store was planned nicely. They explored each area, on both the ground floor and the second, and she began making mental lists of things they might want in the future. She knew what the shy Gracie wanted. Each time she saw something that interested her she squeezed Cherry’s hand.

After listening to her sister, she was more than a little interested in exploring what she would and wouldn’t like. She didn’t know if she could get into it as seriously as Peaches and Logan played, but she was going to find out. She already knew that Gracie was all for being tied up and spanked. The woman had proven that, if her moans and screams of pleasure were anything to go by.

Paying for their purchases, promising Daniel that they loved the store and would be back, Cherry and Gracie left. From there they took their purchases back to the SUV before going to Gracie’s apartment. It didn’t take long to pack and carry everything down. Gracie lived light. Clothes, books, a few knickknacks, dishes, rugs, pillows, and bedding were all she had to call her own. Gracie gave the key to the landlord who lived on the first floor after they had done a last check with the man. He approved the condition of the rooms and they left.

Their last stop was the grocery store. While the men had a fully stocked freezer and pantry, she wasn’t familiar with what was in either. They made their choices and were on their way to checkout when two men stepped into their aisle.

Cherry knew trouble when she saw it. Straightening her spine and her shoulders, she put herself and the cart between them and Gracie. It was obvious which of the two women they were interested in.

“Where ya been, Gracie? Roger said you called off work at the feed store this morning. That’s not like you.”

“Well, what I do is none of your business.”

“Sure it is, honey. You’re our woman.”

Cherry could feel the fear and frustration come off the smaller woman. “I’m not your woman. We never even dated. You guys asked. I said no. End of subject.”

They didn’t even address that. Their hard gazes turned on Cherry. Both men were of average height, but they were both bulky with muscle and a little too much fat. Neither was unattractive in a physical sense. It was the expression on their faces which made them less than attractive. They were barely able to hide how angry they were. She suspected if she weren’t there that they would give Gracie a lot of grief.

Well, she
there and they were in for a big surprise if they thought they were going to hassle her sweet little lover.

“Who the hell are

“Well, I don’t see that that’s any of your business. Now, please step aside,” Cherry instructed coolly. Her body language, gained after years of being a police officer, told them she was confident and wouldn’t hesitate to go to the next level.

There was a standoff for a few tense seconds before the men chuckled simultaneously. They stepped aside, allowing Cherry and Gracie to pass.

“Gracie, we’ll be by to see you.”

“Don’t bother. I won’t be there.” They got to the checkout without the men following them. “I was about ready to quit working at the mill,” she told Cherry. “I only work there ten hours a week. Roger knows. I hate the smell and the dust. The owners offered me more hours at the pizzeria, so I’m going to go with that. I already quit my third job at the bookstore. I wasn’t getting enough hours to make it worth not getting sleep or anything else done.”

Cherry nodded as she paid for the groceries. “Sounds like an excellent idea to me. The tips are probably good there.”

“They are. Though I’m tired when I get off work, I like it there. I’d rather smell like pizza than corn dust.”

“There is that,” Cherry agreed. Then she asked casually, “What are those jerks’ names?”

“Ed and DJ Marks. They kinda scare me, especially after today. They’re acting like stalkers.”

Good to know, she thought, filing away the information. “Well, you’ve got people to watch out for you now. Come on, baby. Let’s go home and show the guys all the goodies we got.”

By the time they got home both women were ready for a nap. The brothers were still out and Cherry wasn’t certain what time they would be back. They decided to put everything away and take a shower, an activity which went on a little longer than expected. When she got out she discovered she had missed a call. The voicemail Mick left told her they would be home at around six. There was less than an hour to go until they saw their men.

With a time set, she and Gracie began making supper. It was fun working with the other woman. They worked easily together as they prepared a salad and dessert. It had been like that all day. They hadn’t had one uneasy moment together during their time in Totally Discreet. Gracie had been so adorable. Adorable, but determined to get over her embarrassment, despite being in front of a stranger as she tried to help make the choices which would fulfill a fantasy or two.

When the men came in, one after the other, they were greeted with enthusiasm.

Cherry blinked and made a face. Mick laughed as he smacked her on the ass after giving her a kiss which curled her toes. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Don’t like the smell of a hard-working man?”

“It’s not the man part making my eyes burn. It’s the cow shit part. Don’t even think you’re walking through the house in those boots,” she stated firmly as they were about to do just that. It made her wonder again who had cleaned the house. They retraced their steps, leaving the boots in the mudroom. The clothes were tossed into the laundry room. When they came back into the kitchen they were wearing nothing but broad grins. “That’s better. You can go shower after you tell us how you want your steaks and if you want beer or wine with supper.”

They gave their preferences before disappearing down the hall, going to their respective rooms. Gracie and she admired the firm, sculptured backsides as they went. They turned to one another when the men were gone, grinning like lust-filled idiots.

“Pinch me!” Gracie whispered.

Cherry laughed. “Why?”

“Because I can’t believe I’m really here.”

“I can’t, either. Just a week ago I didn’t think this was going to happen.” She had told Gracie earlier in the day how she had tried to get ahold of the men, only to have each of her calls go to voicemail. “I thought they didn’t want me anymore. It was a rough few days, until they got back.” Sliding an arm around her lover, Cherry pulled her close. She kissed her temple, and then inhaled her soft, feminine scent. It was lovely. “Come on. Let’s go check the charcoal. The sooner we get supper over the sooner we get to have fun.”

Chapter Seven


Supper was a success, but the women’s plans for the evening were put on hold by the announcement that the brothers’ parents would be coming over for a visit. Though she had met them several times before and loved them, Cherry was suddenly nervous to meet them again. It was unavoidable, of course, but something she would have liked a day or two to prepare for. Or, at the very least, a heads up when she had talked to Mick earlier.

Yeah, Cherry would have to fix that so something similar didn’t happen again, or very often. They were men. There were just some things they didn’t understand.

And if she was nervous, Gracie all but went into a meltdown. She tore around the kitchen, cleaning, tucking dirty dishes into one of two dishwashers and turning it on, wiping down granite counters until they sparkled. When everything looked picture-perfect she started examining herself.

“I’ve met them. But, jeez, I look like a slob. What are they going to think of me? Are they going to wonder why I’m here? What if they don’t like it? Oh, Cherry, maybe I should just stay in the bedroom until they go.”

Mick reappeared just then. He took one look at Gracie and immediately walked across the kitchen to wrap her tightly against his big body. “Hush, baby girl. They’ll be very happy for us. I already told our dads you were here. So they’re not going to be surprised. They already got over that.”

Gracie tipped her head back so she could see his face. “What did they say? Were they shocked? Were they angry? I don’t want them to be mad at me. I know it had to be a shock, when they were just expecting Cherry. Can’t I just stay in the bedroom? Please?”

Mick blinked, staring at her. Cherry smiled. The words had come out a mile a minute, completely breathless and telling of her nervousness.

“They were surprised, but not as much as you might think. They’re not going to be mad at you. Why should they? We’re big boys and know our own minds. And, no, you can’t stay in the bedroom.”




“Gracie, stop. It’ll be fine. You’re going to make yourself sick. And if you’re sick, how can we play after our parents go home?” He wiggled his straight, dark brows at her, making her giggle. He squeezed her again. “That’s better.” Leaning down he captured Gracie’s mouth in a searing kiss. It only took a moment for her to melt against him, her small hands gripping his massive biceps.

“Gracie came while standing out on the main street,” Cherry casually informed the men as they entered the kitchen.

They all looked at the blushing woman with interest. “What happened? Why did you come, Gracie?”

When Gracie tried to hide her face against Mick, he wouldn’t allow it. Putting her at arm’s length, he held her until she had no choice but to tell them. “Cherry…uh…told me she wanted to…uh…she told me she was going to suck all the juices out of my pussy,” she finished in a rush, her skin a bright, scorching red.

“Hot damn!” Jake crowed. “I’ve got to see that.”

Cody slapped him in the back of the head. “Stop being a jerk. Although, the thought of Cherry’s mouth on Gracie’s sweet little pussy is giving me wood.”


* * * *


Gracie was saved by a knock on the front door. She almost ran to it, obviously forgetting about her fear of meeting the brothers’ parents for the first time in her new role in their lives. The men chuckled softly as they followed behind her with Cherry.

As the brothers’ five parents came in, they greeted both Cherry and Gracie warmly. They shuffled along into the huge living room and sat down. She had always liked them. Lois and Sylvia were both warm, friendly women. In their early fifties, they were both still youthful looking. Mick and Jake had obviously gotten their dark good looks from their mother, Sylvia. They had her near-black hair and bone structure. Collin and Cody looked mostly like Lois, with her golden brown hair and high cheekbones. Since their fathers were brothers, they did have similar looks, which were found in the square jaws, the width of their brows, and the shape of their firm mouths. Oh, yeah, some hot damn genes had been passed down to the children.

When Cherry and Gracie excused themselves to go for coffee and to plate the dessert, Lois and Sylvia joined them. The women smiled at them as they put out the dessert plates and got down cups and saucers for everyone.

Lois spoke first. “We’re glad you came home, Cherry. We know you had a very rough time of it. But it’s good that you’re here. Good for you and for our boys. I’ve never seen them happier.” She placed forks on a tray, along with the plates of peach cobbler. Her gaze shifted to Gracie, who wished it was possible to become invisible. Meeting the men’s parents was a lot on top of everything else. “We’re happy you’re here, too, Gracie. Your mothers called us. I know they’re happy, too. This is a good place for you.”

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