With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (9 page)

BOOK: With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Yes. It was very nice.”

Soft lips pressed to her forehead. “Good. It’s supposed to be nice.”

Lifting her head, Gracie looked around. They were alone. Logan was gone. “Where did Logan go?”

Cherry laughed softly. “I believe he’s going to ask Peaches if they can keep you.”

“Keep me? Why?”

“Because, Gracie, you’re absolutely perfect.” More kisses on her lips, her neck. “He loves submissive women. And you are about as submissive as they come.”

“But I don’t want to stay with Logan and Peaches. They’re nice, but…”

Warm lips pressed to hers, putting an end to her nervous chatter. Gracie loved Cherry’s lips. They were soft and slightly plump and very pretty. “I was only kidding about the keeping part. I’m sure Logan is making my sister a very happy woman right now.”

Gracie calmed down. She knew things were going fast. So fast she almost felt as if she couldn’t keep up with it. Just a few hours ago she was standing beside her broken-down old car, completely miserable, wishing she had a new car and a love life.

Now she was at the beginning of a new life, one which might prove to be exciting and adventurous. She’d done nothing even remotely similar to either in her entire life. Wrapping one of Cherry’s honey-blonde curls around her index finger, she leaned her head on her lover’s shoulder.

“Is this really happening?”

“Yes, I think it is.”

“Why are you being so welcoming? If the shoe was on the other foot, I think I would have scratched your eyes out and kicked you out the door.”

Cherry laughed, a soft and sexy sound. “I thought about it. Believe me, I did. Jealousy hit me hard and fast. Then I realized how absolutely perfect you are for us.”


“No buts. We’ll see where this goes, but I think you are going to be very surprised. This can work. This
work. Just wait and see.”

“What if you change your mind? What if the guys don’t really want me?”

“I don’t want to hear any what-ifs either, sweetheart.” Soft lips touched her on the tip of her nose. It was a gesture that melted her heart and turned it into throbbing, gooey mush. “Now, we better get to our room before a kid makes an escape. From what I can tell so far, they’re pretty sneaky.”

Gracie squeaked and jumped up. While she hadn’t minded Logan looking on as Cherry did naughty, dirty things to her, she certainly didn’t want one of the children to see her naked. Grabbing up her clothes, she pressed them to her chest. She tried to ignore the strange sensations the butt plug was causing deep inside her. She failed. They were deliciously wicked and she wanted to experience more of them.

Cherry laughed softly and winked. “They’re not going to be shocked if they see you naked. We just don’t want any awkward questions.”

Once inside the luxurious bedroom suite, Gracie felt like she was in a five-star hotel. Not that she had ever stayed at one. She had cleaned at the Silver Star Hotel for two years. But she had never been a guest.

The entire house was near picture-perfect, but this obviously new addition was absolutely beautiful. She wondered what the house where she would be living with Cherry and the Preston brothers was like. Not that she would complain if it wasn’t as nice as this. The house she had grown up in was, only in a simplistic, homey style. If she was to describe it, she guessed it could be called
country chic
. It had all the basics and her fathers and mothers had done everything they could to make it a wonderful home. It just wasn’t fancy.

There certainly wasn’t a tub large enough for three or four people, or a shower which was almost a room in itself. Maybe she could suggest it. She gawked at both, and then admired the simplicity of the white oblong basins standing on the black granite counter.

“Do you want a shower or bath?”

Gracie grinned. “Bath.” She wanted to feel Cherry all wet and slippery against her. She was also hoping they would continue the fun they had started in the living room. Just the memory made her think of something else. She watched Cherry turn on the water and add liquid soap to it. White foam churned up instantly. Oh, yeah, it was going to be fun. “What about the guys? Do you think any of them will want to do those things to me?” She resisted the urge to cross her fingers.

The smile Cherry gave her was reassuring. It warmed her down to her toes. It even made her nipples turn into hard little nubs. “I don’t know their experience, but I believe Mick and Collin would have more than a little interest in doing lots of dirty, nasty things to you. Just remember, you never have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. Everyone has different limits. And no one will be mad if you decide there is something you don’t want to do.”

Nodding, Gracie thought about how safe she felt with Cherry. And the guys, well, she really didn’t know them any better than she did this woman. All their conversations had basically been very superficial. Topics had ranged from ranching, farming, family, sports, to the odd-looking black-and-white dog which ran around town searching for a free meal. They were warm, friendly, funny. She thought those were three very good qualities in men. And it didn’t hurt any that they were very sexy…though she hadn’t really liked the beards. Thank God all that fuzz was gone. She shuddered.

“You just thought about their beards, didn’t you?” Cherry asked, and then laughed when Gracie grimaced and nodded. “I like the rough, dirty-boy look they shaved down to.”

Yeah, the rough growth of beard they had left on their handsome faces was very sexy. If they had shaved down to their skin she knew that any place there had been heavy facial hair would have been white from the lack of sun exposure. Now they just looked like they had a couple of days’ growth. It was nicely groomed, of course. And it was very yummy. How would it feel against her skin?

When Cherry began stripping down Gracie forgot all about herself and their men. One scar after another was revealed on a too-thin body. “Oh, my, do they hurt?”

There was a reassuring smile on her lover’s face. “Not so much anymore. I have good days and bad. But I’ve been getting better since I’ve been here. The change has been good for me. Are they too ugly?”

ugly, but only because they shouldn’t have been there. They didn’t, however, detract from Cherry’s sexiness, her beauty. Gracie shook her head. “No,” she returned honestly, meeting the other woman’s brown eyes and seeing the doubt there. Cherry was so confident it was odd to see it. “You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at her obvious sincerity. “Now, come on, let’s play then go to bed. We’re going to have a very long day tomorrow.”

They bathed, they played, and they loved on one another until Gracie fell completely under Cherry’s spell. Strong but soft hands explored her body, teasing her nipples, molding her breasts, as they laughingly tried to keep from drowning themselves. Their legs were entwined. Their skin was warm and slippery.

When Cherry had Gracie get on her hands and knees facing away from her, she nearly came then and there. Foamy bubbles slid off her skin, over the mounds of her ass, and down her legs. Anticipation sizzled through her veins as she waited for what would Cherry would do next. Her clit ached. She was certain it was peeking from the hood, begging boldly to be touched.

Gracie squeaked in surprise as Cherry’s warm breath touched her wet skin just before the tip of her tongue flicked her clit. Those strong yet gentle hands caressed her ass, molding it, her thumbs getting closer and closer to the crease of her ass as that bold tongue swept upward and dipped into the creaminess filling her pussy. It laved her from top to bottom, sliding between swollen lips before dragging over her clit and dipping in again, before sliding up to where the flat base of the butt plug was tucked neatly between the mounds of her ass.

Moaning, Gracie could barely contain her excitement, or her eagerness. She wished they had more toys. There was so much she wanted to do, so much she wanted to experience. She wondered if Cherry would wear one of those strap-on dicks and fuck her with it.

Feeling herself flush hotly from head to toe, she didn’t know if she would have the nerve to ask. A yelp escaped her when Cherry began playing with the plug, pulling it partway out before letting it pop back in. Moaning, she couldn’t hold still, but began thrusting her ass back in invitation. She had never been so hot, so turned on.

“We’ll put a larger plug in tomorrow,” Cherry whispered against her wet skin, kissing and nipping in the small of her back. Gracie trembled and moaned, eager for so much more. “Those guys are going to be impatient. You need to be ready.”

“Does it hurt?” There was a tremor in her voice, but she thought it was more from the thrill of anticipation than fear of the unknown.

“Sometimes, just a little. It won’t hurt much, if you’re prepared properly. Don’t worry, they’ll be gentle. We’ll be sure they know your safe word.”

Just when her body had regained a measure of calm, after building toward an orgasm, a finger began stroking her clit until she was bucking wildly. When she came her body exploded with pleasure, her blood running through her veins like wildfire, her nerve endings feeling so sensitive that the water on her skin was almost too much to bear.

“You’re beautiful, baby,” Cherry whispered as she was gathered close. “Don’t have any worries about tomorrow. Those men would no more hurt you, make you do something you don’t want to do, than they would hurt themselves. They’re good men with good hearts.”

A short time later Gracie found herself dried and tucked gently into bed. She watched as Cherry began what seemed to be a nightly ritual of rubbing a thick cream into her skin. When all that remained to be done was her back, and the two long scars on it, Gracie quickly got out of bed and went to where Cherry was seated on a padded bench. She took the tube of cream and squirted a generous amount onto her fingers. She warmed it for a moment in her palms before she began spreading it over the soft skin and the lines of the scars.

“How did you get hurt?” she asked in a shaky voice, affected by what must have been a horrible experience.

“I used to be a cop. I was out on patrol by myself. I stopped a guy one night for a minor violation. He had a taillight out. No big deal. I probably would have given him a warning and let him go on his way.” Cherry’s voice was almost flat, emotionless, carrying little inflection. “I’d called in his plate, a description of the car, et cetera. I was just approaching the driver’s door when a car coming from the opposite direction suddenly veered toward us. The next thing I knew I was being run down. They learned afterward, during the investigation, that the man I’d stopped was talking to a friend as I pulled him over. He asked his friend for help and he got it. The guy was only a couple blocks away. They were meeting at a friend’s house.” Slender shoulders lifted. “They took turns running over me until people in the neighborhood came out and chased them off. Of course, I didn’t know any of this. I went out like a light with the first hit. But I owe those people my life.”

Gracie had tears running down her cheeks by the time Cherry recounted the story of her attack. She wrapped her arms around the other woman, holding her close, pressing their cheeks together.

“You poor thing. No one should have to go through something like that. I hope those bastards went to prison for a very long time.”

Cherry nodded as she pulled back and wiped the tears from her face. “They did. They’ll be old and gray by the time they get out. Not only did they attack me, they were involved in an assault on an elderly couple earlier in the day. The husband died. Now, come on, sweetheart. Let’s get in bed. You should call your parents to tell them you’re here. Then we’ll call the guys and tell them good night.”

Trepidation filled her as Gracie called her parents. She hadn’t been going to tell them yet that she was doing more than staying over with Cherry. She wanted to tell them in person that she planned on moving in with the other woman and the Preston brothers. But as they talked she spilled her guts. There was surprise at first, and then her parents, who were suddenly all there on speakerphone, were congratulating her. Tears stung her eyes and her chest hurt. It felt good to have the love and trust of people she loved and respected so much. She knew they were very surprised by this sudden turn of events, and probably at least slightly concerned, but she knew they would support her no matter what happened. The Preston brothers were good men and they knew it. And though they didn’t know Cherry, they knew Peaches, saying they were looking forward to meeting her lover.

The call to the Preston brothers had Gracie laughing most of the time, which felt good after the tense moments she experienced while talking to her parents. When she wasn’t laughing, she was moaning. She had never talked dirty on the phone before. It was very exciting. With the phone again on speaker, each one told her what they were going to do to them. As they described their plans in detail, Cherry sucked on her nipples and played with her soaked pussy, shoving her fingers deep, while her thumb stroked her rigid clit. Gracie was in heaven. Her entire body vibrated with pleasure. She wiggled down on the butt plug, driving it deeper, as Cherry began pulling on her clit.

When she screamed Mick demanded to know what had just happened. She blushed furiously as Cherry gently forced her to tell the men what they had just done. The men told her that the two of them would have to show them the next night.

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