With Her Capture (8 page)

Read With Her Capture Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #paranormal, #sexy, #werewolf, #werewolves, #sensual, #erotic paranormal, #cariboo lunewulf, #lorie oclare, #lunewulf, #malta werewolf

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Ayden was honorable.
Unless he was a master at concealing his feelings, she didn’t smell
anything on him that indicated he thought less of her because of
her breeding. Ayden ran straight, probably fought the same way, and
didn’t judge another werewolf until they offered something worth
judging. Aside from all those attributes, he had a body on him, in
his flesh and in his fur that went beyond what might be conjured up
in the hottest of sexual fantasies.

Magda dropped to all
fours and noticeably relaxed. The icy temperatures on top of this
mountain forced her to keep every muscle in her body tight in an
effort to war off the cold. The damp cave no longer chilled her
flesh. Her fur warmed her. Although she’d readily admit that
kissing Ayden and pressing against that virile body definitely
assisted in bringing up her body temperature, too.

The many odors around
her were now as easy to smell as if they’d been laid before her to
scrutinize. She smelled the mildew on the smooth cave walls, the
smell from the different types of trees burning in the fire, and
the trepidation as well as excitement coming off of

She swallowed. Her
tongue was thicker. Her teeth scraped against fur instead of lips.
Magda growled in appreciation of the male standing outside her
cave. He turned his head slowly. Large, almond-shaped, silver eyes
met hers. Unblinking, his gaze penetrated hers. His mouth opened.
He began panting while standing outside the cave.

A swelling burned deep
in her womb and at the same time moisture coated the inside of her
thighs. Ayden growled. Her lust for him didn’t smell that strong,
did it?

They wouldn’t get much
hunting done at this rate.

As if knowing her
thoughts, or thinking as she did, Ayden barked and turned away from
the cave. The low, deep baritone of an order reverberated to the
core of her body. His bark was commanding, predatory, and almost
too arousing. Magda forced herself to quit trembling with need and
walked out of the cave after him.

Within minutes she was
at a full speed run. Ayden tore across the mountain, leaping over
boulders and across streams. He flew through the air to avoid
fallen trees and dug into the ground when they raced along the side
of the mountain.

It had been since
before she’d left her mountain that she’d run with unlimited
freedom. Magda knew she was grinning like a pup. There was no
problem keeping up with him. Her body sang with adrenaline. Every
inch of her tingled with excitement from the pure pleasure of
releasing confined energy her human form wasn’t capable of letting
go. If Ayden offered her nothing more than this, it would still be
a gift she’d never forget. And in spite of his seeming indifferent
to her being Malta werewolf, she was fairly certain he knew it had
been a while since she’d enjoyed freedom like this. The only time
she’d reached this speed over the past months was when she’d been
hunted and had run for her life.

Ayden didn’t slow until
they were close to the top of the next mountain. A deep, rushing
stream, snaking its way down the mountain, roared at them in
warning. Magda stopped alongside it and enjoyed the spray that
bounced off dangerously smooth rocks protruding out of the foamy
water. Ayden stepped away from her, pacing a few lengths alongside
the bank before returning and rubbing his muzzle against hers. It
was an affectionate gesture, one she hadn’t expected, and it made
her heart constrict. Sexual need she shouldn’t allow to let
surface, began bubbling around a pressure between her

Ayden would never be
her werewolf. There was no way. It would never work. Even in her
fur, where instinct prevailed and emotions such as persuasive
denial or outright lying to herself weren’t as strong as they were
in her flesh, Magda still found herself trying to argue with basic

Her parents had been
Malta werewolf. They had raised three pups and lived in perfect
harmony for years. If her sire had successfully loved and ran by a
all of
his life, she should be able to also.

Instinct demanded she
accept simple logic. Her sire and mother had been mated during a
time when humans hadn’t known about werewolves. During Magda’s
lifetime all of that had changed. Humans knew they existed now and
pretended they didn’t care, but then burnt them off their mountains
and helped instigate fear that crept across the line and into
werewolf packs.

When her breed had
learned how to master the elements, it had been done originally
because that pack leader believed it enhanced them as werewolves.
That pack leader had meant only to intensify the gifts he’d
discovered were in all of them. Gifts beyond the ability to change
into their fur.

At the time, Malta
werewolves had lived on Malta, a small group of islands in the
Mediterranean. Their pack leader had learned how to develop his
mind to control the elements. He had taught his pack to do the
same. Magda’s sire believed there were bad werewolves in the pack
who exploited their new gift. There were many reasons given. But in
the end, the humans on Malta burnt out the Malta werewolf pack. It
was bad enough that werewolves changed forms, but suddenly they
also were moving things with their minds. Once again humans proved
that if they didn’t understand something it was easier to destroy
it than figure it out.

The news was howled
around the world—fast. Before most Malta werewolves landed on new
soil, at least those few who survived, other werewolf packs
believed Malta werewolves should be eliminated. They were
unnatural. Controlling elements was voodoo, or witchcraft—human
practices. Humans picked up on the howlings and backed the
werewolves. Genocide was ordered. WA, Werewolf Affairs, which was
now part of the American government, backed the howlings, making it

Her sire was a
survivor. Magda didn’t know all the details of him escaping Malta.
But he had sniffed out her mother and they had mated. Her sire
taught Magda those same survival skills, although as a pup she
hadn’t known that was what he was doing. Her litter lived a good
life hidden deep in the Canadian Rockies.

Unfortunately, the
mountains were no longer safe for Magda. Although running with
Ayden, having him brush against her, and smelling the strength of
his possessiveness, made her think there might be a

Magda gave herself a
mental shake. There wasn’t a chance. She needed to enjoy the now
and know there wouldn’t be a later. Accepting that fact was the
only way to protect her heart.

Ayden put a paw into
the water then pulled it out. It wasn’t the frigid cold that had
him stepping back. Water frothed and tumbled over large rocks while
racing down the mountain in a curving, wide path. They wouldn’t be
able to cross it.

On the other side,
fresh undisturbed snow fell in drifts down the mountain. Magda saw
what Ayden saw and understood why he wanted on the other side.
There were fresh prints in the snow along the opposite bank. There
were scrapings from stags, who had shoved snow out of the way with
their large antlers while searching for food. By the amount of
prints in the snow, it appeared a small herd might be nearby.
Magda’s tummy rumbled in anticipation of a feast.

She nipped at Ayden
when he once again put his paw in the water.

I’ve got this
she growled.

Ayden turned into her,
forcing her away from the bank with his larger body. He was almost
twice her size and if she resisted he would have her on her side.
When he nudged into her, his scent seeped deep into her lungs. His
powerful, hard muscular body singed her hide. More than anything
she wanted to belly up and demand he fuck her. With her next breath
she inhaled the smell of her growing lust.

Ayden stared down at
her with intense silver eyes. A low rumble cleared his throat.
There was no language in their fur but she understood his
First we eat, then sweet little bitch, I’m
going to fuck you until you can’t walk straight.

Magda didn’t want to
look away. She stared up at him, still feeling his fur pressed
against hers. Cariboos were a large breed of werewolf. She imagined
his cock filling and stretching her. Cravings she’d suppressed
these past few months now bordered on desperation. More than
enjoying his kill, she wanted him impaling her until she howled
with pleasure.

Ayden would imprint his
scent on her. She would do the same to him. That realization
sobered her thoughts.

Practical thinking
prevailed in her fur. Carrying his scent wouldn’t save her from
death. If he returned to his pack with her scent, he’d be forced to
deny who he’d just fucked. It forced her to acknowledge that all
the two of them would ever enjoy together was casual sex, nothing

Magda turned her head
until Ayden was out of her line of vision and blew out a breath. If
she were able to expunge his scent from her lungs, from inside her
nose and the air around her, she’d do it. In spite of her brain
telling her a good roll in the mountain grass would ease the
gnawing pain growing relentlessly in her womb, her heart wasn’t
sure she’d endure a one night stand with this male.

Doing her best not to
think about how wonderful his cock would feel buried deep inside
her, she forced herself to dwell on their current situation. It
pained her more than she wanted to admit. She needed a real meal,
though. Magda argued with her mind that she needed to focus on food
and not Ayden’s sexual abilities. Although fucking tail! There
wasn’t a doubt in her mind he would be one hell of a good

Helping them out with
their predicament would distract from the lustful currents clogging
the air between them. And the thoughts distracting her mind. Once
she did, the rich, sweet smell of desire that was a bit too strong
at the moment would diminish considerably, at least on Ayden’s end.
Once he truly saw why Malta werewolves were despised, understood
the extent of her gift, there was no doubt he’d lose interest. It
was how it always worked with males in the past growing up on her

Magda would use her
gift. Ayden would see exactly what she was capable of doing. It
would turn him away. He might not want to protect or help her
anymore. It was a chance she’d take. A chance she’d have to take.
It was the only way they’d be able to cross the

But they would enjoy
fresh kill. Magda needed to eat. She leapt away from him. Hopefully
he wouldn’t betray her. Then she’d be on the run again. But at
least this time well fed and in the company of a gorgeous werewolf,
who at least at the moment, wanted her.

He tried circling her.
There wasn’t any hiding how aroused he was, especially in his fur.
His cock hung low between his legs. His stiff prance proved how
ready he was to mount her. The lust rolling off him made it damn
hard to concentrate.

Part of her didn’t want
to do this. She didn’t have to use her gift again around him. He’d
seen her temper get the best of her in the cave but that was
nothing compared to what he was about to witness. Let Ayden believe
what he already did about her breed. If she didn’t show him and he
continued to want her, her life might change for the

Magda wasn’t going to
turn her back on her heritage though. Running, hunting, fucking
this male might prove a glorious time. He still wouldn’t take her
to his den. She would still be a Malta werewolf. And having run
with a pack, eventually Ayden would miss that. He’d leave her.
Magda didn’t want a short time of heaven just to have it ripped
away from her—and her heart destroyed as well.

That was enough to
motivate her to do what she did next. She didn’t take her time
deciding which tree might be best. She looked up, found the tallest
one, and forced herself to think only of it. With that part of her
brain she’d fine-tuned since leaving her den with her littermates,
she thought only of breaking the tree trunk at its

The sound of bark
splitting crackled in the air. It was louder than thunder and
lightning exploding at the same time. The earth shook as bark
ripped open and roots pulled free from the ground. Trees
surrounding the one Magda had chosen swayed heavily when the tree
began to fall. It was as if a violent, invisible storm attacked
that one section of trees.

Ayden quit moving
around her and leapt in front of her, looking overhead as a fierce
roar bellowed from his lungs. It was a ferocious, terrifying sound.
His scent changed. Magda inhaled his aggressive, protective aroma.
He then bull-dozed into her, knocking all air out of her lungs when
he crushed her to the ground.



Chapter Six


Magda wasn’t able to
see the result of her work. The ground shook when the tree fell.
Water splashed and in spite of Ayden damn near suffocating her by
lying on top of her, cold water soaked both of

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