With Me in Seattle Bundle One (52 page)

BOOK: With Me in Seattle Bundle One
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“They were in my way,” he responds and grins.

I raise my hips and, holding him in my hand, slowly guide him inside me. 

Oh. My. God.

I need to kiss whomever invented the apadravya.  A lot.  It feels incredible, having those two small balls massage the walls of my vagina.

“Fuck, you’re so tight.”  Nate’s jaw is clenched, his hands cupping my ass, and I lean down and gently kiss him and rest my forehead on his, bracing myself on his shoulders.

I slowly start to move, up and down, and the sensation is just…so good.

“Oh, Nate,” I whisper against his mouth.

“Yes, baby,” he whispers back, and I sit up, and start to really ride him, hard.  He raises his hips in a counterrhythm, bucking me up and down, and I’m lost in him.  I throw my head back and revel in the bliss of Nate being inside me, and I start to feel my body tense, my legs start to shake, and Nate suddenly sits up and wraps his arms around my waist and his mouth around my nipple, and I come undone, shattering around him.

He grips my hips tightly and pulls me against him, hard, and cries out my name as he empties himself into me.

Our breathing is ragged as I rest on his lap. He’s still inside me, and I push my fingers through his soft hair.  I lay my forehead against his and smile.

“Well, that was…wow.”

He chuckles and runs a hand down my back, from the nape of my neck to my ass.  “That was definitely wow.  Are you okay?”


“Is that a yes?”


He laughs and lifts me off of him and sets me down on the bed.  He switches off one of the lights, turns down the covers and tucks us both in, pulling me against him.  I lie with my head on his chest and use my finger to trace the outline of his tattoo.

“You don’t have any tattoos,” he murmurs.

“No, I’m allergic to needles.”

“Huh?”  He pulls back so he can see my face, and I grin.

“I’m scared shitless of needles.  Natalie had to get me stinking drunk in college just to get my ears pierced. So if you prefer girls with body art, I’m not your girl.”

He chuckles and kisses my forehead.  “You’re my kind of girl, with or without body art.”

“Yours are beautiful,” I murmur.

“Thank you.  Do you want me to turn the light out so you can sleep?”

“I like having the lights on so I can look at you,” I whisper shyly.

“Go to sleep, honey.”  He hugs me close, and I close my eyes and drift.


I can’t sleep.  It’s two a.m., and I’m wide awake.  Nate is sleeping peacefully on his side, facing me.  The sidelight is still on, and I can’t help but stare at him.  His face is relaxed, his dark eyelashes lying against his cheeks.  He’s just so handsome.

And I’m restless.

I slip from the bed, out of the room and down to the spare bedroom, where my suitcase and purse still are.  I pull on some pajamas, grab my iPad and iPhone out of my purse and go into the kitchen. 


I help myself to a slice of the decadent chocolate cheesecake and check my iPhone.  No messages.  Good.  I fire up the iPad and perch on a stool, nibbling on the second-most-delicious thing in the world, ranking just below the very sexy Nate.

Suddenly my phone chirps with a text.  It’s from Natalie.  At two a.m.?

Can’t sleep.  So uncomfortable!  Are you awake?

I smile and call her.  I’ve missed her so much since she moved out of our place and into Luke’s house just up the street from me.  I don’t get to see her as often as I used to.

“So, you are awake?” she asks drily when she answers.

“Yes, can’t sleep.  You?” I take another bite of cake.

“I’m so damn uncomfortable.  This baby has something against letting me breathe these days.  And she thinks my bladder is a trampoline.” 

I can hear the joy in her voice, and I grin. “I can’t wait to meet her, Nat.”

“Me either.  Only a few weeks left. Can you believe it?”

“No, it’s gone so fast.  Are you excited for the shower next weekend?” I ask.

“I’m excited to see the family, but you know I hate it when you guys spend money on me, Jules.  We don’t need anyone to give us gifts. You know that.”

I roll my eyes.  I am never going to win this argument with her.  She makes me crazy.  “We love you, Luke and that precious baby girl.  We want to spoil her.  So shut up and be grateful.”

“Don’t be a bitch,” she responds, making me laugh.  “How are you?”

“I’m fine.  But I have a confession.”  I have to tell her.  She’s my best friend.


“I’m at Nate’s apartment.”

“What?” she squeals.

I explain about his e-mail this afternoon and dinner in his office and how I ended up here.  There is just silence on the phone, and I think I’ve lost her.


“I’m here.  Fuck, Jules, do you know what you’re doing?”

“I know that I like him, Nat.  I don’t know what’s going to happen, but frankly I’m so tired of pretending that I’m not attracted to him.  It’ll work out.” I bite my lip and push my cake away.

“I hope it works out the way you want it to, sweetie.  Just be very careful.  This could have disaster written all over it.”

“Trust me,” I respond sarcastically, “I’m aware.”

I hear Luke’s deep voice in the background and Natalie’s response.  “I’m fine, my love, just can’t sleep.  Jules, I’ll call you this weekend.  Luke’s awake now.”

“Good, I do not want to hear you two go at it over the phone.” I roll my eyes again and exhale.  “I love you, girl.”

“Love you, too.  Good night.”

I put my phone down and rest my head in my hands.  I told her the truth. I am tired of pretending.  I’m not a great actress.  But I’m going to have to continue to act at work like there is nothing going on between us.  Can I do that?

Do I have a choice?

“Julianne!  Fuck, Julianne!”


Chapter Five

My heart slams into my throat as I twirl at the panicked shouts of Nate in his bedroom. I hear him lunge off the bed, and his feet are hitting the floor hard as he runs into the great room.  He comes to an abrupt stop when he sees me across the room on the stool. His eyes are raw, feral, and he’s panting, standing there in all his naked glory.

He plants his hands on his naked hips and takes a deep breath.

“I thought you left,” he murmurs.

Holy shit.

“I’m here. I just couldn’t sleep.”  I cross to him and wrap my arms around his waist, linking my fingers at the small of his back, and lean my cheek on his chest. “I didn’t think it was really that big a deal if I got up for a while.”

I feel his lips move against my hair, and I think I hear him whisper, “You have no idea, do you?” But when I lean back to gaze up into his gray eyes, his face is calm.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m fine.  I raided the cheesecake and spoke to Natalie for a minute.  The baby is trying to kill her.”  My hands are running up and down his strong arms, soothing him. 

“Trying to kill her?” He raises an eyebrow, and I’m relieved to see the humor in his eyes.

“She’s forty-seven months pregnant.  She can’t breathe or lie down and has to pee every three minutes.  She texted me and asked if I was awake so I called her.”  I lean in and kiss his sternum, and he kisses the top of my head.  This, being here with him, feels so good.

“Forty-seven?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

“She’s been pregnant forever,” I respond defensively.  “I miss her,” I murmur and shrug, looking back up at him.  “I don’t get to see her very often these days.”

“You’ll get to see her next weekend.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun.  And as of this week I’m on call twenty-four/seven.”  I grin up at him.

“Why?” He cocks his head and hooks a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

“Because I get to be there when the baby is born.  Someone’s got to keep Luke sane.  Poor guy.”  I bounce a little and clap my hands, grinning.  “I can’t wait.”

“What if she needs an IV?” Nate asks.

“Jesus, you’re mean.  I never would have pegged you for mean.”

He laughs, a belly laugh, and I can’t help but join him.  “I’ll leave the room for that part, smart-ass.  So this is my official warning, for work: I may have to leave at a moment’s notice if I get The Call.”

“That’s not a problem. If I’m not available, just let Jenny know, and she’ll get me the message.”

“Okay, thanks.”  I kiss his sternum again, circle my arms around his lean waist and hug him to me.  “You’re a nice boss.”

“I’m so happy you think so,” he says drily, making me smile.

“Are you cold?” I ask, nuzzling his chest with my nose.

“Not particularly, but my bed was cold when I woke up without you.”  He’s combing his fingers through my hair.  Yum.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t want to wake you, and I was wide awake, so I got up.  I won’t leave again, Nate.”  I tip my head back and gaze up into those beautiful eyes.  His messy hair is framing that to-die-for face, and the beginning of dark stubble covers his chin.

Fuck, he’s amazing.

“Okay, thank you.”  He leans down and frames my face in his large hands and sweeps his lips over mine, gently, caressingly.  He nibbles the side of my lips before settling in and kissing me long and slow and deep, as if his life depends on it, as if he’ll never get to do it again.  “Come back to bed, baby.  Let me make love to you.”

He lifts me effortlessly in his arms and moves across the room to his bedroom, still kissing me tenderly.  He lays me on the cool sheets and covers my body with his and makes slow, sweet love to me, getting lost in me, and taking me with him.


I smell coffee.  And bacon.  Is Natalie cooking?  Did hell freeze over?  I roll onto my side and stretch and open my eyes and frown.

This is not my room.

Then I remember.  The e-mail, dinner, coming to Nate’s apartment, the cheesecake, the sex… Oh, the sex

I sit up and wince.  I’m a little sore, but that’s to be expected.  I haven’t had sex in almost a year, and Nate’s…well, Nate’s big.  I smile to myself and climb out of bed, pulling on my discarded pajamas from the night before, and wander out into the great room.

Nate is at the stove with his back to me, and I pause a moment to take in the gorgeous.  He’s wearing pajama pants that hang low on his hips, and he’s shirtless, his hair tied back off his face.  His tattoos are such a distraction, and they give him a bad-boy look that I so was not expecting.  Who knew that under those conservative suits was a rough, tattooed, pierced fighter?

It’s fucking hot.

He’s moving about his sexy kitchen gracefully, with cool confidence.  I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me, aside from my mom when I was a kid, or Luke when he and Nat invited me over for dinner last month.

But those don’t count.  They’re family.

Daughtry is singing about it not being over from Nate’s sound system. His voice is gritty, and sexy, and so appropriate to describe the hot man in the kitchen.

I saunter into the room, wrap my arms around Nate’s waist and bury my nose in his back between his shoulder blades.  God, he smells good. Body wash and sex and Nate.  It’s a heady combination.

“Good morning, beautiful.”  He turns in my arms, grabs my face in his hands, and kisses me in the only way Nate can. 

“Good morning, hot stuff.”  I grin up at him and run my fingers down his face.

“Coffee?” he asks.

“God, yes. Please.”  He laughs and pours me a cup, adding just the right amount of creamer and sugar, and my eyebrows climb into my hairline. “How do you know how I take my coffee?”

“I pay attention.”  He shrugs, hands me the mug and turns back to the stove.

What else does he know?

“Can I help?” I ask and take a sip of coffee.  Mmm…perfect.  I could get used to this.

“It’s just about done.  Egg-white omelet okay with you?” he asks.

“Perfect.  You’ll work the bacon off in the gym when I kick your ass today.”  I put my sassy smile on and lean against the counter, sipping my coffee.

“I look forward to it, baby.” He grins back at me and winks.  We settle in at the breakfast bar and dig in.

“Mmm…good,” I mumble around the food in my mouth.

He grins down at me and digs into his own plate.  We eat in companionable silence, then I hop up and clear our dirty dishes and load them into the dishwasher.  I turn, and Nate’s watching me, his chin resting in his palm.

“What?” I ask.

“I could have done that.”

“You cooked.  I don’t mind.” I shrug and lean back against the sink.

“You look good in my kitchen.”

“It’s a sexy kitchen,” I murmur and grin.

“So I’ve recently been told by a very sexy woman.”

Oh, flirty Nate is fun!

“Really? Do I know her?”

“I think so.  She has gorgeous, long blond hair, the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, and a killer body.”  His eyes soften on mine, and he continues,  “And she is so smart, funny as hell, and a very loyal friend.  Oh, and her work ethic is infuriatingly solid.”

Wow.  What the hell do I say to that?  I blink at him and open my mouth, then close it again.  I cross my arms over my chest and look down.

“Look at me,” he whispers, and I raise my eyes to his.  “Whether you believe it or not, Julianne, you are a very special woman, and I’m thankful that you’re here.”

“I think you’re special, too,” I whisper and offer him a smile.  

“Come on.” He climbs off his stool and holds a hand out for me to join him.  “Let’s go to the gym before I strip us both naked and we spend the day in my bed.”


“Do you have a leather jacket?” Nate asks as we ride down the elevator to the garage.

“No,” I respond.

“We’re going to have to get you one.”  The elevator stops, and we walk out. 

I wonder why he thinks I need a leather jacket. I’m wearing my black yoga pants, a tight sports bra and fitted black tank, and because it’s spring and still cool in Seattle, a denim jacket.  Nate is in long workout pants, a black sleeveless muscle shirt, and a black leather jacket. He has a folded black bandanna wrapped around his head, keeping his hair out of his face. I spot his shiny black Mercedes and my little red Lexus.

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