Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory (16 page)

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Jen opened her eyes wide at a sudden thought. “Hey! This mean’s Jacob’s definitely going to be all right, if he’s joining our pack. Right? He’s not going to die. At least, not soon, not from the pining. And the baby’s going to be okay, too.”

Dev held up both hands. “Whoa. Hold on there, little lady.” He’d done his John Wayne impression, but his expression was serious. “I don’t get hard and fast details, just general impressions. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any inkling what’s going to happen with the baby.

I only know that Jacob will challenge Damien for alpha rights and that he’ll be joining our pack, but I don’t know who will win, or even if this is a strictly positive development. I think it is, but I don’t know.”

Jen felt her expression sag.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


“Sorry, baby. I wish I could tell you more.”

Jen shook her head. “That’s all right. We’ll figure it all out somehow.”

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Unfettered Longing

Jen rolled over for the umpteenth time, struggling to find a comfortable position.

Indian summer had struck unexpectedly that afternoon, driving the temperature into the high eighties. She hadn’t wanted to turn on the air conditioner, knowing the heat wouldn’t last more than a day or two, preferring instead to open all the windows and let the ceiling fans do their job, but now her nightgown clung to her sweat-damp body.

She listened to Devlin’s quiet, rhythmic snores for a while. Glanced at the clock.

Three in the morning.

She eased herself out of the bed, waiting a moment to confirm she hadn’t disturbed Devlin. In the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of ice water and stood at the window, gazing out across the moonlit yard.

Damien had called around nine to say his meeting with Marshall had run late. They were going to get some dinner, and he would spend the night at Marshall’s, then drive home in the morning. Jenny had been a little surprised, since he knew Jacob was here, but silently thanked the Goddess that she had a little more time to decide what to say to him.

Thoughts of Jacob drew her eyes to the stable. The light was on; neither she nor Devlin had thought to go out there and turn it off. And Jacob couldn’t reach it.

She drained the rest of her water and set the glass in the sink, then let herself quietly out onto the back porch. She padded barefoot down the steps and across the gravel. As softly as she could, she unfastened the padlocks.

She hadn’t thought how hard it would be to remove the heavy wooden bars. Finally, she was able to jostle them over enough to allow them to clear the brackets on the right, but still gain enough support from the brackets on the left not to fall.

She eased open the right-hand door, then slipped just inside and reached out to turn off the light.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


A small sound from beyond the gate startled her. She turned, eyes searching. She couldn’t see Jacob.

She crept closer, peeking over the edge of the half-wall.

He was asleep on his back, feet toward her, one arm flung over his eyes. He’d taken off Damien’s T-shirt, and the pale yellow sand they kept sprinkled on the packed earth streaked his tan chest. His skin gleamed, its sheen of sweat glimmering in the light.

The jeans, as she’d noticed before, were too short, but Damien also carried more weight -- he wasn’t overweight, but broad and solid, whereas Jacob stretched wiry and lean -- so the pants were also loose in the waist and hips. They’d worked their way down, exposing a narrow line of dark curls that began just below his belly button and widened into a swath as they approached his crotch.

She should look away…but she couldn’t. Her mind flashed on that quick glimpse she’d had of his cock earlier that afternoon, so long and thick. The skin so dark, the way she’d picture an Italian, rather than an Irishman. She licked her lips, her nipples tightening as she remembered that there was nothing between him and the fabric of his jeans.

Silently, she lifted the gate latch and pulled it open just enough to admit her.

She padded over to his side, looking down at him.

Goddess, but he was beautiful.

She knelt. The snap at his waist had come undone. Almost of their own volition, her fingers closed on the zipper tab. She tugged gently, holding her breath. The pewter-hued teeth parted with a quiet rasp.

Jacob stirred slightly, his breath huffing out. She froze. He didn’t move again, and after several seconds, her heart started beating once more.

She’d managed to pull the zipper all the way down. Warmth flushed her chest. She carefully tucked the tip of her index nail beneath the edge of the teeth, hardly believing she dared. She lifted the fabric just a little, desperately wanting to see.

His hand closed on her wrist.

Jen gasped, her gaze flying to his face. His dark brown eyes burned with desire. He tugged, guiding her hand beneath the flap, pressing her palm against his cock.

“I --”

He sat up, pressing a finger to her lips. Her breath caught. His dark eyes looked into hers as he guided her hand, stroking his shaft. His flesh burned beneath her palm.

Jen opened her mouth, sucking the tip of the digit between her lips.

Jacob groaned. He pressed his hips up, trapping his cock between her hand and his pelvis. Jenny curled her fingers around him, feeling him grow, harden. She sucked his finger deeper into her mouth, stroking it with her tongue as she ran her hand up and down his rigid length.

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He gasped. His finger jerked from her mouth, and he claimed her with his lips. His tongue tickled hers, darting and teasing. Jen moaned. With her free hand, she tugged his jeans down, releasing his cock.

He drew his head back. “Jen --”

She pressed her own finger to his lips. Settling on her hands and knees, she lowered her head, peppering his magnificent cock with kisses.

Growling, Jacob wrapped one hand in her hair, pressing her into him as she sucked and nibbled, following the thick ridge running the length of his cock.

His free hand slipped beneath her nightgown, stroking her buttocks. She moaned, covering his glistening, bruised-looking head with her hungry mouth. He squeezed a handful of cheek.

She sucked his cock hard, taking him deep. He massaged her ass. One of his fingers brushed the rim of her anus. Her muscles spasmed, her cheeks meeting around him. Eagerly, she cupped his balls and lapped urgently at the tip of his cock.

He drew in a sharp breath, wriggling his finger. Jen whimpered and wiggled, going down on him in earnest, taking as much of his feverish flesh into her mouth as she could manage.

Instant ecstasy as his finger plunged abruptly into her anus. She whimpered again, catching him against the roof of her mouth, stroking the base of his cock with insistent fingers.

Her body shivered with desire. Gasping, Jen moved, pushing him back slightly, straddling his legs.

His arms were so long. Long enough that even as she lowered her dripping slit to his ripe cock, he kept his finger in her ass.

Shuddering with pleasure, she closed her eyes as her pussy stretched to accommodate him.


Her lids flew open.

“Don’t close your eyes,” he whispered.

She met his dark, haunted gaze, moaning. His free hand gripped her waist, pushing her down as he worked his cock deeper. His finger crooked in her ass, a sensation so delicious that she bit her bottom lip to trap an ecstatic shout.

His tongue darted out, tracing the curve of her lips. She trembled, her pussy tightening around him. His eyes wouldn’t let her go. Dark chocolate pools, tugging her in, spinning her around and around. She grabbed his shoulders, pushing herself down, taking him deep.

His heat filled her. His finger danced in her ass. She gasped, still staring into his eyes.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


“It’s up to you, Jenny,” he whispered, his hand tightening on her waist. “Do you want me?”

Her body ached for release. She nodded frantically.

“Say it,” he murmured against her lips.

“Please,” she breathed.

His finger vibrated in her anus. “Say it,” he growled.

“I want you!” she cried. “Goddess, Jacob. Please! I want you!”

He rocked his hips slowly and deliberately, thrusting deep, stretching her, filling her.

“Call me Jake, love.” He stopped moving, and Jenny sobbed, looking into his dark eyes, seeing her own desperate desire mirrored there. “And you can’t just want me…”

“Need you,” she whispered. “Please, Jake. I need you.” She tightened her grip on his shoulders, watched his eyes cloud with passion as he thrust into her more and more urgently.

Her pussy and ass spasmed. Jacob gasped. He wrapped her waist with his arm, burying his face in her neck, his cock in her pussy.

His finger slipped in and out of her ass in delicious, slow strokes, following the line of his cock through the intervening tissue. Jen arched, wrapping her hands in his hair, staring into his hungry eyes as she whispered, “Yes, yes, yes.”

He grunted, burying himself fully, his finger twisting deep inside her. Jenny moaned, then gasped with pleasure as the ring at the base of his cock expanded, stretching her, trapping him inside her as she perched on the edge of a massive orgasm.

Her pussy burned from the heat of him. His cock moved inside her, projecting and retracting the way only weyr cock could. She shuddered, tightening her grip on his hair.

His mouth closed on her left breast through her gown.

Her nipples throbbed, fluid soaking the front of the nightie.

Inside her, his essence erupted, flooding her pussy with heat and fulfillment. Jen screamed his name, bucking against him as wave after wave of bliss surged through her.

Then it was over, and he was holding her tight, and she was crying.

“Hush, baby,” he whispered. “Sh-sh-sh. It’ll be all right.”

She tugged tangled waves, soaked with sweat and tears, away from her eyes. “How can you know?” She wiped tears from her face. “Everything’s such a mess right now.” She spoke between sobs. “I love you. Goddess help me, I don’t know why. I barely know you. But I do.”

Her nails dug into his skin as she clutched his shoulders. “But Damien -- oh, Goddess, I don’t know what he’ll do. And we don’t even know if…if you’ll --” Her voice broke.


She nodded, choking back sobs.

He cupped her cheeks, looking into her eyes. “I will, Jen. For you, I’ll live.”

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Unpleasant Revelation

Jen woke as the sun rose, to find herself lying on her side in the dust, Jacob’s right arm around her waist, and his leg draped across her thigh. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. She’d really done it.

She tried to move him gently so that he wouldn’t waken, but it wasn’t so easy to get up from the ground with an oversized basketball for a stomach. Jake woke and scrambled to his feet, pulled up his jeans and fastened them, then helped her up.

“Thank you.” Jen looked down, brushing ineffectually at the dust on her gown.

Jake’s ankles filled her view. “Oh.” She pushed the gate open wide and grabbed a ring with two tiny silver keys from the hook by the light switch. She returned and held on to his forearms, lowering herself to the ground so she could unlock the manacles.

Jacob took a deep, cleansing breath. “Thank you.” He helped her rise, examining her expression. “Are you sure about this?”

“Jake?” The keys jangled as she toyed with them anxiously. She looked up, searching his eyes. “Do you love me?” He’d never said it, though she had. It was stupid to expect it. She accepted that, for whatever reason, however fast it had happened, her heart now belonged to Jacob as well as Damien and Devlin. But for him, was it love, or just chemistry?

“Ahh, Jen.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. Now that he’d had a chance to recover somewhat, she discovered his voice was rich and smooth as molasses. “I’ll never let go. Never.”

She took that as a yes. “And you think…you think it’s over?”

He nodded.

“All right, then.” She took a deep breath, let it out. If she really loved him, she had to trust him. “Let’s go see what’s going to happen.”

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


She held his hand, leading him out of the stable, up to the house.

Devlin was sitting in a chair at the kitchen table. She froze. Jacob tensed.

“Everything all right?” Dev drawled, idly stirring his coffee, his blue eyes piercing her.

She swallowed, heart thumping painfully. “I don’t know, Dev. Is it?”

His gaze raked the man beside her from head to toe. “Do you love him?”

She nodded silently, not trusting her voice.

“That’s good enough for me, but I’m not the one you have to convince.”

She nodded again. “W-we’re going to get cleaned up.”

“No more rogue?”

“No more rogue,” Jake assured in deep, rich tones.

Dev nodded.

Jenny dragged Jake into their bedroom. “I’ll grab you some more clothes, then show you to one of the guest bedrooms.”

He waited by the door, his mahogany eyes taking in the spacious bed.

She gathered clothing, with briefs this time, and led him to the guest room. Stepping into the bath, she set the clothing on the counter. “Let me make sure there are towels.” She peeked into the cabinet under the sink, saw a couple, and grabbed one. “Here you go.”

His arms snaked around her waist, and he nibbled the back of her neck. “Jen. Don’t go.”

She started to refuse, but he was already moving toward the shower, pulling her with him. He reached in and turned on the water. Stepping in, fully clothed, he tugged her after him.

She stood in the pounding spray, letting it pour over her, draining some of her tension away. Jacob tugged at her nightgown. She lifted her arms, and he pulled it off, letting the soggy bundle drop. His dark gaze drank in the sight of her, huge belly and all.

Heat flushed her cheeks. Silly to be embarrassed after what had taken place last night, but there it was. To hide her reaction, she unsnapped his jeans and worked them down over his hips without even unzipping them.

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