Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory (18 page)

BOOK: Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory
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Jenny arched. “Yes!” He buried himself deep, then changed again. Jen moaned as he morphed back into the wolf, his dark eyes watching her in the glass as his cock grew, stretching her, stretching her. It hurt, but she wanted him so badly. Wanted to know him as both a wolf and a man. She clenched her hands against the floorboards. “Goddess. Oh, Goddess.”

Jake hesitated, shifting his weight as though to back away, his muzzle beginning to flatten. Jenny shook her head, meeting his eyes in the reflection. “No. Don’t stop!”

His wolf form stabilized. One final expansion, one strangled cry from her, and his cock was well and truly buried inside her. “Yes,” she whimpered. “Oh, Jake. Yes.”

He started thrusting shallowly. Jenny whimpered with each lunge. Again, there was pain, but not more than she could handle. As a matter of fact, feeling him -- every inch of him, packed so tight inside her -- drove her fucking wild.

She tossed her head, rocking back hard. “More,” she gasped. “Faster.”

Jake snorted. He thrust again, harder, harder. She felt him deep inside her, deeper than she had ever though possible, impaling her with his thick, scrumptious weyr cock. “Oh, yes.

Oh, Goddess, yes!”

Involuntary shivers ran through her, the hot core of her need wound so tight she almost screamed in frustration.

Just when she thought she’d go crazy without some kind of release, the base of his cock expanded. Her pussy clenched, her entire body shuddering as the first orgasm swept through her. “Yes,” she whispered. “Jacob, yes. Yes, yes, yes.”

His jaws closed on her shoulders.


Rachel Bo

“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, Jake. Mark me.” Her eyes met his in the reflective glass. “I’m yours.”

He did. Pressing gently but insistently, his teeth just broke the skin, laying his mark atop Damien and Devlin’s, confirming his dominance.

Jen’s pussy spasmed over and over, white-hot pleasure searing her nerves in a prolonged, fiery orgasm that threatened to turn her limbs to putty. “Jacob!”

He shuddered repeatedly, his cock expanding and contracting, filling her with his hot seed while his tongue lapped at the tiny drops of blood welling from her skin. Jen shivered, the first wave of pleasure passing, then was racked time after time by short, fiercely intense orgasms. She sobbed, whispering his name over and over. Resting the top of her head on the wooden planks, she watched as pearly droplets spangled the porch, his seed seeping out from between her tight lips and the base of his cock. The hot coil inside her twisted once more and broke, sprung at last in a final, phenomenal climax that milked Jake dry, melted her limbs, and left them both limp as rag dolls.

Jake groaned, morphing as he collapsed onto his back on the porch.

Jen panted, rolling over onto her back, knocked for a loop by the intensity of the experience. She’d lain with Damien and Devlin as wolves before, but this was the first time she’d felt so much of her own weyr nature coming through.

The result was incredibly satisfying. She resolved to give in to her wild side more often.

They lay there for some time, unmoving, regaining their breath and senses. Eventually, however, whimpering impinged on Jenny’s overloaded senses. She rose up onto her elbows and looked around.

Oh. Damien and Devlin paced back and forth in the gravel at the bottom of the porch, their nostrils flaring, their cocks red and glistening.


He sat up, following the direction of her gaze. When he stood, both wolves dropped to their bellies, tails tucked, looking up at him with their tongues out, panting hopefully.

He snapped his fingers and nodded, and they loped up the stairs. Jen gasped as their tongues lapped at her body, cleaning her, cooling the heat between her legs.

When Damien moved to straddle her, Jake barked, “That’s enough.”

Damien growled.

Jake took a step toward him.

Devlin backed away, belly to the floor. Damien hesitated, then lowered his head and grudgingly abased himself as well.

“She’s had enough.” Jake glanced at her as though to confirm his suspicion, and she nodded. He knelt and picked up the towel from the steps, wrapping it around her shoulders.

“Later,” he promised as he helped her to rise. “Later, we’ll all take her.”

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


Jen shivered, and he nibbled her earlobe. “Would you like that, Jenny?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “Definitely, yes.”

Damien stretched and huffed, joints cracking. Moments later, he and Dev had morphed and stood before them.

Jenny glanced between the three men. “Is that it?” she asked. “Is everything settled?”

Jake nodded confidently, his eyes assessing as he looked to Damien and Devlin for their reactions.

Damien grimaced, but nodded. “It’ll take some getting used to, but…yeah. Everything’s settled.”

Dev spread his hands. “Hey, I told you I was fine with it. Either way, I’m no alpha.”

“Good.” Jake’s arm slid around her waist.

As they turned and took a step toward the French doors, warmth gushed down her legs. Startled, she hesitated. Jake’s seed? Surely there wasn’ that much?


For a moment, she was totally disoriented. Then a ripple passed across her belly, and the pieces clicked. “Oh, shit.”

“What is it?” Jake’s arm tightened on her waist.

“I-I think this is a contraction.” She cupped her belly with her hands. “My water broke.”

“What?” Three identically shocked faces stared at her.

“My water broke.”

Damien sprang to her side. He and Jake draped her arms across their shoulders, half-dragging, half-carrying her in to the couch.

“What -- what do we do?” Jake rubbed his hair, setting the wild strands on end. He might be the alpha, but he didn’t know a thing about pregnancy.

Jen brushed her hair back from her face. “Call Tom. Let him know we’re coming in.

Then put our bags in the car. Oh, grab one for Jake; throw some things in for him.”

Damien picked up the phone and started dialing. Devlin headed for the bedroom.

Jake stared at her in horror. “I did this. It’s my fault.”

Jenny shook her head. “Don’t be silly. It’s time, that’s all.”

He knelt in front of her. “Are you sure?”

She smiled. “Jake. I think you can see that I really like sex, and I don’t mind it a little rough. You love a weyr, it comes with the territory. I understand that.” She reached out and brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. “I like it. And ever since I got pregnant, I’ve been horny as hell. I’ve been screwing Damien and Dev like crazy, in human and weyr form.” She shrugged. “I’m due in five days. It’s happening just the tiniest bit ahead of schedule, that’s all.”


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His hands closed on her shoulders. “I’d go crazy if I thought I’d done anything to hurt you.” His eyes drifted down to her crotch. He looked away, flustered. “Well, to hurt you outside of --”

She leaned forward and nipped his ear. “You haven’t hurt me,” she whispered, “I told you. I like it a little rough.”

He shivered. “I know, but --”

“Everything’s fine.” She rested her hands on her belly and closed her eyes, turning her senses inward. The babies seemed fine, their heartbeats regular, their bodies in the correct positions, no aberrations as far as she could tell. The one who was a bit larger, the one she thought of as Collin, would come first. She opened her eyes and grabbed Jake’s hand, brought it down to her tummy. “Can’t you feel them? They’re fine.”

His brow wrinkled as he concentrated. Then his lips quirked. “They are, aren’t they?”

She nodded, and he sighed with relief.

Damien covered the mouth of the phone with his hand. “Jenny. Are we driving in, or does Tom need to send the chopper?”

“Well, I haven’t had another contraction yet. I believe it’s still early labor. I think we’ll be fine driving in.”

He nodded and started speaking into the phone again.

Dev loped through the living room with their prepared bags and headed out to the van.

He came back carrying an empty duffel from the trunk and stuffed clothes for Jake into it from a pile he’d carried in and tossed onto the couch.

“Oh.” Jen made a face, resting a hand on her tummy. “There goes another one. Check the time so we can see how far apart they are.” Jake glanced at his watch.

Damien hung up the phone and turned to them. “Okay, we’re set. You ready?”

Jen grinned. “I guess so. Clothing might be optional.”

“Shit!” The guys gaped at each other and at her. Dev slapped his forehead and dashed back into the bedroom. He came out with a pair of brown knit maternity pants, a beige top, and one of her maternity bras.

The three of them helped her dress.

“Um, underwear?” Jake queried as they tugged on her pants.

“I never wear them.” Jen smiled sultrily.

His breath caught. “Mmm. I like that.”

Dev shook his head. “You two. Focus, would you?”

Jen laughed and shooed them away, waiting on the couch while they all ran to the bedroom and dressed hastily.

Dev returned first, carrying her tennis shoes and a pair of socks. She settled back against the cushions as he slipped them onto her feet.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


Damien rushed through the living room into the kitchen and grabbed the keys from their hook by the door. “Everybody ready?”

Jake walked in, snagging Jen’s purse as he passed the end table. “I think so.” He looked at Jen.

“Yep.” She struggled to push herself up from the couch.

Jake and Dev came and lifted her gently to her feet, then guided her out the front door.

Damien locked up the house behind them and followed them to the car. After Jen was situated comfortably in the passenger seat, he hesitated a moment, then held the keys out to Jake.

Jen held her breath as the two men looked at each other.

“I’m not familiar with the car or the roads,” Jake said. “You drive.”

Jen let her breath out slowly. By deferring to Jake in human form, Damien had reinforced Jake’s place as their new pack leader. By allowing Damien to drive, Jake demonstrated to all of them that he held no grudge and would be an honorable alpha.

With the babies on the way and the three men in her life seemingly content, things were definitely looking up.

“Oh!” She grabbed Jake’s arm. “Another contraction. How long has it been?”

“Seventeen minutes.”

“We’d better get going.”


Rachel Bo

Unabashed Adoration

Jenny gazed down at the tiny, sleeping newborns nestled in the crook of each arm.

Damien and Devlin beamed, great smiles plastered across their faces. They couldn’t stop touching her -- pushing a damp brown strand of hair back from her temple, running a hand along her arm, pressing a kiss to her cheek. The babies, too -- her husbands gently caressed ruddy cheeks with the backs of their fingers.

“They’re beautiful, Jenny.”

She nodded smugly. The infant in her right arm yawned, opening dark blue eyes and seeming to study her face with immense concentration. “Well, hello, Collin,” she cooed.

He’d come out first, just as she’d thought, kicking and screaming, six pounds one ounce of pure alpha male. His brother Cale had taken his time, moseying into the world a full twenty minutes later, six ounces lighter and wondering why the heck they wanted him to cry. He finally humored the masses and let out one hearty wail, then settled into sleep with an exact replica of Devlin’s devilish grin plastered across his face.

Their fathers all over again, as far as she was concerned.

Dev rubbed Cale’s cheek with his finger, then looked up. “Do you mind if I hold him?”

he asked, boyish anticipation on his face.

“Of course not.” He lifted their son reverently, his big hands careful and tender, and sat in a chair by her bedside.

Damien was standing on the right-hand side of the bed, so she transferred Collin to her left arm so she could hold Damien’s hand.

He grinned down at her, and she grinned back.

She couldn’t seem to stop smiling. Her lips hurt, she’d done so much of it. The feeling she had now was better than sex. She chuckled silently. And I’ve had some damn good sex!

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


And now she’d have to wait…how long? She shook her head. Her sons barely six hours old, and she was already wondering how long she’d have to wait to have sex again.

Which reminded her of Jacob. Poor man, he’d been relegated to the waiting room, of course. No one would have understood if Jenny had asked someone who was a stranger to all her friends to come in and experience the birth with them. It saddened her, but might have been for the best. Jake’s psyche was still pretty tender. They needed to avoid things that might send him back into the wild state.

Then again, dealing with issues right away had been working pretty well for them, so far. “Damien, would you bring Jake in, please?”

His brilliant blue eyes met hers. He hesitated a moment.

“I…I know all of this with Jake was unexpected, but he’s here now, and he’s not going away. As a part of our family, our pack, I think he should share this moment with us, don’t you?”

Damien took a deep breath, then nodded. She reached out and put her free hand around his neck, pulling him in for a long, lingering kiss.

“Mmm.” His finger traced the curve of the hospital gown’s neck.

“If I could,” she murmured in his ear, “I’d fuck you now.” He trembled, and her heart thrilled. “You know how much I love you.”

He nodded, looking into her eyes. “I know.” She studied his face and must have seemed worried, because he smiled and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Don’t worry. I’m okay with this. Like I said, it’ll take a little getting used to, the knowledge that there’s a stronger male around, but I’ll deal with it.” His eyes were calm blue lakes, and she longed to dive into them again and lose herself. “Besides, you love him, too. If I do anything to mess this up, it will hurt you, and that’s something I can never do.”

She rubbed her cheek against his hand. “I don’t deserve you.”

BOOK: Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory
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