Worldmaking (117 page)

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Authors: David Milne

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Mencken, H. L.

merchant shipping

Metternich, Prince Klemens von

Mexican Revolution


Middle East

military-industrial complex

Milošević, Slobodan

“missile gap”

Mitchell, John

Mobile Bay, Battle of

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

Molotov, Vyacheslav

Molotov-Ribbentrop Nonaggression Pact (1939)

Mommsen, Theodor

Monroe Doctrine

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de

“Moral Foundation of Foreign Policy, The” (Kissinger)

Morgan, J. P.

Morgenthau, Hans J.

Moses, Robert

Mossadegh, Mohammad

Mousavi, Mir-Hossein

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mubarak, Hosni

Mumford, Lewis

Munich Agreement (1938)

Musharraf, Pervez

Muslim Brotherhood

Mussolini, Benito

Nagasaki bombing (1945)

Napoleon I, emperor of France

Napoleonic Wars

Nasr, Vali

National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)

National Liberation Front (NLF)

National Security Act (1947)

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Council (NSC)

Naval War of 1812, The
(T. Roosevelt)

Navy, U.S.


Necessity for Choice: Prospects of Foreign Policy, The


Netanyahu, Benjamin


Neutrality Acts

Nevins, Allan

New Deal

New Republic


New Yorker

New York Times

New York Times Book Review

New York

Ngo Dinh Diem,
Diem, Ngo Dinh


Nicolson, Harold

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Nitze, Paul; Acheson's relationship with; as assistant secretary for defense for international security affairs; Bay of Pigs invasion as viewed by; Carter as viewed by; Cold War strategy of; on Committee to Maintain a Prudent Defense Policy; communism as viewed by; “correlation of forces” concept of; in Cuban Missile Crisis; Democratic Party and policies of; at Dillon Read; diplomacy as viewed by; economic views of; Eisenhower as viewed by; “flexible response” advocated by; at Harvard University; influence of; interventionism as viewed by; Kennan compared with; Kissinger compared with; Korean War as viewed by; Marshall Plan supported by; military intervention supported by; military preparedness supported by; Nixon as viewed by; nuclear strategy of; on Policy Planning Staff (PPS); resignation of; as secretary of the Navy; Soviet threat as viewed by; State Department as viewed by; Truman as viewed by; Vietnam War as viewed by; Wolfowitz compared with

Nitze, William Albert

Nixon, Pat

Nixon, Richard M.

Nixon Doctrine

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Korea

North Vietnam




nuclear deterrence doctrine

Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

Obama, Barack; Afghanistan policy of; as African American; Asian policy of; bin Laden operation of; Bush criticized by; Cairo University speech of; congressional relations of; drone strikes authorized by; election of (2008); election of (2012); foreign policy of; Guantánamo policy of; Iraq War policy of; Kissinger's views on; Middle East policy of; Nobel Peace Prize awarded to; nuclear policy of; pragmatism of; public support for; religious views of; Republican opposition to; troop withdrawals of; war on terror as viewed by; Wolfowitz and policies of

Obama, Barack, Sr.

Obama, Michelle

Obama Doctrine

oil resources

O'Neill, Thomas P. “Tip”

One World

Open Door at Home, The
(Beard and Smith)

Operation Desert Storm

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Operation Urgent Fury

Oppenheimer, J. Robert

O'Reilly, Leonara

Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC)

Orwell, George

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Ottoman Empire

Oxford University

Pacific Ocean

Paine, Thomas




Palin, Sarah


Panama Canal

Panetta, Leon

Paris Peace Conference (1919)

Patton, George

Paul, Rand

“Peace Conference and the Moral Aspect of War, The” (Mahan)

“Peace Without Victory” (Lippmann)

Pearl Harbor attack (1941)

Pepper, Claude


Perle, Richard

Pershing, John J.

Petraeus, David

Phantom Public, The


Pinochet, Augusto

Pipes, Richard


Platt Amendment (1903)

Podhoretz, Norman


Policy Counterterrorism Evaluation Group (PCTEG)

“Policymaker and the Intellectual, The” (Kissinger)

Popper, Karl

Potsdam Conference (1945)

Powell, Colin

Powell, Frederick York

Powell Doctrine

Power, Samantha

Preface to Politics, A

“Prerequisites: Notes on Problems of the United States in 1938, The” (Kennan)

Present at the Creation

“Present Situation: The War Aims and Peace Terms It Suggests, The” (Mezes, Miller, and Lippmann)

preventive wars

Price of Power, The

Prince, The

Princeton University


Promise of American Life, The

Public Opinion

Pulitzer, Joseph

Putin, Vladimir


RAND Corp.

Ranke, Leopold von

Reader's Digest

Reagan, Ronald

Reagan Doctrine

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Remnick, David


Republic, The

Republican Party

Reston, James

Reykjavik Summit (1986)

Rhee, Syngman

Ribbentrop, Joachim von

Rice, Condoleezza

Rice, Susan

Rise of American Civilization, The
(Beard and Beard)

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rogers, William

Roman Empire


Roman Republic

Romney, Mitt

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.: “arsenal of democracy” quote of; at Casablanca Conference (1943); death of; election of (1932); election of (1944); foreign policy of; Good Neighbor policy of; Great Depression policies of; as internationalist; Kennan's views on; Lend-Lease Program of; Lippmann's views on; military strategy of; New Deal policies of; public support of; Republican opposition to; Soviet policy of; at Tehran Conference (1943); at Yalta Conference (1945)

Roosevelt, Theodore: foreign policy of; Mahan's relationship with; as president; as Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) candidate; in Spanish-American War; Wilson criticized by; World War I as viewed by

Roosevelt Corollary

Root, Elihu

Ross, Dennis

Rostow, Eugene

Rostow, Walt

Rouhani, Hassan

Royal Navy

Rubio, Marco

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rusk, Dean

Russell, Bertrand

Russia, Tsarist

Russian Federation

Russo-Japanese War


Sadat, Anwar

Safeguard defense system

Sakharov, Andrei

Sanger, David

Santayana, George

Sarkozy, Nicolas

Saudi Arabia

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr.

Schwarzkopf, H. Norman

Scowcroft, Brent

Sedition Act (1918)

Senate, U.S.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee

September 11th attacks (2001)


Shakespeare, William

Shaw, George Bernard

Sherman, William Tecumseh

Shiite Muslims

Shinseki, Eric

Shultz, George P.

Slaughter, Anne-Marie



Smith, Adam

Smith, Gerard

Smuts, Jan Christian


Social Science Research Council

Solomon, Lewis

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander


Somoza, Anastasio

Sonnenfeldt, Hal

Sontag, Susan

“Sources of Soviet Conduct, The” (Kennan)

South America

South Korea

South Vietnam

Soviet Union: atomic bomb tested by; Bolshevik Revolution in; collapse of; communist ideology of; containment of; dissidents in; expansionism of; Gorbachev's reforms in; nuclear weapons of; sphere of influence of; U.S. relations with; in World War II


Spanish-American War

Spanish Civil War

Spengler, Oswald

Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, The

Stalin, Joseph

State Department, U.S.

Steel, Ronald

Stephanopoulos, George

Stephanson, Anders

Stevenson, Adlai

Stimson, Henry

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strategic Air Command (SAC)

strategic arms limitation talks (SALT)

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (“Star Wars” program)

Strauss, Leo

subprime mortgage markets


Suez Canal

Sunni Muslims

Supreme Court, U.S.

Suri, Jeremi


Taft, William Howard



Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de


Taylor, Maxwell

Tehran Conference (1943)

Teller, Edward

Tenet, George

Thatcher, Margaret

Third World

Tho, Le Duc


Tiananmen Square massacre (1989)


“Time, Technology, and the Creative Spirit in Political Science” (Beard)


“Tired Old Men, The” (Lippmann)

“Today & Tomorrow” (“T&T”) (Lippmann)

Tolstoy, Leo


Toynbee, Arnold

Trade Act (1974)

Treasury Department, U.S.

Treaty of Westphalia (1648)

Trotsky, Leon

Truman, Harry S.: atomic bomb decision of; hydrogen bomb supported by; Kennan's views on; Korean War policy of; Lippmann's views on; Nitze's views on; at Potsdam Conference (1945)

Truman Doctrine



Twenty-second Amendment



United Nations

United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)

United Nations Security Council; Resolution 687 of; Resolution 1973 of

United States: Anglo-Saxon culture of; anticommunism in; atomic bomb developed by; capitalist system of; defense spending of; democratic system of; economy of; European relations of; foreign aid of; foreign trade of; free speech in; gross domestic and gross national product (GDP and GNP) of; hydrogen bomb developed by; isolationism in; military preparedness movement in; missile defense systems of; national security of; neutrality of; nuclear weapons of; Soviet relations with; treaty obligations of; unemployment rate in; in World War I; in World War II

United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS)

U.S. embassy bombings (Kenya, Tanzania) (1998)

U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic

U.S. War Aims

Vance, Cyrus

Vandenberg, Arthur

Veblen, Thorstein

Versailles, Treaty of

Victoria, queen of Britain

“Viet Nam Negotiations, The” (Kissinger)

Vietnam War


Wałeşa, Lech

Wallace, George

Wallace, Henry

Wallas, Graham

Wall Street Journal

War Department, U.S.

War of 1812

war on terror

Warsaw Pact countries

Washington, George

Washington Post

Watergate scandal

weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)

Welles, Sumner

Wells, H. G.

Westad, Odd Arne

Westmoreland, William

West Pakistan

White, William A.

White House Years, The


Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany

Willkie, Wendell

Wilson, Ellen Axson

Wilson, Joseph

Wilson, Woodrow; as academic and intellectual; congressional relations of; declaration of war by; as Democratic leader; diplomacy of; election of (1912); election of (1916); foreign policy of; Fourteen Points of; idealism of; internationalism of; Kennan's views on; Kissinger's views on; League of Nations proposed by; Mexican policy of; military strategy of; neutrality policy of; at Paris Peace Conference (1919); peace proposals of; “peace without victory” speech of; as political scientist; popular support for; as Princeton University president; as progressive; Republican opposition to; “safe for democracy” quote of; speeches of; State of the Union addresses of; T. Roosevelt's criticism of; wartime dissent suppressed by; Wolfowitz and policies of; World War I policies of


Wohlstetter, Albert

Wolfowitz, Jacob

Wolfowitz, Lillian Dundes

Wolfowitz, Paul; as adviser; in Carter administration; CIA as viewed by; Cold War as viewed by; as conservative; in Ford administration; in G.H.W. Bush administration; Gulf War supported by; in G. W. Bush administration; ideology of; Iraq policies of; Iraq War supported by; Jewish background of; Kissinger compared with; Middle East policies of; Nitze compared with; in Nixon administration; Obama's policies and; Persian Gulf as viewed by; as policy planning director (PPS); in Reagan administration; regime change supported by; Saddam Hussein as viewed by; State Department as viewed by; war on terror and; weapons of mass destruction as viewed by; Wilsonianism of

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