Worth Taking The Risk (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Bennie

BOOK: Worth Taking The Risk
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I sat down on the couch and everyone kept their eyes glued to me. “What?!” I snapped and god help me! Mitch smiled.

Alan came into the house and closed the door. “Sorry.”

“Sorry my ass. No, no stay away or I will beat the shit out of you.”

“Don’t be stupid, it was just a kiss.” Alan rolled his eyes and walked towards me again.

He did not just called me stupid. Glaring I walked towards Mitch, Alan followed. Without permission I grabbed one of Mitch’s crutches and hit Alan’s arm with it.


“Don’t you ever call me stupid again. You heard that boy? N.E.V.E.R.”

“I call you stupid and you don’t beat me up.” Mitch pointed out.

I glared and handed him his crutch. “Yeah but that’s different.”

“Really how?”

“Most of the time you have a reason to call me that, and you let me insult you back.” I turned away from Mitch’s amused face to yell at Alan. “For god’s sake I just met you! You could’ve waited to kiss me some other time!”

“So if I kissed you on our date it wouldn’t have mattered?” Alan rubbed his arm.

“There will not be a date anymore. But that’s the idea, it would be sort of normal. But seriously! You licked me!”

“There was ice cream on your mouth!”

“I could’ve cleaned it, no need to shove your tongue down my throat!”

Alan blushed and looked pissed at the same time.

“You did not do that.” Chad said in a low voice.

“Oh Chad shut it.” Ambrose snapped.

“He has no right!” Chad snapped back at him.

“Calm down guys.” Nathan got up.

“You will not kiss her again.” Chad told Alan.

“Woah! Last thing I checked you’re not my father so shut up Chad.”

“I’m your boyfriend!”

“Ex-boyfriend! It’s been three years, get over it!”

“No, you need to stop being so stubborn!” he snapped.

“I will not date the man my sister loved!” I yelled. Things are getting sort of personal and there’re many witnesses.

“She’s dead!
get over it!” Chad yelled in my face.

He did not just say that. I gasped and my throat seemed to close. I know she is but he doesn’t have to be cruel about it. Worst thing is that I froze. I didn’t, couldn’t, say anything.

“Fuck you, Chad. You knew better than to go there.” Ambrose pushed Chad away and tried to hug me but I couldn’t take it. I ran upstairs, inside my room and sat next to my bed, brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them.

Why did he have to say that? I know it’s been three years but loosing your twin is nothing you can easily get over with, add your mother and your little brother to that. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and let me tell you there aren’t any happy ones in there. My dad even confuses me sometimes and they have no idea how much it hurts. Three years did nothing but make me regret not going to the mall with them. Maybe mom wouldn’t have driven in the rain; maybe my family would be happy right now.

Faintly I heard the set of steps come near, the door closed and then a low thud followed it. An arm went around my shoulders and I looked at the person. Mitch. There was understanding in his eyes and sadness too. For some reason that made me cry even more. He surprised me by pulling me closer to him, my cheek rested in his chest and I managed to wrap my arms around his waist. I didn’t know how desperately I needed someone to hold me. Someone who understood, not who pitied. Strangely enough Mitch was that someone. I was glad Mitch didn’t ask questions. He just held me there, rubbing his hand along my arm in soothing motions.

I don’t know how long we stayed like that but by the time I pulled away his shirt was damp and my eyes were dry.

“Uh I got your shirt wet.” I’m such an idiot.

“It’ll dry.”

“Mitch I don’t-”

“It’s okay Keller.” God I love how he says my name. Wait! Hold your horses Keller! You cant like him. Can’t. My throat closed as Mitch trailed a finger along my cheek.

“Why are you being so nice?” I blurted.

“Someone has to be.” Mitch sighed. He opened his mouth to say something else but closed it again. This nice Mitch is dangerous, very dangerous.




Chapter 1

His face is so close to mine. His eyes so bright. I felt myself leaning in. No this isn’t right. Thank god my dad interrupted. WAIT! My dad?!

“Did we interrupt?” Maggie smiled.

Briskly I got up and extended my hand to help Mitch stand. He mumbled a thanks and grabbed his crutches. We all stood there awkwardly.

“Brady is here.” Dad said still eyeing Mitch and I through narrowed eyes.

“Sup.” Brady made the peace sign and smiled curiously at Mitch.

“Mitch this is Brady.” I introduced them and Mitch extended his hand towards Brady who took it and smiled.

“You must be the kid she baby-sits.” Brady stated and Mitch stiffened.

“That’s me.”

“I hope you’re not giving her any trouble, if you get what I mean.” Brady gave Mitch a knowing smirk and I saw the struggle in Mitch’s face not to do the same.

“Of course not.”

“Alright, why don’t you get Brady something to drink Keller?” Maggie had all the intentions of ganging up on Mitch but he got off the hook.

“Uh I’ll go with Keller, dad wanted me to discuss something about the contract with you.”

I nodded. “Come.”

He followed me, as we passed the living room I felt eyes following my every move. Faintly I could hear dad, Maggie and Brady coming down the stairs.

“What did you want to discuss?” I asked Mitch as I took the lemonade from the fridge and got a cup.

“I wanted to get off the hook. They wanted to gang up on me. No happening while I can evade it.” I could swear he was smirking… I turned around, yup.

“Okay. You can go now.” I put some ice cubes on the cup and poured some lemonade on it. Then put the jar inside the fridge. When I turned around I tripped over god only knows what, which had me flying to the ground…lemonade spilling everywhere. God this is embarrassing. I
turned to look at Mitch, he was biting his lip. Eyes laughing and face red. “Go ahead, laugh at me.”

I scowled when he did. He even had to lean on the wall for support.

“What happened?” Ambrose came into the kitchen. Then he started laughing too. Together with Nathan and Alan who stood behind my best friend. Chad looked amused. Great, could this get any better?

“Babe, what are you doing on the floor? I told you there‘s no such thing as an invisible coin.” Confused I turned to look at Mitch who managed to extend his hand so that it could help me up. Glaring at him I got up and picked up the cup.

“You thought there was an invisible coin?” My dad asked a bit preoccupied.

“It’s this idea she has. Keller, honey, why don’t you clean that while I serve the lemonade?” Mitch took the cup from my hands and kissed my nose.

He opened the fridge, got the lemonade, and poured it. Then handed it to Brady. “See? That easy. Next time I would be sure to write the steps for you.” Mitch winked.

I am so going to kill him!

“Keller what’s going on?” Maggie looked as confused as I am right now. An invisible coin? Really?

“Nothing. I thought I saw something and Mitch was being funny about it, right
I said through gritted teeth.


“Okay. Why don’t you seat down while I serve the food?” Maggie said still frowning. We all sat down. Dad on the head, Brady to his left, and empty space on his right for Maggie. Next to Maggie Chad, sadly I sat next to him and Mitch next to me. In front of us, next to Brady, sat Ambrose. Nathan and followed by Alan next to him.

We are eating chicken. Once we all sat down and started to eat everything became less awkward for some of us.

“So Keller, when do you plan to enroll in college?” Brady asked and I swallowed.

“When things are going more smoothly.” I said and darted a guilty glance at dad, whose look mirrored mine.

“What are you majoring in?” Mitch asked. Cant he stop looking at me like that?

“I still don’t know. Photography or sculpting.”

“You sculpt? Maybe if you show me some of your work my cousin can display it at her gallery and see how it goes. You could be rich. That is if you’re good.” Mitch winked. His sudden interest in helping me disconcerted me.

“Uh I’ll show you some stuff later.”

“Already? Baby I’ll do more than look.” he whispered in a husky voice.

“How nice of you.” I said louder because we were getting weird glances.

“How’s literature Ambrose?” Brady asked my best bud. Thank god the attention shifted.

“Really great. In a couple of months I might be able to make a book.” Ambrose smiled. He really loved his career.

Then I felt Mitch’s hand on my knee. What is he doing? I turned to him, eyes questioning but he seemed too interested in his chicken right now. So I pushed his hand away and I saw a hint of a smile on his lips. Idiot.

From the other side I could feel Chad’s hard glare. I wanted to smack him, He’s making me feel really uncomfortable!

I took a drink from the lemonade and nearly choke when a hand rubbed the inside of my thigh. What. The. Fuck.

“Are you okay darling?” Dad asked.

“I’m fine.” I forced a smiled and looked down. Then glared at Mitch and mouthed Asshole.

He winked and took a sip of his lemonade. Slowly I turned away and saw Brady looking at both of us with an amused glint in his eyes. We have a problem…

“Would you stop flirting with him?!” Chad hissed in my ear.

I scowled. “I’m not.” heck I can do whatever I want. And Mitch still has to pay for what he did.

Slowly I traced my fingertips from his knee all the way to his little friend. He didn’t even flinch. Okay. I grabbed a peace of chicken and began to chew. Putting more pressure I rubbed him. This time he twitched. I wanted to laugh. He even dropped his fork and I kept eating while slowly torturing him.

Suddenly he gets up. “Girl, we need to talk.”

“Okay.” I smirked and got up. Followed him to the living room.

“What was that?” Mitch half whispered half yelled.


“You’re a wicked chick.” he mumbled.

“I didn’t hear anything.” I chuckled and walked back and sat.

“Where’s Mitch?” Brady wiggled his eyebrows.

“He’s…oh hey Mitch.”

He glared at me then smiled sweetly at the grown ups. Freaking demon.

“Alan stop.” I said a bit annoyed at how he tried to hold my hand for the hundredth time.

“Fine. Give me another shot.”

I turned to him. Why did he had to look adorable when he pouts? Damn guy.

“Fine. But if you ruin it, you’ll stop trying. Got it?”

“Got it!” he turned to Nathan. “She said yes.”

Nathan rolled his eyes. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

With that I instantly regretted saying yes.











Chapter 14

I have to admit this wasn’t what I expected from someone like Alan. He looked like a clever guy, only he wasn’t.

This was your typical date: dinner, movie and the walk you to the door and kiss type of thing.

I had actually dressed up for the date, wearing the most decent clothes I owned and actually tried to look nice. Just like Hester would. Well I thought I looked good; I had no one to tell me. Well Maggie doesn’t count. I would actually love to have a girl bestie, someone to share secrets with, someone to laugh with. Telling Ambrose is still a bit complicated, he might be gay and all but it isn’t the same.



“I asked you if you wanted to go bowling tomorrow.” Alan had his hand on my hip, for some odd reason it didn’t feel right. It’s more like he’s invading my personal space.

“I don’t know if I can. Emma might want me to stay with Mitch.”

Alan snorted. “Please. We all know he can take care of himself.”

“It’s my job Alan. I don’t care how old he is; I signed a contract saying that I’ll take care of him for a solid year. You have to understand.”

He sighs. “Sorry.” Then he chuckles when the lights of my house start going on and off. That must be Maggie. She’s been staying home a whole lot. I mean I don’t mind her company but I hate to see Chad every single day. “I guess you have to go in.”

“Yeah.” I started to turn and he abruptly pulled me to him, my lips crashing on his. At first I didn’t make any attempt to kiss him back. But hell he didn’t give up so I gave in. I didn’t felt anything in my stomach, no tingly sensation just the heat of the moment. Only once I felt those things, when I was with Chad. But then I soon learned I felt that because he was my first boyfriend and I was infatuated. Nothing more. Now I have to convince him of the same.

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