Worth the Challenge (2 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

BOOK: Worth the Challenge
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Goodness, he smelled positively divine. A subtle mixture of ingredients, possibly leather, faint cologne, his own uniquely masculine scent…

Stay focused!

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” she murmured, gasping softly when he released his hold of her hand. “I’m sorry for dropping in so unexpectedly, it’s just that—”

“Your timing is perfect,” he interrupted, glancing about the lobby quickly before he faced her once more. “It couldn’t have been better, actually. Do you have time to talk? Now?”

She nodded, a little dazed at how easily it was all unfolding. “Yes, I do. That’s why I’m here.”

The smile grew even more dazzling, and her senses went on immediate overload. They’d only just met but he needed to stop being so…recklessly charming. “Perfect,” he repeated in a low murmur.

A shiver rippled down her spine. Amazing how he made the word sound downright sinful.

“There’s a small conference room down the hall.” He placed his hand at the small of her back, gently guiding her toward the doorway which led to the hall he spoke of. “Would you care for anything to drink?”

“No, thank you. I’m fine.” His good manners, combined with his extreme good looks, made for a heady package. His fingers seemed to burn through the fabric of her dress, even with such a light touch. She was hyper aware of his nearness, the heat of his skin, the size of him since he towered over her.

Ella frowned. She needed to get her head out of the clouds and focus on the most important meeting of her life. She needed to convince Rhett Worth she could take her father’s place and become the in-house perfumer for Worth Luxury.

But would he take her seriously? No one else seemed to. They all wanted her father instead of her and merely seemed to tolerate her. The jobs she’d acquired weren’t nearly as prestigious as she wished for. Hence the reason for wanting this particular job with Worth.

It would establish her firmly as a respected player in the perfumer industry.

“Here we are.” He stopped, his hand dropping away from her back as he reached for the handle and held the door open for her. She entered the room, admiring the vintage Worth Luxury magazine advertisements framed on the wall, the plush leather seats that surrounded the sleek black table. “Why don’t you take a seat?”

She did as he asked, setting her purse on the floor by her feet before she rested her hands on the cool tabletop. He sat directly across from her, his movements smooth, efficient, and he mirrored her position. The sleeve of his jacket rose, revealing the large stainless-steel watch he wore around his wrist.

It was by Worth—she recognized the iconic design immediately. And she knew it cost more than she could imagine making.

“How is your father?” His words, his face were one of complete and utter concern.

“I want to apologize for his lack of communication. It was very rude of him and I’m sorry.” He’d gotten right to the point, hadn’t he? She’d hoped to dance around the subject of her father for at least a few minutes. “As he gets older, he becomes more…eccentric.” Why did it feel like she’d spent her entire life apologizing for her father and his odd ways?

He nodded as if he understood. “He’s somewhat of a mythical legend amongst the designers and luxury houses in the industry.”

She smiled. It was true. Her father had quite the reputation for being an utter recluse. “He prefers anonymity when he works, doesn’t like others to disturb him.”

“That’s why it was such a surprise when he agreed to work for Worth.”

“I agree.” She couldn’t begin to explain the downward spiral Michel Durand had taken upon making that verbal agreement with Worth. He’d gone into complete shutdown mode, squirreling himself away in the small laboratory he’d built on the property near his house years ago. Muttering to himself, talking of elements and scents and scribbling copious notes that meant nothing to anyone else who tried to read them.

All of it had been for naught. He’d never spoken to anyone from Worth Luxury again. Despite the calls, the certified letters and packages full of thick contracts, the voicemail messages, he ignored them all, bringing forth humiliation and censure upon the Durand name yet again.

Ella was the closest person to her father and yet she didn’t understand him. She never really had.

“I’m not going to ask what happened. It’s none of my business,” he said briskly, sweeping the uncomfortable topic right under the virtual rug. “Just know that we at Worth Luxury are sorry we couldn’t come to a formal agreement with your father. We would’ve loved to have worked with him.”

She nodded slowly, recognizing a rejection when she received one. He was merely being kind. Patting her on the head, telling her how sorry he was that it didn’t work out, and then he’d escort her right out of the iconic Worth building. Leave her standing on the sidewalk like the worthless perfumer’s apprentice she really was. “I’m sure he feels the same. Thank you for your time,” she said weakly, pushing back her chair so she could stand.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded when she gripped the arms of the chair, her body halfway out of it.

“I—I thought we were done.” Her cheeks hot with embarrassment, she plopped back down into the chair, the incredulous expression on his face shocking her silent. He wanted to talk more?

And what was with the bossy way he just spoke to her? If she was being truthful, the firm tone of his voice aroused her.

Just the slightest bit, though she pushed that odd realization aside.

“Oh, no. We’re not done.” His lips curved into a slow, breathtaking smile and she squeezed the chair arms so tight, her fingers ached.

“We’re not?” she asked stupidly, closing her eyes briefly when she realized what a ninny she sounded like. But what could he want?

“We’re definitely not. I have a proposition for you, Miss Durand.” Rhett Worth leaned across the table, his gaze locking with hers. “And I’m hoping you’ll say yes.”

Chapter Two

She was pretty, Gabriella Durand. Not his usual type, but attractive nonetheless. She had a much more natural vibe going on, what with the honey-colored hair pulled back into a casual ponytail, minimal—if any—makeup on her face and the simple black dress she wore. No jewelry adorned her ears or neck, no flashy rings on her fingers, and she wore flat black sandals that looked more suited to the beach than an office.

Clearly, Gabriella didn’t live in the city.

She was also nervous, had appeared disappointed once he started talking. The little line that formed between her delicate dark blonde brows gave her away. He had a feeling she thought he was going to send her packing once he offered his regrets that her father wouldn’t work for them.

He’d be an absolute fool to let her go. If he couldn’t get Michel Durand, he’d get the next best thing: the prodigal daughter.

“What sort of proposition are you talking about, Mr. Worth?” she asked softly. He liked her voice. It was sweetly husky, if there was such a thing. A little dark, a lot sexy, what with that subtle French accent he detected.

Smiling, he shook his head. “There’s no need for such formality. Please, call me Rhett.”

“All right.” She nodded, rested her clutched hands on the edge of the table. “Explain to me what kind of proposition you refer to then. If you want me to speak with my father in regards to him coming to work for Worth, I’m afraid I’ve already tried to do so. And I failed miserably.”

Good to know she tried to encourage her father to work here. At least she saw the merit in the merger. It would’ve been the talk of the fashion industry. Hell, there’d already been a few low-key murmurs buzzing amongst their competitors. Mentions of a new perfume and Michel Durand being the one who would create it. The PR reps at Worth—led by Hunter—had never discouraged the rumors.

Announcing Gabriella Durand as their new perfumer would really turn the industry on its ear. She was a relative unknown most big players in the industry wouldn’t give a chance, which had to discourage her. He knew he could certainly relate since his brothers were reluctant to give him a chance, though he gave them reason to be.

Underdogs should stick together. Now if he could get her to agree…

“I understand. And honestly, I don’t want your father any longer.” Rhett paused, letting his words sink in before he delivered what would surely be shocking news. “I want

Her eyes went wide and her lips parted before she pressed them together again, as if she searched for something to say and couldn’t quite muster the words. “Are you sure?”

He couldn’t help it—he began to laugh. She looked so damn surprised, sounded so incredulous that he wondered if anyone had ever made such a declaration to her before. Perhaps he was the first.

And why did that give him such a possessive streak?

“You’re laughing,” she pointed out after he still hadn’t answered her. “If this is some sort of joke, I don’t think it’s funny.” She started to stand and he shook his head, holding his hands out in front of him.

“No, no. This isn’t a joke. I’m dead serious.” He composed himself, feeling every bit an ass for making her so defensive. Women were sensitive creatures. No wonder he wasn’t any good at keeping one around longer than a day. “Worth Luxury is very interested in having you take the helm and lead us into the women’s perfume industry.”

“B-but I don’t have a lot of experience, you know,” she started and he cut her off by holding up a single finger, silencing her.

“Don’t ever admit your faults. Your lack of experience, your uncertainness, none of it should ever be revealed.” He studied her, the too-expressive face, how it revealed everything. She’d make a terrible negotiator. “Don’t give me a reason to agree with you and withdraw my offer.”

Gabriella clamped her lips shut and nodded, those pretty sky-blue eyes still wide as she stared at him. She didn’t say a word, which pleased him to no end.

“I believe you have more than enough experience to create a fragrance for Worth that is unlike any other out on the market today. Something unique yet universal, fresh yet exotic, familiar yet different. You’ve studied with your father, worked close with him your entire life. You have a perfumer’s nose and that is something that cannot be learned. You were born with it.”

Her cheeks colored becomingly. She had an air of innocence about her that he found thrillingly refreshing. And dare he think it—infinitely arousing. “Thank you,” she murmured. “Not many will take a chance on me. They declare I don’t have enough experience. Or they’re afraid I might be as flaky as my father.”

“Your father is old and tired. He’s been an eccentric for years.” He leaned forward, ready to drive his point home. “Don’t let him control your life. Don’t let your father’s reputation hold you back. You’re on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a star. And I want to help you do that.”

“You do?” she whispered, disbelief lacing her voice.

He nodded in agreement. “I do.
do, all of us here at Worth. If you agree to join us as our in-house perfumer, though, we need you to start right away. As in yesterday, Gabriella. Can you do that?”

“Oh yes, I can.” She nodded emphatically, her ponytail sliding along the front of her dress. His gaze zeroed in on that spot, her exposed collarbone, the delicate lines of it, the creamy smoothness of her skin.

His skin prickled, arousal washing over him in a luxurious, slow wave, riveting him in place. He wanted her.

Scratch that, he was merely attracted to her. There was a distinct difference. The air of innocence, the wide-eyed wonder she had going for her, it was unusual. Normally he wanted to drag a woman into his bed, spend the night with her until the both of them were spent, before he went on his merry way by the early morning light.

Gabriella Durand, though, intrigued him. He wanted to know more, coax it out of her, learn what she wanted out of life, what she believed in, what she’d experienced in her past. Spend time with her, seduce her slowly, until the both of them could resist no longer and fell into bed together. She would be naked and willing, and he fierce and ready to take what she so generously offered.

Rhett frowned. Ah hell, he was attracted to a woman he wanted—hell,
to work with. This couldn’t be good.

Panic replaced arousal swiftly, making him break out in a damp sweat. Look at what happened to his brothers. They became involved with women they worked with and now they were settled down, supposedly happy in their domestic roles.

The very last thing Rhett needed was a wife or a fiancée or a freaking
Just because Gabriella Durand was pretty and sweet and had lips ripe for kissing, it meant absolutely nothing. He was working with her, which made her off-limits. Untouchable.



Excitement flooded her, made her want to leap up and scream with joy. But she held it together, just barely, sitting in the plush leather chair that was far more comfortable than any piece of furniture they owned at home. Listening to Rhett Worth spell out in no uncertain terms just how much he wanted her to work for him and for Worth Luxury.

That he really wanted her and not her father felt like a dream come true. Doubt had filtered in at first, it couldn’t be helped. Was he settling because he couldn’t get her infamous father?

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