Worth the Challenge (24 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

BOOK: Worth the Challenge
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“I like it,” he said carefully, searching his brain for the right words to describe it. “It’s sexy and dirty and full of heat. Yet it has a hint of floral, of sweetness tinged with—with a vulnerable sense. Like a first-time vacation on the island, all wide-eyed wonder and secret nights full of wickedness.”

Gabriella’s jaw dropped, but she still said nothing.

“It’s shocking,” Hunter said frankly. “It smells like sex, if you want me to be honest.”

“Sex?” Alex chuckled and shook his head. “Are you referring to the actual act or the aftermath?”

Everyone chuckled, thankful for Alex’s question breaking the sudden tension.

“All of it,” Hunter answered, grabbing his wife’s wrist and smelling her yet again. “It changes too. It smells even…dirtier, the longer it’s on her skin.”

“Scents change with a person’s natural chemistry and body heat,” Gabriella suddenly piped up, her voice scratchy. She cleared her throat before she continued. “I would recommend you all spray it directly onto your skin and see how you like it.”

They all scrambled for the scent, Rhett finally getting his hands on it once more. He sprayed the inside of his wrists and brought them to his nose. Sniffing first one, then the other, the pungent, familiar scent of her filled his head.

Fuck all, the scent smelled exactly like Gabriella, sated and limp after he’d made her come. He couldn’t believe it—yet couldn’t deny it, either.

“What does it smell like to you, Rhett?” she asked softly, the temptress. She knew exactly what it smelled like.

He wasn’t about to confess in front of everyone.

“What inspired you for this particular scent, Ella?” Hunter asked, his voice filled with curiosity. “It’s so completely different compared to the first two.”

“I knew Worth wanted the scent to smell like the modern woman. A confident woman who knows what she wants and how to get it, who enjoys pampering herself, who fully lives her life but has a hard time allowing herself to relax and be free.” Gabriella paused, letting everything sink in. She weaved a story with only a few words and everyone at that table was enthralled by it. “I wanted this scent to take her away. Remind her that life is not only about your every success and career but also hope and love and—and sex. That such an indulgence is good for the soul, good for the blood. Every woman needs that reminder. This scent tries its best to capture that and hopefully becomes the reminder she needs to stay in tune with every aspect of her life.”

The room remained quiet for a long moment

“Rhett told me that was what you were all looking for,” she finished lamely, a complete and utter lie, a way for her to give him some credit for this amazing creation of hers.

“Here, here,” Gracie cheered.

Gabriella ducked her head, seemingly embarrassed.

“I think it’s brilliant.” Alex’s voice was pitched low, his hands resting on the tabletop, fingers laced, posture stiff. “It’s edgy but not over the top. Unique but not strange and off-putting. I agree with everyone else’s evaluation. It’s very sexy, dark yet light. Do you like it, Rhett?”

“I love it,” he said simply. How could he not? It smelled like the woman he wanted like no other.

“I believe we’re all in agreement then?” When everyone at the table nodded, Alex scanned everyone who sat at the table. “It’s unanimous. That was the damned easiest decision we’ve ever come to in the history of Worth, I swear.” He glanced up at Ella. “Excellent job, Miss Durand. I think we have a future hit on our hands.”

Chapter Seventeen

The accolades came rapidly as everyone exited the cavernous conference room. Heavy doses of kind words were offered, murmured congratulations and plenty of handshakes. Half of the Worth marketing team was in attendance and praised her efforts, letting her know how excited they were to be working on the perfume launch.

Ella nodded her thanks with a few stuttered words in return, too overwhelmed by the flurry of activity surrounding her to truly process what they said, what it all meant. She would have time to contemplate everything later, back at her tiny apartment, all alone in her bed in the dark. Mull over the smiles and whispered approvals, Alex’s firm affirmation that they would go with the third scent, the stunned expression on Hunter’s face when he’d first smelled sample B26.

A secret smile played upon her lips as she bent and grabbed the box from beneath the table. Carefully, she placed her samples inside, winding the thick layers of tissue paper around the glass vials to protect them from knocking against each other, still musing over Hunter’s reaction. It was exactly what she’d been looking for. She wanted to shock, wanted to rivet them into place as they breathed in her scent.

Her thoughts drifted to Rhett. He hadn’t been surprised. From the knowing looks he’d shot in her direction, she knew he understood. Knew he recognized what she’d done, what she created. She hoped he wasn’t displeased, hoped she hadn’t gone too far…

“Quite an impressive meeting, wasn’t it?”

She whirled around on a gasp, surprised to see Rhett standing before her with a smirk on his face, his hands sunk into his pockets. Glancing about the room, she realized they were completely alone.

Not necessarily a good thing…

Steeling her spine, she contemplated him. “Were you impressed?”

“You know I was. Your scent was a hit.”

“But did you like it?”

Cocking his head to the side, he studied her. His eyes narrowed, his lips pursed the slightest bit, and she grew impatient. Clamped her lips shut to restrain the anxious words that wanted to burst forth.

“It…surprised me,” he finally said, his voice a sexy drawl.

“In a positive way or a negative way?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest, trying her best to remember her suit of armor, her supposed aura of power that she needed to fuel her. It had worked only a few moments ago. She’d had everyone eating out of her hand by the time she finally passed around the final scent.

Unbeknownst to her, she had actually picked up a few pointers from her father after all those years working with him. He was brilliant at captivating an audience, explaining his scents in vivid, sensory detail.

Perhaps she could be just as good someday. Perhaps better.

“Are you fishing for compliments, Gabriella?” The smirk grew, bursting into a full-blown grin and she had the sudden urge to slap it from his face.

“Absolutely not.” Turning her back to him, she finished packing the vials and the small stack of leftover
, folding the top of the box back over itself to seal everything. Gripping the sides of the box, she breathed deep, ready to offer him a polite goodbye before she would push past him and leave.

It was easier that way. He was toying with her and she wasn’t in the mood.

“The scent was amazing,” he murmured, his voice so low she almost didn’t hear him. “I don’t quite understand how you did it.”

She exhaled slowly, relief flooding her veins, rendering her limbs languid. “Simple chemistry is all.”

He chuckled, the sound sending a ripple of fire along her nerve endings. “It’s not simple and you know it. Are you a witch, Gabriella? Concocting your little scents, sprinkling pixie dust and enchanting them so I’ll fall under your spell?”

“You’re not under my spell.” She glanced over her shoulder, her gaze meeting his. He may have laughed, he may have mocked her only seconds before, but the expression on Rhett’s face at this very moment was one of complete and utter seriousness.

The sort of seriousness that struck fear in her heart and turned her speechless.

“Ah, you have no idea the power you’re capable of.” He started to approach, his steps measured, methodical. She turned to face him, her body trembling as he drew closer, and she sidestepped the table, walking backwards to avoid him. “Are you trying to avoid me?” He sounded incredulous.

But he didn’t stop coming.

“O-of course not,” she stuttered.

“Then stop running away from me.” The dark command in his voice was unmistakable.

“I’m not running away.” She was being pursued by an intent man across a conference room, all the while walking backwards and nearly tripping on her heels.

She was most definitely running away from him.

“Do you realize how magnificent you were, passing around your little vials, setting them up for the final and most impressive scent of all?” The admiration in his voice was clear. “You had them leaning forward in their seats, breathless with anticipation.”

His praise meant more to her than anyone else’s could, even her father’s. “I didn’t set anyone up.”

He waved a negligent hand. “Figure of speech. You must admit, it was a carefully orchestrated presentation meant to impress. Meant to tantalize and shock.”

Ella’s backside made connection with the wall, startling her. She could go no further. Which meant he could keep coming at her and she had nowhere else to go. “It was rather spontaneous, actually.”

Rhett arched a brow, his expression one of disbelief. “Really?”

“Well, I went over what I wanted to say but, yes. I pretty much winged it.”

“Impressive,” he murmured, stopping just before her. She glanced down, saw the tips of his shoes nearly touched the front of her shoes, he stood so close. “What other secrets are you hiding from me?”

“I should be asking you that,” she retorted, irritated he would accuse her of such a thing.

Dipping his head, his gaze met hers. She pressed back against the wall, palms flat, shrinking away from him as best she could, but it was no use.

She was stuck.

“There are no secrets between us, Gabriella. I can promise you that.”

White-hot anger rose within her and she clutched her hands into fists. “Stop lying.”

He frowned. “What do you think I’m hiding from you?”

“Everything!” The word burst forth before she could stop it. “You’re nothing but a coward. Running away from me, pretending what happened between us on Maui didn’t mean anything.”

His frown turned into a hard, furious scowl. “You’re the one who’s pushing me away.”

“Only because I’m afraid you’ll run again. You don’t know how to stick, Rhett. You want everything in your life to be easy, no troubles, no problems. You don’t want to work for anything.” She was on a roll now, and it didn’t matter if she hurt his feelings or not. She was mad. And it felt good to give him a piece of her mind. “Heaven forbid you come up against a challenge or have to, you know,

“You’re angry.” His fingers curved, he reached out, drew his knuckles, whisper light, down the length of her neck. Making her shiver, making her lose her train of thought, damn him. “I didn’t know you cared so much.”

“I care too much.” She knocked his hand away. “Don’t make this another one of your funny little games, because it’s not.”

His lips tightened. “You’re not a game to me.”

She tilted her chin, glaring up at him. “Then prove it.”

Without a word, without a murmur of sound he reached for her, his hand at the back of her head, long fingers tangled in her hair, completely tearing apart her carefully constructed ponytail. His other hand spanned the side of her waist, pinning her to the wall, holding her in place.

For him.

It all happened so fast, seemingly in the blink of an eye. One moment she was looking at him, the next he was in her face, his lips on hers, his tongue sweeping her mouth. He broke the kiss as quickly as he initiated it, his mouth at her ear. “Do you know how exquisite you are? Vibrating with your righteous anger, your eyes blazing, your pretty little body so stiff with fury?”

His words were designed to melt her and she refused to let them. “Stop,” she murmured. She rested her hands on his chest, smoothing them down the fine material of his suit jacket. It was as if she had no control over them. “Don’t try and charm me. I won’t fall for it.”

He ignored her protests, pressed his mouth against the side of her throat, his lips hot, his tongue wet as he licked her skin. “I’ve missed you,” he murmured. His fingers tightened in her hair, making her gasp. “You don’t know how much.”

“I—I don’t believe you.” She closed her eyes, as if she could shut him out. But he was everywhere, possessing her completely, and her body gave in to him even as her mind protested and her heart cried out.

Did he know how much power he held over her? How easily he owned her?

“You don’t believe this?” He pressed his body against hers, his thick erection rubbing against her belly. He was huge and hard, all for her, and she realized dizzily she held a certain amount of power over him as well. “You’re all I think about, all I want. What can I do to prove how much I need you? How fucking sorry I am that I messed this up?”

The sorrow in his voice filled her with an odd triumph. She wanted his regret, wanted his apologies. But was it enough? Was he sincere? That she doubted him hurt.

His hand moved upward, his fingers nimbly undoing a button on the front of her dress, and she jerked in his grip. “Rhett, no, we can’t do that here.”

She wanted it. She wanted him. But not here, not like this. All crazed, confused desire and tangled emotions. It was too messy, too…much.

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