Worth the Challenge (27 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

BOOK: Worth the Challenge
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“I am sure,” Durand sniffed, sending one last look toward Rhett before he turned on his heel and exited the office.

Gabriella approached Rhett’s desk, her steps careful, her expression wary. “You did that on purpose.”

He sat, fear making his knees weak. If she rejected him now, he was afraid he’d yowl and scream in pain, writhe on the floor from the loss of her. “I did,” he admitted. “I wanted you to hear what your father had to say.”

“He had terrible things to say.” She sat in the chair her father just vacated.

“They were far more awful than I thought they would be, I agree.” He hated that she heard any part of their argument, but it had to be done. And that she heard the absolute worst statements, the ones that shed both her and him in the darkest light, well. He could only hope she didn’t believe any of it.

“Is it true? What he said? That you’re only keeping me on because you—want me?”

He sent her a measured look. “That I want you in my personal life is a bonus. I can’t help the way I feel about you, Gabriella. I’m already halfway in love with you and I hardly know you. But that’s just the icing on the cake. The fact that you created the most mind-boggling scent any of us here at Worth have ever smelled is the reason why you’re here. Why you’re working for Worth.” He pointed at a thick stack of papers sitting on his desk. “Alex left me the contract this morning. He wants to sign you exclusively for the next two years.”

Her lips parted, but no words came. Tears formed in her eyes and she shook her head, sniffing loudly. “Really?”

“Really.” Unable to stand it any longer, he stood and went to her, kneeling in front of her chair so he could look into her eyes. “I’m sorry about your father. I’m sorry about everything he said and I hate that you heard it.”

“I needed to hear it. It confirmed what I’ve suspected for too long.” She bowed her head. “He may love me, but he will always be in competition with me. And I can’t live my life like that.”

“You shouldn’t have to.” He reached for her hands, clasping them in his. “You don’t need to live in his shadow any longer. Revel in your successes. Worth It is going into production. The perfume will launch sometime next spring.”

She smiled through her tears, entwining her fingers with his. “That’s wonderful.”

“I know.” He smiled in return. “We want your input on packaging. The bottle, the advertising, all of it. Hunter and Gracie both are excited to work with you.”

“I—I’m excited to work with them.”

“And once we get that all taken care of, then we’ll start on the next project.”

“Which is?”

He grinned. “A men’s fragrance for Worth.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course.”

“Gabriella.” His voice turned grave and she immediately sobered. “Do you believe me now? That you will always come first in my life? No matter the hardships, no matter what, I will always be there for you?”

The tears started again, and he hated seeing them. But these were different. She looked happy, relieved. Releasing her hold on his hands, she threw her arms around him, drawing him close. “Yes. Yes, I know. Did you mean what you said? That you’re already—halfway in love with me?”

“What do you think?” He kissed her, long and hot, the taste of the salt from her tears on his lips. “It’s going to be crazy, being with me,” he confessed in a whisper against her plush mouth.

She smiled. “I’m up for the challenge.”

“Good.” He kissed her again. “So am I.”

Chapter Nineteen

“So many people are here,” Gabriella whispered urgently in Rhett’s ear. She clung to his side like a nervous little rabbit, intimidated by the crowd. No, more like intimidated by
was in the crowd, she thought wryly.

Celebrities, including movie and television stars, were sprinkled among some of the most important people in the fashion and perfume industry. Representatives from all media sources were there as well, including the terrifying perfume reporter from the
New York Times
who’d kissed both of her cheeks upon first seeing her and declared her scent absolutely divine.

She’d blushed like a schoolgirl at his gushing. Couldn’t admit she’d clipped his glowing review of the Worth It fragrance yesterday when she saw it in the paper. She still couldn’t believe she received glowing reviews.

The last few days since the perfume launched had been wildly, wonderfully surreal.

“They’re all here to see you,” Rhett murmured just before he kissed her behind her ear. “You’re a star, baby.”

She gazed up at him, let all the love and devotion she felt for him shine in her eyes. These last months of exceptionally hard work, paired with long nights spent with the man she loved had been like a dream. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever been this happy.

They’d already started on the new fragrance for men. The brief had been worked up—with her input—and they’d recently gone on another island tour, this time to the big island. They’d spent equal time burning up the sheets and actually touring the sites. Worth wanted another sexually charged scent to accompany the first one. And after one exceptional evening involving exquisitely slow sex with Rhett under a dark velvet sky dotted with twinkling stars, she’d been struck with inspiration.

Lying in her man’s strong arms, her head on his muscular shoulder, their limbs entwined. She’d never known such happiness.

Upon their return to New York, she’d diligently worked in her lab, trying her best to create the scent that would capture that magical night.

“They’re here to see Worth. They’re here to see
” she reminded him, pride filling her. Just as she was being praised for her creation, Rhett was equally praised for discovering her. For creating such a phenomenal perfume launch that was already being described a runaway success. “The party is fabulous, Rhett.”

“It is, isn’t it? Our marketing team is incomparable.” He smiled at someone who passed by, nodding his head in greeting. “Everyone’s come out to see this.”

“Hunter’s known for throwing the best parties in the city.”

Rhett turned to her, his eyebrows raised. “Who told you that? Hunter?”

She shrugged and smiled. “The next best thing.”

“Ah, Gracie.” He shook his head. “Of course she’d say that. He’s her husband.”

Ella clutched Rhett’s arm. She loved being a part of the Worth family, even if she wasn’t officially a Worth—yet. Not that anyone discouraged her from becoming one, oh no. The entire family had rallied around her, the women taking her in, the brothers trying their best to convince Rhett to do the honorable thing and ask her to marry him.

But they weren’t ones to rush into anything, especially Rhett. She was secure in the knowledge that Rhett belonged to her and no other. He was a devoted and loving partner in all aspects. Someday, he would make her the perfect husband—and further, a most excellent father.

For now, he was her Rhett. Her best friend, her partner at work, her lover at home…it was perfect.

Besides, it was best that he focus on reestablishing his relationship with Hunter. After much convincing on her part, Rhett had finally gone to Hunter with a tentative peace offering, which Hunter had gladly accepted. It helped that Gracie was such a sweetheart and so fond of Rhett. She fully encouraged her husband to be more understanding of his younger brother.

The family was healing, the rift between the brothers almost forgotten. Much of it was thanks to the women in their lives. And they knew it, too.

“Mr. Worth, Miss Durand, can we have a few photos?” Photographers suddenly appeared, their giant cameras at the ready, hopeful expressions on their faces.

Ella laced her arm through Rhett’s, cocking her head and offering a smile. “Of course.”

“Just a few, gentlemen,” Rhett cautioned, always protecting her. She loved that about him. His watching out for her made her feel cherished.

They posed, Rhett gorgeous in his tux, Ella feeling like a princess in her daring red dress. The party was formal, on the rooftop of the Worth Building, elegantly decorated and filled to the very brim with a crush of people, an endless supply of alcohol and the most delicious appetizers Ella had had the fortune to taste.

Everyone in attendance would leave with a gift bag featuring a sample of the Worth It fragrance—they wanted everyone to have a chance to try it.

“Don’t you two look cozy?” came a teasing female voice after the paparazzi had left them.

Ella turned to find Tessa and Alex standing before them, smiles on their faces. Tessa was ripe with their second child, her face rounded and glowing, Alex looking as proud and dashing as ever.

“You’re beautiful,” Ella murmured, wrapping Tessa into a friendly hug. Reaching between them, she rested her hand on Tessa’s belly. “Is he active this evening?”

Tessa beamed. “Active as ever. I’m in trouble, aren’t I, bringing another Worth boy into the world.”

“The second of a new generation,” Alex offered. “Michael leading the way, and all.” He referred to Hunter and Gracie’s son.

“Don’t you dare discount Charlotte,” Ella chastised. “That girl will take Worth places and you know it.”

“If she’s as determined as her mother, I don’t doubt that for a second.” Alex gazed down at his wife with love.

“Ugh, all this romance is going to make me sick,” Rhett said good-naturedly. “Let’s cruise the party. See who we can mingle with.”

“Rhett, that was rude,” Ella accused as soon as they were out of earshot. “Why didn’t you want to stay and talk to your brother and Tessa?”

“Oh, they’re all moony at each other right now, blissed out over the baby. Not that I can blame them, but next thing you know, they’re going to ask when we’re going to get married and have fifteen babies. I don’t want to hear it.” He looked absolutely miserable.

Ella laughed. “Fifteen? I don’t plan on starting an army, you know.”

He sobered. “How many children do you want?”

“I thought you didn’t want to talk about such things,” she teased.

“Well, when it’s coming from everyone else, no, I don’t. But when it’s just me and you, I like to dream about our future.” Reaching out, he drew his fingers down her cheek, his touch whisper soft.

She shivered. “I’ve not given it much thought.”

“Liar,” he said softly. “How many babies do you want me to give you, Gabriella?”

Oh, she did like the way that sounded, especially when he phrased it like that. “Two?”

“That’s it?” He smiled, cupped her cheek. “I’m getting off easy.”

“Fine, I was being restrained. I want five.” She smiled when his eyes widened incredulously. Stepping toward him, she lifted her face, ready for his kiss.

Which he delivered most passionately, even among the heavy throng of partygoers surrounding them. “At least we’ll have lots of fun practicing, right?” he murmured against her lips.

“Oh, yes.” It was the most thrilling night of her career but right now, all she wanted was to go back home with Rhett. Fall into bed and make love for the rest of the night.

But duty called. So she would make the best of it.

“Excuse me, but are you Rhett Worth?” asked a lyrical, heavily accented voice.

They withdrew from each other to find a petite woman standing in front of them. She was clad in a gorgeous, simple black sheath, her wavy dark hair tumbling past her shoulders. She studied them both with unabashed curiosity.

Ella clung to Rhett, unease slipping down her spine. She didn’t recognize the woman. What could she want?

“I’m Rhett Worth.” He frowned. “Do I know you?”

“We have met, at industry parties and the like.” She paused, her plump lips pursed. She was striking, her black hair and blue eyes a mesmerizing contrast, paired with creamy skin and fine cheekbones. “I am Anastasia Renaldi.”

“Oh. Of course.” Reluctantly, he offered his hand to shake, which she took most eagerly. “It’s nice to see you again. This is Gabriella Durand.”

Gabriella shook the woman’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Renaldi.”

“Yes, the pleasure is mine as well. And please, call me Stasia. We should keep it informal since I think we’re going to be seeing plenty of each other in the near future.”

Ella frowned. What did she mean by that?


Rhett studied the woman who stood before him. He remembered her now, though their previous encounters had always been brief. Anastasia Renaldi—his father had hated her father, so in his eyes, she was somewhat the enemy. Though she seemed perfectly pleasant, if a little odd as she stared at him, as if she was trying to figure him out.

It made him uncomfortable.

“Well, I hate to be rude, but we must mingle, considering we’re the hosts of this party. So nice to see you again, Anastasia,” he said, trying to get away from her.

“Stasia,” she corrected. “Before you go, might I have a word with you? In private?” Her gaze skipped to Gabriella before returning to him.

He tightened his hold on Ella’s arm. “Whatever needs to be discussed, we can do it in front of Gabriella. I hide nothing from her.”

“Very well, then.” Stasia crossed her arms in front of her chest, practically brimming with fire. He could tell she was a feisty little thing. “I have some news you might be interested in hearing.”

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