Wreck Me (12 page)

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Authors: J.L. Mac

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Wreck Me
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“Ahh,” I suck in air through gritted teeth and moan.

“Relax,” he says from between my legs and his breath against my flesh sets fire to my sensitive nerve endings. His mouth covers my clit again and resumes his previous flicking and suckling. His two fingers ease in and out in short rubbing strokes against the front wall of my pussy. His thumb circles the tight virgin bud of my ass once more before breaching past the tight ring of muscle. I gasp in shock and my eyes bulge behind my blindfold. I pull against the restraints that are keeping me open to him.

“Relax, baby,” he repeats with his mouth still pressed to my clit. I’m trying my best to do as he says. He continues working me so completely, and I can feel my stomach coiling tighter. His thumb exerts just the right amount of pressure against the flesh separating his fingers and thumb. It feels exotic and intrusive and stimulating. Every nerve is firing and I feel like I could combust.

“Oh, Damon, don’t stop. Don’t stop.” I moan loudly. A low growl emanates from his chest sending a vibrating sensation through my groin and it sends me into a shaking, erupting, fit of climactic pleasure. My limbs shake and shutter as they jerk against the ties that keep me bound. I gasp for air and it takes me a long moment before I am able to draw in a full breath. I hear a zip noise again and he has slackened the ties that hold each leg apart. Another zipping noise which I assume is the sound of the rope being adjusted. I am freed from the bindings. My limbs relax and rest lifelessly against the bed. I pant and work at gathering myself. The bed dips and I can feel heat radiating from his body. He straddles me. He lifts my head and slides the blindfold off. I blink to clear away the blurry vision. He comes into focus above me and holy fuck I feel like I am seeing him for the first time. His amber eyes are on fire and his cheeks have just a tinge of pink to them. That nearly black hair is a delicious looking mess. I want to prop up on an elbow so one hand can run fingers through it, but I am still recovering from that heavenly orgasm. His chest is bare and I yearn to touch it. I lift my head enough to peer between my thighs and he is just as bare as me. His formidable erection hovers above the place I want it most. He leans down to me, threads one arm between me and the mattress then lifts me to his chest. I am brought to a kneeling position that mirrors his. The tip of his bare cock butts against my stomach. I take a reprieve from the weight of the gaze from those amber eyes and look down at his length pressing against me and I have the first careless thought I have ever had with regards to sex. I imagine pushing him back and gliding over that beautiful piece of him completely natural and bare. I shove aside the idiotic idea and glance back up to him. I swear he must know exactly what thoughts flit through my brain because a crooked smile tilts the edge of his lips on one side. He shifts our position so that his back is to the headboard and he is sitting on his ass. He motions his chin towards his nightstand. I sprawl across his big bed and dig into his drawer. I toss the condom to him and he scoops it up.

“You know I won’t use these forever.” He holds up the condom and I just look from him to the condom then back to him.

“One day I’m going to take you bare. You’ll be the first woman I’ve ever had without a condom.” Oh fuck he makes the temptation all the more difficult to resist.

“Have you ever not used protection?” I shake my head no.

“I’m clean,” I offer up. What the fuck why do I sound like I am trying to convince him to do it. He arches an eyebrow. Holy, shit I think he is just going to take my word for it.

“So am I.” I believe it. I don’t know why. I just do. It’s dumb as hell. I have to get this condom on him or we will end up acting on my dumb ass idea. I snatch up the condom and rip it open with my teeth. He gives me another crooked smile as I pull the rolled latex from its wrapper.

“One day…soon.” I ignore him and roll the latex over the tip and down his thick shaft. He watches me and it’s a little unnerving. The moment the protection is in place his arms wrap around my waist and jerk me too him.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he orders, and I comply. He is in a sitting position and I am straddling his lap with my legs around his waist. I glance between us and his cock is jutting upward resting against my stomach. I can feel his pulse thrumming through his erection. One arm leaves my waist and his hand tangles into my hair. He pulls me forward and rests his head against mine. I peek through my lashes. His eyes are closed and he looks like he is in pain. I knew something was wrong.

“What’s wrong?” I cup his angular jaw and force him to look at me. His eyes open lazily. His grip around my waist tightens and all at once he lifts me. His ready cock slips into position and all at once he pulls me down onto him. I gasp at the fullness and invasion. My head lolls forward to rest on his shoulder.

“Nothing is wrong now,” he purrs in my ear. I still hold my hand to his jaw turn my head. I nuzzle his neck and lay my lips to every exposed inch of skin that I can reach. I begin to rock my hips slowly back and forth. I grind hard against his cock. He groans as I move over him. I want to speed up, but going this slow is driving him crazy. I can tell he wants to hammer into me like he did last night.

“Fuck,” he roars then flips me to my back with his erection still fully sheathed with my body. I gasp as my back hits the mattress. His fingers tangle into my hair and pulls. Our lips crash together and our tongues tangle. I can taste myself on his tongue and fuck, it turns me wild.

“Fuck me,” I breathe. He pulls back, slowly withdrawing his glistening wet length. He slams back into me and I let out a loud moan. He withdraws once more. Just the tip remains and he slams into me again stealing my breath. His warm eyes stay locked onto mine and I want to melt right on the spot. I know him but I don’t. I want him but I don’t. I need him but I don’t. His pace quickens as he withdraws again and again, and buries his cock hard in me each time.

“Oh fuck,” I moan as he jackhammers into me unrelentingly. My nails dig into his shoulders. His skin mists over with sweat. It beads and rolls down his brow then drips to my sternum. His muscles begin to tense even more. He grunts and plows through me.

“Oh, fuck baby,” he growls through gritted teeth. My stomach tightens and my muscles clench his cock. My pussy throbs and spasms as another mind blowing orgasm tears through me.

“Damon!” I scream. The moment his name tears from my throat he rams himself into me as far as he can. He stills buried in me to the maximum, and shudders over and over as my body milks his shaft for every last drop of his pleasure. He collapses onto me and though he is far too heavy for me to breathe very deep I wrap my legs around him and stroke my fingertips across his back as we work to catch our breath.

“Are you on birth control?” He murmurs with his mouth against my neck. What the hell? He was serious about not using a condom.

“Yes.” I answer honestly.

“What kind?”

“The pill.”

“No more condoms.”

“Bullshit! You aren’t going to decide that on my behalf.” He kisses my neck and props himself on his elbows. Those amber eyes cut into me like a heated scalpel.

“You may not realize it yet, but you’re mine. Not because I am claiming you. You’re mine because that’s how it is. I feel like I have waited my whole life to find you. Before we met in that store I dreamed of you every night. I wondered where you were and when I’d find you. Now that I have, you’d be crazy if you think I would just let you go. I don’t see a need for protection. I don’t want a damn thing between us.” He kisses me breathless before withdrawing himself from me and disappearing into his bathroom. My heart skips a beat in my chest and I know my jaw hangs open. I take in a deep breath and count to ten. What does that mean? For me? For us? Is there an us? I don’t even know what to say to that. He strides back into the room giving me an uninhibited full view of his glorious naked body. I watch him shamelessly. He crawls into the bed with me and takes his place between my legs again. His chest covers my stomach and his head rests on my sternum. His arms wrap around me and his big hands cup my ass. I can’t help but to thread my fingers through his dark hair. It slips like silk through my fingers. I take another deep exasperated breath. I have no clue what the hell I’ve gotten myself into with him. I can’t deny that what he says is right. I too feel like I’ve been waiting for him without even knowing it. I too feel the connection that says I could never want another man the way I want him, but I also know that I am not the dating type. I don’t even know how to be someone’s girlfriend.

“We barely know each other. What do you want with me, and don’t say you want to figure out if we’ve met before because that would be a big ass lie and you know it.”

“I know enough about you and I will tell you anything you want to know. It may be asking a lot of you, but I would regret never trying. Just give this a chance. Give me a chance. Just agree to be mine. Exclusively.”

“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

“I am,” he huffs out. I sigh dramatically and I feel his muscles tense against me. Is he nervous?

“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll think about it.” My heart pounds out of control in my chest and I can feel that his is doing the same. I am freaked the hell out and excited at the same time. I can feel his lips curve up into a smile and for a moment I want to shout yes. I feel like I am in an impossible position here. He is amazing and I’d be a damn fool to not scream yes from the mountain tops. I’m so fucked up. With my promise to think about it and running my hands through his hair, it isn’t long until Damon is out cold.




For the second morning in a row I am awakened by the relentless ringing of my cell phone.

“Ugh!” I groan and roll off the bed. I stumble to my phone and answer it grumpily.

“What?” Sutton laughs into the phone which only furthers my irritation.

“Good morning to you too Miss USA.” I roll my eyes. I’ll never live down that damned nickname. I suppose he will never live down Captain either.

“What now?” I ask gruffly as I glance to the clock that reads nine o’clock. Damn I slept late.

“Good news, Jo.” Those words have me wide eyed and awake in a nanosecond. I rub away the sleep and wait for the good news.

“You won’t be coming in today. I have an offer on the store and I am gonna take it. Someone is buying the place.”

“What?!” I screech. I can’t believe this. I suppose it is good news for him, but in my opinion I’d rather the damn place remain vacant over being flipped to a fucking chintzy gag store or something.

“Yep. I have a meeting with the buyer today. So I will call you once it’s done and fill you in on the details.”

“Okay,” I say in a defeated voice and the phone disconnects. I hate having to just eat shit and grin. I glance over to Damon’s bed and notice that he is gone but I could care less at the moment. I just want to climb my stark naked ass into that bed and sleep all day. I suppose the responsible thing to do would be to job hunt but I just don’t give a shit right now. I mope over to the bed and climb in. I pull the covers up to my ears, close my eyes, and drift.

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