Wreck Me (13 page)

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Authors: J.L. Mac

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Wreck Me
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“Josephine,” he whispers. I startle and jerk upright smashing my forehead right into his mouth.

“Ah, shit,” I yell and rub my palm against my forehead.

“You have a hard head don’t you?” I open my eyes and glance to Damon. I gasp.

“Oh crap, you’re bleeding. Shit, I’m sorry. You scared me. Stay there.” I jump up and hurry to get a towel from the bathroom. I dampen the corner under the cool water and return to and a sinfully handsome but bleeding Damon. He is sitting on the edge of the bed with his shiny dress shoes perched on the side board of the frame. I position myself between his knees and hold the cloth to his busted lip.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as I carefully wipe the blood away from his bottom lip.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. I just thought I should wake you. You’ve been sleeping all day.” I crane my neck to see the clock. Shit! I have been sleeping all day. It’s after one o’clock in the afternoon. My stomach rumbles embarrassingly. He chuckles.

“I thought you might be hungry. I guess I was right.” His hands glide over my hips and settle on my ass. His big hands cup my cheeks and pull me closer to him. Why is he dressed like this? It’s a Saturday.

“It’s Saturday.”

“Yes. And?” He says as his lips land on my collar bone. He kisses across my chest.

“Why are you dressed like that?” His hands squeeze my ass cheeks. I drop the towel to the floor and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Work never ends for me. No such thing as a day off.” One hand leaves my ass to cup my breast. He covers my taut nipple with his hot mouth and I suck in a breath of air.

“No rest for the weary and all that jazz,” I quip breathily.


“You are going to hurt your lip again doing all that.”

“Can’t think of a better reason to hurt,” he mumbles against my skin as he moves across to the other breast. He kisses and suckles my nipple then releases me.

“Thank you.”


“For being such a devoted nurse.” He smiles a heart melting playful smile and it is light years away from the serious natured man I slept with last night. I give just about anything to get inside that handsome head of his.

“You are a top notch patient so I can’t complain.” I smile back at him. He takes in a deep breath and sighs. There it is again. Something is going through that head of his and I wish like hell he’d just spit it out already.


“Oh nothing I was just thinking I should probably free you before I tie you to my bed for the rest of the day,” he says just as casual as can be. I snap my head back and clutch my stomach as I laugh harder than I can ever remember laughing.

“Y-you think you’re gonna keep me in bed all day?” I sputter out between gasps.

“Watch me, baby. Now, get dressed. Let’s go eat.” His big paw smacks my ass hard and makes a loud clap. I flinch. I guess my day is free so why the hell not go have lunch with him?

“Where are my clothes?” I scan the floor for my abandoned shorts and tank, but they are nowhere to be found. I arch one brow quizzically. He stands from the bed and slips his hands into his pants pockets.

“Yesterday before I came to get you I had Brian go shopping. According to him every gay man has an eye for fashion. The things he and the sales lady chose arrived this morning. I brought them in while you slept.” He flicks his chin towards an open set of French doors.

“It’s in the closet.”

“Oh.” It’s such a presumptive thing to do and part of my brain says I should be irritated with his forwardness, but I am just so shocked that he bought anything for me.

“Why would you do that?” He shrugs then strides over to where I am standing still with not a stitch of clothing covering me. He pulls me to him and holds my gaze.

“I want you to understand something, Josephine. When I say something I mean it. I meant what I said last night. I want you. I’d be crazy to let you go. If you just give me the chance I’ll win you over. You’ll realize this is not just some hookup.” He turns me by my shoulders and steers me to the massive walk-in closet. We walk in and he directs me to a rack of clothing.

“I can’t repay you for these things,” I say softly as I look away from him. I feel embarrassed to admit just how poor I am. I have no savings and my belongings are limited.

“The only thing I want from you is you.”

“I-” He interrupts my protest.

“You think you can’t give that to me, but I am going to prove you wrong. Just let me prove you wrong, Josephine.” The pleading in his voice rings out clear to me. Damnit. I feel so emotional right now. It has to be the timing of all this. The closing of the store in such close proximity to the anniversary of the accident is what’s got me emotional. Yeah, that’s it. I lift my hand and run it across the long row of clothes hanging in front of me. Unwelcome tears sting the backs of my eyes. No one has ever been so…nice to me. Not that I deserve anything nice, but still. He grasps my chin forcing me to look at him.

“Don’t cry they are just clothes. No big deal.” I swipe at my stupid big tears.

“No one has ever given me anything. Sutton gave me an outfit to work in but he was a real dick about it and you…you’re just giving me this shit and it’s a lot more than I deserve. I ju-” His grip on my chin tightens and I shut my mouth.

“I don’t want to hear that from you ever again do you understand?” I give a tiny nod.

“No. Say you understand.” His voice is stern and I impulsively listen and do as he says. It’s beyond annoying.

“I understand.”

“You are an amazing woman who has had a fucked up life because of some irresponsible asshole. That man’s actions have hurt you in many ways. I want to make it right. Had those things never happened to you I bet you would have had a very different life. You deserve so much. I intend on giving you those things.” Oh my God. This man has got to be a fucking dream. I don’t deserve shit yet he thinks I do. I have got to give this crazy thing between us a go. I’d regret it if I don’t. Tears build in my eyes, double time and pour over. He wipes them away and holds me to him. I don’t know how or why I was put in his path, but I am glad for it. I think he may be the best thing that has happened to me since the accident. I run my hands over my sodden face and take a deep cleansing breath.

“Okay,” I say with a tone of finality.

“Okay?” He holds me by the shoulders and draws back to get a look at me.

“Yeah, okay.” I repeat.

“Okay to the clothes?”

“Okay to…you know,” I shrug and flick a wrist pointing in no specific direction.

“I mean okay, I’ll be your…your-”

“Girlfriend? You’ll date me?” His face lights up, and fuck if it doesn’t make my apprehension vanish into thin air. He is something else.



“I sure as hell hope so,” I snap.

“Good because I don’t intend on sharing you with any other man.” He looks at me squarely and I absorb the look of satisfaction in his eyes. It’s raw and disarming. “I can make you happy.” I believe him too. I don’t know how but something in me tells me that he can and will. I may be an idiot for believing him but the alternative is not an option. I’ll give him, give us a chance.

“I know you can,” I say softly. His lips lift into just a fraction of a smile.

“I put the rest in that dresser.” He points to an island dresser like I’ve seen in one of those fancy ass home magazines. There are two of them in the middle of this living room sized closet.

“There’s more in there?” He smiles and nods. I look around in awe. I can’t even wrap my brain around this. I have a tiny little closet that is barely full. I have thrift store clothing mostly since I refuse to pay very much for a pair of jeans or a top. I guess my time on the streets taught me how to be frugal if nothing else.

“Yes. Though I like the idea of you being panty-less around me, I would not deny you undergarments,” he jokes. I turn and smack his arm playfully. He sweeps me up to him again and lays another breath taking kiss on me. He breaks away and rests his cheek against mine.

“I need to feed you then I have something I want to discuss but, take your time, baby.” He releases me and smacks my ass then leaves me in the massive closet alone. I should shower before dressing in these fancy clothes. I walk out of the closet and into his resort style bathroom. I swing open the door to the shower.

“What the hell?” I moan. How do you turn this thing on? There are multiple sprayer thingies and a few different controls. Who in the hell decided to screw up taking a shower by complicating it? I fiddle with the taps until finally warm water shoots from just the main shower head above me. Thank fuck for small miracles. I use his products and I can’t say I mind in the slightest. I like the smell of his soap. It reminds me of him. I’ll have to remind myself not to sniff my own arm all day like some jonesing crack head. I laugh at my inner musings and towel off. I enter the closet again and pull open one of the dresser drawers. Panty heaven! There must be dozens of panties here. All types and colors. I dig through the undergarments like it’s Christmas day. Lace. Cotton. Silk. Boyshorts. Thongs. G-Strings. Bikini. I sigh as I choose a pair of red lace boyshorts. I pull them on and locate a black lace bra in the next drawer. I open the next drawer and it’s full of those garter things with the nylons. I don’t know what in the hell he expects me to do with those. I have never even worn them before. The next two drawers have lingerie, nightgowns, and pajamas in every style, fabric and color.

“Wow,” I say to myself. I walk back over to the rack of clothing. My eyes scan over all the garments. My sights set on a Navy chiffon shell. I have seen things like this, but I don’t own anything like it. I quickly locate a white camisol and pull it on. I find a pair of really nice white linen shirts with a cuffed hem and I slip those up over my hips. I slide the shell over my shoulder and button it. I glance down to the bottom of the rack and there must be two dozen pairs of shoes here. I feel like I am one of those prank shows and someone is going to pop out of the rack and burst my bubble. This can’t be really happening. I sit down on my ass and finger comb my brown waves. Once my hair is sorted I lean forward and grab a box from the bottom shelf of the rolling rack and flip the lid off.

“Jimmy Sh-shoo? Hmm.” I pull a glittery disco ball looking heel from the box. It’s gorgeous and way fancier than any of the second hand shit in my closet. I put the lid back in place and grab the rest of the boxes. I line them up and flip the lids on all of them.

“Jimmy Shoo. Jimmy Shoo. Jimmy Shoo. Jimmy Shoo.” Who is this Jimmy cat?

“Damon!” I shout like a mad woman. Nothing.

“Hmm. DAMON!” I can hear some fumbling and a second later Damon barrels into the closet with wide eyes. Ah, shit. I scared him.

“What’s wrong? Why are you on the floor?” He sounds panicked and I feel like a total asshole. I yell for Sutton all the time and he for me. I guess it’s a habit.

“Sorry.” I cringe. He visibly relaxes.

“I was just wondering about these.” I hold up a glittery pump and his brows shoot up.

“Okay, but I doubt I can tell you very much about women’s footwear.” I click my tongue at his smartass remark.

“No, I was wondering about the brand. Who is Jimmy Shoo?” He laughs at me and I throw the heel at him. He catches it with little effort.

“Okay, I am a guy and even I know that Jimmy Choo is a designer. The ladies like his stuff,” he explains.

“Oh. Choo as in chew. Got it. These look expensive. How much are they?” I slip on a pair of navy cork wedge heels. I am glad to see a few pairs of wedges since they are the only type of heel I know how to walk in. I only have a few shoes and one pair of wedge sandals. These are really nice. I feel spoiled right now and I am kind of loving it.

“It doesn’t matter the price,” he answers and I cock a brow as I stand.

“How much, Damon?”

“Doesn’t matter, Josephine.” I cross my arms over my chest and prop out a sandal clad foot.

“Tell me or I’m going home,” I threaten. His eyes widen.

“No you aren’t. I’m keeping you.” He strides over to me and my mound of shoes. He bends down and tosses me over his shoulder. I squeal and slap his ass from my upside down position. A low laugh rumbles from him as he totes me from his room and down the stairs to his kitchen. I laugh as he flips me upright and sits me down on his countertop.

“What can we make to eat, woman?” I have a taste for the diner.

“Let’s not make a mess. We can go to The Diner.”

“What diner?”

“The Diner. That’s what it’s called.” I shrug.

“I go there for breakfast before work every day. It’s cheap and the coffee is the best. They make great cheeseburgers.”

“The Diner it is.”

“You have to change clothes though. It’s not a suit and tie kind of place.”

“Only if you help me.”

“I think I can arrange that.” I smile a naughty smile and I know I’m in trouble. He growls as he tosses me back over his shoulder and heads towards the stairs.


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