Wrecked (8 page)

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Authors: H.P. Landry

BOOK: Wrecked
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“No, she won’t. I think the gentlemen in the boots will keep her fully occupied and taken care of.”

“Oh—well, you still shouldn’t leave. You were there, and she would want to thank you.”

“Thanks aren’t necessary.”

Why was she trying so hard for me to stay?

“Um—I guess, I will see you around then,” she said quietly.

She started to turn around, but I tugged her hand just enough for me to see her profile as she closed her eyes. She felt it as just like I did. There was an undeniable connection between us. I pulled her into my arms and with one hand moved the stray strands of her caramel hair away from her soft skin. I saw her mouth was slightly agape, and I pulled her face towards mine. I was mere centimeters from her lips, the warmth of her breath sliding against my own.

“You should go Mylie or you might regret staying,” I said softly.

“I don’t want to go,” she said anxiously.


“I’m not right for you Mylie. You deserve someone like Thor.”

“But I don’t want him.”

“Tell me what you want Mylie.”


That was enough for me. I pulled her towards me, pressing my lips against hers, and kissed her hard. I felt her soft velvet tongue slip past my lips. Her lips, the cherries that had taunted me, were so soft and delectable. I could kiss these lips for a lifetime, but I only had this moment. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against my chest.

I ripped the dreaded leather jacket off her body. I trailed kisses down her jaw, neck, and kissed her shoulder, nibbling my way to her neck again. She moaned in my ear and pressed her soft body more firmly against mine. I lifted her right leg, pulling her thigh to wrap around my hip. I felt her warmth at the apex of her legs, and I knew I should stop. I started to pull away.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered.

She’s going to kill me.

“We can’t do this Mylie,” I said hoarsely.

I fully disengaged myself from her beautiful body. The hurt in her blue eyes pulled on my heart; I didn’t want to hurt her. I was jaded, and she deserved more than just the sex I could offer her. She deserved a man who would cherish her, a man like Xavier.


What did I do?

He warned me I would regret it. He was right I did regret it. I regret that it had stopped. He tried to push me into Xavier’s arms, and I knew I did deserve more. For Pete’s sake I had waited for more, but Lord, my body betrayed me, and it wanted him. I couldn’t decide which I could live with, his body or my regret

He drove away, and I was stuck thinking about all of the decisions I had made in my attempts to find the right guy. All of that was thrown out the window because I had an unbelievable attraction to someone. From the beginning, he had shown bravery, but he was crude, callous, and damn it, sexy as hell.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I heard Xavier ask softly.

I closed my eyes and try to savor his voice, the timbre of it when he whispered in my ear, and how he had soothed me when I was in panic.

“I hate hospitals,” I whispered.

As soon as I said it, I was transported back to the past and the night of the accident. I remembered the ambulance arriving too late. I remembered how the officer put us in the back of the police cruiser. I had watched as an EMT rushed to my mother, but he just shook his head and pronounced the time of death. I recalled feeling helpless, trapped, and scared, but I heard Nik’s whimpers, and I knew I had to be strong.

It was different with Daddy. I could remember seeing him, and I immediately thought he was dead because of all the blood. He was still alive somehow, but with severe brain damage. I remember we visited my father while he was on breathing machines, and it was my father’s mother who was left with the choice of holding faith or letting go. The memory of my last moment with my dad would haunt me for the rest of my life.

‘Daddy, please don’t leave us too. Mommy’s in heaven now, and we don’t want you to go. I love you Daddy.’ I cried silently. ‘Daddy, if you can hear me and you want me to let you go with Mommy in heaven, squeeze my hand Daddy.’

I waited for what felt like an eternity until I felt a quiet breeze rustle through the strands of my hair and smelled the fragrance of my mother’s perfume. I felt a cold spot on my cheek. Then I felt it, a squeeze in my right hand, something that exhilarated me as much as it pained me. I knew he wanted to go, and my mom was there to take him. Even in death, their love survived.

I had been standing there lost in my own memories, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I drew in a shuddering breath and began to explain.

“My parents died when I was eight years old, and my brother Nikolas was three. We visited the hospital often because my dad was in a coma and left on breathing machines. His mother held on to him, but he was long gone and his body was kept alive by a machine.”

A single tear fell down my cheek, and Xavier stepped forward. With the pad of thumb, he wiped the tear away. He put his hand in his pocket and looked into my eyes.

“I’ll hold on to those and keep them safe.”

He softly kissed my lips, and I felt a slight flutter of wings.

Maybe there is hope.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

He pulled me into a hug, and I let it go. I could finally be weak because I had found my anchor. He may not be what my body yearned for, but my heart needed him. I thought, for the very first time, that maybe I would be able to find true love. If only I wasn’t distracted by my libido and the urges to experience someone who was entirely wrong for me. The fact remained that we took a step in a direction we both wanted, yet he had urged me to be with Xavier, and not with him.

Damien pushed my buttons in the worst way, just like he had pushed down the gas pedal of his muscle car to get away from me, from the idea of us. The admission brought a new wave of tears to the surface I didn’t actually know I was holding. The fact that he was able to bring forth these emotions bothered me tremendously.

“Why don’t we go and get some coffee My’,” Xavier whispered into my ear

I just nodded, unable to let him know just how upset I really was. I regretted it all right. I regretted that the bastard was stopping me from falling in love with the right guy. Instead, I fell in lust with the wrong one.

I’m so screwed.

Chapter Eight


I walked into my home, closing the door with a swift back kick; the noise reverberated through the quiet house. I stomped my way up to my room but stopped midstride when I saw a nearly naked Natalie yelp. She ran to the bathroom and slammed the door in her haste.

“Sorry Damien… I didn’t think you’d be home yet,” she yelled from behind the door.

“Dude, what’s up with all the slamming?” Trevor bitched. He was clearly euphoric, apparently having just gotten laid, which was gross, since he was my cousin. What made it even worse was I suffered from a case of blue balls brought on by the blue eyed devil herself.

Damn her!

“Bad night.”

I walked into my room but left the lights off. This had to be the most fucked up situation I’ve ever been in, and now I felt like I was going against everything I believed in.

“YOU NEED TO GET LAID!” I heard Trevor yell from behind his bedroom door while a giggling Natalie must have been in agreement.

Shit, I knew I did too, but Mylie was screwing with my head. How can one woman break down everything I trusted without even trying? That kiss tonight was incredible, but it was the connection and chemistry that played a major part in tonight’s events. There was no denying I was a jealous Neanderthal when I saw her with his godliness, Thor.

Ugh! Damn you Mylie.

I heard a slight knock on my door and pretended to be asleep, but the knocking continued, louder. I sighed.

“Come in,” I finally responded. Natalie peeked her head in and looked nervous.

“What? You dying or did you get lost?” I asked irritably.

“Stop being a dick and listen up. Damien you need to get over Jen. What’s done is done. You can’t hate all women because of one dirty slut, especially one like Jen. You want Mylie. Hell, I can smell her perfume on your clothes from here, and trusting my instinct, you blew her off because you felt something.”

“Why are you here Nat? Yes, you are family, but it doesn’t mean I need to hear your familial advice,” I snapped.

“Damien James, Lord if I didn’t love your momma so much, I would smack the shit out of you-- you selfish prick. I happen to love your dumbass, but here’s some advice. I know you like Mylie. She is good to the core while you’re jaded and crude. Either man the fuck up or leave her be!”

She stalked away, loudly shutting the door behind her. I knew she was right. Mylie was not Jen. Jen was a selfish bitch who always played the victim card while portraying the damsel in distress. When we met, she saw mother’s fortune and figured she could use it to get out of her situation. I, ever the fool for exotic women, fell for her, but once I realized that she was a gold digger, it was too late. I had invested years of devotion to her. And for what? So she could sleep with Alexander D'Entremont, the Louisiana billionaire, and get knocked up!

Yes, I was jaded because I thought a sensible woman like Jenifer Antoinette Meligeni, a girl from the city who had worked hard to get full scholarship, was looking for love. But, instead, she was looking for a paycheck. I needed to sleep, so I closed my eyes until exhaustion took me under.

I felt her body pressed against mine. I inhaled her scent mixed with latex, and the combination was intoxicating as much as it was thrilling.

“Don’t you want me,” she whispered in my ear.

“You know I do, baby,” I growled in frustration. I was tied to bars. The room was pitch black, but I knew it was she, my blue eyed devil. What the hell was going on?

“Tsk tsk. You’ve been naughty Professor, and you need to be punished.”

What? Oh hell no!

“That’s enough Mylie, untie me,” I demanded but instead I felt a swift smack to the sole of my right foot.

“Ow! What the fuck!” I felt another smack. “Fuck Mylie; Untie me now!”

She smacked my left foot. I was livid. What the fuck was she thinking?

“You broke a rule Professor, and now you must be punished.”

The heat of her body suddenly was gone.

“What rule is that Mylie?”

“What did you call me?”

“Your name. Mylie.”

“Professor, in my dungeon you are my servant, and you will address me as Mistress. You will be punished for your disobedience. You must count, am I clear?”

“Enough, I don’t play these games.”

I felt various straps slap against the tender flesh near my buttocks and the scent of leather in the air. She whipped me?

“You will speak only when spoken to Professor. Open your mouth,” she demanded.

“I–,” but I couldn’t finish what I was saying because she stuck a rubber ball in my mouth that had straps that fastened around my head. A ball gag? Is she kidding me?



“One,” I drooled, my voice muffled because of the gag.





“Good Professor. Have you learned your lesson?” she asked sweetly.

“Yes,” I mumbled.


“Yes, what?”

What the hell was I supposed to say?



“YES MISTRESS,” I yelled.

“Wake up Damien… Wake up.” I felt someone shaking me, and I opened my eyes only to see Trevor with a pale expression.


“Yes, Mistress?” He collapsed on the floor and burst into a fit of laughter. I was mortified, knowing I would never live this down. “Dude… you’re into being whipped now?”

“It was fucking dream,” I said as I threw my pillow at his face, and he smacked it away.

“More like a fantasy, eh?” He waggled his eyebrows, and I felt nauseated.

“Why are you here?”

“We heard you yelling as you counted, and I walked in on you as you bellowed, ‘YES MISTRESS!’ I didn’t know you were so kinky Damien.”

“Shut up. Get out!”

“You forgot to say, ‘Please sir.’”

He ran out the door as I covered my face with my arm.

Damn that woman!

She had invaded my psyche now? It was bad enough she had wormed her way into my life, but now she was the resident freak in my dreams.

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