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Authors: H.P. Landry

Wrecked (20 page)

BOOK: Wrecked
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“Yes, Rose.”

“You have Miss Mier here for her appointment, Dean Reynolds.”

“Excellent. Have her come in.”

“Of course.” She rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. “Are you daft girl? You heard the man. Go in.” Rude much.

“Thank you Mrs. Davis.” She mumbled some more but completely ignored me. I quietly knocked on the door and entered.

“Mylie.” Sitting with Dean Reynolds was Andrea and a young woman.

“Oh, I am so sorry. I didn’t know you had another meeting.” I had clearly misunderstood.

“Nonsense.” Andrea rose up. “You’re exactly who I wanted to see. I called this meeting because you could help settle a matter between my daughter and me.”

“Okay? How may I help you?”

“Adriana is getting married to your boyfriend’s brother.” She smiled broadly. “And we wanted you to read over the prenuptial agreement I insisted she have. However, she doesn’t understand why. I had hoped you could enlighten her.” Ah. Money. Obviously they were worth more than the Banes.

“Of course. Dean Reynolds, I still needed to speak with you, can we set up another meeting?”

“No need Mylie. Your professors and I understand your situation, and you will have time make up the term.”

“Oh thank you!” I nearly squealed.

“Except.” Damn.

“Yes?” I hoped he wouldn’t say Damien.

“Professor James. He requires that you do extra tutoring, which seems fair. Don’t you agree?”

“Of course.” I gave her a tight smile.

I read over the prenuptial agreement. Adriana was clearly the one with the most to lose. Adriana Belafonte was an heiress to a lucrative empire, and Xander Bane apparently was the co-owner of Bane & Wright along with Xavier.

“You do realize that you are better off than Xander, right?”

“What? How is that possible?” I sighed inwardly because this was always the hardest part to explain.

“Bane & Wright is like a pie. Xander has half and his brother has half, but you are an only child and, God forbid, if your parents die, you, my dear, will own half of Pointe Hope.”

“Oh my God. So, if I don’t sign this agreement, then he can take off with all my family’s money?”

“Yes. There is no way around it. You have way more to lose than he does. Your lawyer composed a sound prenuptial agreement. The major stipulation here is infidelity, even prior to the marriage. If you find out the marriage is off, you won’t lose a thing, but if you are the one to cheat, you will give him twenty percent of your father’s business, and then you will have to pay alimony.”

“Mom. What if he won’t sign? We’re getting married in four weeks.”

“If he loves you sweetie, he won’t care.”

Andrea obviously loved her daughter tremendously, but I couldn’t fight the jealousy I felt, and it made my heart ache. I wished I had my mother. My life had turned into such a clusterfuck, and I needed her more than I needed air.

“Mylie. Thank you. I knew I could trust you.” They jostled me from my reverie, and both got up.

Adriana smiled. “Xavier is such a good guy. He was always my hero, and it’s awesome that you would want be there by his side knowing his sacrifice. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely have it signed.”

She gave me a tight hug, and they both walked out of the office. What in the world did she mean about his sacrifice? Hero? My head was spinning, and I felt incredibly dizzy and lost my balance. I tried to catch myself on the desk, but my hand missed, and I fell, hitting my head on the edge of the desk. Not again. I tried to stay conscious, but the room was spinning, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Something was very wrong.

“Mylie!” Dean Reynolds yelled out to me, but it was too late. The darkness was clouding my vision, no matter how much I fought it. When would this all stop? I was tired of living in pain and fear; maybe death would be easier. “You look at me Mylie. Don’t you dare fall asleep on me,” Dean Reynolds pleaded with me.

“I am so tired. I just want to sleep.” I felt my eyes fluttering shut.

Chapter Twenty-Five


It was what I’d feared. She was still being poisoned, and it happened under everyone’s noses. Dean Reynolds was able to help Mylie until paramedics arrived, but it didn’t look good for her. It was evident that she still had symptoms of the tetrodotoxin. According to Dr. Trotter, Mylie had been receiving small doses of the poison, but it was not the same amount she received the first time.

She was conscious, but paralysis had set in, and it appeared that her days were numbered. Whoever was doing this to Mylie needed to be stopped. Rhonda, Malory, and Diana were speculating over the possible suspects, and it was unfortunate that I was among the many.

“Why am I not surprised to see you here? It’s funny, for someone who claims he doesn’t want Mylie, you always seem to be around when something happens to her. Why is that?” Malory snapped, and I couldn’t even make an excuse for it. I would think I was guilty as well.

“Mal, relax. Damien isn’t the one. Funny how Xavier hasn’t been around since Mylie has been in and out of the hospital,” Rhonda countered the accusation.

“Mylie says he comes to see her every night,” Diana said softly.

“When no one is around?” Rhonda asked, but it sounded weird to me as well.

“I dunno.” Diana shrugged. “She said that when she was under, that he would talk to her every night. Of course, she’d fall asleep listening to him, but he was there to comfort her during the scariest moments of her life.”

Malory snorted, “Unlike someone else.” Her superiority infuriated me, but I had no reason to defend myself. I was the villain in Malory’s eyes. “I gotta get back to work, y’all. I’ll let you know anything I hear.”

She left in her scrubs and walked into the hallway. A doctor appeared and grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her to a dark doorway. I watched from afar and noticed that she was calm and collected, but I saw the fear in her eyes. I got up and started towards them but kept my distance. I knew not to get involved in Malory’s affairs unless it was truly needed. I listened to the hushed whispers and knew this was definitely a fight brewing.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? You can’t just fuck me and act like I don’t exist.” The doctor was livid, and by Malory’s lack of reaction, I knew he would only get angrier.

“Actually I can,” she stared at his hand on her arm and quirked her brow, obviously giving him a chance to let go. When he didn’t, I saw the fire in her eyes as she yanked her arm out of his grasp.

She seethed with fury. “You know that whole freewill bit. I have the freedom to fuck who I want to fuck, and guess what, you’re just a fuck.” A vein on the doctor’s forehead started to swell, and his face turned beat red.

“You’re a high priced whore, just like your momma. You don’t think I don’t know that you fuck for money? Yeah, and you’re a fucking carpet muncher at that.”


She slapped him so hard the imprint of her hand was left on his cheek. The burning red mark on his face only emasculated him more.

“Listen here Matthew, you can call me a whore all you want. The fact is this, your dick was too small. I wanted to save you the embarrassment, but you couldn’t even make me orgasm, so I faked it. I felt more getting fingered than that ‘lil smoky’ you have for a dick--”

He cut off her rant and grabbed Malory by the throat, starting to squeeze. Her face began to turn red. I ran and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar, and I yanked him hard while kicking his legs under, sending him flying backwards. The commotion alerted Rhonda and Diana who came running to Malory’s aid. Malory was coughing, and then I saw the country girl everyone feared. She hopped on him like she was riding a bull and began pounding his face. She grabbed a handful of his blond hair and slammed his head against the tile marble floor.

“YOU SON OF BITCH!” she screamed like a banshee. Rhonda and Diana tried to pull Malory off him. She stood up, being held back, but she started to kick him in his stomach. “I’ll gut you like the filthy swine you are! You limp micro dick mother fucker!” She stopped her kicking and calmed herself. “I’m cool Rhonda. Let go,” she insisted, but I knew she could snap at any moment.

They slowly let go, and the groans of Dr. Too Small Pecker were heard. I prayed he would keep his mouth shut, but true to his arrogance, he stupidly said what no woman wanted to hear, “You’ll regret this you trailer trash, loose pussy, whore,” he said as he wiped the blood from his nose.

“Awe hell nah!” Rhonda yelled out.

“No he fucking didn’t.” Diana started to take off her hoop earrings.

But it was Malory who transformed before my very eyes. Tears glistened in her eyes, and I have never seen such a sight of vulnerability. It actually made me feel protective over the woman who hated me. Security guards were running towards the fight.

“Fuck this!” I cocked back my arm and gave him a right hook.

He stumbled back against the wall, but it was Malory who came and kicked him between his legs. The doctors eyes bulged his knees buckling, as he grabbed his testicles. To say that there was nothing more humiliating than getting your ass beaten by girl was nothing until Dr. Too Small Pecker squealed like a girl and called out, “Mommy!”

The tears in his eyes fell quickly, and security all started coughing to hide their laughter. When the pool of urine started soaking through his khaki pants, it was literally like opening a faucet of laughter. “Fuck you all!” the doctor cried out which only made everyone laugh more.

“Come on!” Rhonda pulled me away as we followed Malory. We sat in the waiting room again, and Malory stood quietly. After a brief moment, she broke the silence. “Why did you do that?” Malory asked.

“What?” Rhonda asked, but I knew she meant me.

“Damien. You know I can’t stand the sight of you, but you helped me. Why?” she asked again.

“Because, you love Mylie.” I shrugged.

“And you love her too?” she asked quietly.

I didn’t answer but silently left through the hospital doors.

As I stood in the front entrance of the hospital, Rhonda came out. She had been the only person to believe that I loved Mylie, even when I denied it.

“We all know you love her. The question is why are you fighting it?” She waited for me to reply, but I didn’t. She sighed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for protecting Malory.” The click of her heels stopped mid step, and she turned back to me. “Isn’t that what’s his face?” She pointed towards the lot.

I looked in the direction she had indicated and noticed what she was talking about. Getting into a brand new sports car was Xavier.
What happened to his truck?
He wore a baseball cap, yet I swore I could see hair. Something wasn’t right here.

“I’ll see you later.” I knew this would be my only chance, and I had to follow him. I jumped into my car and slowly pulled out.

I watched from a distance as he texted on his phone, waiting for him to leave the garage. Xavier peeled out as he left, and the echo reverberated throughout the garage. We drove through Pointe Hope. He took turns recklessly and finally stopped when he arrived at O’Malley’s. He parked behind the building and went inside. I parked across the street at a meter, and then followed a few minutes after. I quickly ducked into the pub and slid into a booth with my back facing the bar, so I could listen to the conversation. I soon realized there was a mirror where I could see everything unfold.

“Damn man, so you pegged her right? I can’t believe she was totally shocked when she saw my truck.” The bartender laughed, and I felt my blood boiling. I heard as keys slid across the bar. “Well, at least you got one last romp before marrying Pierce Belafonte’s daughter.”

“I haven’t yet, but I might keep her around. She’s been sick, though. A lot of shit has been going on. Anyway, she has a hot piece of untouched ass, so I think I’ll wait around.”

“No way! She’s a virgin?”
No, she wasn’t
. I kept my fist clenched.

“Apparently! But, you never know. Either way, I want to bang her before I’m stuck with Adriana.” There was a cold undercurrent to the statement that made me suspect that he knew something.

“Why marry Adriana then?”

“You know the only reason we’re getting married is because I will have enough money to buy out my brother from the firm. His useless ass thought being a fucking hero would--”

“Yeah I know. Tough break. Well, the good thing is, at least Adriana is hot.”

“She is good for a fuck, but Mylie is what you would want for a wife.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to make it work with this virgin?”

“You know I can’t. Even if I wanted to, money comes first. Marriage is a business; it’s been that way for as long as I can remember.” The door opened, and a younger version of Andrea walked through the door.

“Hello boys. Darling, I missed you all day.” She sauntered into the pub in a tight red dress with sky-high stilettos.
Clearly her mother’s daughter
, I thought. I watched in the reflection as she pulled Xavier into a feverish kiss.

“Gag. Get out of my bar and do that somewhere else.” Xavier laughed and grabbed her hand.

BOOK: Wrecked
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